![]() Well as we deal with it in our gaming group the gap has no time so time within the gap is non-existent which has the side effect messing with people heads as time is needed in a 3D space. So if a time dragon attempted to enter into the gap they would find it impossible as their powers do not exist in that time. ![]()
![]() So based on what you are showing me is +5 weapons would be on a crit Weapon Dice Pools = Possible Damage Range with dice only S-Bow 12d6+3d10 = 15-102
Still, don't see how they are so powerful they need AoO on them at close range. ![]()
![]() I don't understand how this is any different than someone with a Bastard Sword! a bow does 1d6 which is mid-range damage unless it crits which then goes up to 1d10. Now a Bastard sword does 1d8 and if wielded two-handed gets 1d12. All this does is allow you to shoot people closer up than before. I would understand the outcry if there was another factor in play but I don't see one. ![]()
![]() So my theory is if I use Telekinetic Projectile to throw a Thunderstone at a target it will do the damage as stated in Telekinetic Projectile only. But then I wondered what happens to the Thunderstone after it hits the target the spell ends? So if the target is standing on any hard surface like a stone floor or any other hard surface wouldn't the stone fall to the ground after the effect of the spell which would then trigger the effect of Thunderstone when it hit the ground which would be right after the end of the turn/action? This would be 1d10 damage to start during the turn and once the turn ends the location of the stone would be 1d4 additional damage. this idea grew from a goblin NPC who placed a gallon bucket of thunderstone on top of a partially open door for the pc's in one of our games. ![]()
![]() So Reading this over and over I think I have a simple wording that corrects the confusion. First, we need to clarify hardness works in the same format as damage reduction. It reduces the incoming damage and any remaining is then applied to the wielders HP. So Shields have a Hardness (aka DR) of (X). If incoming damage (before hardness is applied) is equal to twice the hardness it gains a dent, if the damage is triple or more it gains two dents and the broken condition. So do I got that correct? ![]()
![]() Int is used for crafting
anyone with a shield well gets dents
so int is a not a dump stat because you as a fighter or paladin or any other style that will use a shield will need to repair their shields themselves unless you have a GM who maxes out treasure rewards. ![]()
![]() Traiel wrote:
Ok, I stand corrected. Per the new system, shields are just a tempory DR mechanic. I see what you're talking about now. my bad... ![]()
![]() how is this not clear I don't understand why people are having the issue with this? shields have a hardness which reduces incoming damage - check once the damage is reduced to the remaining damage if it is equal to or greater then the hardness becomes a dent. Which if it is double the hardness in value then its two dents? 1st dent has no effect
Here is an easy way of looking at it A wooden shield has a hardness of 3, so all incoming damage is reduced by 3 points. Incoming damage is 10, which blocked by a wooden shield becomes 7 due to the hardness, the remaining damage is absorbed by the shield since the hardness of the shield is 3 and 3 goes into 7 only two times that means it takes two dents. if the damage was two points higher per the rules it would still only take two dents from one hit. Now if this amount of damage was dealt a second time it would destroy the shield. Even if the damage was 6 points instead of 10 it would destroy the shield because hardness reduces 6 to 3 and the shield takes a dent per 3 points of remaining damage. you never take damage because of one line in the wording - "—the shield takes this damage instead," ![]()
![]() Did anyone read about the goblin background here? from what I ready a faction of goblins split off from the rest to become more civilized in which means they left a lot of there culture behind to attempt to be accepted into the new culture. So that why the primitive dogslicer and horsechopper are uncommon because you are not hanging out with goblin war parties anymore. ![]()
![]() FLite wrote: Keep in mind that the enlarge spell bonus is a conditional bonus, and does not stack with barbarian rage. I think you might have misunderstood me. I was saying if you take a large weapon and since the weapons in the book are not large I would use mechanics of enlarge to change the weapon damage. not use the spell enlarge. which is increase damage by +2 per size category above medium. Medium Longsword 1d8
![]() What about the Warrior it talks about how you were a soldier of some type and now your independent. Which makes sense ability boost Strength or Constitution Which makes sense as well You gain the "quick repair" skill feat? Ok when did we make a wrong turn here? What does repair have to do with being a Warrior? Now if we had something like a quick draw feat that would make sense, but quick repair does not make any sense at all. ![]()
![]() I thought the same thing for my group until one of the players asked the simple question, "Come to think about how often do we go into the bag in a single day?" This came out to about 2-3 times a day depending on the story, and that was followed up by the statement of "and the party can share the cost of activation since it takes two hands to keep open, so one person opens and the other puts in or gets out stuff." So think about that in that way i don't see any issues as a party the cost. ![]()
![]() I have three simple house rules I am going present with my group 1st is resonance used on a consumable activates it for the scene/combat/hour to be used as many times possible. 2nd is resonance used on a consumable item is refunded at the end of scene/combat/hour. 3rd is a single resonance can be used up to 10 times on consumable items before it is considered to be spent. these options seem more flexible to the players and don't break the system. ![]()
![]() rixu wrote: Sounds reasonable IF they are looting the stuff for themselves. But if the ship has a good working systems they might want to loot them (or parts of them) to be sold as parts. Will you allow it or just say they can't remove them in usable form with their gear? Or would you allow them to sell the stuff to a 3rd party for UPBs or credits? In that case, I would allow them to take the parts. I would go with two options they can keep the parts to repair their own ship when in need to eliminate the need for UPB's or Salvaging Ship parts - It takes hours equal to the half total amount of Build points the part cost to salvage. The DC to salvage is = 15 + 2 × the starship’s tier. this will grant them 10 salvage per build point for the part. Now if one was going to sell the salvage parts then they would treat the salvage parts as UBP's. For example, a crew gets a ship salvaged for its T6 thrusters (3 BP) which take 1.5 hours to salvage. This would result in getting 30 salvage points to repair just the T class thrusters. 30 Salvage points would be equal to 3 UBP's (this would fall into the rule of 10%). I use the 10% value to discourage the players from hoarding just like the current system does with equipment. ![]()
![]() IMO you can take it two ways. Fast and dirty - this process only works if they don't currently have enough build points available on their ships build at the time. The players would then take/scrap part to be used later on their ship as a part they don't need to work to get through the storyline. Slow and Clean - This way only works if they have the Build points at the time. The players would carefully remove the part of the ship they want and the slowly (build point of item = Hours) remove it and then taking the same amount of time or double it to install it on their ship. Example: A crew disables a ship which has a better engine than their own. at the time they don't have the right amount of Build points to replace their current engine with the new one so they decide to store the part to be installed later. it takes an amount of build points the engine is worth in hours to remove it and then once they have leveled up they would take either equal or double that time (double for tech that they are not familiar with) to install the part. Otherwise, they would have to go through the storyline per the GM to upgrade their engine as normal. If they had the available build points they would just stop what they are doing and install the part at that time. I don't always agree that you have to go to a spacedock to install parts of a ship if you have the crew who have the ability to do the work. But it would be a thing that if it was part of a combat element then the ship would have to stop and wait for the part to be installed which leaves them helpless if attacked. But I would not apply that rule if they were going to change a cargo hold into a gym. That can be done as long as they have someone who can do the work who is not currently dealing with the day to day needs of the ship. ![]()
![]() ThomasBowman wrote: In Star Wars, starships aren't that expensive, the Millennium Falcon for instance costs as much as a new car. Luke sold his land speeder to pay for passage to Alderan and commented that he could almost buy his own ship for that amount of money. I almost wonder why people would even bother to have a land speeder if they could take their starship anywhere they wanted to go. That is also why I designed a Scout/Courier without an air/raft. As you can see, the hangar for it became a tech workshop. I didn't see the use for getting separated from one's starship while traveling in an air/raft. Why not just take the scout/courier anywhere you want to go? Stop and think about this... Yes, the cost of the trip is about the same as the cost to buy the ship but not the cost to maintain the ship. If you trip and the ship were about 2m credits but the upkeep of the ship is 250k per week which does not include travel expenses such as travel vouchers and clearance etc. ![]()
![]() Mnemonic Editor - The network of magic and technology is capable of removing experiences from a patient strapped to the bed over the course of a single 24-hour session. Skills and knowledge can be excised, lessons unlearned and muscle memory altered. If you use a mnemonic editor, you can undo 2 character levels’ worth of decisions about which class levels you took, which feats you selected, how you applied any level-based increases to ability scores, how you assigned new skill ranks, and so on. pg 266-267 So if you choose to retrain a level lets say level 1 then you could change your theme with GM approval. ![]()
![]() I don't see anything wrong with giving your engineer the option to salvage a starship for parts which gives them 10% BP which they can then apply to their own ships (if they have the ranks equal to or greater then the tier of the ship). But I would have some extra stuff to add to it. Salvaging a ship is a long process about 10 times longer than crafting and yes you can have the extra BP which may be more than your ship can hold but you can only use up to your ships max until you level up and have more room to add the new parts in which fall back to the 10 time longer process to craft/add them to the ship. So when you have more BP parts available then the ships tier can hold then guess what it becomes a "house in a box" issue you are going to need to store the parts in a cargo hold or something to be used later. ![]()
![]() Building off your information I created for my group an excel sheet. The sheet is quite simple you put in your APL and number of players
then there are two columns the CR of the encounter and a homebrew thing which is skill checks for furthering the story (not skill checks for someone trying to get a free drink and such). Once all that is put in it will return with the divided exp for the group and with your, BP breaks down how much BP the ship has gained up to the point it levels up but not to exceed the level of the group. Feel free to try it out the link below and let me know if you see any errors. ![]()
![]() This is simple if an item takes up a body slot like arms chest head and such it is considered worn. Null-Space Chamber works no matter worn or not which does not mean you cant have one just that if you wear it, then it will count. Per CRB "A null-space chamber is a circular device often designed to be strapped to an arm or backpack." which means it is a worn object, but its function does not stop if not worn. ![]()
![]() Dark Sorcerer wrote: If all expansion bays are the same size how does a shuttle fit into 2 expansion bays? My answer to this riddle is this... One Cargo bay is 20 feet tall (twice the avg height of a room) with 25 sections of 5-foot squares. Two cargo bay linked is 40 ft tall with 625 sections of 5-foot squares. My point is if you add another bay to it then Square the Volume of the room, don't just connect the two like taking a wall out. ![]()
![]() I have created a new Frame and need some feedback. Vast Explorer
![]() Akoni Doomhammer wrote:
Look up the chrome ext Kami it will allow you the ability to alter filables. ![]()
![]() Quote: Can you name a spell that affects humanoids and constructs differently? I couldn't find one. Kind of odd to have a trait that never comes into play. You're correct, at this time I don't think there is any spell or effect that does target both but that doesn't mean that there never will be one. Your statement does not mean that is not Paizo intent. Until Paizo makes an official statement on this matter we will never know who is correct. ![]()
![]() Really!!! This is not hard to understand. I don't know why people keep making the same statement over and over about no effect is worse. "this spell does nothing for Humanoid/Constructs so that the worse effect". No there is no worse effect unless it targets both Humanoids(living creatures) and Constructs (Object). Ok, let's take Make Whole for example. Targets one object of up to 1 bulk/level or one construct of any size It says targets one construct of any size. So there is no additional effect to say this is worse because the effect is nothing on a humanoid. You can't even target a humanoid with this spell. Take the idea of a rocket launcher as being the spell cast. Let's say this rocket launcher (spell) Auto locks to a heat source before firing. But your target is a snowman. guess what, you can't shoot it because there is no heat! Same thing when casing Raise dead on a wrench. You can't because the main component of the spell does not exist which is the target. Androids can be targeted as both Humanoid or Construct. Only and only if an effect can target both will there be "worse" effect. ![]()
![]() So looking over many pdf's in the last few weeks I have seen some amazing things. But it makes me wonder. Could someone create a Module which on the front inside cover has a part where you could select your groups APL? Then the content of the module it would adjust the events and NPC's to meet the newly selected APL. ![]()
![]() Its quite simple....there was a writer guild strike, which caused a huge gap in time. Once it was over some writers went back in time to before the gap and picked up where they left off while others didn't want to go back in time because it would have cost too much gas to make the trip. You know gas prices are not cheap. well that pretty much explains what happened. now you might be wondering who are these writers are they the gods? nope, they are the being before all those who came up with the concept of an Idea. being beyond power, they can create whole worlds and kill everything with only a few words. these are being more powerful than anything else in the game. |