Starfinder Anime Suggestions

General Discussion

I'm working on a character who is a closeted Otaku and I wanted to created some themed animes that potentially are in the starfinder universe.
Any suggestions?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You could get pretty close to Cowboy BeeBop.

Outlaw Star would require some thought, but you may be able to pull it off. Gene would probably have some Technomancer levels and the Empowered Weapon hack.

Ghost in the Shell would have a bit of a problem because their tech is above what Starfinder really gives us, but the exo-cortex Mechanic is a good fit for the major.

The various anime with mechs generally have better ones than currently available in Starfinder, but many are hoping they will fix that.

I would have to think about if TriGun could be done right. You’ve got some of the mystical creatures you would want, and it would be fairly high level if you tried to do it.

Extrapolating what fantasy stories would exist in a fantasy universe is tricky, at best. I'm tempted to say to pick whatever anime you want and metaphorically add "in Space" at the end, but then you'd get Tenchi Universe in Space and that would only lead to trouble.

They should all be extrapolations on what happened during the Gap.

276556Dyrax wrote:

I'm working on a character who is a closeted Otaku and I wanted to created some themed animes that potentially are in the starfinder universe.

Any suggestions?

I don’t understand the question. Are you looking to create a theme or a character that is an Otaku?

If I understand the question correctly, I think the OP is wanting ideas for animes that would exist in the setting of the Pact Worlds where Starfinder is set. Not to try to create characters based on existing animes that could be fit into the Starfinder universe.

So Gundam Wing: Endless Space Waltz, Space Akira, Space Naruto, etc.

Otaku: (in Japan) a young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of popular culture to the detriment of their social skills.

So if you are working on a "closeted Otaku" you are working on a computer nerd like Ed from Cowboy Bebop.

It sounds like they want to create a theme around being an Otaku. Not looking for anime's that revolve around Space/Starfinder theme.

JetSetRadio wrote:
It sounds like they want to create a theme around being an Otaku. Not looking for anime's that revolve around Space/Starfinder theme.

So an "anime theme" instead of "themed animes"?

I'll quote myself from a topic about Computers:

"Right now I'm working on a character concept completely based on computers: a hikikomori (shut-in) that never leaves the starship, instead sending a medium sized vehicle equipped with weapons and spell chips to tag along the party.

A control module on the vehicle, a bunch of cameras with control modules all over it, some weapons mounted with control modules, and a on board computer with a control module to use spell chips (the character would have to be technomancer, or maybe even a mystic).

It probably doesn't work as a PC due to the cost to maintain such an extravagant lifestyle, but as an NPC, the limits are much more vague.

I just need something better than a goblin junkcycle to install all this on."

Just make all the PCs players in a MMORPG and they remote control robots. Only they're actually SROs who wake up and break free from the PCs and try to overthrow those who have enslaved them.

The campaign switches from the biological PCs and suddenly you're playing SRO revolutionaries.

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Well, the setting of Pathfinder is ancient history (and legend, thanks to the Gap) in Starfinder. Record of Lodoss War would make a convincing period anime. Using different deities might be common in fiction to avoid annoying any gods or goddesses.

QuidEst wrote:
Well, the setting of Pathfinder is ancient history (and legend, thanks to the Gap) in Starfinder. Record of Lodoss War would make a convincing period anime. Using different deities might be common in fiction to avoid annoying any gods or goddesses.

Your making me envision the body of law covering defamation and deities. Deities would definitely count as Public Figures, which would provide a lot of leeway. OTOH, improperly labeling something so that it could be readily mistaken for fact rather than fiction, might constitute a quick trip to Actual Malice. So, if your going to write a fictional tale about a god or goddess, best to include some thorough disclaimers.

Claxon wrote:

If I understand the question correctly, I think the OP is wanting ideas for animes that would exist in the setting of the Pact Worlds where Starfinder is set. Not to try to create characters based on existing animes that could be fit into the Starfinder universe.

So Gundam Wing: Endless Space Waltz, Space Akira, Space Naruto, etc.

You are correct! Just need spaced themed ideas for animes in the starfinder universe

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Honestly, you might find that a space fairing society writes a lot about periods of time they like to romanticize. So they might have more anime about "ancient" Golarion adventurers like "Rise of the Runelords".

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"The Last Airbender" becomes "The Last Kineticist"

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If we're going under the route of the Pathfinder Iconics becoming legendary figure like King Arthur, Lu Bu, Robin Hood... are to us, then it opens some possibilities...

As he lay on the ground, he looked at his savior: a garundi woman with her braided hair tied back, she was clad elaborate plate armor, the sort worn by knights in Pre-Gap Golarion, along a red cape. After a brief moment of staring into his eyes, she spoke:
"I ask of you: Are you my Master ?"

In the Space Station of Absalom, there is a war between seven mages and their Servants, summoned heroes from Pre Gap legends each selected from different classes. The winner of this Battle Royale gets the ultimate prize: a wish from the Starstone itself.

Join our heroes and villains in the story of the Starstone War: Fortune: Stay Night.

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Did you just do a riff off of the Fate series?

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Yup... and I'm suddenly having an idea for a campaign... be right back.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

LENSMAN - Basically it's about a Solarian. It's really awesome.

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If existing anime is anything to go by, starfinder anime would likely take place in settings that are outlandish to spacefarers. I'm picturing lots of fantasy and modern settings, with space themed animes being either slice of life stuff, stuff set in a version of the universe with different rules (like a version of the pact worlds with no magic, or only one plane of existence!) , or set in more mysterious/novel areas (like Aucturn, Eox, Daimalka, The Aeon Empire, other planes of existence, etc).

Anime tends to get intensely philosophical too (look at death note, one punch man, dragon ball, berserk, full metal alchemist, evangelion, ghibli, etc for prominent examples of this), so maybe think about what elements of the starfinder setting would inspire philosophical questions.

Based off this, I think some ideas might be;

An anime about skittermanders actually resisting the vesk when they invaded
An anime called "Attack on Kyokor" set on Daimalka
A slice of life anime where all of the characters are eoxians
An anime about the ALF
An anime in a version of the pact worlds with no magic
An anime in a world where resurrection doesn't have a material cost
An anime set in lost golarion
A slice of life anime set in hell
An anime like death note, but it's exploration of the concept of justice is complicated by the fact that there are literal divine beings that embody justice and that some beings are actually inherently and objectively evil
An anime like psychopass where the world is policed by mystics casting detect evil and summarily imprisoning or executing anyone who comes up as evil

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Trigun is certainly possible especially for Vash the Stampede. Trigun is a space-westerner and you can find most of Trigun's weapons in Core Rulebook and Armory. You can do some My Hero Academia characters too.

While not usually anime, I can Sentei series being very popular in Starfinder. All the excitement of going out and adventuring, without having to leave an existing location.

QuidEst wrote:
Well, the setting of Pathfinder is ancient history (and legend, thanks to the Gap) in Starfinder. Record of Lodoss War would make a convincing period anime. Using different deities might be common in fiction to avoid annoying any gods or goddesses.

This amuses me, maybe more than it should, as Record of Lodoss War is a couple of generations decended from D&D, as is Starfinder.

Tender Tendrils wrote:

An anime about skittermanders actually resisting the vesk when they invaded

This makes me think of Grave of the Fireflies for some reason. I can see this being one of those classics that most people never watch again.

It's not a perfect analog of Starfinder, but I do have a soft spot for Galaxy Express 999 and Adieu Galaxy Express. Deals with galactic empires, robots, conflict. Make for some good inspiration if nothing else.

I once had a character similar to this (though less Closeted, she had a tendency to blare anime OPs over the loudspeaker system in flight... right up until the Mechanic started ripping the wires out of the speakers) and for her references I just started roughly translating the titles of APs to Japanese. So I wound up with stuff like Tetsushin (Iron Gods), Kurimuzon Suroon (Crimson Throne), Karionkuraun (Carrion Crown), etc. Even had the fun bits of having references to the campaigns we'd played.

The in-universe explanation I had for it was that the stories of those adventurers had been passed about, eventually becoming legends, which in turn got written into history books, which while getting corrupted from the Gap still had just enough intact to inspire some mangaka to put together their own version. One thing leads to another, and boom, lore-friendly anime.

BretI wrote:

You could get pretty close to Cowboy BeeBop.

Outlaw Star would require some thought, but you may be able to pull it off. Gene would probably have some Technomancer levels and the Empowered Weapon hack.

Ghost in the Shell would have a bit of a problem because their tech is above what Starfinder really gives us, but the exo-cortex Mechanic is a good fit for the major.

The various anime with mechs generally have better ones than currently available in Starfinder, but many are hoping they will fix that.

I would have to think about if TriGun could be done right. You’ve got some of the mystical creatures you would want, and it would be fairly high level if you tried to do it.

Gene is an Operative.

Jim is a Mechanic.

Aisha is an Envoy, multi classed with a Operative.

"Twilight" Suzuka is a an Operative, Multi classed with Soldier archetype QI ADEPT.

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