Ultimate Wilderness: Potential Errata

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Forester (Hunter Archetype): The Favored Terrain replaces animal companion, a 1st level ability but states that it gets the first favored terrain at 5th level. It then states that starting at 5th level the Forester gets half the bonus in damage to creatures while in the Terrain fighting creatures native to that terrain.

Is Favored Terrain supposed to be starting at first level? If not, I'd remove the starting at 5th level phrasing as it implies that at some point the Forester doesn't have this ability.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
shaventalz wrote:

I don't have the book, so this may actually be an issue with d20pfsrd.

The Skirmisher Fighter archetype "replaces the fighter’s weapon and armor proficiency." The replacement is "light armor and shields", but no weapons. This should instead either replace only armor proficiency, or else alter weapon and armor proficiency.

The same issue can be found in the book.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 111 Fey Guarded - The feat description says it works against magic cast by fey creatures and cast by other denizens of the First World. However, the benefit only specifies creatures of the fey type.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 112 Greater Beast Hunter - Should the bonus to confirm critical hits be untyped and therefore stack with Critical Focus?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 113 Greater Hunter's Bond - In the prerequisites, there shouldn't be an asterisk after hunter's bond (hunting companions). That's from the CRB.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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p. 115 Mutated Shape - While this technically isn't wrong, it seems like it's a must have feat for a druid focused on wild shaping for combat, or a shifter. Is the Wis 19 prerequisite enough of a balancing factor (at least for the shifter - any druid will likely have this by the time they have a BAB of +6).

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

JoelF847 wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
JoelF847 wrote:
p. 89 Herb Witch, Patron Spells - winter should have an asterisk as it's in Ultimate Wilderness (on p. 88), and not in Ultimate Magic.
It's in both. ^_^

So it is! :)

But as both the more recent source, and being literally on the previous and facing page of Ultimate Wilderness, wouldn't it make more sense to refer to the version in the same book, and not send someone who doesn't realize that to a different book than the one they're already reading?

Same issue with the Night Sky Hex on p. 116 which lists winter patron in the prerequisites.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

P. 124 - 127 Discovery and Exploration

There were several things about this section which didn't make a lot of sense to me, so I've grouped them together.

p. 124 Character Actions, documentation - Why do the number of checks equal the CR of the territory? Since the CR is based on the challenge and scaled for the PC level, does it really make sense that mapping a forest with goblins in it at first level requires 1 check if it's CR 1, but a similar forest with a dragon in it takes 15 checks if it's CR 15? Shouldn't the size and nature of the terrain matter more than what lives there in terms of number of checks?

p. 125 For the main exploration check, if multiple characters are skilled in the exploration skill, and choose to explore separately, does that mean they're physically separate from each other, if/when a random monster is encountered? Similarly, are characters spending the day documenting, seeking a location, etc. all in separate physical places when encounters happen? Seems like something which should be addressed in these rules.

Missing factors - shouldn't there be some guidelines on how things like characters movement speeds and types impact exploring? I'd think a group of monks or barbarians exploring would find discovery points faster than gnomes, for example, as well as flying characters. In the example territory, reconnaissance via flight is listed as a moderate way point, but wouldn't this be a way sign for just about any territory? Similarly, use of magic, from scrying, commune with nature, etc. should be standard options with rules for either impacting the exploration checks or act as way signs.

pg. 75


Break the Interloper (Su): At 11th level, when a wild soul hits an arcane spell-caster, a creature with extract slots, or a creature with grit or grit-like pools such as panache and inspiration, with a weapon attack, the target either loses its highest-level available spell or extract slot or loses 1 point of grit or grit-like points, and the wild soul gains 5 temporary hit points. A target of this ability can negate this effect with a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the ranger’s level + his Wisdom modifier). Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the target is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
This replaces quarry.

Dizzying Onslaught (Ex): At 19th level, a wild soul lands punishing blows that devastate his nemeses’ ability to focus. When he confirms a critical hit against a creature against whom his nemesis bonus applies, for 1 minute the target must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + the wild soul’s Wisdom modifier + twice the spell’s level) to cast an arcane spell, create an extract, or use an alchemist’s bomb, and the target can’t spend or gain grit or grit-like points.
This replaces improved quarry.

Silver Crusade

Rattblade wrote:

pg. 75


Break the Interloper (Su): At 11th level, when a wild soul hits an arcane spell-caster, a creature with extract slots, or a creature with grit or grit-like pools such as panache and inspiration, with a weapon attack, the target either loses its highest-level available spell or extract slot or loses 1 point of grit or grit-like points, and the wild soul gains 5 temporary hit points. A target of this ability can negate this effect with a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the ranger’s level + his Wisdom modifier). Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the target is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
This replaces quarry.

Dizzying Onslaught (Ex): At 19th level, a wild soul lands punishing blows that devastate his nemeses’ ability to focus. When he confirms a critical hit against a creature against whom his nemesis bonus applies, for 1 minute the target must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + the wild soul’s Wisdom modifier + twice the spell’s level) to cast an arcane spell, create an extract, or use an alchemist’s bomb, and the target can’t spend or gain grit or grit-like points.
This replaces improved quarry.

Other than using "the Ranger level" in the first ability and "the wild soul's" in the second was there anything else off about these abilities?

The Gathlain in UW does not show the Favored Class Bonus that was mentioned before in the Legacy of the First World, namely their ability to slowly reduce the Burn they took per level (1/6th per level I think it was).. was this intentional, or simply an oversight/misprint?

Side question, Mutated Form (I think it is called, the one that lets you add another attack to a shapeshifted character), is it only take once, or can it be taken several times?

Thank you for any and all information you might have.

Janos1 wrote:
The Gathlain in UW does not show the Favored Class Bonus that was mentioned before in the Legacy of the First World, namely their ability to slowly reduce the Burn they took per level (1/6th per level I think it was).. was this intentional, or simply an oversight/misprint?

Several of the Gathlain FCBs from Legacy of the First World were not reprinted in Ultimate Wilderness. The Oracle, Mesmerist, and Sorcerer FCBs from Legacy were also not in Ultimate Wilderness. I assume this was a space thing in order to keep the FCBs from running over to another page. People who are playing a game that uses Legacy of the First world are free to take any of the options from that book, so it's not like the Gathlain kineticist FCB has disappeared.

The interesting one is that Gathlain Bards now have two different FCBs. I can't imagine anybody would rather get +1/2 to Perform(Comedy) checks instead of druid spells, but it's an option.

The Gathlain kineticist FCB in LoTFW was bonkers overpowered, of course they didn’t reprint it.

Ultimate Wilderness wrote:

Harvesting from Dead Creatures, p.142 : "Removing venom sacs is a messy and timeconsuming process,

requiring 10 minutes of work, access to surgical tools, and a container to store the venom in."

Here there are two main points:

First, there is no official item called "surgical tools", but, at most, the Surgeon's Tools from Ultimate Equipment/Adventurer's Armory, which, however, grant bonus to Heal not to Survival. Second, exist Taxidermy's Tools from Monster Hunter's Handbook which is designed to harvest body parts and such.

I think that would make sense to allow Surgeon's Tools and Taxidermy's Tools to be used for this purpose, but I think this should be corrected and possibly FAQed.

Ultimate Wilderness wrote:
Magical Affinities of Trophies, p.142

I think would be important to define officially how these rules interact with the talismanic Component from Ultimate Campaign, because in fact these seems an evolved version of that but with a more limited list of components:

Are they going just to "absorb" that list?
And what about component who wouldn't be valued according to the Trophy rules (i.e., hand of a murderer is often from a creature with no racial hit dice)?


P.S.: Frankly I am posting in this thread, but I am losing hope that Paizo developers will consider this for erratas or FAQing:

The Ultimate Wilderness is a nice book full of great ideas, but some aspects of it seem extremely unpolished and would probably need extensive FAQing, errata and reconnecting with existing material doing more or less the same things (Harvest Part from Monster Hunter's Handbook, Talismanic Component from Ultimate Campaign, etc... are all "limited scope" or "restricted" versions of what was done in a more general and fascinating way within this book, but would be useful to retconnect them!)...and I am starting to wonder if this will ever happen...

Shadow Lodge

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Xenocrat wrote:
The Gathlain kineticist FCB in LoTFW was bonkers overpowered, of course they didn’t reprint it.

It really helps Overwhelming Soul out, and the race is -2 Con +2 Cha....

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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p. 146 Brambles - it states that wearing Light armor does 1 point of damage to a creature in light brambles, or 1d4 in heavy brambles. Should state in light or no armor, technically no armor wouldn't take damage as written.

Also, shouldn't there be an amount of natural armor bonus that counts as light or medium armor for purposes of bramble damage?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 148 Acidic Plants - So this affects 1d6+1 x 10 feet radius area, but has only 10 hp to destroy? I'd think that should be for a 5-foot square.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 148 Freezing Eruption - Is this supposed to affect only a single 5-foot square? most hazards affect a larger area. For only 1 5-foot square, the CR seems pretty high. I'd assume this would affect all or most of a party for that CR and effect.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 148-149 Fording a river - seems that some common options aren't covered.

1) What impact does having a rope have on this hazard, either when tying 2 creatures together, or having a rope anchored to one or both shores?

2) Can a creature stay in place at a lower DC check, to await help from someone? This is pretty much a trope of a rapid river crossing, either for NPCs the characters find, or if one of them gets in over their head (no pun intended) and want to wait for help.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 150 Spell Gorging Plants and Thin Ice - why is the CR 1+? What makes the CR higher?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 150 Vampire Orchids - What is the damage type they inflict? Do they affect any creature type, as written, or should they be limited to damaging only certain creature types? Such as having blood if they drain blood, etc.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 151 Lahar - how far does it sweep away a PC before stopping? While it says it can go hundreds of miles, is there a typical distance? Is that normal, or an extreme example?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 151 Steam Vent and Volcanic Ash and Volcanic Lightning - What are the CRs for these hazards?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 151 Volcanic Lightning -

1) The DC seems extremely high compared to similar effects from spells of hazards. Wouldn't adding 1 per 2 damage dice be more appropriate?

2) Does this target a single 5-foot square? A number of 5-foot squares? All targets in a certain area?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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p. 152 - Herbalism

1) Preparing Multiple Herbs - why is this limited to once per day, when most of the herbs take less than 8 hours to prepare? Couldn't a character prepare multiple herbs per day in sequence without using this rule, as long as they don't spend more than 8 hours total in a day?

2) Since you can use either profession (herbalist) or craft (alchemy) to actually prepare herbs, and craft (alchemy) is actually easier to use, why do the rules for preparing mulitple herbs at once only use ranks in profession (herbalist)? Wouldn't ranks in that or in craft (alchemy) make more sense?

3) The price listed for herbs is for prepared herbs. What's the price for un-prepared herbs? Would 1/3 of prepared herbs make sense as that's the common cost for materials when crafting?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 153 Bone Reed - do the effects of this stack with long term care from a successful Heal check?

Question about the terrakineticist. It lists 6 out of the 7 elements (wood, aether, fire, water, earth and air) and then goes on to terrains. It also mentions that certain places might not have one... and then lists the void of space. And there's a void element. Which includes gravity and negative energy.

Why exactly does the void element not count for this archetype? Kinda confused about that. Seems like void should fit in space, the negative energy plane and maybe areas suffused with undeath like Gallowspire or Geb perhaps.

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RPG-line books only reference material in other RPG-line books. Since the void element isn't in a hardcover, this won't directly reference it... although there are a few winking references, like that whole "void of space" thing. And GMs who know about that element can certainly declare such areas to be "void-suffused".

Isn't a lot of this book reprints from campaign settings/players guide? Like almost everything on the gathlain? How is that not referencing non-RPG line stuff?

Also if that is the case, then it should still be FAQ'd at least, if not errata'd.

Silver Crusade

Reprinting isn't referencing, since then you actually have it in the same book to point to. And aside from some of the FCB I think most of the Gathlain stuff is new.

Edit: Yep, just double-checked, aside from the FCB all of the Gathlain stuff is new.

Didn't Gathlain first appear in ARG?

Silver Crusade

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Didn't Gathlain first appear in ARG?


Silver Crusade

What's FCB again?

Phranklin wrote:
What's FCB again?

Favored Class Bonus.

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Isabelle Lee wrote:
RPG-line books only reference material in other RPG-line books. Since the void element isn't in a hardcover, this won't directly reference it... although there are a few winking references, like that whole "void of space" thing. And GMs who know about that element can certainly declare such areas to be "void-suffused".

The archetype is also conspicuously future-proofed with the "If the kineticist class gains additional elements..." clause, since you know Planar Adventures would be an appropriate place to reprint the Void element...

Indeed. Though void won't be appearing there, I'm afraid. ^_^

Elementalist Shifter archetype. Noticed that nothing replaces or alters the Final Aspect class feature of the base shifter, and there's no 5th element to choose from.
I've been discussing this with a friend on whether this implies whether, as written, the Elementalist shifter would suddenly get an animal aspect at 20th, or of it should be played as it gaining no new aspect, and just activating all 4 minor forms at once?

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...is the Fifth Element 'Love'?

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

...is the Fifth Element 'Love'?

It's the element... of surprise!!! ;)

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

The feat "Tribal Hunter" p.119 says that you need to flank to give your adjacent ally flanking. This is a change from the previous itteration of the feat that stated: "When you and an ally with this feat are adjacent to an opponent that is larger than either of you, you both are considered to be flanking the opponent as long as you remain adjacent to it.:" Adventurers guide p.119.
If this change is intended, does this not just become a worse version of the feat gang up?

Rageshaper - Devastating Form (Su)

A rageshaper can remain in his devastating form for a number of rounds per day equal to his shifter level.

Pardon me? Spend a full round action, then next turn leave it at level 1? This seems the opposite of fun. Seeing as all the Rageshapers class abilities function off this ability it is CRIMINAL it doesn't have the same duration / uses as barbarian rage. I was excited by this goofy archetype until I read this line that just cripples it for no good reason.

Silver Crusade

The Rot Warden doesn't have access to the Decay Domain (plant sub-domain). This seems like an obvious oversight to me that should be corrected.

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The Shifter class's levels count as Druid levels for the purposes of Wildshape feat prerequisites. However, the Shifter doesn't count as having druid levels for any other purposes.

This makes many wildshape feats useless to the shifter. This includes wildshape feats that would have been used to advance the character's effective 'druid level' for wildhshape when multiclassing.

I'm assuming this was not intended, and it should probably be put on the errata list for the shifter.

Page 74, Toxic Herbalist archetype, Nature’s Mercy ability: surely poultices should remain potent for 1 day after creation, not 1 hour.

Pg. 83 Weretouched(Archetype), Lycanthrope Aspect: This alters shifter aspect and all of it's improvements. According to other archetypes that have this they also have a different ability that alters the chimeric aspect, eg Rageshaper's Invulnerable defendse. I can only take this to mean that weretouched still gain the chimeric aspects, tho they do absolutely nothing for this archetype. Not sure what I would suggest, but something in it's place would be helpful.

Matrix Dragon wrote:

The Shifter class's levels count as Druid levels for the purposes of Wildshape feat prerequisites. However, the Shifter doesn't count as having druid levels for any other purposes.

This makes many wildshape feats useless to the shifter. This includes wildshape feats that would have been used to advance the character's effective 'druid level' for wildhshape when multiclassing.

I'm assuming this was not intended, and it should probably be put on the errata list for the shifter.

Many wild shape-related feats require wild shape class feature or Druid level Xth, there are maybe two feats excluded from this that requires caster levels. I can only think about Quick Shape from memory. But there will be other feats that have other requirements that not even all druids could qualify, like Bat Shape (requires werebat-kin). Do you care to elaborate, I think im missing something here.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 154 and 155 Love-in-Idleness and Nepenthe - both of these have a UM superscript after poison, but that book introduces a poison spell descriptor, not the concept of a poison effect, so there's no need to superscript this.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 155 Moly - how long does this herb take to prepare?

Also, the preparation DC to turn into a powder is listed under the USE section, not the prepare section like the other herbs.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 172 Wilderness Traps - Are any of these able to be added to the list of ranger traps from Ultimate Magic? Some duplicate those, so it seems like a missed opportunity to not have others be added to the list.

Also, a few of these seem so simple that the rules that it takes 1d4+1 hours to find materials seems excessive - such as the breakaway vines and the breakaway log. If you're in a forest or jungle, these should be a lot easier to find than hours.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 187 Daredevil archetype - should uncanny dodge be named something else, since it doesn't give the uncanny dodge ability at all, but instead grants Mobility or Spring Attack as a bonus feat.

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