PFS Build Advice: Dual Wielding Falcatas


Is there any way to do this and reduce the Two Weapon Fighting penalties to a reasonable number?

I know that in order for Two Weapon Fighting to work appropriately the off-hand weapon needs to be a Light weapon. Any way to do something similar with a One-Handed weapon in the off-hand?

Advanced weapon training (effortless dual wielding) and the weapon master fighter archetype can pull this off starting level four. Also gives you all the feats you want and justifies the choice since you're really good with falcatas. Pick up gloves of dueling, and you get a lot of extra damage per attack. Lovely with TWF.

There are other ways, but this is the fastest one to my knowledge.

So how does this work at level 4? I see that Advanced Weapon Training is not available until level 9.

The feat Hand's Autonomy reduces the penalties to the Standard -2/-2 with this Combo.

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Krell44 wrote:
So how does this work at level 4? I see that Advanced Weapon Training is not available until level 9.

There is also a feat called advanced weapon training. You can pick it up starting level 5, or level 4 if you have the weapon master archetype.

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MageHunter wrote:
Krell44 wrote:
So how does this work at level 4? I see that Advanced Weapon Training is not available until level 9.
There is also a feat called advanced weapon training. You can pick it up starting level 5, or level 4 if you have the weapon master archetype.

Link: Advanced Weapon Training

Silver Crusade Contributor

Prof. Löwenzahn wrote:
The feat Hand's Autonomy reduces the penalties to the Standard -2/-2 with this Combo.

The Possessed Hand chain is, I'm afraid, not PFS-legal.

Krell44 wrote:

Is there any way to do this and reduce the Two Weapon Fighting penalties to a reasonable number?

I know that in order for Two Weapon Fighting to work appropriately the off-hand weapon needs to be a Light weapon. Any way to do something similar with a One-Handed weapon in the off-hand?

There's a weapon mod from Adventurer's Armory 2 called dual-balanced that lessens the penalty by -1 for both weapons, but both of the weapons you're TWFing with have to have the dual-balanced mod, it essentially costs a +1's worth of money (2,000) for EACH weapon, and it brings the weapon's category to restricted which basically means you need a special feat to be able to use it. AA2 hasn't been PFS approved yet, so it might take some time to be able to use that.

If you're not in PFS, there's always the effortless lace. :v

Kalindlara wrote:
Prof. Löwenzahn wrote:
The feat Hand's Autonomy reduces the penalties to the Standard -2/-2 with this Combo.
The Possessed Hand chain is, I'm afraid, not PFS-legal.

That's kind of surprising. I wonder why they wouldn't allow something like that.

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There is the 2 Weapon Fighter Archetype that gets the ability to wield 2 one handed weapons as if your off hand weapon were light..

Melkiador wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Prof. Löwenzahn wrote:
The feat Hand's Autonomy reduces the penalties to the Standard -2/-2 with this Combo.
The Possessed Hand chain is, I'm afraid, not PFS-legal.
That's kind of surprising. I wonder why they wouldn't allow something like that.

Too powerful. Possessed Hand is strictly better than Weapon Focus, since it applies to more than one weapon, has a rarely duplicated bonus type, gives a couple of skill bonuses, and gives a special (albeit limited) action economy benefit.

Remember, martials can't have nice things ;)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Too powerful. Possessed Hand is strictly better than Weapon Focus, since it applies to more than one weapon, has a rarely duplicated bonus type, gives a couple of skill bonuses, and gives a special (albeit limited) action economy benefit.

Yeah, it's a lot for a single feat. (Even with the anti-magus drawback.)

I don't mind it for my games, since I have Thoughts about the overall power level of feats. But I see why it didn't make it to PFS.

As for "martials can't have nice things"... I'm not sure this is what they need most badly, especially in PFS. It's more attack and damage, not the versatility they really need. (The later feats get more into that, but... well.) Most of the advanced fighter training options did make it in, after all.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
There is the 2 Weapon Fighter Archetype that gets the ability to wield 2 one handed weapons as if your off hand weapon were light..

not until 11 and it loses weapon training, so this is kind of a trap(and armor training too)

Silver Crusade Contributor

plaidwandering wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
There is the 2 Weapon Fighter Archetype that gets the ability to wield 2 one handed weapons as if your off hand weapon were light..
not until 11 and it loses weapon training, so this is kind of a trap

I don't know if I'd go with "trap" - it made sense when it was printed - but it's true that the value of many pre-Weapon Master's Handbook fighter archetypes has declined significantly, for various reasons.

It was always dubious, your weapon training replacement only applies on full attacks? Meaning it's useless with your nifty standard action swing both or AoO swing both. Talk about anti-synergy. Then UE came out and this can't get gloves of dueling, so the benefit to twf is invalidated.

You could wield a Small sized Falcata in your off hand. Reducing the weapon's size reduces the handiness of the weapon, but induces a penalty for inappropriatly sized weapons. Not ideal, but you are technically dualwielding falcatas.

K-kun the Insane wrote:
You could wield a Small sized Falcata in your off hand. Reducing the weapon's size reduces the handiness of the weapon, but induces a penalty for inappropriatly sized weapons. Not ideal, but you are technically dualwielding falcatas.

your actually worse off doing that as your going from -4/-4 from wielding normal size weapons to -2/-2 from twf but also -2/-2 for inappropriate sized weapons and your going from 1d8 to 1d6 for weapon damage

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Melkiador wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Prof. Löwenzahn wrote:
The feat Hand's Autonomy reduces the penalties to the Standard -2/-2 with this Combo.
The Possessed Hand chain is, I'm afraid, not PFS-legal.
That's kind of surprising. I wonder why they wouldn't allow something like that.
Too powerful. Possessed Hand is strictly better than Weapon Focus, since it applies to more than one weapon, has a rarely duplicated bonus type, gives a couple of skill bonuses, and gives a special (albeit limited) action economy benefit.

I'm not sure I'd call the bard rare. And there's something about PFS that seems to bring the bards out.

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