Are there any gods that explicitly deal with the “Stupid” alignments?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Like “Chaotic Stupid” or “Stupid Evil”?

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Well, I might encourage people to be Chaotic Stupid when it's funny... but no, there aren't too many that encourage absurdity.

Liberty's Edge

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I’m not sure I even understand the question ...

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wait you want to know if there is a deity that has thestupid domain?

I think OP is asking if there are any deities with domains over the absurd extremes of characterizations, such as those who impulsively break every law they can because it's "chaotic". I feel like fewer people actually play such characters than the internet implies, but there are stories about them...

Both of the core CE deities probably have some cultists/barely intelligent monsters that fall under stupid chaotic evil, even if it isn't their sole thing.

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Since the Stupid alignments aren't in the rules, it's unlikely that they'd be explicitly covered by deities.

I'd recommend Azathoth, the "blind idiot god" for Chaotic Stupid. I don't know of a Lawful Stupid equivalent.

Rovagug attracts a high number of "Chaotic Stupid/Stupid Evil" adherents because of his association with unrestrained destruction. However, this is more to do with a misunderstanding of his domains than any true stupidity.

MidsouthGuy wrote:
Rovagug attracts a high number of "Chaotic Stupid/Stupid Evil" adherents because of his association with unrestrained destruction. However, this is more to do with a misunderstanding of his domains than any true stupidity.

How is it a misunderstanding? Rovagug's entire goal is to kill everything that has a soul because he wants to empty the Abyss of demons. If you worship Rovagug and aren't a qlippoth, you're suicidal by definition because your god wants to kill you and destroy your soul. That pretty firmly puts you in the Stupid Evil camp, or the severe nihilism camp. There's no real grey area here...

I agree, mostly because I was about to say the same thing about Rovagug. Like his shtick is "I want to kill the universe". If you're worshiping him, I'd call you pretty stupid. Or having profound psychological problems.

Or maybe you're just trying to game the system? "By the time I'm a Petitioner, I'm not really myself anyway, so why do I care what happens in the distant future? I can get power here and now, and that's good enough. Besides, what are the chances he actually gets free in the first place? The gods did a lot to put him in there and they're probably not going to take the risk. I can get an advantage here, so I should."

I personally find that a disingenuous argument, from the perspective of the character.

Certainly in real life I find the concept of people who believe in god because it could benefit them after death are only paying lip service, and lack sincere belief, only being motivated by self gain.

The difference is that a deity might not be able to determine the difference between sincere belief, or in the case of Rovagug might not care as long as you do what he wants.

Of course, I also doubt the advantage part within context of the game world only because we know good deities also grant advantages that don't necessarily come with the possibility of universal destruction.

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Current real-life religions indeed focus on the reward in the afterlife. However, in the past religions usually promised some immediate effeects and the betterment of mortal life. A peasant praying for better harvest hopes to get that in his current life, not in the afterlife.

Regarding Rovagug, I imagine the mindset of a potential follower as follows.
"I want to destroy my enemies. I know that Rovagug wants universal destruction. Universal destruction is not my personal goal, but as long as Rovagug helps me destroy my enemies, I don't care about the rest of the world. Even if Rovagug is going to destroy me eventually, I accept it, as long as I am able to destroy my enemies first."
You can substitute "my enemies" with any other target.

There are deities, and they are legion.
They are the GM.

Stupid is not limited to evil or chaotic. Many paladins have played Lawful Stupid. Zealot players can also play Stupid Good.

Playing Chaotic does not mean everything is random. It means decisions are based on personal feelings, not outside laws.
Playing Evil does not mean hurting everyone including your party. It means leaving behind pain and suffering.


Uh. No. Not really. But if you REALLY wanted to stretch to reach for it, you might get Urgothua or Zon Kuthon. That's the closest I can think of.

Urgothua - CE deity, the first undead ever. She basically was super hedonistic in life, didn't want to give that up when she died, so she spontaneously became a deity of undeath. She likes her minions to indulge in excessive sex, violence and mayhem, as by the time she died she was well past the threshold of being able to get off from anything even remotely normal. Super self destructive, chaotic stupid/stupid evil crap.

Zon Kuthon - Pain and suffering is what makes life matter, so you should make yourself and everyone around you suffer. A lot. Basically loves it when his followers go out and bring untold pain and suffering to others in his name. He was once a good deity, Sheylyn's brother IIRC, but he went beyond the edge of infinity and came back. Turns out that really, REALLY screws you up, since now he's more or less an insane version of pinhead from Hellraiser, pushed to the extreme.

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Calistria, goddess of taking disproportionate retribution over quasi-imagined slights, might encourage some chaotic stupid or stupid evil behavior.

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Sean Brinson wrote:

Uh. No. Not really. But if you REALLY wanted to stretch to reach for it, you might get Urgothua or Zon Kuthon. That's the closest I can think of.

Urgothua - CE deity, the first undead ever. She basically was super hedonistic in life, didn't want to give that up when she died, so she spontaneously became a deity of undeath. She likes her minions to indulge in excessive sex, violence and mayhem, as by the time she died she was well past the threshold of being able to get off from anything even remotely normal. Super self destructive, chaotic stupid/stupid evil crap.

...Umm, Urgathoa is NE, not CE. At least, in canon.

This doesn't necessarily invalidate the gist of what you were saying about her though.

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As far as I have seen the 'Stupid Alignments' are solely in the hands of GMs and Players...usually to due to the lack of a ability to read.

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^Or a lack of ability to control their own impulses to get what they want out of what they read, no matter the cost to everyone else . . . .

The god of the Faerie Dragons: Chaoticus Absurdicus.

Grand Lodge

Goblin hero gods, obviously, Zarongel especially (god of dog killing and pyromania, goblin style). Kostchtchie, as depicted comes pretty close to being chaotic stupid himself.

In addition to Rovagug, worshiping the Horsemen would be pretty stupid, too. Zyphus encourages some pretty harebrained schemes himself, and is as low end as evil gods get. Arhiman also has a "destroy all mortals" policy.

Ghenshau is an empyreal lord of ignorance, placidity and simplicity. He's LG, though, and doesn't really match the meta ideas we're discussing here.

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Worshipping the Horsemen isn't stupid, it's the most philosophically pure and selfless form of religion. Recognizing that life, death, and the afterlife are just an ultimately pointless game and scorekeeping system, worshippers of the Horsemen dedicate themselves to removing the witless pawns who are victims of this nonsense and try to bring it to an expeditious end, even if it risks their own consumption in the afterlife. Which should, of course, be a pretty irrelevant fate for all mortals, given that they're mostly going to lose their memories, be destroyed/absorbed on their plane, and recycled through the maelstrom in some tiny fraction of the lifespan of the universe. Better if this pointless churning stops ASAP.

What do Aroden, his followers before his death, and his followers at his death all have in common? Nothing of them at all will remain in a cosmic eyeblink, not even their memory. Even this is true even of a god of "destiny," why are you special? You're not, quit believing the lies of the other gods trying to acquire your soul as currency and building material. Tear it all down.

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Not from Pathfinder but Bahgtru from Forgotten Realms is the orc god of brute strength and stupidity. It even says at one point intelligence damage/drain doesn't work on him as he's too stupid to be made any dumber. You could always import him to your campaign if you want.

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