Amric |
Hello all, you guys have been very helpful in the past so I thought I would seek advice for my quandary.
I am in a 4 man party with a rogue, wizard and cleric type but no front line fighter type.
I am left with that role and while I enjoy the fighter class and some of it's archetypes I was looking for a bit more flavor.
I was thinking of the following classes and any opinions offered would be greatly appreciated.
An oracle either metal or battle, bloodrager primalist, inquisitor or a brawler.
Generally we level to 11 with only legal Pathfinder books in play, no 3rd party writings.
Thanks in advance.
Egil Firehair |
Hey, Prometeus, are we related?
Amric, have you considered a Sisters-in-Arms Archtype Cavalier? The Archtype basically trades out all the mount abilities with others leading into the protect-your-allies mindset, like bodyguard feat as a class feature.
Conversely, you could take in a standard Halfling Cavalier mounted on a wolf. He would probably want to use a scimitar rather than a lance so that the wolf could get his bite+trip attack off.
A Two Weapon Ranger is supposed to be pretty tough, though I have never played one.
Chess Pwn |
how sad that you have 2 people that probably should be doing melee combat and yet have no melee people.
rage is VERY strong and good, but also makes a great dip with the extra rage feat for other martials. I would HEAVILY suggest going something that hits hard with a nice two handed weapon since your party if the rogue and cleric aren't doing combat like the wizard then you'll be basically all the damage of the party in fights.
so barb, bloodrager, fighter, warpriest(arsenal chaplain), or paladin. Or the latter 3 with a level of one of the first 2.
avr |
Yojimbo samurai looks like a decent bodyguard type. You could do significantly better for damage.
If you're after flavour an inquisitor can do a lot of different kinds, depending largely on the archetype and religion. They're among the many character types which would do better damage than the yojimbo.
MageHunter |
how sad that you have 2 people that probably should be doing melee combat and yet have no melee people.
rage is VERY strong and good, but also makes a great dip with the extra rage feat for other martials. I would HEAVILY suggest going something that hits hard with a nice two handed weapon since your party if the rogue and cleric aren't doing combat like the wizard then you'll be basically all the damage of the party in fights.
so barb, bloodrager, fighter, warpriest(arsenal chaplain), or paladin. Or the latter 3 with a level of one of the first 2.
Is it barbarian dip day or something? It seems like three of us are working overtime in advice.
Mondragon |
The swashbuckler or cavalier daring champion arent an option? :3
Paladin is really strong frontliner, but is rp limited so many times you cant be ally with Evil people.
A guy with an animal companion will work nice also. Maybe a ranger with archetype or boon animal feat.
Mind what do you want to be in flavor and want do tou want to do in game mechanics
ChaiGuy |
Well, if you like reach then the aberrant Primalist Bloodrager would be hard to beat. You could be a half-elf with the ancestral arms (fauchard) alternate racial trait. The Fauchard is a d10 reach weapon with a crit range of 18-20, which would work well with the level 1 bloodline power staggering strike, which can stagger enemies your character crits (fort save).
Level 4 gives abnormal reach, for 5 extra feat of reach.
At level 8, I'd imagine that you could get the 2 rage powers. Lesser Fiend Totem, and fiend Totem would give you a good way to threaten adjacent squares (a gore attack), and a damage creatures that hit you in melee. There's plenty of great rage powers of course.
Amric |
Wow, work a night shift and come back to lot's of good ideas, thanks. Swashbuckler is on the table just wasn't sure it would hold up due to the lack of AC.
I am starting to warm to the idea of a Bloodrager. I only briefly played a barbarian once albeit very briefly.
I will look at some of the online guides for the Bloodrager. I am admittedly a bit of a min/max guy and being to only real fighter type I want to bring the pain.
skulky |
Swashbucklers can do lots of damage and parry and riposte is great, but their saves are trash. Inspired blade gets everything online faster, it’s why it’s such a good dip for dex to damage, but you give up the best way to regain panache, and just seems shortsighted if you’re going full on swashbuckler.
Syries |
I second skulky with Inspired Blades. Panache is too useful to give up one of only two ways to regain it throughout the day.
Depending on what splatbooks have been approved for your game, you could make a skald frontliner that gets +8 to Str and Con and Fast Healing 8 :)
Half-Orc with the shaman apprentice trait, 1 Bloodrager / x Skald, swap your bloodline power for a familiar with the Valet archetype (src: Familiar Folio), pick up Amplified Rage (src: Orcs of Golarion), Skald's Vigor, Power Attack, Diehard, and eventually Greater Skald's Vigor. He's a tough cookie. Not to mention Spell Kenning and a lot of really useful Bard spells. You'll be a secondary party buffer behind your cleric. If you find yourself fighting a lot of evil outsiders, the Celestial Bloodline rage power gives all your party's melee weapons count as good for bypassing DR. Your rogue will appreciate the boost to will saves from inspire rage and the other benefits of rage powers, and you'll definitely be drawing enough attention away from the rogue for it to get in good positioning for those sneak attacks.
Backpack |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I second skulky with Inspired Blades. Panache is too useful to give up one of only two ways to regain it throughout the day.
Depending on what splatbooks have been approved for your game, you could make a skald frontliner that gets +8 to Str and Con and Fast Healing 8 :)
Half-Orc with the shaman apprentice trait, 1 Bloodrager / x Skald, swap your bloodline power for a familiar with the Valet archetype (src: Familiar Folio), pick up Amplified Rage (src: Orcs of Golarion), Skald's Vigor, Power Attack, Diehard, and eventually Greater Skald's Vigor. He's a tough cookie. Not to mention Spell Kenning and a lot of really useful Bard spells. You'll be a secondary party buffer behind your cleric. If you find yourself fighting a lot of evil outsiders, the Celestial Bloodline rage power gives all your party's melee weapons count as good for bypassing DR. Your rogue will appreciate the boost to will saves from inspire rage and the other benefits of rage powers, and you'll definitely be drawing enough attention away from the rogue for it to get in good positioning for those sneak attacks.
I love this build so much, having raging vitality with amplified rage is a blast. Raging for +10 con is just the most absurd fun.
Syries |
The only reason I picked up Diehard over raging vitality was that you can't keep performing inspired rage while unconscious, which would mean instant death for me. +8 con is 4 hit points per hit dice- if you go into negatives as early as level 4 you deduct an additional 16 hp, and you pretty much die outright. I played a PFS scenario where my level 8 character played with a bunch of 10's and 11's, and I was frontliner. The Evil Outsider kept going after me since my celestial bloodline power made his DR useless, and he was rather upset when he brought me at -15 and I kept singing.
Of course, I could still get Raging Vitality for an additional +2 Con. I've been bouncing around ideas for my 9th level feat and that might be one to seriously consider.
In any case, he's been one of my all time favorite characters I've ever made and he came online really early (Level 2 gets you +8 Str/Con, level 3 gets you Fast Healing 8). An angry compsognathus rides around on his shoulder and give my skald amplified rage every time I start inspired performance, it's great.
Amric |
Syries, I spent all day messing with the build you purposed and it is broken as heck :).
If you add Path of Glory spell you could be healing up yourself up to 23 points around and your allies around 19 (math might be off a bit).
You might not have the AC to not get whacked but you will be damn hard to kill.
I am going to purpose this to my brother instead a the cleric he wanted to play.
Syries |
Syries, I spent all day messing with the build you purposed and it is broken as heck :).
If you add Path of Glory spell you could be healing up yourself up to 23 points around and your allies around 19 (math might be off a bit).
You might not have the AC to not get whacked but you will be damn hard to kill.
I am going to purpose this to my brother instead a the cleric he wanted to play.
My Skald has a whopping 19 AC at level 8... You're definitely an HP tank and not a AC tank with this build. But I only started with 12 Dex at level 1, you can easily afford to start with a slightly lower Str at level 1 with this build since you're getting a consistent +8 to Str. If you play around with some feat selections and invest in better armor, you won't have too poor AC.
Another suggestion: For your bloodline familiar, pick Celestial bloodline. While your familiar is only at effectively level 1, you can still use the familiar's power. For celestial, it's fast healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to your Cha mod, for 3+cha mod per day. It's an easy way to stabilize allies without expending actions on your part.
I don't see how Path of Glory is good for the build though. Not sure how you're getting up to 23 healing per round with it. Ending your turn gives you 1 hp, and even the greater version only gives you 5, and that's not really worth the standard action it takes to cast.
Saashaa |
If your still looking for ideas, I would ask how your other party members are building. Basically, are you going to be the only one in melee? Are you going to need to protect/prevent enemies from reaching your allies so that they can reign whatever hell they can produce?
Admittedly building like this is very niche focused, but can lead to phenomenal teamwork product in combat.
Son of the Veterinarian |
Late to the thread, but I'm currently playing a Gorum-worshiping, half-elf Bloodrager with the Arcane Bloodline in Curse of the Crimson Throne and having fun with it. I intimidate everyone in sight and carry a greatsword for serious fights and a greatclub for social situations.
Amric |
Hello again. I am admittedly a sucker for new classes and builds. I was wondering if playing a goblin Yojimbo/samurai would be viable at all?
From a RP standpoint it could be interesting, always wearing a helmet so I was mistaken for a halfing.
I have read that samurai is a terrible class and I would be further gimped by being a goblin.
Only one of the members of the group will have any melee bend to them. The cleric will help sometimes but the rogue will end up being a slayer because the player sucks at builds and I am making his character.
Wise Old Man |
Try Zen-Archer. This archetype everyone with some decent knowledge knows is super powerful, but really underrated in most cases compared to other classes. You can easily pick off minions from across the map, helping all your friends. You look at it at face value and don't see what the big deal is, but when you play it in battle, everyone's eyes widen in it's dramatic power.
Scott Wilhelm |
front line fighter type. I am left with that role
I have a swell Front Liner build.
An oracle either metal or battle, bloodrager primalist, inquisitor or a brawler. An oracle either metal or battle, bloodrager primalist, inquisitor or a brawler.
This character has a high-damage weapon, wears Medium or Heavy Armor, Bull Rushes for Battle Field Control, multiclasses extensively, but the plurality of levels are in Inquisitor. He gets lots of Attacks of Opportunity, and he gives lots of Attacks of Opportunity to his Allies, especially if you achieve Flanking positions with your party's Rogue, it will be devastating.
Generally we level to 11 with only legal Pathfinder books in play, no 3rd party writings.
This character was designed for Pathfinder Society Play, so uses only Paizo books, but makes the assumption that magic Items are essentially available at market prices, especially minor magic items such as Wands with Lvl 1 Spells.