So....for consideration....

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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rdknight: I'm unsure why you're so defensive here. thejeff is just saying that in games he's played, it'd take some effort to get the talent to work on a consistent basis. This is something YOU'VE agreed with when you called it "conditional".

And as far as sensual full body massages go, I think I'd have to have a talk about that with fellow PC just as I would with 'dancing'. You don't just oil yourself up and jump on the nearest PC and expect everything to be fine in either cases.

Scarab Sages

@thejeff: I wasn't trying to be insulting at all. I was trying to humorously illustrate that the social talent is not particularly restrictive because if you want to use it, you can fluff a character to satisfy the conditions for it in many ways on the one hand. On the the other hand, writing a social talent, feat, etc. that can always be accessed without any roleplaying effort becomes essentially "Just get a pool of moral points and call it a day". Obviously my attempt at humor did not come across, and I am very sorry.

@greystone: I'm not being defensive at all. Yes, it is conditional. Yes it takes some effort to get the bonus daily. In fact my guess is that the talent is written as it is so it CAN'T be accessed every day. No, that is not a bad thing. If you do want to use that particular social talent in campaigns that allow no whiff of sexual references or outside urban/populated areas, yes you can. My vigilante is in an online campaign, and it has not been an issue to interpret CttL as I have. I simply haven't had the experience you mention with GMs that you have so often I guess. I have found them to be very reasonable and willing to work on crafting characters to fit their campaigns well.

I never mentioned or implied a "sensual" massage. A regular one will do just fine. Again, "physically intimate" and "physical pleasure" is a far broader category of things than you are allowing for.

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Alex Smith 908 wrote:
Vigilantes are an excellent class that just has a slight problem with having so many options it looks intimidating to people just getting into the class. Once you get into the groove of it the vigilante is one of the best classes designed for d20 though.

You may be a little confused. The name of the class you described is Kineticist. Vigilante is something else.

I liked it better when you guys were talking about "dance halls" related stuff now it has gone more into "barnyard" territory.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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Removed some posts which are really going off into derail territory. This is not the thread to argue about the semantics of a specific rule.

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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nighttree wrote:

So my question is this....what can we, as a community, do to help police ourselves ?

What can we do to handle both the toxic people, and the squishys who can't handle criticism/bluntness of any type, so that they can participate in our community....without making Paizo staff solely responsible for handling everyone's behavior ?

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  • My favorites.....

    Paizo Employee Developer

    UW: Awesome! Can't wait to see the new shifter. If the class changes too much, I hope I can get an updated PDF so I can maybe print out new pages and stick them into my hardcover. Yay for bookbinding classes?

    Vigilante: I really like the "Intrigue Feat" feats. I kinda wish [Intrigue] was a tag for feats. Along with [Skill] for Skill Focus and the +2/+2 feats...but I digress.

    I agree about the intrigue/skill thing for feats, I also wish feats that require a race and/or a racial ability would have the [race] type as well.

    KitsuneWarlock wrote:

    UW: Awesome! Can't wait to see the new shifter. If the class changes too much, I hope I can get an updated PDF so I can maybe print out new pages and stick them into my hardcover. Yay for bookbinding classes?

    Vigilante: I really like the "Intrigue Feat" feats. I kinda wish [Intrigue] was a tag for feats. Along with [Skill] for Skill Focus and the +2/+2 feats...but I digress.

    "IF" they change the class (and that's a really big if)...when the PDF is updated you can re-download ;)


    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Hey Mark or Jason or whoever. I know I'm just a small fry, but I've gathered some of the issues with the Shifter and I read through the shifter (even started a guide, but stopped when I realized how boring the class actually was as written) and came up with some critiques.

    One of the critiques being that the minor aspect forms are BORING.

    No one likes +2 con enhancement bonus for minutes per level or what not. Copying the hunter aspects is just BORING.

    The shifter having a very selective group of what to select is also extremely boring. But I understand it's necessary for the class.

    So this is what I would do.

    1) Make the minor aspects a permanent ficture of the class. Not something you activate.

    Provide different bonuses other than just +2. Something that's more imaginative or creative that's also thematic. Treat the minor forms as if it were 'part' of your character that bled over to your natural form. For example. In many fantasy settings, werewolves or shapeshifters had obvious traits that 'bled' in from their animal half.

    A minor aspect of bull might be the ability to overrun an opponent and get a full attack or some such... or a natural gore attack. You get the idea.

    Make this a permanent part of the class. No need to 'activate' it. Plus, this would fix the weird issue with the raptor dinosaur aspect thing in which they need to activate their initiative bonus before combat starts, so you need to anticipate combat will happen before it happens.

    2) Change Wildshape to be able to freely transform into any aspect you currently have chosen while wildshape is active.

    3) Add in abilities that IMPROVE wild shape while you're wildshaping such as increasing movement speed, or increasing stats, or some such.

    The reason for these suggestions is that yes. The shifter gets LESS FORMS than the druid to choose from (making the shifter far easier for a NEW person to pick up, apart from the druid) but this makes what the shifter DOES shift into to be superior to what the druid shifts into.

    The druid, atm, gets a much better wild shape, 9th level spell casting, and a pet.

    This change will make the druid a more VERSATILE wild shaper while the shifter is a far more SPECIFIC wild shaper that is better than the druid at what he does in a much simpler way than the druid does. (Unless you try to break the druid with some outlandish forms... all that withstanding)


    I would also suggest fixing the verdant shifter to being hours per level with their form rather than what it currently is. It's currently I believe rounds per level which is not at all comparable to wild shape in any way and it isn't stronger than wild shape, either, as far as I am aware.

    In fact, druids at level 8 get Plant Shape for an hour per level!

    So the verdant shifter is still WEAKER than the druid while being far less versatile.

    You also need to fix the oozemorph shifter to be more balanced. ATM, it's very cool flavor, but it SUCKS as an archetype which is really disappointing.

    Also I'd suggest going through and fixing all of the elemental shifter elemental aspects as well and fixing those to be more thematic and less boring as per the suggestion to the change up above with the elemental shifter.

    I think this would go a long way to making the shifter into a great class.

    Thanks for hearing me out.

    Is there any news on the fix for UW?

    Gamerskum wrote:

    Is there any news on the fix for UW?

    Jason Bulmahn wrote:
    2. We will have more to talk about on the Shifter in the coming weeks once we are all back in the office.

    And I imagine it will be a few months after that that we will hear anything but I'm patient just so long as something is being done.

    Vidmaster7 wrote:
    And I imagine it will be a few months after that that we will hear anything but I'm patient just so long as something is being done.

    I'm hoping they start rolling out some simple to answer FAQ's, like Elementalist Shifter's Elemental Strike damage types, in the near future and then slowly work up to the harder ones instead of just waiting several months and then dumping a pile all at once.

    graystone wrote:
    Vidmaster7 wrote:
    And I imagine it will be a few months after that that we will hear anything but I'm patient just so long as something is being done.
    I'm hoping they start rolling out some simple to answer FAQ's, like Elementalist Shifter's Elemental Strike damage types, in the near future and then slowly work up to the harder ones instead of just waiting several months and then dumping a pile all at once.

    I didn't take you for the optimist.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Vidmaster7 wrote:
    graystone wrote:
    Vidmaster7 wrote:
    And I imagine it will be a few months after that that we will hear anything but I'm patient just so long as something is being done.
    I'm hoping they start rolling out some simple to answer FAQ's, like Elementalist Shifter's Elemental Strike damage types, in the near future and then slowly work up to the harder ones instead of just waiting several months and then dumping a pile all at once.
    I didn't take you for the optimist.

    Jason surprised me by saying they're reviewing the shifter so my outlook has risen to cautiously optimistic. IMO, the best way to show people you're 'working on it' [and keep them happy] is to push out those easy fixes that don't really need much of a debate/discussion and are simple to implement. It's a win/win: a gradual rollout gives more time to work on the more difficult items [I'm looking at oozemorph] as there is tangible evidence work is being done to fix the book and people are less likely to complain when that happens. Jason's post seemed to mollify most of the posters that had issues with the book but the effect lessens with every day that passes without any evidence of progress.

    They wait too long and the villagers are going to light some torches and storm the castle... ;)

    Shadow Lodge

    Giving the class a playtest like all the others have had would do wonders to get my faith back in Paizo.

    Dragonborn3 wrote:
    Giving the class a playtest like all the others have had would do wonders to get my faith back in Paizo.

    While I would LOVE to have a shifter mark II playtest, I'm nowhere near THAT optimistic... I've barely made it to cautiously optimistic. :P

    Shadow Lodge

    I don't expect it either, but it would be an interesting move.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Have any of the softcovers released since UW referenced the Shifter? Some of the big patches for classes have come from those kinds of books (e.g. the rapier swashbuckler was terrible before Fencing Grace existed, AWT and AAT largely fix the fighter).

    Still, I'm eagerly awaiting someone on the PDT offering a defense of the shifter or at least some insight into what they liked about it, since I still don't really "get" the class in terms of "what's the hook supposed to be here."

    Shadow Lodge

    I think the hook was supposed to be "paladin of druid circles" that were pretty versatile(the fluff of the class backs this up, the mechanics do not) and we got warriors instead.

    PossibleCabbage wrote:
    Have any of the softcovers released since UW referenced the Shifter? Some of the big patches for classes have come from those kinds of books

    I'd guess that all the softcovers released between UW's release and now were written before it had come out. Many of the authors wouldn't have seen it and nobody would have seen the feedback from those who didn't like the class.

    It'll take quite a long time for any changes the PDT make now to work their way through the system into print (however that eventuates). I'd guess FAQs and/or a blog would be the most likely 'first response'.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Dragonborn3 wrote:
    I think the hook was supposed to be "paladin of druid circles" that were pretty versatile(the fluff of the class backs this up, the mechanics do not) and we got warriors instead.

    For me they seem like the 'jocks' of the druid world... Not bright enough to figure out spells and not wise enough to completely figure out druid level shapeshifting: so they ended up with a hodgepodge of druid abilities and the amazing ability to have a full BAB...

    I feel like that if Druids wanted some wanted some big muscley folks around who were really into the whole nature thing, they'd be better off welcoming Green Knight Cavaliers, Geomancer Occultists, Terrakineticists, or just select Rangers and Barbarians into their circles.

    PossibleCabbage wrote:
    I feel like that if Druids wanted some wanted some big muscley folks around who were really into the whole nature thing, they'd be better off welcoming Green Knight Cavaliers, Geomancer Occultists, Terrakineticists, or just select Rangers and Barbarians into their circles.

    Oh, I don't think the druids WANTED the shifter, they are just the druid dropouts that got a scholarship for the log toss team...

    Dragonborn3 wrote:
    Giving the class a playtest like all the others have had would do wonders to get my faith back in Paizo.

    The legendary shifter had one, it looks to solve a lot of problems people had with the original product. I'm really looking forward to it.

    Man, I didn't even know UW was coming out, found out about it today, got super hype, went and got the book from my FLGS... and ended up sorely disappointed.

    I really hope they give the Shifter an overhaul for the next printing, keeping some of the community feedback in mind, because right now it's strictly worse than Monk in terms of combat, and it's worse than both Hunter and Druid at shifting, which is supposed to be the classes' core concept.

    I love shifters, always have, but this one just really let me down.

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