I feel like i'm being talked dirty to but i'm just really not sure.
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1, and a 2, and a 3 OCARINA!
4, and a 5, and a 6 OCARINA!
7, and an 8, and a 9 OCARINA!
Hey look, I found a quarter!
I first visited the French Quarter when I was eighteen. It was one hell of an experience.
Ended up horking in a public garbage can newt to the Cafe du Monde patio.
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Forcing newts to act as public garbage cans seems rather cruel, even if it is Louisiana and they are (probably) quite big newts. Maybe VOODOO NEWTS
You remind me of that girl.
What girl?
The girl with the power.
What power?
The power of voodoo.
Who do?
You do!
Do what?
I love that movie.
My superhero alter ego is "The Bulge".
It seems to me that the invention of viagra had a major impact on the culture, or at least the commercials we can see on TV.
Yes, but I can't see the TV. My [redacted] keeps getting in the way, unless I think very hard about sponges of the class Hexactinellae, especially the species Oopsacas minuta, which has, unusually, been found in shallow water!
Oopsacas minuta look very dignified when examined with a laser, but only when they are clean shaven, like Nicholas Cage. Dr. Davalus looks like Nicholas Cage. I don't always trust doctors, but especially not ones that play as one on TV. Does anyone know his favorite drink, besides regret?
When you get a certain age, every drink tastes like regret.
And that is why Rakshaka should not rule this city!
That depends on what edition of Monopoly you're playing. Hmm, maybe we should FAQ that for clarification? I think the designers love abstract math problems.
Goodness knows *I* love abstract math problems! Ah, every number a cosmos in itself, every equation a genesis...from the Elysian valley of the number 24 to the cagey rapscallion that is 3 to the mysterious eldritch gateway that is 100 and the pragmatic but noble-hearted number 4 and the delightfully wicked labyrinth of 72 and...*sound of complicated mechanical device exploding* Oh! My word....
My word is 'Soup'. It's mine. You can't use it, as I have trademarked it - 'Soup, by Pulg'. In future, if you want to consume soup, by Pulg, you will either have to pay me in conditioner or call it something different, like pig tea.
Sounds soupspicious to me...
I have made some unlicensed soup, Pulg.
Would you like to reclaim it?
I didn't know that Pulg was the Soup Nazi. Do people really stand in a long line just to be subjugated by Pulg?
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Of course they do, but I think we're talking about two different things here; I was in a similar situation when my close personal friend Isembard Kingdom Brunel and I were talking about self-tapping screws. I thought he meant threaded steel fastening devices, and he thought I was talking about shagging Fred Astaire. How we laughed, but not as hard as I laughed when told that GT had some unlicenced Soup, by Pulg, which was recycled to begin with, so the joke's on you, Mr. Toucher!
Oh no. This soup is made from fresh squeezings.
One time I squeezed a pimple so hard that it imploded. Yes, imploded. Blew out the back of my head!
Imploded? Really? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Here's the definition:
An instance of something collapsing violently inward
Once I created a character that used implosion as a way of communication. At the very start of the game, he approached a guard and said, "Hi." He sort of sucked into himself and was never heard from again.
Has anyone ever created a short-lived character?
I made a gnome Barbarian once, fully stated for anyone interested.
I am interested.
I find a lot of things interesting.
I've always been a curious person. Not curious like weird but... OK, curious like weird too.
I've been cured.
There was nothing wrong with me; I just wanted to smell like a smoked haddock.
I want to see stats for that condition before I allow it here...
I've never had smoked haddock, but I did have a brown hammock. Let's see, the stats for my hammock were:
Hardness = 0
Hit Points = 2
Break DC = 23
I've never broken a hammock but I once broke a bed as a child jumping on it. I used to love jumping on the bed.
Speaking of jumping...
don't you just hate d&d 4e? i mean 5e is meh' that's why i returned to pathfinder from d&d 3.5...
("FLAME ON" , flame diversion activated in 3...2..1.)
(I enjoy dancing on the flames, baby xD)
I never made it to 4th or 5th ed, I just moved to Pathfinder.
Funny thing, Dalindra's character, Dalindra, earned the title of «Pathfinder» in the end of her campaign, the last 3'5 campaign we GMed.
Don't you find a bit confusing that I use the same name to refer to a real person and a character?
Well, 'Pulg' refers to me, Pulg, a genuine hairy thing, and Pulg, a racketeer in Lankhmar for whom the Grey Mouser worked for a bit. There are also chickens, wine, rats, prostitutes, fog, togas and sewers, but enough about my back garden.
Toga parties are SOOOOOO last century! Let's try something new and different: 19th-Century robber baron parties!!! Everyone get a cigar, snifter of brandy, Chester A. Arthur mustache, and boots caked with the blood of the poor!
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: Toga parties are SOOOOOO last century! Let's try something new and different: 19th-Century robber baron parties!!! Everyone get a cigar, snifter of brandy, Chester A. Arthur mustache, and boots caked with the blood of the poor!
O_o I do say Chap that is quite a Bang up to the elephant Idea you have their. Its almost butter upon bacon good. keep it up you old gal-sneaker you.
I said to my cutie,
"Now do your duty,
It's butter on bacon time"
She said, "That's a doozie!
Mac, I ain't no floozie!
No butter on bacon time!
I'll water your acorn,
Or tootle your steak-horn,
But I don't care how you take on,
Won't butter your bacon,
'Sides, in this county, I think it's a crime,
Butter on bacon time!"
Oh my! "Butter on Bacon" takes on rather a different meaning in my "workshop".
Cows and pigs...and goats? This is animal farm all over again! Only with bow-chicka-wow-wow music.
So...speaking of WOW*. Anyone have an account? I typically play a Paperclip of Bloodlust.
*World of Widgets
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You seem to be trying to gather people to try my favourite MMORPG. Would you like some help with that?
No, but I would like a pair of spam goggles.
Sick of the sight of billboards, ugly pedestrians, trucks, traffic lights and chain restaurants, but LOVE THE SIGHT OF SPAM?
Then strap on your SPAM GOGGLES!
'I'm strollin' in paradise every day,
Watch me smile as I walk,
'Cause I've got my PulgCorp® SPAM GOGGLES on
And all I can see is processed pork!'
Who wants processed pork when you can have good old piece of cured ham!
Do you have ham googles?
HAM in the place where you live!
(Now taste pork...)
Think about the place where you live
Wonder if you have enough pork!
To answer the OP: No!!! I will not stand for this thread getting derailed! It is a matter of civility and justice that threads are not derailed! How can we look ourselves in the mirror, knowing we messed up another's thread just for fun? Therefore, I ask you all, are we good posters or evil derailers? It is time to take a stand! So, who is with me???
I am evil. It's my nature. Forgive me for doing what I was created to do.
Now, who likes ice cream?
"I'm really enjoying this so-called... iced cream."
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
It ignores mama's man hat.
Who can ignore the hat when it speaks?
"Hmmmmmmmm. Better make it...Gryffindor!"
Sentient haberdashery is no basis for social or educational organization!
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Beg?! Now we see the servility inherent in the system!
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or forced to wear a silly talking hat that will assign my living quarters and friends for the next seven years! My life is my own!