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spend all your money on slotless items like Ioun Stones?
RAW a Gold Nodule Ioun Stone grants you "This stone grants you the ability to comprehend, speak, read, and write a single language (chosen by the ioun stone’s creator)" Buy one for Common (or whatever other language you choose) and you can bypass the communication limitation of your ooze form.
Grab a Wayfinder and slot one Ioun Stone for an added effect.
Get a stone for +2 to each stat you find important.
For AC, there is a stone that gives you +1 AC, grab the Dodge feat for another +1, go for a high Dex and a high Wis, then dip a level into Monk or Unchained Monk to get Wis to AC...maybe find a way to get a familiar that can use a wand to bop you with Mage Armor or some other buff spells, or travel with a party member that can do it.
Pretty much everything suffers from a lack of gear in ooze form...the archetype is pretty severely handicapped even when you focus on using the humanoid (and later animal) forms.

Temperans |
If the problem is items, then in a home game its reasonable to just get slotless items, or even add the items to ioun stones (slotless and merge item costs?). Sure it might be expensive but then again you have no body slots to normally wield/use them.
I agree the archetype is severely handicapped, and to make it work would entail changing the entire way things are though off. To me it almost feels like the sort of archetype given as part of a curse (or ex-class).
* P.S. I believe they can sneak attack, so a rogue oozemorph might be able to do well. Specially because of its defenses making it much tankier than a normal rogue.

Toxicsyn |

I can share some of my experience in playing the Oozemorph. I made two oozemorph characters so far, one a 7th level character for Realm of the Fellnight Queen and another that I leveled up thru PFS, up to level 6.
In Realm of the Fellnight Queen, I played a dwarf oozemorph shifter 2/steal breaker brawler 5. He was a chaotic neutral cultist of Jubilex.
This char design was to play the oozemorph entirely in ooze form. He was dependent upon ioun stones as a means to boost his statistics and some minor bonuses to attack. I got around attacking monster DR with the steel breaker's exploit weakness ability. He had decent Fort and Ref saves, and a moderate Will save that was boosted with Indomitable Faith trait. He had decent saves when confronted with poisons or spells (Steelsoul feat). His hit points were boosted with Toughness, and he had Power Attack when he needed it. His AC was horrible and he often would get hit. But I played him like a barbarian and expected to get hit, and be hit often. Which brings up a problem for the char: he was highly dependent upon healers and wasted healing resources fast.
He got around speaking by pantomiming. Fun RP stuff!
In PFS, I play a half elf oozemorph shifter 4/hunter 2. He is a neutral align follower of the Eldest known as the Lost Prince, and specialized in finding lost things.
At the lower levels I managed to survive by supporting the tanks as a secondary oddball fighter type. He had a decent Fort, Ref, and Will save (Dual Mind and Indomitable faith trait). It was fun playing a ooze, but once you hit level 4, you might as well continue to adventure as a humanoid and benefit from the fluidic body class ability (alter self size modifier +2 to Str for 8 hours, and masquerading as a race you can't play in PFS). At level 5 I multi-classed into Hunter and took the Boon Companion feat, picked up a small cat (panther).
At the lower levels, I traveled around with a porter (acquired thru a vainty from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide) that carried things for me, and again, used pantomiming to communicate with the PCs.
Now, the char often disguises himself as that famous broody Dark Elf ranger, wielding two scimitars (he doesn't really dual wield, just Cleaves alot using different weapons). If he survives up to level 8, he'll pick up the Carry Animal Companion spell.

Lifevirus |
I've been doing a lot of different build idea for a oozemorph and am currently running one in PFS.
The PFS build is basically a mastery sensory "true" ooze that runs at minimum one level dip in any monk (I went with Menhir Guardian) and Unarmed Fighter for the free Blinded Blade Style. The build is basically design to play primary in ooze form for social and small creatures for combat and rely on pantomiming to communicate but I haven't gotten far enough to get to the funner end game stuff.
Ooze: Meditation Master, Blind Fight
Menhir: Sensory Mastery
Fighter: IUA, Blinded Blade, Imp BF
O: Blinded Competence
O: Greater Blind-fight
Fighter: Blinded Mastery/Aural Insight (for constant blindsense basically)
The last two level can be anything really. Once you get Blinded Master it's a complete build. So once you get doing you basically don't even need to see anymore and if you do use senses you have lowlight and 40ft scent (depending on race selection this can be improved lowlight, darkvision and scent) and you're using scent to pinpoint enemies and eventually just knowing where they are at all time with in 30-40ft.
The only issue with this build is how the Shifter claws from Menhir Guardian function with the Morphic Weaponary since the whole "given form" thing is a bit vague. I would assume it would function in both ooze and human/race forms as they are the base form but my thought process is that I could get 4 natural attacks at level 2 since I would have my morphic weaponary out first then "gain" my shifter claws after the fact since I assume they are a polymorph effect? No clue really.
I've also considered the idea of adding stuff like Totem feats and/or eldritch heritage to get more natural attacks (since by the rules of polymorph gaining attacks from feats and such still works) and trying to stack as many as I could and adding the Elemental Asethic Kinetist (since Elemental Fist works with natural attacks) and really stack the d6s. The problem is going MAD as heck.
Psychic spells work too as technically they don't have verbal or somatic component. So another idea was using Mutation mind and self-perfection to creating a unstable ooze while also saving the issue of AC.
Items are pretty much only Ioun Stones.
I really like the archetype and it's not really a horrible idea. You actually have a lot more room to maneuver since you're not bogged down by specifics. It's just the early game you are very weak as you don't have much ac until level 2 when you can gain monk or another X to AC.

Toxicsyn |

The steel breaker brawler gains a ability at 5th level known as Exploit Weakness. A monk with the martial artist archetype also has this ability, I believe at 4th level.
At 5th level, as a swift action a steel-breaker can observe a creature or object to find its weak point by succeeding at a Wisdom check, adding her brawler level against a DC of 10 + the object’s hardness or the target’s CR. If it succeeds, the steel-breaker gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls until the end of her turn, and any attacks she makes until the end of her turn ignore the creature or object’s DR or hardness.
A steel-breaker can instead use this ability as a swift action to analyze the movements and expressions of one creature within 30 feet, granting a bonus on Sense Motive checks and Reflex saving throws, as well as a dodge bonus to AC against that opponent equal to 1/2 her brawler level until the start of her next turn.
Honestly it is going to be hard playing the ooze form all the way to the higher levels. It is pretty good at the lower and mid level range, but I don't think your chances at survival are good at higher level. Unless you have a cleric spellcasting friend to help support you.
If you plan to go humanoid form, the idea stop point for the class is either level 4 (8 hour adventuring day, alter self +2 STR or +2 DEX) or 6 (three morphic weaponry, 12 hour adventuring day, alter self +2 STR or +2 DEX). And the cool ability to appear as any humanoid race you want to look like (or gender) with some racial benefits (swim speed, breathe in water, climb speed, dark vision on the go, scent, etc.)

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6 or 8 seemed like good stopping points...8 would get your beast shape.
I was thinking Oozemorph 8, UMonk 1, URogue 3...that would get dex to hit and damage on morphic weapons, and Wis to AC.
I really wish they would errata it so Fluidic Body got the same duration adjustment the base shifter got to it's Wildshape, and Morphic Weapons got the same counts as magic and DR penetration that Shifter's Claws gets...those 2 would make the Oozemorph way more manageable to play, even in the handicapped ooze form.

Toxicsyn |

Here is my character build for 7th level, Realm of the Fellnight Queen.
Blothslag the Brawler
Chaotic Neutral dwarf shifter (oozemorph) 1/brawler (steel breaker) 6
Traits indomitable faith, glory of the old
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Wis 10
After Level and Racial Adjustments: Str 18, Con 16, Wis 14, Cha 8
Ioun Stone enhancement +2: Wis 16
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10; CMD 24 (28 vs. bull rush/trip) or
increase AC and CMD by +3 with exploit weakness.
Hp 74; Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6; hardy (+5 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities)
1 - Power Attack
2 - Improved Unarmed Strike (brawler bonus feat)
3 - Weapon Focus (morphic weaponry), Dodge (brawler bonus feat)
5 - Steel Soul
6 - Mobility (brawler bonus feat)
7 - Dirty Fighting
Martial Flexibility favorites: Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple [grapple CMB +13; or dirty fighting +17; maintaining grapple +18, CMD 28 vs. grapple); I already deducted the -4 penalty for grappling due to not having hands.
or Improved Sunder, Greater Sunder (sunder CMB +19 or dirty fighting +23) or Spring Attack, Improved Disarm (disarm CMB +15, dirty fighting +19) or Spring Attack, Ratcatcher (can punch swarms), or Martial Focus, Advanced Weapon Training (natural attacks, increase morphic weaponry damage to 1d8).
Melee: 2 morphic weaponry +13 (1d6+4/x2) or power attack, 2 morphic weaponry +11 (1d6+8/x2)
SA: Exploit Weakness (+9 vs. 10 + CR; ignore hardness/DR, gain +2 to attack rolls), Martial Flexibility (6/day), Knockout Punch (Fort 17; save it for spellcasters)
Magic Items: Ioun stone that grants +2 to Wis (8000 gp), cracked Ioun stone that grants +1 to attack rolls (4000 gp), three dull gray ioun stones (one painted green, red, and yellow).

Lifevirus |
Generally level 6 is a good stopping point for multiclassing as you would get the extended hours in humanoid form and 3 natural attack max. Though after reading I realize that it doesn't explicitly state that you have to maintain the forms for a hour constant. It's just you have it for 1/2 hours = level (min one), so you could hold onto the forms far longer by using it in and out of combat and when you need it for town.
If you go for the full Oozemorph then you'd want to go into full rending build as there is a magic item that doesn't take a slot called the rending claw blade with gives you a rend attack with natural attacks. So you could start adding damage and get rend feats with a full oozemorph and you could also go giant later on and get massive damage boosts. .
My only issue is how other classes interact with Morphic Weaponry. I want to use Menhir Guardian and get the shifter claws but I have zero idea if they collide. I would figure they wouldn't since, technically in ooze form you have no natural attacks until you grow the MWs and since you "grow" claws from SW it wouldn't count until after the fact and polymorph rules allow it to work.
Same issue would apply to Warpriest's Feral Champion too....
I'll expand on my PFS build from above more.
Suzo Lhoro
Neutral Human shifter (oozemorph) 6/Monk (Menhir Guardian) 3, Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) 3
Traits Wary of Danger, Influencer
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
After Level and Racial Adjustments: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
When small: +2 Dex
AC 16(18 when small), touch 16, flat-footed 18; CMD 16(17)
Hp 35;
1 - Meditation Master, Blind Fight
2 - Sensory Master
3 - Improved Unarmed Strike (Fighter Bonus), Blinded Blade Style (Fighter Bonus), Improved Blind Fight
4 - Blinded Competence
5 - Combat Meditation, Greater Blind Fight
7 - Blinded Master
9 - Slow Time
11 - Extended Combat Meditation
Sensory Master gives me Scent which combos with Blinded Blade Style to help pinpoint enemies. Combat Meditation give +1 to atk/ 3 per day.
Melee: 3(4 with slow time) morphic weaponry +13 (1d6+3/x2) + 2 Shifter Claws +13 (1d3+3/x2; Bypass DR/Magic,Cold Iron,Silver)
Magic Items: Ioun Stones +2 to Wis, Dex and Str, +1 Insight to AC (Not included)
If I wanted to get more DPS I would sacrifice one level one Ooze for one level of Kinetist; Elemental Aethic for free Ele Fist which would add a extra +1d6 to all attacks but lose +1 bonus to attack and one natural attack.
I could remove monk entirely and go Psychic; Ferocity and use Mage Armor and Shield for +8 AC and gain permanent scent.
Other Ideas for builds: Mesmerist combined with the All-Around sight could have fun with stares since I wouldn't need to actually be facing them. Heck, any physic spell caster would work in some form.

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The Rending Claw Blade is a unique version of the Catfolk claw blades...it is a weapon, not a slotless item.
Oozemorph can turn into a humanoid form 1/2 level times per day for hour x level each time...unlike the base Shifter who got theirs modified to work in 1 hour segments. A level 6 Oozemorph can assume humanoid form 3 times a day, for 6 hours each time. If they end their humanoid form early for any reason (knocked out, anti-magic field, etc), they lose the rest of that use.
Menhir Guardian would not be able to use it's flurry with Morphic Weaponry, only with it's Shifter Claws or the weapons it has listed, and there would be no interaction between the 2 abilities as far as DR penetration or damage scaling, and could only be used in your humanoid form, since Oozemorph's don't have limbs to grow claws on in Ooze form. Personally, I think you would be better off just morphing into a humanoid form that has natural claws.
Feral Champion also has it's own unique claws...so would not stack with Menhir Guardian Claws or Oozemorph Morphic Weaponry.
You would only be able to cast Psychic spells in humanoid form, as they are still considered spells, and Oozemorphs cannot cast spells in Ooze form. Mesmerist stares should work though, PF doesn't use facing rules.

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I've got a freshly 4th level Oozemorph in PFS and she's a delight. Her initial build is similar to Toxicsyn but I opted to keep it fairly simple. I think that's key.
18 str, 14 dex, 14 con, 10 int, 12 wis, 8 cha. Human partially because of backstory but also because bonus feats. I started with Power Attack and Improved Initiative. Took Animal Soul at 3rd and at 4th I retrained Improved Initiative into Animal Ally for a wolf. I'll be taking Boon Companion at 5th.
Companion aside it's super straightforward. Power Attack with solid strength and two natural attacks means she's a power house, and shifting into a troglodyte gives her claw/claw/bite with 20+ str. Having no magic item slots isn't a big deal because she won't have anything more than +1 armor and a basic cloak of resistance until she has 8 hours worth of personhood anyway. Abberant doggo will help flank and maybe do Bodyguard stuff. Plus they can be compression buddies.
The only serious consideration for her future is whether I want to focus on natural attacks or get Combat Reflexes and make use of a longspear.
I've also considered a dex based Ganzi who uses an alternate race trait to qualify for fighter feats. Weapon Specialization could make up for a lot of missing damage.

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I'm now looking at a trap specialist. There's ways to get around lack of tools, and I like the idea of oozing over a trap and melting it. But then I'm at a loss for what to do in combat. There will be one level of oracle for the wrecker curse, but beyond that I'm toying with a lot of options. But none of them are that effective in a fight.

Lifevirus |
The Rending Claw Blade is a unique version of the Catfolk claw blades...it is a weapon, not a slotless item.
Not by the AoN or book itself (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWeaponsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Rending%20Claw%20 Blade) it's just listed as a slotless magic item that is commonly used by catfolk. Not race restricted (unless saying "racial equipment" in the additional resources creates said restriction) So baring the "worn on the body" argument there's really nothing that would prevent it from being usable in ooze form assuming you had your "claws" out at all times.
Menhir Guardian would not be able to use it's flurry with Morphic Weaponry, only with it's Shifter Claws or the weapons it has listed, and there would be no interaction between the 2 abilities as far as DR penetration or damage scaling, and could only be used in your humanoid form, since Oozemorph's don't have limbs to grow claws on in Ooze form. Personally, I think you would be better off just morphing into a humanoid form that has natural claws.
But it would still give me extra attacks even if in humanoid form only. That's what I was trying to figure out.

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Slyme wrote:The Rending Claw Blade is a unique version of the Catfolk claw blades...it is a weapon, not a slotless item.Not by the AoN or book itself (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWeaponsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Rending%20Claw%20 Blade) it's just listed as a slotless magic item that is commonly used by catfolk. Not race restricted (unless saying "racial equipment" in the additional resources creates said restriction) So baring the "worn on the body" argument there's really nothing that would prevent it from being usable in ooze form assuming you had your "claws" out at all times.
It's literally in the link you provided
Also the text "This set of +1 keen claw blades..."
Now look up the weapon claw blade
"These subtle blades can only be used by catfolk with the cat's claws racial trait. Bought in a set of five, they fit over the wearer's claws on one hand.

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What NV said...
Rending Claw Blade is a weapon...it is a specific Claw Blade...the Claw Blade is a Catfolk only weapon, the Rending Claw Blade is listed on page 95 of the ARG, along with all the other Catfolk specific equipment. It must be wielded, just like any other weapon. To make it requires 'Craft Magic Arms and Armor', not 'Craft Wondrous Item' Even if you shifted into the form of a Catfolk with Fluidic Body, you would not qualify to use them as only Catfolk with the 'Cat's Claws' trait can use them.
Saying it is slotless is like saying a Longsword is slotless, nothing on AoN says Rending Claw Blade is a slotless item, it says it is a weapon. Look up any weapon on AoN and you will find none of them list an item slot, nor do any weapons in any of the printed books...because they are weapons.

LittleMissNaga |
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Tossing in my experience as an oozemorph (played from level 1 through to 17). There's early challenges for sure, but I think it helps to just let the party know exactly what to expect... Not that I did. Poor girl reverted to ooze-form for the first time mid-conversation with an NPC. Just collapsed into a puddle. Fun times.
Sometimes, the other PCs might need to prepare to carry you in a bucket. Sometimes they might need to speak on your behalf, or play charades with a wobbly puddle. Sometimes they might get it wrong, and that's okay. Don't trash it just because they interpreted your jiggling overtures of diplomacy as "The ooze monster wants to seduce the princess". Roll with it, and have fun.
Embrace your ooziness fully. It can have its mechanical downsides, sure, but don't think of it as just a problem to overcome and nothing more. Don't go quiet and mope while you're in slime form, keep playing! Your time at the table isn't finished for the next 23 hours just because you're now being carried in a bucket. And don't forget that your humanoid form can have oozy fun too. I was the lockpicker of our party, and I'd tend to flavour it as forcing my gelatinous eyeball into the lock so that I could see what was going on while I worked, then jabbing the lockpicks through the back of my distended ooze eyeball to get them in there too.
You're a weird ooze monster. Be weird.
Mechanically, I just didn't focus too much on the belt and gear and whatnot. I think I eventually bought an ioun stone or two, and a good amulet, but for the most part I was getting buffs from our cleric, like bull's strength.
...And before anyone says that this was weakening the cleric by frivolously wasting his spell slots: We've heard that before. His response was "90% of the spells I cast on her were low level slots that I could afford to give out to improve her, and the party as a whole. I'd be a bad cleric if I wasn't willing to buff an ally who needed it. The one high level slot she used (mass bull's strength) was a domain spell that I was going to use whether she was in the party or not, because the other domain's option was terrible".

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You would only qualify for the Shapeshifter style if your original form was a Kitsune, or some other race which starts with the shapechanger subtype. Oozemorph makes you an ooze in addition to your normal race type, but does not add the shapechanger subtype.
Oozemorphs also give up Wildshape, Fluidic Body completely replaces it...something I have asked the devs to FAQ, so far unsuccessfully.
Feel free to go over and hit the FAQ button on my FAQ request thread...maybe we will get lucky. FAQ Request Thread

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Embrace your ooziness fully. It can have its mechanical downsides, sure, but don't think of it as just a problem to overcome and nothing more. Don't go quiet and mope while you're in slime form, keep playing! Your time at the table isn't finished for the next 23 hours just because you're now being carried in a bucket. And don't forget that your humanoid form can have oozy fun too. I was the lockpicker of our party, and I'd tend to flavour it as forcing my gelatinous eyeball into the lock so that I could see what was going on while I worked, then jabbing the lockpicks through the back of my distended ooze eyeball to get them in there too.
This is the biggest problem I'm having. Staying an ooze means I can't use thieves tools, even if I have them floating around inside me (baring a very generous GM). I'll argue that piercing morphic weapons count as improvised tools though, so the Tool Optimizer feat lets me go with no penalty at least. Once I hit level 9 (so far away...) I'll get the Pathfinder Delver 4 ability of just not needing tools at all and I'll retrain the feat. The best work-around though is a level of Oracle with the Wrecker curse. Touch a non-magic trap as a move action and it falls apart.

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The full workup I (thistledown) am looking at for the Disabler. Really, it's two different builds on an ooze chassis. The second is the Disable Device specialist mentioned above. But that doesn't give me anything to do in a fight, and Pathfinder Delver can't start till level 6.
For the first build, I'm starting off with a Dirty Trick build, centering on the Turnabout Vigilante talent. If someone provokes from me with an attack or spell, I do a dirty trick. If successful, I pick the target instead.
Halfling with Fleet of Foot, Skulker, & Underfoot. Maybe Polyglot
Traits: Kobold's Neighbor (trap bonus) and Intrepid Volunteer (Agile Maneuver for only Dirty Trick)
1. Shifter - let's get rolling. Dirty Fighting
2. Vigilante - Avenger
3. Vigilante - Turnabout talent. Improved Dirty Trick.
4. Mesmerist (Enigma) - swift stare: get concealment from target. 2nd round it becomes invisibility. And Astounding Avoidance trick.
5. Oracle (Seeker) - Spellscar mystery for Eldritch Resistance (resist all elements 2). Tool Optimizer.
6. Pathfinder Delver - Fast disable, bardic knowledge
7. Pathfinder Delver - Trap Sense, no difficult terrain. Combat Reflexes or Step Up
8. Pathfinder Delver - Thrilling Escape
9. Pathfinder Delver - Don't need tools. Greater Dirty Trick. Retrain Tool Optimizer to Combat Reflexes or Step Up.
10. ?
11. ? Deft Hands. Even if I don't have hands.
Granted, that's 3 classes that don't grant BAB at first level, so by level 9 I'm still only BAB 6, but hopefully it's enough.
As to gear, it's 11 Ioun stones and a few other things. Most of the other things affect the 'bearer', so they should be fine to have knocking about inside the ooze.
Hex Nail - bonus vs a hex
Lucky Horseshoe - +1 (luck) to saves
Luminous Lockpicks - for really important disables I'll solidify and take the +5 bonus
Wayfinder - I'm a pathfinder, really!
Zoic fetish - +1AC vs animals
Blade of Life's Defense - +1 (sacred) to saves vs undead
Stinging Stiletto - +3 perception (iffy)
wand of CLW
wand of Mage Armor (for someone to use on me, just like a monk)
Amber Spindle, Flawed - +1 (resistance) saves
Deep Red Sphere - +2 Dex
Deep Red Sphere, cracked - +1 Disable Device
Deep Red Sphere, cracked - +1 Slight of Hand
Dusty Rose Prism - +1 (insight) AC. In Wayfinder for +1 CMB
Gold Nodule, Cracked - +1 Linguistics
Pale Green Prism, cracked - +1 (competence) Attack
Pale Green Prism, cracked - +1 (competence) Saves
Pink & Green Sphere - +2 Cha
Scarlet & Blue Sphere, cracked - +1 Spellcraft
Ioun Torch - let there be light.

Lifevirus |
Technically I don't see any reason why you'd have any problem with using thieves tools since you can basically make hands via the Morphic Weaponry. Big old knuckles on five fingers. Worst case would be if it's improvised or your "hands" can't properly use them as you said but given the wide berth you have with MW and creating "weapons" I'd say it's easily possible to use tools or weapons without really breaking any rules since MW and Fluidic Body clash (if not most of the oozemorph in general really). Though I could also say that you just use compression open the lock that way too. :P
Though a Oracle build would be interesting to see. A cursed blob that rolls around and does stuff. Asectic mystery would cover a lot of the weaknesses but Time Mystery would be a good way to be a eroding ball of acid but to each their own. Would love to see more builds overall, one level dip or otherwise.
The archetype is basically a massive "DMs Discretion" as damn near anything could be contested given certain builds. Heck, i'd say 2 pages easy of erratas.
I like the dirty fighting build Slosh, what's the overall CMD bonus to dirty tricks by the time you're level 11?

nighttree |

I'm actually doing Oozemorph Barbarian (Urban and invulnerable Rager archetypes)for our Strange Aeons AP. RAW I'm doing a cheat, as the DM has agreed to let me use a homebrew race (built with the race builder rules....does that still count as homebrew ?)So I have Shapechanger type, and the racial ability to use Alter self at will (minus the ability score adjustments). I'm only doing 6 levels of Oozemorph, and the rest Barbarian....but many of the rage abilities actually work well in combination with an Oozemorphs abilities. "It" is a modern attempt to create a Mezlan :P

Lifevirus |
I'm actually doing Oozemorph Barbarian (Urban and invulnerable Rager archetypes)for our Strange Aeons AP. RAW I'm doing a cheat, as the DM has agreed to let me use a homebrew race (built with the race builder rules....does that still count as homebrew ?)So I have Shapechanger type, and the racial ability to use Alter self at will (minus the ability score adjustments). I'm only doing 6 levels of Oozemorph, and the rest Barbarian....but many of the rage abilities actually work well in combination with an Oozemorphs abilities. "It" is a modern attempt to create a Mezlan :P
Would love to see a feat/totem list. The only thing is that when you use the racial ability to alter self, you don't get the morphic weaponary or other oozemorph benefits but I assume that's probably being overruled.

nighttree |

Would love to see a feat/totem list. The only thing is that when you use the racial ability to alter self, you don't get the morphic weaponary or other oozemorph benefits but I assume that's probably being overruled.
Morphic weapon and compression work regardless of what form you are in. Expressly stated ;)

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Ah, finally managed to log back in. Weird. Anyways, I've only mapped up to level 9, but the last two will probably be full-bab, so generally I'll be at +19. But most of the time it should be +20 for them being bigger than me or +23 vs their Flat-Footed for size & me being invisible to them.
There are 13 oracle mysteries that grant mage armor in some form, but they're all hours per level per day. There are 7 mysteries that have other abilities I'm vaguely interested in for a dip. None of these overlap. Time definitely has some fun stuff, but I'm not really seeing much in Ascetic. I went with Spellscar's Eldritch Resistance because it's simple and always-on. I was going to go dual-cursed and take Misfortune, but my swift action is already taken up every turn by the gaze.

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Lifevirus wrote:Would love to see a feat/totem list. The only thing is that when you use the racial ability to alter self, you don't get the morphic weaponary or other oozemorph benefits but I assume that's probably being overruled.Morphic weapon and compression work regardless of what form you are in. Expressly stated ;)
Nope, changed in the FAQ. "An oozemorph's compression, damage reduction, and morphic weaponry function in its oozelike form and any form it takes via fluidic body, though not in forms it takes via other polymorph effects. "

nighttree |

nighttree wrote:Nope, changed in the FAQ. "An oozemorph's compression, damage reduction, and morphic weaponry function in its oozelike form and any form it takes via fluidic body, though not in forms it takes via other polymorph effects. "Lifevirus wrote:Would love to see a feat/totem list. The only thing is that when you use the racial ability to alter self, you don't get the morphic weaponary or other oozemorph benefits but I assume that's probably being overruled.Morphic weapon and compression work regardless of what form you are in. Expressly stated ;)
Poo....then yep, we will be ignoring that as well :P They seem determined to make this Archetype not work :P

Lifevirus |
It's no so much to make it "not work" as it is that it's just poorly worded and creates conflicts at damn near every turn.
The archetype by itself is functional if strange. It's when you begin to interact with other classes is where is begin the fun begins. Since i'm going Menhir Guardian it'll be fun to see GMs just go nuts as after reading some things I found even more interesting things but I'd rather not get into rules arguments as 90% of it is DM's choice but I have like....5 good builds I should post now.

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BTW, I don't think the tattoos brought up earlier will work.
"Magic tattoos must be placed on a part of the body normally able to hold a magic item slot, but they do not count against or interfere with magic items worn on those slots. A single slot can only hold one magical tattoo [...] Tattoos may be inscribed on the following slots: belt, body, chest, feet, hands, head, neck, shoulder, ring (up to two), or wrist. They cannot be inscribed on armor, eye, headband, or shield slots."
You have no such slots to accept the tattoos.

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Just found another interesting option. Constructed Pugilist gets a prosthetic arm as an (ex) ability, so it should carry through to ooze form just fine. I suppose it'd just be a hydraulic arm instead of mechanical. Means you can get a hand with a one level brawler dip instead of a two level alchemist dip - probably a better class for someone without gear too.

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This was just pointed out to me. I wouldn't trust it to table variation in PFS, but it technically blasts open the playbook for oozemorphs. Bold emphasis mine.
From the Core Rulebook FAQ.
Spell-Like Abilities as Spells: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as having that spell on its spell list for the purpose of activating spell completion or spell trigger items?
No. A spell-like ability is not a spell, having a spell-like ability is not part of a class's spell list, and therefore doesn't give the creature the ability to activate spell completion or spell trigger items.
posted August 2011
That could mean they can use SLAs while in Fluidic Form. Which is huge.

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Gold Nodule Ioun Stone grants you "This stone grants you the ability to comprehend, speak, read, and write a single language (chosen by the ioun stone’s creator)"
You can't speak, the Gold Nodule doesn't give you vocal cords.
You may need something like Vigilante's Mockingbird (Ex) or Speaker of the Palatine Eye's Corpse Speaker (Su) to "speak" without speaking.
The way Kineticist's Voice of the Wind, Greater is worded I don't think it works for the same reason the Gold Nodule shouldn't.
Telepathy should work, like Telepathic Link to a Speak with Master Familiar who can speak like a Parrot.
Projectionist's Implant Consciousness (Su) works also.
Anyone have any other concepts of "how to speak" in ooze form?