What do you wish you could play in PFS?

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I will be playing in a new home game soon and have been excitedly considering character concepts. This is one of the most entertaining things in my life, by the way. It may seem silly but designing characters at the start of a new game is something I cherish when it happens and always look forward to.

This time is a bit different, though, as it is the first home game I will be playing in after getting involved deeply into PFS. I am finding that most of the concepts that I am considering are ones that will not work in PFS. It isn't due to roleplaying issues or compatibility of the concepts with organized play. They are all mechanical reasons. Either feats or classes that are banned in PFS or they use rules that are ambiguous enough that I would have to deal with table variation to the point of making the concept unplayable.

I'm not here to complain about it though. My thought was that I'm likely not alone with this issue. If I werre a member of campaign leadership I would want to know what areas of organized play my player base (or prospective player base) thinks can be improved. As long as the ideas do not conflict with the setting, disrupt the balance of the organized play environment or are precluded by specific PFS rules they are likely worth at least considering.

This is all supposed to be constructive so lets keep this to a couple of guidelines:

1: Only post concepts that are blocked due to banned materials or ambiguous rules. Things that can be remedied by something being allowed or cleared up.

2: Post the source that the content you would like to work comes from.

3: Post why you want to play it and why it would be good in PFS (or at least not worse than in a home game).

With any luck leadership could use this thread as feedback on what their players would like to see and could use this as a guide to see which resources need attention for being permitted in PFS.


For part three, does "because I can not find a home game" count? I know that there a lot of people who can only play PFS.

Sovereign Court 3/5 5/5

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Virtuous Bravo from Heroes of the High Court

I don't know why it's not allowed in PFS, but I was really disheartened when Additional Resources was released on Saturday and it wasn't allowed. It gives mechanical reasons to not play the stereotypical heavy-armor paladin. And I like that. I can totally see playing a glass-is-half-full sort of hero that foolishly charges into battle to rescue the innocents and foil the works of evildoers. And it combines well with a paladin's ability to Lay on Hands to make up for the lower AC that you'll probably have. It doesn't really do more damage than just a normal paladin with a high strength, a two handed weapon, and Power Attack. But it's really flavorful, I think.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

My PFS activity has dropped dramatically, and I just stepped away from a homegame AP after completing only the first book. With time to myself I've been entertaining the idea of running another homegame, maybe later this year when my availability becomes more solid.

Back in the 90s I played in an AD&D all Drow Campaign. I think it was the Menzoberranzen (sp?) boxed set. We were nobles of House No'Quar and it was our shared goal to further the reach of our House. We ended up going for almost two years.

I'd like to recreate that Campaign for a select group of players that I think could pull off truly twisted and evil characters. And using the Pathfinder ruleset. I just purchased Endless Night, which goes over the 12 Drow Houses, and may pick up Blood of Shadows.

But that won't be for some time. Who knows, I may get distracted by Starfinder come then.

EDIT: oh, right, tie-in to PFS...

I've played in only 3 scenarios that involved Drow. Understandable, since they're incredibly rare. But I'd like to see another scenario, or a two-parter, with them involved.

Or, since Drow are a fan favorite, maybe even release some sort of Pregen scenario where the PCs are Drow. Imagine if it was involved with or tied to one of the existing scenarios.

Might open up a whole need to delve into the Darklands =).


Nohwear: Yes. I suppose it does.


Nefreet: I'm game. Can I play a worshiper of Cthulhu?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Wyvaran Race... to powerful with flight. I know. But my favorite companion book "Legacy of Dragons" is by far my favorite.

And for scenarios or eventual conflicts:
I may have missed a scenario, or haven't played on yet that incorporated the conflict between Apsu and Dahak. But i have seen plenty of other scenarios that had interest of one deity's followers certainly spitting on another's. Mainly Pharasma and Zyphus.


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For my part I'll post a few concepts I have.

I would like to play a character who uses the Bladed Brush feat the way I feel it was intended. The feat is banned. The entire Path of the Righteous book is banned (save for a few choice options). Even if it weren't, unfortunately the feat leaves some ambiguities that I wouldn't want to deal with in organized play.

I feel that it is flavorful. In fact, I feel that everything in that book is so very flavorful to the campaign setting that I'm surprised it got banned. The options that it offers are options that bring life to the concepts of several archetypes that Paizo has created for Golarion.


I also would like to play a White Mage but I feel like they should have had the cure spells added to their spell list for the purpose of using wands. As is they can only drop spell from their spell list for cure spells and are barely able to fill the role of a pinch hitter healer.

The White Mage is from ACG. While it is allowed in PFS play I feel that without this change that it is a severe nerf for a roleplay gain that is not worth it. In a home game it could be house ruled that they get the spells on their spell list for the purpose of activating items. For PFS it just doesn't work.

I actually played with someone playing a White Mage recently. They were unaware that they couldn't use wands of Cure Light Wounds without using UMD. I informed them after the game as the GM wasn't either and I didn't want to ruin someone's build concept mid-game. He was sad but just decided to try upping his UMD check to compensate.


I want to play a Spherewalker. It is in a Paizo book that was published prior to the start of Pathfinder (Pathfinder 2: The Skinsaw Murders). It never got reprinted. Since it's creation there has been some support for Desna worshipers but nothing that matches what the Spherewalker does or represents. I doubt there ever will be. Its too bad as it is so very rich in concept. More than that, it set the ground work for the kind of world that Golarion was going to grow into being. The PrC defines form following function and is rich in both mechanics that help to build a concept and world building flavor.


I would like to build an archer using the Overwatch Style feats from the Weapon Master's Handbook. The character would be an Eldritch Guardian with a Brownie Familiar. As is I have this character built without those feats. But, I think the feats are thematically interesting for such a build while not adding power beyond what a normal archer can do. Well, raw power anyway. It adds options without breaking the system.

I actually am not certain why these feats were banned. It doesn't seem like an overly powerful option. In fact with archery builds being so feat intensive it cuts deeply into available options. The only thing I can think of is that the readied actions might experience table variation on how they are handled. I'm not sure why that would be as it is fairly simple rules but it is the only thing I could think of.


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I'd like the Elder Mythos Cultist from Horror Adventures to be playable. I can understand why it is banned (it just screams "I'm crazy and gonna kill everyone!" to the right number of people). However, having a cleric that only used charisma was so nice since I didn't have to make a choice between channels and spellcasting.

I played one in campaign mode, and it was a lot of fun. Probably the funnest cleric I've played, since I got to be live life behind a golden mask and laugh at the fools who keep order, not knowing that the Old Ones would come one day to claim them all.


Fire-based half-orc wordcaster sorceror.

The Exchange 3/5

Nefreet wrote:

I've played in only 3 scenarios that involved Drow. Understandable, since they're incredibly rare. But I'd like to see another scenario, or a two-parter, with them involved.

Or, since Drow are a fan favorite, maybe even release some sort of Pregen scenario where the PCs are Drow. Imagine if it was involved with or tied to one of the existing scenarios.

Might open up a whole need to delve into the Darklands =).

John if you are watching we should talk about a certain quest that was submitted. The people want it! (p.s. I miss you open call...)

As for myself.. bring the Taldor, Echoes of Glory Lion Blade back. I got a Vishkanya boon and the new Lion Blade is a mechanically inferior version to its previous self which was already fairly weak. Just let people use either version of the prestige class.

5/5 5/55/55/5

James Krolak wrote:

I don't know why it's not allowed in PFS, but I was really disheartened when Additional Resources was released on Saturday and it wasn't allowed.

at level 4 it becomes a better swashbuckler than the swashbuckler.

And it combines well with a paladin's ability to Lay on Hands to make up for the lower AC that you'll probably have.

Swashbucklers/folks with parry and riposte don't need AC. Combat reflexes and an answering blade pretty much replace armor.

It doesn't really do more damage than just a normal paladin with a high strength, a two handed weapon, and Power Attack. But it's really flavorful, I think.

You don't just need to compare it to the paladin you need to compare it to the class it's emulating.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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I for one, would really like to play a shirren mystic...

Oh, I may have stumbled into the wrong thread.

Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

Thurston Hillman wrote:

I for one, would really like to play a shirren mystic...

Oh, I may have stumbled into the wrong thread.

I've got my sights on an android envoy. August can't come soon enough.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Lune wrote:
Nefreet: I'm game. Can I play a worshiper of Cthulhu?

I'd like to stick to Canon. Each of the twelve Drow Houses in Pathfinder is dedicated to a Demon Lord.

Scarab Sages

I suppose at the top of the list would be playing a character that is Large or Tiny for my normal race size. Can do it in the Race builder, and there are some race options, but not PFS legal. Like an Ogre or Pixie, those would be fun to role play. Officially, there are no rules for buying Huge/tiny weapons and armor, so that would need to be houseruled in addition.

I would like to play an evil character, one of these times. Neutral Evil, but not that impulsive evil. You know, proper evil, but in a party where we strive for a common goal. Doesn't need to be an evil, common goal, just one that I can get behind without changing alignments. Could even be a good aligned goal.

And I'd love to fiddle around with siege weapons. The rules for the Improvised Large Ram, the Large Siege Tower, and a few other of the Large siege weapons could be practical additions to an adventuring party. Not in every combat, and certainly not being towed into every dungeon, but could be fun and I feel every fantasy setting is lacking without siege weapons being used at some point...

Scarab Sages 3/5

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Nefreet wrote:

My PFS activity has dropped dramatically, and I just stepped away from a homegame AP after completing only the first book. With time to myself I've been entertaining the idea of running another homegame, maybe later this year when my availability becomes more solid.

Back in the 90s I played in an AD&D all Drow Campaign. I think it was the Menzoberranzen (sp?) boxed set. We were nobles of House No'Quar and it was our shared goal to further the reach of our House. We ended up going for almost two years.

I'd like to recreate that Campaign for a select group of players that I think could pull off truly twisted and evil characters. And using the Pathfinder ruleset. I just purchased Endless Night, which goes over the 12 Drow Houses, and may pick up Blood of Shadows.

But that won't be for some time. Who knows, I may get distracted by Starfinder come then.

EDIT: oh, right, tie-in to PFS...

I've played in only 3 scenarios that involved Drow. Understandable, since they're incredibly rare. But I'd like to see another scenario, or a two-parter, with them involved.

Or, since Drow are a fan favorite, maybe even release some sort of Pregen scenario where the PCs are Drow. Imagine if it was involved with or tied to one of the existing scenarios.

Might open up a whole need to delve into the Darklands =).

It's not anything that would ever be PFS of course since it's third party, but have you looked at AAW's Rise of the Drow adventure path? It's rather fantastic.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

1. One of my favorite homegame characters was a cleric of an Iron God who used Sacred Geometry and Arithmancy to show a connection with the patterns and math of the world.

2. Both feats are from Occult Mysteries

3. Sacred Geometry shouldn't be PFS legal. It's incredibly powerful and potentially hugely timeconsuming. I only know one other player personally that I'd allow to use it.
Arithmacy on the other hand gives up a swift action to get at best a +1 bump to caster level. Other than the charting (which the player should be doing before the session IMO) to figure out what the DC of the check is no real reason it couldn't be included in PFS play

Grand Lodge 2/5

A Skinwalker. I love those things. I'm hoping the Shifter class from Ultimate Wilderness will be really interesting and scratch that itch. Mooncursed Barbarian helped a little bit.

5/5 5/55/55/5

claudekennilol wrote:
A Skinwalker. I love those things. I'm hoping the Shifter class from Ultimate Wilderness will be really interesting and scratch that itch. Mooncursed Barbarian helped a little bit.

Get the regional support program, dm 12 games you can have a skinwalker.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

A classic Summoner, a 13-14 int (and lower physical stats) at first level so I can flavor as I wish but the spell list and level restrictions for evolutions of a unchained Summoner.

I'd love her for her mind. Oh, and my home brew Eidolon magic system that makes Eidolon spell like abilities viable.

A bladed brush using Swashbuckler or unchained rogue.

A changeling.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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A Silksworn Occultist.

Grand Lodge 1/5

A Paladin with Oath of the People's Council from the Divine Anthology - I've been trying to make Liberty's Edge Paladin for a while and playing a support role would be great because I already have a bunch of front-liners I never get to play (it seems like every time I sit down at a low-level table I find a Fighter, a Barbarian, and a Monk already there).

Scarab Sages

I'd love to play an unchained monk using spear flurry with unhindering shield to make a Wheel of Time Aiel.

Grand Lodge 2/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
claudekennilol wrote:
A Skinwalker. I love those things. I'm hoping the Shifter class from Ultimate Wilderness will be really interesting and scratch that itch. Mooncursed Barbarian helped a little bit.
Get the regional support program, dm 12 games you can have a skinwalker.

My local VL "doesn't have time for the regional support program".

5/5 5/5

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claudekennilol wrote:
My local VL "doesn't have time for the regional support program".

That is very unfortunate. I'd say that it has not added significantly to my workload for organizing games at my lodge. It took me a bit of time to put together my proposal because I had created a new event code for each session before the Regional Support Program started, so I had to manually check my records to determine how many tables we had run in the past year. Aside from that, it has required minimal time to maintain. A couple of minutes at the start of each session to have everyone role for Boons and sign off on GM Boon sheets and a couple of minutes at the end of the month to report to my RVC. I spend a lot more time on determining what scenarios we're going to run and who will GM them. I'd suggest you discuss it further with the person who is organizing games at your location and if they are not providing the support you think is appropriate, escalate it up to the next level in the chain.


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I would love to play a dexy twf sawtooth saber wielder, but all of the avenues to that keep getting banned, erratad, or otherwise shut down. I got a slayer/swashbuckler up to level 3 who kept asking around for her "uncle Ven Lorovox" before the slashing grace errata hit. Then two weapon grace came out, and despite how mechanically underwhelming it is I spent months waiting in anticipation before additional resources came out and that was one of I think two feats from the book that were banned.

Despite these Red Mantis assassins always being depicted as svelte, dextrous types, the only way to legally use their signature weapon style in PFS is to go strength-based, and that is super frustrating.

Over the past few years my most inspiring character concept like the sawtooth saber wielder, a bunch of the paths of the righteous classes, the virtuous bravo, and the silksworn occultist have all come down and banned and it's been really frustrating. It's all but killed my drive to come up with new characters at this point.


I would enjoy having the warcat (Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes) as a wildshape option. The Allosaurus is a similar option but I like the cat druids imagery more than a dino druid.

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Sentient agnostic mining Wombats! Digger

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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My high level barbarian that is tough-as-nails and has taken every measure to be unkillable would really like the Tenacious Survivor feat to be PFS legal.

It's in the Advanced Race Guide, and allows you to be healed by magical healing after being true dead (past -Con modifier) for an amount of rounds equal to your Con modifier. Have a Con of 30? You can be hit by Cure spells for 10 rounds after dying as though they were breath of life.

I could see a scenario that takes place in Belkzen that opens up this feat upon completion, maybe with some flavor along the lines of "you survived the trials of the arenas, and as a result the Orc's brutal spirit lives on in you. All your characters now have access to these feats, regardless of their race." Similar to the boons on the Slave Master's Mirror regarding Gnolls.

Sovereign Court 1/5

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Given my name, a Brewkeeper from Paths of the Righteous looks like nice, but I can see why it is not allowed.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

I'll second Tenacious survivor, even though it is obviously really good. It has 2 largely non-useful feats as prereqs and you half to be a half-orc. Even if it became super popular as an option I don't see it overpowering challenges. Your still down


Walter Sheppard: At the cost of snark there is a feat that is allowed that does the same thing. Diehard. Except it makes you be able to keep fighting while at -HP.

Here is another of mine: Dex built Whip Magus. It can still be done but not with Slashing Grace + Spell Combat. I feel the feat tax for this is high enough to allow Dex to damage. Unfortunately Dex to damage is routinely nerfed. Right now the only real option for it is 3 levels of URogue and that detracts from the build quite a bit.

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Something something less Dex to Damage melee restrictions, por favor

4/5 *

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A musketeer AT cavalier.

Scarab Sages 3/5 5/5 *

An Ashavic dancer PC that didn't require a feat with a prereq of 3rd level spells when the class prereq is 2nd level spells, so I could take it on my thematically perfect medium during PFS play.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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A Samurai that can ride a tiger mount WITHOUT having to be a Cavalier Beast Rider that is "reflavoured" as a Samurai...

I can't believe with all the sourcebooks in Pathfinder, such a simple request isn't legal for the oft-ignored and under-sourced Samurai class.

I weep silently, Paizo mocks me from afar...

Scarab Sages

Silverhand wrote:

A Samurai that can ride a tiger mount WITHOUT having to be a Cavalier Beast Rider that is "reflavoured" as a Samurai...

I can't believe with all the sourcebooks in Pathfinder, such a simple request isn't legal for the oft-ignored and under-sourced Samurai class.

I weep silently, Paizo mocks me from afar...

Well you could be something else reflavored, but yeah, paizo really doesn't seem to like the Samurai.

Not a Tiger, but you could get a Worg mount for your Samurai via the Monstrous Mount feat. A Worg isn't a Tiger, but it's closer to a Tiger than a Horse is...

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
RealAlchemy wrote:
A musketeer AT cavalier.

Can Spellscar Drifter fill that niche?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Murdock Mudeater wrote:

Well you could be something else reflavored, but yeah, paizo really doesn't seem to like the Samurai.

Not a Tiger, but you could get a Worg mount for your Samurai via the Monstrous Mount feat. A Worg isn't a Tiger, but it's closer to a Tiger than a Horse is...

You've nailed it Murdock.

The Samurai has such flavour. But it's woefully under-represented (even comapred to the Cavalier).

The fact Monstrous Mount opens up the door to such cool creatures...but keeps the door closed to a mundane beast like a tiger... Again, I weep.

And if I'm not mistaken, Tigers can be purchased as riding animals in the Animal Archive...so what gives?

Give us a feat like this: Exotic Mount: "You are permitted to purchase any mount listed on page XXXX of the Animal Archive that is listed as a riding animal. This feature alters the Samurai "Mount" Feature."

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Silverhand wrote:
Murdock Mudeater wrote:

Well you could be something else reflavored, but yeah, paizo really doesn't seem to like the Samurai.

Not a Tiger, but you could get a Worg mount for your Samurai via the Monstrous Mount feat. A Worg isn't a Tiger, but it's closer to a Tiger than a Horse is...

You've nailed it Murdock.

The Samurai has such flavour. But it's woefully under-represented (even comapred to the Cavalier).

The fact Monstrous Mount opens up the door to such cool creatures...but keeps the door closed to a mundane beast like a tiger... Again, I weep.

And if I'm not mistaken, Tigers can be purchased as riding animals in the Animal Archive...so what gives?

Give us a feat like this: Exotic Mount: "You are permitted to purchase any mount listed on page XXXX of the Animal Archive that is listed as a riding animal. This feature alters the Samurai "Mount" Feature."

Suggest it as a boon, next time they are asking for a suggestion.


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Everything I want to play is PFS Legal.

Kudos, PFS Leadership.

Scarab Sages

Silverhand wrote:
Murdock Mudeater wrote:

Well you could be something else reflavored, but yeah, paizo really doesn't seem to like the Samurai.

Not a Tiger, but you could get a Worg mount for your Samurai via the Monstrous Mount feat. A Worg isn't a Tiger, but it's closer to a Tiger than a Horse is...

You've nailed it Murdock.

The Samurai has such flavour. But it's woefully under-represented (even comapred to the Cavalier).

The fact Monstrous Mount opens up the door to such cool creatures...but keeps the door closed to a mundane beast like a tiger... Again, I weep.

And if I'm not mistaken, Tigers can be purchased as riding animals in the Animal Archive...so what gives?

Give us a feat like this: Exotic Mount: "You are permitted to purchase any mount listed on page XXXX of the Animal Archive that is listed as a riding animal. This feature alters the Samurai "Mount" Feature."

Well, for PFS you could still buy a Tiger (pretty sure) and Ride it, training it as a mount with handle animal. You just can't get one with Mount Companion class levels.

And recently I learned that you can have a combat pet AND a dedicated mount. So you could train your riding tiger as the dedicated Mount, and then have the actual Mount class feature be your Horse Companion....

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Central Europe

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A kobold, why are there no kobold race boons?


Kinda makes sense that there should be given some of the awesome specials.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

I feel your pain. I have played 1 PFS scenario and 1 sanctioned AP for my PFS characters in 2 months.

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