Looking to Get the most power and versatility out of (Fireball)


I am looking At Building a Full caster Who well Has other spells, as spent much time in to mastering one Dmging spell (Lv 3 or lower cause i want to start playing with the spell) and who has learn to change its Energy type , Boost the Caster level & Dc of the spell and any other cool trick i could possibility do.

I Will be Start At level 7 and will Be playing a 58 Year old Human Male

As a Added Bonus We get one Extra feat per house Rule of the game

To change elements, simply use Elemental Spell (Metamagic). To do something fun, use Benthic Spell (Metamagic). Combine either of those with the trait Magical Lineage or Wayang Spellhunter to keep the spell level the same. Intensified Spell (Metamagic) helps the damage scale up higher.

Of course, there are a number of ways to change elemental damage without increasing the level of the spell. Usually through a sorcerer bloodline or the wizard Admixture school. Both are limited, either to a specific to a specific element, or a certain number of times per day.

@Deathless one

well My Build so far is Either School Savant (Admixture) Arcanist

with the following Feats

Feats -
LV1 Spell Focus (Evocation)
LV1 Spell Specialization - Fire Ball (+2 Caster level)
LV1 Mage’s Tattoo - (Evocation) (+1 Caster level)
LV3 Intensify Spell
LV5 Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)

LV5 (Empower spell)

Magical lineage fireball
Meta magic mastery fireball

the spell could be changed i am just using it as an example

Spell penetration or piercing spell are something you'll want by 7th level. Having your spell whiff against something with SR is frustrating. Though I suppose the CL increase will help.

Remember that if you keep the total spell level to 3rd or less you can use lesser metamagic rods. Selective, persistent or focused might be useful.

While fireball is a decent base for a spell you're going to use all the time there are alternatives - battering blast never needs a damage type shift, force is always fine and its damage scales interestingly with intensify spell. Burning arc has short range but it's level 2 so you can pile one more level metamagic on it, or use lower level slots.

With fireball or burning arc you don't actually need intensify spell yet. CL 10 doesn't push either past 10d6.

You also have one unused feat at level 7. I suggest extra exploit, either with potent magic or arcane discovery (creative destruction).


so Battering Blast looks Nice

if i were to go with it what Class Would you Recommend

Also How dose Dmg Boosting Meta magic like empower effect the spell

Dose each ball increase in dmg.

Also what Archetype would youy say?

my character backstory is that he has Master the one particular spell to Amazing new heights) and has actually lost some of his poor in a battle Defeating a powerful foe by Giving up a piece of himself (Think like he gave up some of his magic) He used to be like a level 14 or 15 Character but do to story he needed to give up some of his power to defeat a powerful Foe

Lingering Spell makes it battlefield control and is interesting if your party can move enemies into it somehow.

A sorcerer with their bloodline mutations wins on pure power, but an exploiter wizard both comes close and has more tricks. I'd choose the latter.

Empower spell would improve the damage of both balls, the same as an empowered scorching ray.

@Avr care to share your idea for the first 7 level worth of feats and exploits?

If you really plan on specializing in one spell, being a preparatory caster isn't doing you any favors. That means you have to figure out what metamagic combinations you want to do at the beginning of the day, or spend arcanist points on shifting spells around during combat. If you are even seriously considering that, you might as well be a sorcerer and just do the meta magic on the fly. This way a meta magic like Elemental Spell gets use. Without it are you seriously going to memorize a +1 level meta magic that you could of made it piercing, heightened or intensified instead? Unless you know you are going against fire resistant targets, you shouldn't.

Sorcerer vs Arcanist: Sorcerer gain spell levels faster, same number of spells, Sorcerer can metamagic on the fly at the cost of a full round casting, and Sorcerer can do dirty bloodline tricks to get +3 damage per die for fireball.

Arcanist can spend points to raise the DC by 2, add 2 to overcome SR, and spend a point to sacrifice a round to rememorize 1 spell. In effect, that consumes a resource to spend a full round and a standard action to do what Sorcerers do. Also all of these 'abilities' are exploits which means you are basically spending your bonus feats to do them.

And if you think the extra 2 DC is worth it, the extra 3 to damage outweights it. Full damage on 3.5 vs half damage on 6.5 is the same, so in 10% of the cases Arcanist is equal to the over specialized Sorcerer, while the other 90% of the time the Sorcerer abusing the heck out of bloodline will outperform the Arcanist because half damage for both is an average of 1.75 vs 3.25, and full damage is an average of 3.5 vs 6.5.

Also, if you are planning on going past level 15 you might consider a 4th level spell. They will do 15d6 and Intensify will take you to 20d6 so that other spells you can cast won't outperform your specialty. Though if your GM was incredibly kind and the party was understanding you could retrain everything to some other spell. If the GM wants to stick to the rules, there is no retraining for Traits. Maybe you could use a wish to change it?

@ Everyone , all good advice

my next thing is

what should i by for starting gear

I notice my Ac is a bit lacking. and well I know AC boosting spells like mage armor and shield can help i was wondering about items

and yes i am buying a +2 Belt of Dex a +1 ring of protection and a +1 Amulet of natural armor
But that gives me 13 Ac ....>.>

My stats
STR:8 DEX:12 CON:12
INT:22 WIl: 10 CHA:10

My personal opinion is don't spend any of your starting money on it. Like seriously, what is going to miss you? I think its fine if you get the stuff for free, but don't invest your starting funds on AC.

Like that +2 belt of dex. That is 4k closer to having a Headband of Vast Intelligence +6. You really want that +3 to DC and the extra spells it will give you.

Instead of casting Mage Armor just go ahead and cast Mirror Image. Go for spells that helps when you get hit. Because you will be hit.

If you got spare cash, pick up lesser metamagic rods. 3k for a +1 meta magic. 9k for a +2. 14k for a +3. That is 14k to throw around Dazing or Maxamized Fireball.

If you insist you need AC...Haramaki costs 3gp, +1 ac, 0 armor check penalty, 0 arcane spell failure, and - max dex. weight 1 lbs. Enchant away if you insist since I'm fairly certain you'll never find one with an enchantment on it.

hmm want to blow stuff up, be versatile doing it but focus on one form of attack so feat will specialize that attack, and want higher ac?
so you actually want to be an alchemist and chuck bombs?

joke aside. if you are not set on fireball spells do look up the alchemist options. no save for direct hit, a whole range of discoveries (and spells) to implement on the bombs. and all in all can throw about the same amount of bombs (if not more) as a wizard throw fireballs in the same level.

as for a wizard ac(or any caster as well) look up clawhand shield. +4 total ac. and the hand that carry it can be used to cast spells as the shield does the somatic hand gestures for you. no arcane fail or armor penalty ether.

Or a Theologian Cleric with the Fire domain. Pick up Preferred Spell or Greater Spell Specialization. Helps if your party could do with some healing too.

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A 7th level exploiter wizard specialising in battering blast as I'd do it. First, I'd have a lot more dex - battering blast is a ranged touch attack. The save is just to knock prone. Maybe Str 9-1 age=8, Dex 17-1 age=16, Con 13-1 age=12, Int 16+2 race+1 level+1 age=20, Wis 10+1 age=11, Cha 7+1 age=8 if you're going to start at middle age.

For gear a belt and headband giving +2 dex, int make that Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 11, Cha 8. That clawhand shield zza ni mentions sounds like a good deal too by the way, and with mage armor up you'd have an AC of 22 (armor +4, shield +4, dex +4). You can afford a lesser metamagic rod of piercing spell to help deal with SR as well assuming standard wealth for 7th level, and a handy haversack for your mundane gear and scrolls.

Then for feats & similar I'd go with
1: spell focus (evocation)
Human: spell specialization
Campaign bonus: Varisian/mage's tattoo
Wizard 1: scribe scroll
Exploiter wizard 1: potent magic exploit
3: point blank shot
Exploiter wizard 4: metamagic knowledge exploit (empower spell)
5: precise shot
Wizard 5: creative destruction (arcane discovery)
7: intensify spell

You can prepare 4 3rd and 2 4th level spells at this level with Int 22. Assuming you also prepare a dimension door for emergencies that's one intensified empowered battering blast, and four which are just intensified or just empowered). You'll also want to make a few scrolls of spells like fly, haste or whatever other 3rd-4th level spells you like.

Edit: a 7th level sorcerer w/22 Cha would have 6 3rd level spells per day from a list of 3, a 7th level school savant arcanist w/22 Int would have 5 3rd level spells per day from a list of 3 also. Neither would have 4th level spells yet.

An attack bonus of +7 (+8 within 30', no penalty for firing into melee) should be enough to land battering blast most of the time and it may also be useful if you have the odd other spell to fall back on like scorching ray. Reduce person could add +2 attack if you're facing something small and dextrous. Creative destruction gives you a handful of temp HP when you cast battering blast (12 assuming you spend a point from your arcane reservoir, or 10 if it's not intensified) to help your defence.


ok I like this so far.

Any idea what are some basic spells i should add to my known list to start with?

I like Battering blast to be my main offense spell but I'd like to have a lot of fun utility spells

and to be honest i don't know to many as i never played a caster except for a magus

What's fun? Air bubble, comprehend languages, vanish, charm person, monkey fish and silent image can all be fun in different ways. You have the best/longest spell list of them all, a spellbook which can hold many different spells and no opposition schools. Keep one or two low level spell slots open and you can decide what you might need if you have 15 minutes warning during the day, and don't forget to use your scribe scroll feat.

You're going to want mage armor for defence though, and at least one 2nd level spell for backup offence. Possibly mirror image and/or resist energy for extra defence too.

As a wizard you can pick up new spells relatively easily in most campaigns. If you do so whenever you have a chance you'll eventually have dozens of spells in your spellbook, not just the bare 2 per level you get for free.

I like Avr's Exploiter Wizard build. Maybe dip 1 level in Orc Bloodline Sorcerer and choose Blood Havoc for a +2 bonus per dmg die?

Take Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage in Battering Blast and you can Empowered Battering Blast in a lvl 3 slot, and an Intensified Empowered Battering Blast in a lvl 4 slot.

With a +5 Caster level from Potent Magic, Spell Spec, VarTattoo, you could be casting an Empowered Battering Blast 2x 5d6+10 (+50%) = 10d6+20 (+50%) to start at lvl 7 (avg dmg would be 82.5dmg). When you reach lvl 8 (and get lvl 4 spell slots), you can have an Intensified Emp BB 2x 7d6+14 (50%) = 14d6+28 (+50%) in a lvl 4 slot, and lvl 10 your Intens Emp BB would be 3x 7d6+14 (+50%) = 21d6+42 (+50%). Probably pick up Quicken at lvl 9, get Maximize Spell at lvl 13ish, Spell Perfection (BB) at lvl 15 and an Orange Prism Ioun Stone +1CL somewhere along the way.

Lvl 16 is when your build really starts to shine, because you'd have 16CL +4CL from Spell Spec, +2CL Varis Tattoo, +2 CL Potent Magic, +1CL Ioun = 25CL, and a free Maximize Spell.

So lvl 16, you'd have a Maximized Intens Emp BB with 5x 7d6+14 = 35d6+70 (so 420 dmg) + whatever ungodly amount of CMB with 5 battering blasts (+10 CMB each on a single target, so maybe falling damage as well if he flies into a wall or off a cliff), and it would still all be coming from a lvl 4 spell slot. At this point, Creative Destruction would be giving you 35 temp HP each time you cast it :P

Maybe you can even go Quickened Maximized Int Emp BB for a lvl 8 slot as well. You'd cast two of those per round :D

Edit: You can use Battering Blast to Bull Rush targets into Wall of Suppression or Prismatic Wall, or even pit spells.

Silver Crusade

Ryze Kuja wrote:
I like Avr's Exploiter Wizard build. Maybe dip 1 level in Orc Bloodline Sorcerer and choose Blood Havoc for a +2 bonus per dmg die?

Blood Havoc only applies to Sorcerer spells. You need Crossblooded Orc/Draconic, which works only on elemental spells, so no Battering Blast.

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