![]() I think the spell is really clear: (Edit: But yes, a magic ignorant creature should try a save. And a magic knowledge being maybe takes damage and hold item even not rolling save.) A creature holding the item MAY attempt a Reflex save to drop it and take no damage otherwise the hot metal deals 1d4 points of FIRE damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). The item cools to its previous temperature almost INSTANTLY. ![]()
![]() I will say cant do that. Cause the corpse not haste to the land. Its time fall down. (Betwen 1-2 secs) 1 round is 6 secs. Cant fall 8/9 times. Maybe 2-3 times being waiting betwen attacks. But waiting its lose time and that could mean lose attacks. Its something to think about. Another option is start the grapple=end the full round attack. ![]()
![]() Fighters must get a bit more of skill ranks and class skilss. And fighters must be toughers. D12 like barbarian, maybe. And indeed better against magic, against spells that inutilize them. Maybe spell resist. Or maybe the fear bonus to ST to all spell effects. Or maybe all ST goods like traditional monks. A fighter must be tought and reliable, and (like others characters) fun to be played. ![]()
![]() The swashbuckler or cavalier daring champion arent an option? :3 Paladin is really strong frontliner, but is rp limited so many times you cant be ally with Evil people. A guy with an animal companion will work nice also. Maybe a ranger with archetype or boon animal feat. Mind what do you want to be in flavor and want do tou want to do in game mechanics ![]()
![]() Mind in add monsters or npc as minions. Try low cr with a bit of danger but easy to clean. For example if you need touch attacks add 2 lvl 2-3 alchemist working for ironbriar. Also simple things like terrain or a grease spell can put dificults to a heavy armored guy. Try to put things to give flavor and fun to the combats, without make it so hard to be imposible or too much ![]()
![]() You just check if they can scape from jail. You an add items in the veil to help them. Later during the training adrastus can give them items to support the group lackness. For campaign flavor i suggest the gnome/halfling being a human "deformed" like game of thrones Tyrion (but stats of gnome or halfling) When they being trained with the others knoths they could get retrain free and advices from each character (you can help throught npcs) Posible Items to help... Healing wand? Maybe infernal healing? Wand of magic missile (cl1 at start, cl3 from adrastus?) Not full of charges maybe 20+1d10? Consumables, scrolls or potions utility? ![]()
![]() Like in the other thread i suggest use charisma (Desna's Shooting Star) to fight.
The stats could be
Edit: even you can give up the luck domain 1st level power to get the Desna's Shooting Star at exchange and still with the second feat (or take 2 +2 human alternate and forgive that feat) ![]()
![]() Maybe you should check technology guide and try your gm let you theme cibertech into genetech. About "create" unarmed strike. Im think the name, raw, is "unarmed".. but if you want it maybe implanted weaponry will be your choice. Slot: arm; Price: 10,000 gp (special); Weight: 1 lb. (special)
![]() I think with the spells you can understand the languages like a native. But you can know that a native with not knowledges could know. You can know things like Munchen means Munich. But you maybe dont know its a city just a name. (Knowledge geography) You can know a local sentence meaning, but not where is the origin (knowledge history) You can read a riddle, but the spell dont solve it ![]()
![]() You can give thing to balance the deformity. Example take 2 feats for +10 foot speed and balance lame. But lame still reduce you 10 foot. You can get an extra arm by magic or tecnology, but your old usseless arm still there. IMO you cant use inmunity to confusion, staggered, etc to avoid those. I mind about if temporal magic effects like calm emptions or freedom of movement would work. Im think not, cause magic cant heal deaf or blindness deformities anyway raw is not clear ![]()
![]() A simple rule could be: Knowledge check --> can be afected or not. In humanoids with class levels could tell things like "He never was afflicted by this spell in public" "in the last year he fall by it in a battle, but a misterioud stranger sold him an amulet to protect from that" Edit: and the scroll is used, the spell is casted, like if you cast enlarge person to a non humanoid. Wasted. Like a cure light wounds to a full hp target, i think. ![]()
![]() Druids, clerics, Rangers, Paladins and sure some one more "know" all the spells. The GM choice what sources will use in his/her game. The gm even can limit more creating home rules like you only know x spells each level being druid. But following the rules a druid know all the existents spells for his/her level Druids are overpowered like other pure casters (wizards, clerics even sorcerer) dont worry about that ![]()
![]() You can do some homerules to make the game at your taste. For example each level up you can limit the class they could choice, or/and skills, feats, spells... You can limit anything on character creation. Even you can create the characters. You can hold and hide the papers. And the players cant watch their stats. Only ask you about that, or trying to do things. (Example. Player havent sheet. He want to climb. You know str 20 and got climb "you think is easy to you) ![]()
![]() Mmmm i think not. If you wound or kill her she vanish and back to home. If you give her an item, when she vanish she dont take away it with her. Buuuut maybe a summoned could pregnant a local female. . . Or not... What happens with summoneds blood in the floor? I guess a called one can be pregnant, but summon not. ![]()
![]() If you call a balor to kill and torture angels. He will be happy, but he maybe want to do better things, or his own things. If you call a solarion, same. Golarion is in danger. Yeah, but he was saving golarion from other thing before being called. And he is very busy doing angel things. Both can be hired. And both will be expensive. Maybe one ask you to disease a entire city to be paid abd other ask you to heal a entire city... ![]()
![]() Protection from evil let a second roll, but when PFE ends the charm will back.. Second, the subject immediately receives another saving throw (if one was allowed to begin with) against any spells or effects that possess or exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment [charm] effects and enchantment [compulsion] effects, such as charm person, command, and dominate person. This saving throw is made with a +2 morale bonus, using the same DC as the original effect. If successful, such effects are suppressed for the duration of this spell.