Metaphysician |
Xenocrat wrote:Metaphysician wrote:The problem being, that makes even low radiation an immediate mortal peril. That doesn't fit the definition of "low radiation" by any common measure.Is it the least dangerous of the types of radiation? Because that sounds like a common definition of low to me.I think it's more along the lines of this;
in common thought (including the medical imaging techs and nuclear scientist types I know) "low radiation" is often synonymous with "acceptable doses," I.E. the amount you get from background exposure or an X-ray or a long high-altitude plane flight.
Maybe what we're looking for is a Starfinder definition of what "low radiation" is.
Problem is, that means the rules literally don't support anything between "safe long term dosage" and "you die, now". Even just from a dramatic perspective, ignoring realism, there really should be a middle ground of "if you stay exposed, you may eventually get sick", or "if you get exposed, you'll probably get sick *later*". Under the current rules, even "low" radiation is basically "in under ten minutes, you are dead". Even most reactor meltdown sites aren't quite that bad ( under ten minutes exposure may be fatal, but you don't drop dead on the spot at least ).

Bloodrealm |

Bloodrealm wrote:Also Space KoboldsTHIS!!!! Screw it I'm Going to Stat them if Paizo Doesn't!!!
Beware the Dread Space Pirate Meepo!
Aye, Ca't'n! Preparing fake distress beacon lure and spreading stealth mines!
I like to imagine they'd have ships that are effectively flying warrens, built mostly of Jefferies Tubes and cramped hallways, and rigged with traps (ALL the Security systems!) that scan you and activate on anyone who isn't registered as crew. There'd probably also be at least one cargo bay (Kobolds love their mining, and there's plenty of rocks in space!), and larger ships might have a big chamber for a Dragon's lair and hoard. Maybe a cloaking option, if that's a thing in Starfinder.

Metaphysician |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
. . .the image of a dragon-captained space ship whose entire crew are kobolds is so good, I might need to steal it. Though it might also need a custom weapon that is basically "channels the breath weapon of a dragon into a naval attack". I'm thinking, capital grade weapon, and its damage depends on the strength of the breath weapon, but with the advantage that it costs less in BP and PCU than an equivalent capital mount.

Aerotan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Honestly, I feel like it'd be less 'captained' and more 'controlled'. I could see dragons being paranoid and arrogant enough to not want the pathetic scrabbling lizards at the controls. I could see a giant pod somewhere central to the ship that the dragon curls up in like an egg, that then takes input from her thoughts and feeds telemetry to her like sensation, essentially treating the ship like an extension of her being. Throw in an aeonic field to obviate her need to eat or sleep, and she only needs to move the ship into a hidden berth periodically if she wants to luxuriate on her ever-growing hoard, gathered by the kobolds she has enslaved to that purpose and to protect her interior against boarders.
No lights anywhere in the interior. Kobolds don't need them, dragons don't need them, all it would do is provide advantage to intruders. No maps either. Any kobold who gets lost is either not worth the effort to find or can be dominated and moved manually. Only enough food to sustain the slaves, and that only as fresh as it needs to be. Let them want to capture and kill lesser beings for supplies. Make them hunger for it...
BRB, writing a short story.

Ravingdork |

Would a dragon even need a ship? Even in Pathfinder, many of them were capable of space flight all their own.

Aerotan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Need? Maybe not. They don't technically NEED a hoard either, but it's hard to maintain respect without one. Besides, imagine the PC crew's reaction when they FINALLY take out that monster ship and it coasts to a dead stop...only for a hatch to open up and drop a great wyrm into cold vacuum for round 2.

Bloodrealm |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A dragon might also want a ship, because even a Great Wyrm isn't really on the same power tier as a battlecruiser. Sure, you could munch on fighters and light freighters, but there are much bigger, and more heavily armed, ships out there. Best bring your own heavy metal.
Good point, especially considering those battlecruisers could probably take on the Pathfinder stat block for LITERALLY CTHULHU.

Star Captain Killjoy |

DMMWolf wrote:At last! The stars shall be ours, my draconic brothers and sisters!Bloodrealm wrote:Also Space KoboldsTHIS!!!! Screw it I'm Going to Stat them if Paizo Doesn't!!!
Beware the Dread Space Pirate Meepo!
NUH-UH! The Imperial Goblin Space Navy was here first*!
* According to this totally valid text which I am assured was not just invented five seconds ago by someone less afraid of writing than the rest of us.

Metaphysician |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Something on my wishlist: a Planet of the Week generator. Probably best found in whatever future supplement covers exploring the Vast. Basically, a series of tables used to generate a random Notable Planet. . . though less from a astrogeographical perspective, and more from a This Week's Episode perspective. Doesn't just cover the physical properties of the planet, but also its populace if any, recent events, unexpected catastrophes to strike the PCs when they come nearby. . .
Basically, a randomizer that produces Star Trek episode synopses. If it has enough meat to build at least basic adventure challenges ( tables of standardized encounters, flavorable to theme ), that's great. However, even without, it would be great material to provide inspiration when building your own adventures, seeds for quick off-the-cuff improvised sessions, or amusing references to "Where the party was yesterday, offscreen".

Kobold Defense League |

Kobold Defense League wrote:DMMWolf wrote:At last! The stars shall be ours, my draconic brothers and sisters!Bloodrealm wrote:Also Space KoboldsTHIS!!!! Screw it I'm Going to Stat them if Paizo Doesn't!!!
Beware the Dread Space Pirate Meepo!
NUH-UH! The Imperial Goblin Space Navy was here first*!
* According to this totally valid text which I am assured was not just invented five seconds ago by someone less afraid of writing than the rest of us.
Imposter!!! Goblins don't read text!

Ventnor |

Star Captain Killjoy wrote:Imposter!!! Goblins don't read text!Kobold Defense League wrote:DMMWolf wrote:At last! The stars shall be ours, my draconic brothers and sisters!Bloodrealm wrote:Also Space KoboldsTHIS!!!! Screw it I'm Going to Stat them if Paizo Doesn't!!!
Beware the Dread Space Pirate Meepo!
NUH-UH! The Imperial Goblin Space Navy was here first*!
* According to this totally valid text which I am assured was not just invented five seconds ago by someone less afraid of writing than the rest of us.
Yeah! Everyone knows that goblins only read in binary!
The reason being, of course, that computers don't want to steal your soul the way tricksy letters do.

Jürgen Hubert |

Something on my wishlist: a Planet of the Week generator. Probably best found in whatever future supplement covers exploring the Vast. Basically, a series of tables used to generate a random Notable Planet. . . though less from a astrogeographical perspective, and more from a This Week's Episode perspective. Doesn't just cover the physical properties of the planet, but also its populace if any, recent events, unexpected catastrophes to strike the PCs when they come nearby. . .
Basically, a randomizer that produces Star Trek episode synopses. If it has enough meat to build at least basic adventure challenges ( tables of standardized encounters, flavorable to theme ), that's great. However, even without, it would be great material to provide inspiration when building your own adventures, seeds for quick off-the-cuff improvised sessions, or amusing references to "Where the party was yesterday, offscreen".
...I am actually working on something like this. Not a free-standing random generator, but a process that shows how to use several other random generators to build an interesting world for Starfinder. I've already written the first part, and more will come.
...assuming that I get non-mobile Internet access at my new apartment, which seems to be receding more and more into the future.

Master Han Del of the Web |

I actually going to wish that they DON'T add rules for mecha. More power armor and vehicle options like walking tanks, sure, but not full on anime/battletech style mecha. Humanoid vehicles in excess of a story tall is a trope I find extremely tiresome as they make absolutely no practical sense in terms of design and equipping them.
They would be less stable and mobile than proper tanks, with severe limitations on what they could actually be armed with. In space combat they would just be hilariously bad compared to most fighter craft.

Ravingdork |

I actually going to wish that they DON'T add rules for mecha. More power armor and vehicle options like walking tanks, sure, but not full on anime/battletech style mecha. Humanoid vehicles in excess of a story tall is a trope I find extremely tiresome as they make absolutely no practical sense in terms of design and equipping them.
They would be less stable and mobile than proper tanks, with severe limitations on what they could actually be armed with. In space combat they would just be hilariously bad compared to most fighter craft.
Yeah! And no martial artists that can punch through tanks!
Or magic that can throw out the plot!
Or carrots!
Definitely no carrots!

Master Han Del of the Web |

Yeah! And no martial artists that can punch through tanks!
Or magic that can throw out the plot!
Or carrots!
Definitely no carrots!
Plasma swords don't make any practical sense either (why spend a bunch of time and effort to shape plasma into a sword blade), and they're in the game.
Not saying I want to play in a strictly hard sci-fi setting, just that I really don't want to see mechs in this one. As soon as you introduce mechs, you get this weird unbalancing of all other vehicles to justify them and their existence as legitimate military hardware.

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I actually going to wish that they DON'T add rules for mecha. More power armor and vehicle options like walking tanks, sure, but not full on anime/battletech style mecha. Humanoid vehicles in excess of a story tall is a trope I find extremely tiresome as they make absolutely no practical sense in terms of design and equipping them.
They would be less stable and mobile than proper tanks, with severe limitations on what they could actually be armed with. In space combat they would just be hilariously bad compared to most fighter craft.
gotta fight kaiju somehow.

Tarik Blackhands |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I also hope they don't bother with mechanically distinguished mechs in leiu of just adding more Power Armor frames which more or less occupy the same design space as Paizo chose to implement them (since to them Ripley's Cargo Hauler exists in the same general branch as some 40k Power Armor, and size Huge stuff).
Balancing an entire separate branch of vehicles won't work well I figure. Either they're screaming metal death traps and entirely worthless or they render generic boots on the ground more or less obsolete in any situation that can afford them (IE they fit). Healthy middle grounds have always been the outlier in the game's I've seen that try to balance armored vehicles and boots on the ground against each other.

TheWizurd |

New Equipment Guide:
Better Fusions - why would I use them as currently written, hence they have no reason to exist in universe.
Low level Heavy armor - nobody uses heavy armor below 5th?
Advancing equipment - you don't have to make it OP. Make it a feat so the cost is high.
BTW don't try to balance the game. That's the GM's job. Make it fun. Sure 1st ed D&D wizards were OP at high levels but you had to slog through the low levels first.
Give me some atmosphere, give me some Shadowrun/Firefly in space.

Richard Redmane |
Honestly, the main thing on my wishlist would be the Starfinder's version of the Advanced Player's Guide. Haven't gotten much chance to play yet so I'm not entirely sure what's missing from the gear section except for more armor, crystal laser battleaxes, and maybe some more general purpose "adventurer gear" or engineering equipment.
In particular, I notice there isn't much on what to do if your GM takes you somewhere light years from the nearest AbbadarCorp outlet for the entire campaign. Rules for something like a Fabber from Eclipse Phase or lassoing and reprogramming things like the "Rogue Assembly Oozes" teased in a recent review of the Starfinder Bestiary would not go awry. And like someone else mentioned, a "Utility" chassis for the Mechanic's drone wouldn't go amiss either for creating Mr. Handys or cargo hauling M.U.L.E. units.
But mostly I'm interested in more classes. Like several others, I'm interested in seeing if some sort of Bio-technician class is on the horizon to basically compliment the Mystic the same way the Mechanic compliments the Technomancer. In addition to having more healing options and ways to manipulate biological creatures (perhaps the class could have branching paths to allow players to specialize in being a medic, a field biologist, or some combination of the two,) a tech-based bio-manipulator would potentially allow GMs to run low or no-magic campaigns with the Starfinder rules. Which, while not something everyone would be interested, would be something the developers will want to eventually consider.
Beyond a bio-tech... I have to think of what else that would be on my wishlist. Operative has specs that allow me to play a explorer so there's no real reason to have a dedicated class. Hmmm... Well these are more "pie in the sky" classes but here goes.
- I wouldn't mind seeing a nod to something like the "working joe" careers from Traveller. Perhaps some kind of prospector/scavenger in a similar vein to the Belters (miners, technicians, and scientists that work in the low gravity conditions in and around asteroids.) Not sure how you would stat such a class though. Something I'll think on more.
- Going from the "mundane but practical" to the exotic, I also would be interested in a class that has an affinity for nanomatter and grey goo. Someone with powers of matter hacking, advanced chemistry, and maintaining a personal supply of nanomatter for conjuring temporary gadgets that only they could use. Sort of like the Alchemist to the Technomancer's Wizard. Again, something I'll need to think about further.

Shadowcat48 |
a revised/updated/tweaked Starship and Vehicle building system... what we have now is really disapointing at best. I would happily put my keyboard where my mouth is and help work on this, having previously worked on material for Traveller and the Hero System
World Building/Generation, or at least suggestions for shoehorning rules from another game system even.

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a revised/updated/tweaked Starship and Vehicle building system... what we have now is really disapointing at best. I would happily put my keyboard where my mouth is and help work on this, having previously worked on material for Traveller and the Hero System
World Building/Generation, or at least suggestions for shoehorning rules from another game system even.
Especially because there is no level system for weapons other than light/heavy/capitol. So a level 3 starship can have a 10d8 gun if they echew everything else, which is rediculus for that low level.

Barbarossa Rotbart |

My personal wishlist:
- Graphical description of all armor types. The couple of images in the core rules are really not enough.
- More classes (including a CHA based spellcaster).
- More themes.
- More archetypes.
- Spells for space combat.
- More archetypical space ships (not everyone wants to construct his own vessel).
- An equipment guide.
- A classes/themes/archetypes guide.
- A space ship guide.
Additional wishes:
- A crossover campaign with Pathfinder.
- Novels.
- Comics starring the iconics.

Barbarossa Rotbart |

Ventnor wrote:Plasma swords don't make any practical sense either (why spend a bunch of time and effort to shape plasma into a sword blade), and they're in the game.I dunno... plasma swords make as much sense and are as practical as the concept of the Light Caber
Star Wars' lightsabers are plasma swords.

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MagicA wrote:Honestly, I'd rather not have Paladins in Starfinder. I like that alignment in Starfinder is a role playing aid rather than the mechanical atraightjacket that it is in Pathfinder.The paladin, it was one of my favorite classes
and no the solarian doesnt count!
you can do a "space paladin" with a soldier, a mystic, or a solarian, no problems, and pretty quickly.

Distant Scholar |

Shadowcat48 wrote:Star Wars' lightsabers are plasma swords.Ventnor wrote:Plasma swords don't make any practical sense either (why spend a bunch of time and effort to shape plasma into a sword blade), and they're in the game.I dunno... plasma swords make as much sense and are as practical as the concept of the Light Caber
I kind of like the idea of a light caber.

Metaphysician |
Ventnor wrote:MagicA wrote:Honestly, I'd rather not have Paladins in Starfinder. I like that alignment in Starfinder is a role playing aid rather than the mechanical atraightjacket that it is in Pathfinder.The paladin, it was one of my favorite classes
and no the solarian doesnt count!
you can do a "space paladin" with a soldier, a mystic, or a solarian, no problems, and pretty quickly.
Not really, because none of those require you to live up to a high ideal. A Paladin that is not required to be LG is not a Paladin.
That said, it would be exceptionally easy to make Paladin an archetype. Set the alighnment and code of honor requirements, and then basically give one major paladin ability per archetype slot. About the only thing you'd lose is spellcasting, and paladin spellcasting is fairly unimportant. In exchange, you can be a Paladin with *any* of the base classes, so you could be a fighty Paladin or a talky Paladin or a spell-chucking Paladin.

Shinigami02 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm personally with the others that as far as I'm concerned alignment restrictions can stay far away from Starfinder. If you want the LG and Code restrictions, take that restriction with your character. It doesn't need to be built into the game that your LG Priest Soldier/Solarion/whatever follows a code of Justice and Honor. That should be a roleplaying choice rather than a mechanical shackle.

Obbu |

Basically we need a starfinder equivalent of monster manual (Alien archive), gamemastery guide and ultimate equipment. Ultimate Combat, Ultimate campaign & a pact worlds supplement would be nice too.
Really anything that shores up systems that feel a bit light or wonky in the core rules:
- Environmental effects vs Armor (tips on running environments in meaningful ways, now that all armor protects against vacuum/corrosive atmosphere for 24hrs)
- Traps (still using the much debated non-spottable without declared check system)
- Starship frames (you can get destroyer very early, and it's as large as you can go)
- Tips for doling out BP for starships in-game, to represent salvage etc
- Boarding actions/methods/equipment in starship combat
- Plug holes in equipment (power armor, any weapon type that lacks enough leveling steps)
That kind of thing.
With regards to splat books:
The simple answer is more of the same approach from the Starfinder CRB.
What I do love about the system is that they've reduced bloat: less feat pre-reqs, less lengthy chains with multiple weak feats leading to one actually usable one.
For Splat books I'd love to see a more concentrated approach to feat design: the current trend of trimming the fat should continue.
Many of the pathfinder options fall under the 'nice but you spend too many feats to get it' and would benefit from the condensing approach they've used on many of the core feats.
Streamlining bodyguard to not need combat reflexes, not need a dice roll, and not even need melee range is fantastic. Even if, overall, you might not be able to use it or scale it as much as the original, and the new one has a bit of a (very thematic) downside, this one is a dream in terms of accessibility: and accessibility was the primary problem with the original.
Short feat chains with less-powerful but more immediately useful applications feel so much more elegant, rather than the emphasis on slowly building towards something that eventually feels brokenly powerful while simultaneously bogging down gameplay.
If you need 3 feats to make a feat-concept fit: it's probably either too weak, or too strong eventually.
We don't necessarily need 80 billion options to scale bodyguard bonuses via obscure means (order of the dragon halfling helpful swift aid etc etc) What we need is a fast, useful and accessible bodyguard feat that is easy to fit into gameplay: and the new feat does that.
It also prevents soldier from being intended to be 'has lots of feats' but actually ending up 'good at paying taxes'.
Apply that logic to everything else that falls under the 'cool idea but its too weak or too inaccessible' and ill be a happy camper.
In short:
I'd like to see more small pieces of juicy goodness that don't eventually cover the whole game in juice.

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Yakman wrote:Ventnor wrote:MagicA wrote:Honestly, I'd rather not have Paladins in Starfinder. I like that alignment in Starfinder is a role playing aid rather than the mechanical atraightjacket that it is in Pathfinder.The paladin, it was one of my favorite classes
and no the solarian doesnt count!
you can do a "space paladin" with a soldier, a mystic, or a solarian, no problems, and pretty quickly.
Not really, because none of those require you to live up to a high ideal. A Paladin that is not required to be LG is not a Paladin.
That said, it would be exceptionally easy to make Paladin an archetype. Set the alighnment and code of honor requirements, and then basically give one major paladin ability per archetype slot. About the only thing you'd lose is spellcasting, and paladin spellcasting is fairly unimportant. In exchange, you can be a Paladin with *any* of the base classes, so you could be a fighty Paladin or a talky Paladin or a spell-chucking Paladin.
just play a lawful good soldier, mystic, or solarian.
boom. space paladin.

MagicA |
shields beyond the phase shield, more armor upgrades and most of all
weapon attachments
Im talking: weapon lights, lasers, silencers for projectile weapons (that arent heavy weapons) scopes, holo graphic sights, extended magazines, bigger capacity batteries, attachment to energy weapons to allow you to use multiple charges or the like, or attachments to change the properties of some weapons (blast, line, explode, etc.)
and more armor upgrades/attachments like
shifting plates for more ac as an action, reducing armor class temporarily for improved speed and reflexes, things to reduce ACP, or similar to some exo suits/armors in fiction, upgrades that push the wearer to their brink to increase combat capabilities (a la gray fox in metal gear)

Nimor Starseeker |
I would like to see some different kinds of ammunition for projectile weapons such as:
-Armor peircing ammunition, that ignores damage reduction
-Inciendary ammunition that adds some fire damage
-Plutonium enriched ammunition that makes you make a saving throw against radiation poisoning.
I would like to see some different kinds of add-ons for energy weapons such as:
-A continuous beem modification, that makes it so that when you shoot with laser weapons the same target over again, you add more damage.
-Graviton weapon mods, forcing targets to make a reflex save or be forced to move back 5 ft.
-Tractor beem weapon mods, that can move targets towards you. Make a strength check to oppose.
-Miniature nuclear grenade, they make an area heavy in radiation
-computerized ranged weapon scope adding 5 feet to the first range increment for automatic weapons. advanced computerized targeting scope add 10 ft to the first increment and so on.
-Silencers for operative/small arm projectile weapons
radioactive ooze monster!

FirstChAoS |
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:I actually going to wish that they DON'T add rules for mecha. More power armor and vehicle options like walking tanks, sure, but not full on anime/battletech style mecha. Humanoid vehicles in excess of a story tall is a trope I find extremely tiresome as they make absolutely no practical sense in terms of design and equipping them.
.Yeah! And no martial artists that can punch through tanks!
Or magic that can throw out the plot!
Or carrots!
Definitely no carrots!
I agree with no mecha. Picture space opera style walkers. Lumbering AT-AT's and such with a couple lasers.
Now picture a nimble humanoid mech dancing among them armed with a sword or a battletech mech overloaded with weapons. It sort of breaks the suspension of disbelief. Why have lumbering walkers when nimble over armed mechs exist. In that caser the walkers would be made with mech tech and sprint like gazelles while launching volleys of missiles.
Also carrots exist, they are secret tools of the drow used to destroy humanity from within.