Taenia |
Nightcrawler Build
Unchained Monk 10
Asura Spawn Tiefling
High Dex/Wis, Agile AoMF, Monk's Robes, Ring of Ki Mastery
Weapon Finesse, Piranha Strike, Improved Crit or Medusa Wrath.
Dimensional Agility, Assault, Dervish (Requires some retraining)
Ki Powers - Barkskin, Abundant Step, Ki Leech
Spend a Ki point and teleport around the room hitting the enemy. If you can start outside the room so they are flatfooted to you and get the extra strikes from Medusa Wrath. Then port out of the room so you can rinse repeat. Regain ki from Crits and knocking out living creatures.
Particle_Man |
Oracle 1/Sorcerer 9
With the freezing spells revelation from the Winter Mystery, the Rime Spell feat, and either the Boreal or the elemental bloodline, you can make a great combination debuffer/blaster. You pick your favorite damaging spells of all elemental types, and as soon as your certain that the enemy can be harmed by cold, you convert those spells to cold damage, and rime spell them. This staggers the enemy and entangles them, along with whatever effects would have affected them normally. Suddenly acid pit becomes a death sentence for anyone with less than a 40 foot move speed who fails their first save, because double move, fast climb can't get them out of the cold damage acid at the bottom, which will continue to stagger and entangle them. Spell Focus for evocation and/or conjuration spells are a must for this, but beyond that, go nuts. Pick spells with variety of shapes and elements, because you can convert them all to something horrifying when it works, and when it doesn't, your still scary.
I definitely recommend Tattooed sorcerer and improved familiar for this. Having a backup wand buddy just makes this nasty.
If you take this one you need to take ranks in Perform (singing), of course. "Let it go, let it go . . ." ;)
Anyhow, my contribution will be short and sweet: Catfolk Bard 10. Their racial favoured class deal is to improve bardic knowledge, so max out all the "monster ID" knowledge skills (if you really want to and have int 18, you could max out all knowledge skills period, but that means no skill points for anything else!) and you can get (int bonus + 23) before you roll the d20. You can always take 10 for (int bonus + 33), and twice a day can take 20 for (int bonus + 43). In addition, if you have time and inclination you could max out UMD (or get a headband of awesome intellect keyed to UMD) and then get a ring of revelation (focused trance). If you succeed in the UMD check to fool that ring into thinking you are a lore oracle, then you can add another 20 to the knowledge check (downside, it takes 1d6 rounds to get the trance going, so usually not helpful if you don't know what monster you are fighting in advance).
Also, get some elven chain because it counts as light armour and because it is cool.
Dragonchess Player |
(Speaking of myrmidarch in the switch-hitting caster elf post...)
At 11th level, take the Advanced Weapon Training feat (valid with the Fighter Training and Weapon Training class features of the myrmidarch) in Focus Weapon/Starknife (boosting base weapon damage to 1d8, increasing to 1d10 at 13th level and 2d6 at 18th level) and use the bonus feat on Startoss Comet (to increase ranged damage bonus to +4 and make a second attack at full BAB). Pick up Startoss Shower by 15th level.
AZGrowler |
1. Elf UnRogue 4/Slayer 6 - Pick the Elven Curve Blade for your Finesse Training choice, and take the Two Handed Ranger Combat Style to get Power Attack without needing a 13 STR.
2. Martial Artist Monk 5/Barbarian 5 - Five levels of Martial Artist makes you immune to fatigue, so rage cycling is no big deal.
3. Sohei Monk 1/Empyreal Wildblooded Sorcerer 6/Eldritch Knight 3 - Empyreal makes WIS your casting stat, so you have a bonus to your AC without needing armor.
4. Arsenal Chaplain War Priest 10 - Gorum likes greatswords, and can let you use Vital Strike at the end of a charge with Divine Fighting Technique. You also can pick up Weapon Training goodies.
5. Brawler Fighter 10 - Gorum's Shield-trained trait lets you treat heavy shields as light weapons. With two weapon fighting, you can use your shield and your favorite close weapon. With the new Advanced Weapon Training options, you can do some fun things.
6. Human Crusader Cleric 1/UnMonk 9 - Pick a deity with a favored weapon you like, like Shizuru's katana, and take Crusader's Flurry to Flurry with it.
Dragonchess Player |
Feats and focus powers at 11th+ level will depend on the third implement school: Extra Mental Focus (to help get the sweet see invisibility from Third Eye) and Danger Sight for Divination, Two-Weapon Feint and Side Step for Conjuration, etc.
Dragonchess Player |
(Last one for a bit)
It could have been more heavily focused on just the staff sling, but Sacred Weapon increases starknife damage, too; plus a priest of Desna would probably want to use a starknife and not "just" a staff sling, as well.
AZGrowler |
You think it might be better to go Arsenal chaplain to get weapon training goodies?
My initial thought was that you would lose a lot going with Arsenal Chaplain, but the average damage would be about the same at 10th level, and you also benefit from +2 to attack. You do lose one of your blessings, though, and Liberation is pretty good.
On the other hand, you can take Advanced Weapon Training with your bonus feats, and that opens up some goodies, like Trained Throw.
The Sideromancer |
Android alchemist 10
Feats: Endurance, Diehard, (general combat stuff)
Discoveries: Preserve Organs, Mummification, Lingering Spirit, (varies on combat style)
Any archetype that doesn't replace poison resistance/immunity is fine.
Immune to cold, sleep, paralysis, poison, nonlethal damage, disease, fatigue, unconsciousness below 0hp, and can stay alive for until -2 CON. Has Freedom of Movement as an extract to become immune to grappling/entanglement. For extra shenanigans, take Frost Bomb, and abuse your immunity to cold by dropping your explosives at your feet.
Not a full build, but a fun concept that comes online at 10.
RealAlchemy |
Peculiar fun builds? I'm working toward this as a magus/paladin of Yuelral.
paladin 3/eldritch scion magus 7
20 point build
1/2 Elf
Str 16
Dex 14 (including +1 at L4)
Con 13(15) (+1 at L8, Con belt +2)
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 18(20) (Cha headband)
replace adaptability with ancestral arms (falcata)
multitalented paladin and magus both favored classes
traits : magical knack, elven reflexes, stalwart of the society*, gemstone collector* (*extra traits)
feats : elven spirit, combat casting, extra arcana, extra traits, weapon focus falcata, dodge
arcana : close range, wand wielder, broad study
Noteable equipment :
+1 keen falcata
+2 elven chain
cloak of protection +1
bracers of the avenging knight
tunic of careful casting
mnemonic vestments
several partially charged wands found in various adventures including bless, burning hands, protection from evil, divine favor, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, and shield
Dragonchess Player |
You think it might be better to go Arsenal chaplain to get weapon training goodies?
Not so much for a halfling priest of Desna.
If I were to use a Molthuni arsenal chaplain, it would probably be for:
1) Achaekek, using dual kukris in public and dual sawtooth sabres for assassinations; focus on Two-Weapon Fighting feats and also Bloody Sabres
2) Moloch, using scimitar (or rapier, with Weapon Finesse) and whip; focus on Two-Weapon Fighting and Whip Mastery feats
3) or Ragathiel as warpriest 7/mystery cultist 3, for the Celestial Obedience boon (bless weapon 3/day)
Dragonchess Player |
(More ideas...)
*- shield or true strike 1/day is pretty useful
**- Bonus feats
Dragonchess Player |
At 11th level, take Improved Eldritch Heritage (Strength of the Abyss)
(Now, back to the Ironfang Invasion Player's Guide...)
Dragonchess Player |
In honor of the Ironfang Invasion:
*- bonus feat
**- to use the Weapon Master domain power for Cut from the Air, Difficult Swings, or Weapon Material Mastery
Moving on:
*- bloodline feats
Sapient |
Playing a one shot soon. Looking to play something peculiar, reasonably effective, and preferably not to complicated. Thanks in advance
Damphir Oracle, Dual Cursed Archetype, Lunar Mystery, Wrecker and Blacked Mystery.
Revelations to take include: Misfortune, Primal Companion (probably Tiger), Prophetic Armor, and Touch of the Moon.
Spells include Oracle's Burden and Ill Omen. As an Oracle, take Inflict spells instead of Cure.
For FCB, take 1/2 points/level to Inflict damage.
At level 10, you can retrain a feat to Vamperic Companion.
Combat techniques include:
*Oracle's Burden to give an opponent -6 to all weapon attacks and to make all held items broken.
*Ill Omen and Misfortune to make your spells hit.
*Mass Inflict Light Wounds does 1D8+15 to up to 10 creatures. Touch of the Moon makes inflict spells also cause Confusion, as per the spell.
*Because you are a Damphir, and your Tiger is a Vamperic Companion, your Mass Inflict Light Wounds also can be used to heal both of you 1d8+10.
*Your Tiger has Fast Healing 5, so make it a Bodyguard archetype with the In Harms Way feat to intercept some damage directed at you.
Dragonchess Player |
(This one may be a bit complicated...)
Probably take Orc Rampage at 11th level.
Dragonchess Player |
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Dragonchess Player wrote:divine paragon of SzurielDragonchess Player, where could one find the boons for the Four Horsemen?
Thanks in advance
After doing some research, it looks like they have not been published (yet).
However, you could probably extrapolate from the deity description and grant the effects of Covenant of Abaddon as the obedience benefit and either use the Oblivions from the souldrinker prestige class as the boons (making the latter two as times per day, instead of using soul points) or use Aura of Succumbing, bloody tears and jagged smile, and black sword of war as the boons.
Dragonchess Player |
*- Pushing infusion at 7th, Veil of Mists at 9th
*- bonus at 2nd level
Dragonchess Player |
lol. The earth elemental with dreams of flying.
"I was born an oread, but I have the soul of a sylph."
"My heart is the stone of the mountains, my wrath is the might of the storm."
Dragonchess Player |
*- bonus combat feat at EK 1
Dragonchess Player |
Take Improved Eldritch Heritage (Marid/Water's Fury) at 11th level.
*- Alternately, Eldritch Heritage (Maestro) and Skill Focus (Perform (Sing or Oratory)), plus Eldritch Heritage (Maestro/Perfect Voice) at 11th level, if you want more of a "diplomancer"
**- Use an underwater light crossbow
Dragonchess Player |
Basically, the druid in the picture on page 51 of Horror Adventures.
Dragonchess Player |
*- type becomes humanoid (human)
*- send your double in your place
Dragonchess Player |
*- bonus feats
At 11th level gain Versatile Performance; at 13th level take either Faerie Strike or Winter Strike
AZGrowler |
Half-orc Paladin of Abadar (VMC Barbarian) 10. This paladin is constantly fighting an internal battle between his chosen calling and the monster inside of him. The neat synergy is that the paladin's mercy can remove fatigue after a rage. On the other hand, you're stuck with all of three feats at 10th level.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Half-orc Paladin of Abadar (VMC Barbarian) 10. This paladin is constantly fighting an internal battle between his chosen calling and the monster inside of him. The neat synergy is that the paladin's mercy can remove fatigue after a rage. On the other hand, you're stuck with all of three feats at 10th level.
Fey Foundling, Power Attack, Furious Focus. And done. :-D
PhD. Okkam |
Gillman rogue (Unchained; eldritch raider) 4/magus (mindblade) 6 with the Throwback* alternate racial trait, with the Major Magic (identify), Minor Eldritch Magic (bullet shield), and Major Eldritch Magic (water breathing) rogue talents, Finesse Training (Rapier), Psychic Access (sift, object reading), the Close Range and Wand Wielder magus arcana, plus the Fast Learner*, Eclectic (Magus)*, Extra Rogue Talent (x2), Spirit Sense, and Ectoplasmic Spell feats
*- type becomes humanoid (human)
Why the race Gillman? Why are you selected Close Range, іs not it better Arcane Accurace?
Dragonchess Player |
Dragonchess Player wrote:Why the race Gillman? Why are you selected Close Range, іs not it better Arcane Accurace?
Gillman rogue (Unchained; eldritch raider) 4/magus (mindblade) 6 with the Throwback* alternate racial trait, with the Major Magic (identify), Minor Eldritch Magic (bullet shield), and Major Eldritch Magic (water breathing) rogue talents, Finesse Training (Rapier), Psychic Access (sift, object reading), the Close Range and Wand Wielder magus arcana, plus the Fast Learner*, Eclectic (Magus)*, Extra Rogue Talent (x2), Spirit Sense, and Ectoplasmic Spell feats
*- type becomes humanoid (human)
1) I'm developing character for each race in the ARG; also, access to the eldritch raider archetype.
2) Close Range allows Spellstrike to be used with more spells (ranged touch, as well as just touch): acid splash, disrupt undead, ray of frost, ray of enfeeblement, acid arrow, scorching ray, etc.
Dragonchess Player |
*- bonus feats
Dragonchess Player |
At 11th+ level, start taking the Critical Focus feats.
*- Combat Style
**- bonus feat
Dragonchess Player |
At monk 1/psychic 10, take Ascetic Form and retrain either Deflect Arrows or Logical Spell for Quicken Spell. I considered monk (sohei) 3/psychic 7 to qualify for Ascetic Form at monk 3/psychic 6, but didn't want to give up an extra two levels of spellcasting.
*- bonus feat (a monk is explicitly allowed to select Stunning Fist as a bonus feat at 1st level)
* bonus feat
*- depending on when the familiar is replaced (and alignment), choices include: Entropic or Fiendish animal at 3rd; pooka or shadow drake at 7th
(And done with the Advanced Race Guide core, featured, and uncommon races...)
Firebug |
2) Close Range allows Spellstrike to be used with more spells (ranged touch, as well as just touch): acid splash, disrupt undead, ray of frost, ray of enfeeblement, acid arrow, scorching ray, etc.
Benefit: The magus can deliver ray spells that feature a ranged touch attack as melee touch spells.
Strike Acid Splash and Acid Arrow from your list.