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73. An Ysoki Mercenary/Mechanic tank. The Ysoki is the tank, not the drone. The little fuzzball is a daredevil to the point of insanity (complete with maniacal laughing) and his speech patterns are suitably rapid and eccentrically murderous to match. The drone carries around heavy weapons for fire support and is named CUDLS.

Ventnor |
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76. They shoved a plasma rifle into your hand, pushed you out the airlock, and said, "That planet you're gonna fall onto. Capture it for us."
"As you all know, the key to victory is the element of surprise. SURPRISE!!!"

Gilbertus Albans |

77. A shirren xenoseeker mechanic, who has focused on augmenting their body with an exocortex. While the exocortex was added to take its individuality to a whole new level, there have been recent difficulties in that the AI seems to respond to commands that are part of a unknown collective. There is a race against time to meet new species and see if they can figure out what corrupted his system before his mind becomes devoid of all individuality.

Wikrin |
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78. An Android Exocortex Mechanic, priest of Triune that views the continued development of their exocortex as a form of technological ascension.
79: A Lashunta Ace Pilot Mystic Star Shaman, connected to Black Butterfly. Feels stuffy and claustrophobic any time they're in a breathable atmosphere. Flies an open-cockpit fighter.

Valor6 |
Lord Mhoram wrote:Ectar wrote:I was going the other direction - the guy goes on missions, and has a reality show of his life. Less Travel, more action - sorta like Xcrawl. :)Ripped straight from another thread:
58. Mechanic with a hover drone. Travel blogger. Drone has a camera and the mechanic documents new/exciting destinations.
Funded through Patreon and ad revenue.I was going to say this one, but got beaten to it, it seems. Ah well, I'll do it anyways.
A Solarion whose stage name is "Jimmy Starrdust" who has a reality TV show, deliberately making things more dangerous for the party in the name of ratings.
A Ghost Operative whose abilities are primarily drawn from channeling a literal ghost, a dead relative who was a much more successful operative, and constantly harasses the character for not living up to expectations.
I actually had/have a character in Pathfinder who is a Vigilante with the same type of deal as the Ghost operative, but it isn't a family member. It's the ghost of another, more successful Vigilante that granted his powers upon his sacrifice (and the power to 'transform' into an Aasimar, though really I just took the Aasimar race with the Humanoid traits ability that escapes my memory right now) and makes fun of him constantly for not being the hero that the 'Masked Avenger' was.
Everyone is also constantly mistaking him for the Masked Avenger, and it ticks him off since he's trying to make his own name for himself.

Ventnor |

82.) Damaya lashunta priest envoy with the phrenic adept archetype. Though she never had much talent for forming the arcane connection that most mystics have, she demonstrated enhanced psychic abilities that she believes were gifted to her by Yaraesa. These include not just enhanced telepathy, but ways to use it to bolster her allies in a variety of ways. She adventures to try and explore just how powerful these unusual talents can be.
83.) Ysoki ace pilot mechanic. She built a rad motorcycle with an AI and built-in guns, and adventures so that she can ride her rad motorcycle around and use the built-in guns to shoot things.
84.) Half-orc scholar operative. A combat psychologist, who in-between using his knowledge of various sentient minds to take his enemies apart, provides counseling to his other party members and the public at-large. He adventures mainly to see how other alien species have studied the discipline of psychology, and incorporate what they did into his own work.
85.) Haan Xenoseeker Solarion. First encountered a kasatha solarion by chance, and decided to follow him. Once he'd finished his solarion training, he decided to try and travel to befriend other alien species. Sure, his giant insectile appearance can be off-putting at first, but he's willing to give friendship with everyone a try! Worships both Hylax and Sarenrae in equal measure.

Ventnor |
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86.) Human Icon Envoy. Zardu Hasselfrau is perhaps the greatest holovid actor there is today. At least, that's what he tells himself. He honestly has a tenuous grip on reality at best, and is convinced that all of the adventures he finds himself on are really elaborate stages for one of the movies that he is starring in.

Ventnor |

87.) Kasatha mercenary soldier. Though he started as a traditional kasathan warrior, he incorporated heavier weapons and armor because he felt they were more effective. This got him exiled from his home for his "egregious disregard for history." Wields the biggest gun he can find in 2 of his hands, throws grenades with one more, and keeps the last free for punching people using traditional kasathan martial arts augmented with a battleglove. He hasn't forgotten everything he's learned.
88.) Kasatha priest solarion. Late in her solarion training, she came across the "Ibran Heresy," which maintains that the solarion doctrine of the cycle insufficiently explains where they fit into the universe, and is in fact only the start of a journey guided by the goddess Ibra.
89.) Vesk priest mystic. A battlepriest of Damoritosh who fights his foes using only his god-given powers and natural weapons as a sign of his devotion.

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90.) Android icon operative. Recently renewed, she has inside herself a small subdermal data packet that seems to "save" her previously renewed personalities. The twist? The first one existed during the Gap, and remembers the primary objective of a secret society hunting for its lost leader.
91.) Ysoki spacefarer technomancer. He used to be a code-monkey for a major Absalomian tech firm, but decided to go on adventures and become stronger to try and impress this one vesk pilot he has a crush on.
92.) Drow bounty hunter solarian. Once the scion of a powerful drow family and CEO of a massive weapon manufacturing company, he escaped, transition to male to try and disguise himself, and now hunts down all of the pirates and criminals his family gave access to dangerous weaponry.
93.) Gnoll priest mystic. She used to be the leader of a Lamashtan fertility cult, until she accidentally fell in love with her children. When they were sacrificed, she left the cult and converted to the faith of Desna, trying to make up for her crimes.
94.) Half-elf outlaw envoy with the phrenic adept archetype. She was trained as a Steward, but was honorably discharged after she survived a terrorist attack on a space station that cost the life of her boyfriend. Now she fights crime under the radar without official sanction, under the guise of an ancient pre-Gap vigilante: the Red Raven.
95.) Vesk ace pilot soldier. The soldier that the ysoki above fell in love with, he's a self-proclaimed "space cowboy" who goes from planet to planet, taking down bad guys.
96.) Damayan lashunta mercenary mechanic with a hover drone. A vindictive and bitter weaponsmith, she world-hops trying to look for ever better weapons, signing up to protect starships from pirate attacks so she has someone no one will miss to test her new toys on.

Ventnor |
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98.) Space Goblin Spacefarer Mechanic. This goblin heard some propaganda holos from the Augmented, and misinterpreted it to believe that his ultimate goal in life was to build robot goblins. He has somehow managed to succeed.
99.) Android Xenoseeker Technomancer. They are very eager to meet other species, don't get me wrong, but they unfortunately suffer from a severe social anxiety that is hard to express. So they've simply built and enchanted a computer to do the talking for them.
100.) Vesk Icon Operative. Host of a popular show in the Veskarium called "Those Crazy Pactworlders." It should be noted that many Vesk find violence inherently hilarious.
101.) Human Spacefarer Mystic. He recently joined the Starfinder Society so that he could explore more and more mysteries of the Universe. No tragic past or burning ambition; he just wants to see as many wonderful things as he can.
... Go for 1001?

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103: A shirren Icon (not sure on class yet), whose fame comes from posting cute pics of them with their child (still a larvae in a tube), (think Instagramming baby pics), "tweeting" humorous "dad" jokes, and so on. Mainly because the whole "Space Dad!" part of Keskodai is so cute to me for some reason.

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Came up with a few ideas recently:
A hardened Yskoi operative who specializes in trick shots with projectile sidearms.
An android who's previous incarnation wanted to feel an divine revelation. So she refreshed herself in a holy place listening to holy poetry in an effort to bring one about.
A Kasatha commando who has trained to be ready for anything. He enters combat with a longarm in two hands, and a large melee weapon in the other two.

martinaj |
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104. An over-the-hill elven soldier who's earliest memory is waking up in his home, filled with with trophies from various military campaigns on distant worlds, and has joined the starfinder society in hopes of seeking out the planets where they came from to find clues about who he was before the Gap.
105. A ysoki envoy with a knack for fast-talking who fell into a life in the slums of Absolom Station after falling deeply in debt because of an out-of-control gambling addiction. The Aspis Consortium paid off his debt, but now he has to do odd-jobs for them smuggling contraband onto the station, and he desperately wants out.

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86.) Human Icon Envoy. Zardu Hasselfrau is perhaps the greatest holovid actor there is today. At least, that's what he tells himself. He honestly has a tenuous grip on reality at best, and is convinced that all of the adventures he finds himself on are really elaborate stages for one of the movies that he is starring in.
You rang?

Shockra |
I'll try a few:
106: A ysoki mechanic bounty hunter who left his home after discovering his parents were criminal arms dealers. He and his exocortex AI aim to stop them.
107: A damaya lashunta envoy scholar who's a doctor. He's researching a particular virus and winds up having a secret organization trying to kill him for trying to cure it.

CrystalSeas |

Not sure what to do to make this an actual character, but "Android Priest" has a certain ring to it.
Robot Priest Conducts Funeral Services
Japan's telecommunications company SoftBank just unveiled "Pepper," its robot priest, dressed in Buddhist robes, that can chant Buddhist scriptures, play the drum, and livestream the ceremony for people who can't attend the funeral in person. The demo took place at Japan's "Life Ending Industry Expo" in Tokyo last Wednesday.

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NPCs or PCs! Whether you plan to play them or just thought of something cool and want to share it, post here.
1. An alien from a planet without a spider analogue, who has inexplicable but debilitating arachnophobia
2. An alien with an overwhelming fear of some monster native to their planet, who actually moved offworld because of that fear
3. The Last Lizardfolk
the characters from dark matter with a little star finder love
and the raza of coursehmm android would be an android mechanic with exocomp/spacer
2 a melee operative with upgraded /merc
3 a gun solder/merc
4 a melee solder/was going to say merc but icon might fit better.
5 ...hmm i think an operative/hacker/spacer but for fun could be a technomancer
6..envoy pilot /not sure

MerlinCross |

109(? Maybe?) - The Elementals, your one stop shop for all your damage type merc needs. Not actually Elementals, but mercenaries in heavy/power armor decked out with weapons themed around an element. Some deck themselves out with as many flamers as possible, others use Cryo to mimic Ice/Water elementals, and still more put their faith in Shock attacks and jetpacks to emulate Air/Lightning Elementals.
Oh Earth themed Mercenaries? All projectile/ballistic weapons.

Ravingdork |

Just re-watched Wreck-it-Ralph and it made me think of:
Calhoun: Female Human Icon Soldier (Exo-Guardians in SFS). No-nonsense take charge military officer who served against the swarm. Decent Dex and Charisma as she's somewhat skilled.
She'd probably have a few levels in Operative as well I'd imagine.

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VampByDay wrote:She'd probably have a few levels in Operative as well I'd imagine.Just re-watched Wreck-it-Ralph and it made me think of:
Calhoun: Female Human Icon Soldier (Exo-Guardians in SFS). No-nonsense take charge military officer who served against the swarm. Decent Dex and Charisma as she's somewhat skilled.
I dunno, for a first level feat take skill synergy, get computers (to operate her scanner) and life sciences (she knows all about the bugs), human with 12 int nets a soldier 6 skill ranks a level. Lets her take piloting and intimidate and two others. . . Run and gun style maybe?

Jürgen Hubert |

Seisho wrote:You consider Zapp Brannigan Charismatic? ... well, each their ownCharismatic isn't the same as being affable. He draws attention when he speaks, which is a hallmark of having charisma.
Somehow he constantly gets important jobs despite a track record of incompetence. That speaks of Charisma - it just doesn't work with those who have to work with him on a regular basis and thus know how dumb he is.

Ravingdork |

112) Mad Snack Rattigan sees himself as a vesk in every way that matters, even though he was born a ysoki.
111) I'd keep it simple and play an android based off a non-Human species. Probably a Ysoki android.
How would you explain such a character not being able to fill their cheeks with all their stuff? That's such an iconic trademark of their race!
If I were GM, I'd probably allow you to have it as a custom armor upgrade built into you.
Would that be unbalanced I wonder?

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113) An android straight out of renewal whose last iteration was a famous and beloved advocate of their people, and who has to endure constant expectations that s/he will be equally great, or that s/he is somehow a waste or a failure, compared to the previous occupant of that body, and, sometimes, even have to put up with an assassination attempt by someone who hated the previous incarnation and thinks that you are 'faking' being a new person entirely...

starlite_cutie |

112) Mad Snack Rattigan sees himself as a vesk in every way that matters, even though he was born a ysoki.
starlite_cutie wrote:111) I'd keep it simple and play an android based off a non-Human species. Probably a Ysoki android.
How would you explain such a character not being able to fill their cheeks with all their stuff? That's such an iconic trademark of their race!
If I were GM, I'd probably allow you to have it as a custom armor upgrade built into you.
Would that be unbalanced I wonder?
I still haven't read the book from cover-to-cover, and honestly just know that androids are linked to humans and resent their creation. I just found it odd that only humans would create androids that resemble themselves, and since I already like the idea of a Ysoki character...
Do androids get some kind of feature that make them incompatible with Ysoki? Or maybe that should read the other way around...

Ravingdork |

Do androids get some kind of feature that make them incompatible with Ysoki? Or maybe that should read the other way around...
Not that I'm aware of. I think the android race entry even mentions that some androids are made to resemble other races.

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Ravingdork wrote:112) Mad Snack Rattigan sees himself as a vesk in every way that matters, even though he was born a ysoki.
starlite_cutie wrote:111) I'd keep it simple and play an android based off a non-Human species. Probably a Ysoki android.
How would you explain such a character not being able to fill their cheeks with all their stuff? That's such an iconic trademark of their race!
If I were GM, I'd probably allow you to have it as a custom armor upgrade built into you.
Would that be unbalanced I wonder?
I still haven't read the book from cover-to-cover, and honestly just know that androids are linked to humans and resent their creation. I just found it odd that only humans would create androids that resemble themselves, and since I already like the idea of a Ysoki character...
Do androids get some kind of feature that make them incompatible with Ysoki? Or maybe that should read the other way around...
As written, Androids are medium and Ysoki are small. Plus 'android' Ysoki wouldn't have the Ysoki rasials like the ability to store 1 bulk in their cheeks

Ravingdork |

As written, Androids are medium and Ysoki are small. Plus 'android' Ysoki wouldn't have the Ysoki rasials like the ability to store 1 bulk in their cheeks
True, but does the size distinction really even matter anymore? Starfinder doesn't seem to have any effects based on size like Pathfinder did (at least not for small and medium characters and creatures).
Small races aren't slower; they don't get bonused to hit, AC, or stealth; and they don't take penalties to Intimidate or have to deal with smaller, less damaging weapons.

Ventnor |
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115.) An android built to resemble a Lashunta. Advanced psycho-neural processors built into their chassis grants them the telepathy that allows them to truly be a part of lashunta society, and may grant them as-of-yet undiscovered psychic powers. (Mechanically represented by the Phrenic Adept archetype)

Omnitricks |
116.) Vesk soldier. Heir to a big bodyguard company which takes the strength based ideology to the extreme. The duty of the strong is to protect the weak and make sure they don't kill each other yada yada. Also strength for the wide galaxy is economic power so being a bodyguard to the powerful means you get to "serve" the strong and then become stronger as a result of it.
Said vesk bodyguard heir has to get that dank AAA protection rating if he is ever going to inherit his pop's shares in the company.

Tim Emrick |

In thinking about characters I'd want to play in SFS, I decided to try to recreate a couple of characters from older campaigns in other systems:
117. Human ace pilot operative born among spacefarers, so more comfortable in the cockpit or zero G than planetside. Too much of a daredevil to stay with her safety-obsessed kin, and a little too fond of gambling, so often has trouble following her. Uses trick attacks to disable rather than kill, because that just brings more trouble. [Based on my Serenity RPG pilot.]
118. Android scholar technomancer built (or renewed) on Aballon. Obsessed with increasing their knowledge of tech, physical sciences, and magic (esp. elemental magic). Their love of logic also led to being trained as a lawyer, and they have learned Infernal in order to better study the profession's history. [Based on a warforged wizard, from the one short 4E Eberron campaign I played in. The lawyer angle is new.]

Zombie Jesus |

An [any race] Icon Solarion that livestreams their fights like some sort of futuristic version of Twitch. Their gear has NasCar-style sponsorship logos all over it, and their XP is tracked in universe via their subscriber count.
LOL, this is literally one of the example characters on pages 10 and 11 of the Starfinder Core book...

Omnitricks |
119.) Ysoki Mechanic with an exocortex.
Actually a doctor (well a person with skills like medicine and physical science) he is obsessed with becoming "transhuman." Eventually will start stuffing enemies (the smart ones) brains into himself as his own personal upgrade for INT to increase his own "processing power" with his similarly implanted custom rig acting to "reduce latency" between them.
Eventually for his other personal upgrades, he is going to make similarly grotesque personal upgrades because those are cool. Also "Aug are the future!"

Ventnor |
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119.) Ysoki Mechanic with an exocortex.
Actually a doctor (well a person with skills like medicine and physical science) he is obsessed with becoming "transhuman." Eventually will start stuffing enemies (the smart ones) brains into himself as his own personal upgrade for INT to increase his own "processing power" with his similarly implanted custom rig acting to "reduce latency" between them.
Eventually for his other personal upgrades, he is going to make similarly grotesque personal upgrades because those are cool. Also "Aug are the future!"
I'm guessing that this character is either a part of or sympathetic to the Augmented Social Movement (detailed on page 475).

Hartbaine |

120) A loner... a drifter... cast out among the stars in a universe that seems to have gone mad... and all he wants is a damn Twinkie.
121) A ragtag crew set out to the stars doing crime for pay. Whatever it takes, as long as they keep flyin'.
122) That one guy who was in that show that one time who could do all those things! Yeah, that guy!

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123) A Forlorn elf Solarian who converted to worship Sarenrae, seeking to forgive the other species for whatever mysterious wrong was committed against the elves during the Gap, and seeing the shifting interplay between energy and entropy inherent to the solarian way as a way of understanding and coping with the inevitable loss and grief a Forlorn feels. They adventure because they see a galaxy in need of healing, compassion and illumination, things they feel modern elves have become too bitter to realize.

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124) An eccentric Shirren explorer who has a deep abiding love for all living things...even ones most other people would find gross or frightening. Is generally a nice, kindhearted person, but with a real macabre sense of humor and aesthetics. Enjoys collecting strange lifeforms as pets as well as playing vidgames and watching old holo-toons and critiquing the designs of their monsters.
(Inspired by blogger, webcomic creator and all-around really cool guy, Jonathan Wojcik AKA The Insidious Bogleech!)

Sidhe Vicious |

125) Drow Space Pirate. Habitually wears a necklace of humanoid fingerbones as an accessory and intimidation tactic. Though she'll never admit it, all but one was found/purchased and not actually a trophy.
She's CN, but is very aware of the fact that if you have a reputation as a vicious amoral b~$$@, people are more likely to surrender and try to get on your good side, than try to play the hero and fight back. Which tends to make the pirating far, far easier.