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Can you teach mindless companions tricks?

Primal companion even though nerfed, sounds interesting to use. Giving my t-rex constrict sounds amazing. So, the objective is right now to get the teamwork feats on the hunter to enable the t-rex and then making the companion as strong a possible. I might even take combat patrol in the hunter to enable the companion further. Again, having a mindless companion sounds super interesting. But has of course its drawbacks.

So I have the standard outflank build set up like this.

Hunter with a t-rex

For now its human but I think something more interesting would be gnome or aasimar.

Hunter1: (hb):combat expertise (h1):power attack

            2: outflank

            3: combat reflexes (btwf): paired opportunist

            5: pack flanking

            6 improved spell sharing

            7: evolved companion or something else. Totem beast maybe


             9: snapping flank

              Maybe I can fit planar focus in there somewhere

I guess the plan for the t-rex would be narrow frame and power attack. Possibly dirty fighting too. I don't see the point in getting improved natural attack since I would eventually be giving it strong jaw.

Any further ideas?

I thought it might be cool to get some butterfly sting shenanigans going. You could probably do a dex build too. 3 or 4 level rogue dip too much? Would cost me one more feat in boon companion and delay spell progression. 

Again I have this idea of having a small gnome just there to buff/enable the animal companion

Again, I could still see myself doing this on a hunting cactus or slithering sundew or something. Even though it is weaker than the t-rex.

What evolutions would you give a t-rex through the evolved companion feat? I plan on doing a paired opportunist build and eventually using strong jaw to boost his bite so picking an evolution that improves his bite wouldn't stack with it. Maybe claws for the extra attacks while full attacking. Or just the simple improved natural armor.

Powerful I guess. I have this idea of being a gnome who just happened to have a t-rex friend who fights for him. Just enabling all the hunter teamwork feats. So using most of my feats to boost the companion.

How do I make my animal companion super strong? I feel like it would be fun to add a bunch of templates to it. Like celestial with aasimar.

Is it possible to give an animal companion rake and constrict?

So, I have narrowed it down what I might want my hunter companion to do in tandem with myself. The one key thing I want to do I be able to ride it as a mount in and out of combat. Obviously I want us to fight as a team in combat. Scouting is always a plus but not required. Having high wis skills is probably needed since I will be the only wisdom character. So, perception, sense motive, survival and stuff.

Derek Dalton wrote:
Speaking about Vermins here's an idea. Dueragar get a racial trait that allows them to treat vermin critters with an Int of one. It's not much but it's something. Their race uses vermin for everything so worth a look there,

That sounds super interesting actually. I'll have to take a look at that. Although having a mindless creature does have its advantages.

I think there should also be a feat that can make your companion start with 1 int or 2. I forget what it's called.

Lordkallas how would you build a gulper plant build? Would you take the grappling teamwork feats? Tandem grapple maybe?

I also just discovered the slithering sundew only has eyes and belt item slot. That would make it quite squishy.

Can you mount a Slithering sundew?

Swallow whole does indeed sound really fun to do. Would I still be going the paired opportunist/pack flanking build with a Gulper plant? How does fly-by-attack interact with those teamwork feats as well?

The plan is to run around mounted and using the companion in combat.

It doesn't need to be PFS compatible. Joining kingmaker at 6th level with a group consisting of:
Sword and board paladin
rogue/wizard/arcane trickster
and gunchemist alchemist

Necroing the shit out of this post and wondering if anyone has advice on getting the best out of a plant master hunter. I could do a broken wing gambit build with the hunting cactus. Or something with a snapping flytrap. It all sounds very good but in general the plant companions feel really bad. all the poisons they have that I thought would bridge the gap to normnal companions have REALLY low save DC's.

Yeah I think I will be going plant master after all. Too bad the plant master animal focuses are really bad.

I do agree after playing the build that it is very strong but there are definite weaknesses. Mainly my will save(I have been dominated and almost killed one of my co PCs).
I don't have pounce so I cant just charge in and kill someone in the first round, it always takes a couple rounds or more if the enemy is well prepared or a very strong boss.
A lot of the time if I don't get to prepare before a fight the first couple turns are spent drinking potion of fly/shifting in to fox form then moving into position(Although the action economy could be made better with swift kitsune shapechanger).

I did decide to go fighter because I really wanted as many feats as I could because they are what makes the build fun to play(along with Mauser).

So maybe if we can find out a not as strong version of the build(But still fun), it would be more approachable.

I am making a Hunter build for PFS that uses all the AOO teamwork feats and even though it is tempting to just go T-Rex, I can't deny those two archetypes fascinate me. Riding a Giant mantis or a Puffball(!!) into combat sounds pretty damn amazing. The problem is they are just straight up worse than the normal animal companions. Vermin are mindless and even if that makes them immune to mind affecting it means that you get no skills/feats. And the plant companions stats are just so much worse than the dinosaur ones. They even only have two magic item slots. BUT... Imagine riding a Puffball into combat!

Yeah, but do I have arms as a fox? And is a creature adjacent to me if he is inside my square?

I am not using the ring. I am using Fox Shape. The original build was never legal in the first place.

I have come to the conclusion that snake style is not good for this build unless you have some way to to get reach on your natural attack.
The interaction is really weird.
The enemy will five foot step out of my attack range so I hit him with an attack from mouser swashbuckler - He then hits me with an attack and since I am out of reach I can't use snake style/fang - I do However use the mouser ability to get back into his square as an immediate action - Then the enemy might hit me again and then I can't usesnake style since I already burned my immediate action to get back into his square(although I guess I still get the first AoO from snake fang). I think I might have to just be patient and wait for monkey style at 11. Not sure what feats I should be getting instead.

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LuniasM wrote:
I've tried to teach many new players Pathfinder and it's a pretty daunting prospect in most cases, to the point that I teach my current group rules as they come up rather than trying to get them to learn everything. I'm all for a system that's easier to teach, pick up, and play.

What? Teaching people the game as the rules come up is literally the best way to teach it. Learn by playing

David knott 242 wrote:

One option to consider would be the Racial Heritage (Halfling) feat. That feat would give you access to the favored class bonus for Halflings, which lets you add +1/3 per Medium level to your Séance Boon (but not share that bonus with others).

The Gillman favored class bonus is even better, but as I recall PFS banned that option.

What is the Gillman favored class bonus? I can't find it anywhere.

Rosc said wrote:
- Ifrit elemental Shifter with Dervish Dance could be fun. Must investigate.

Thematically that sounds amazing.

On another note someone needs to TLDR these comments for me...

I would like to throw you a curve-bullet and recommend a (double)sling build!

Halfling mutagenic warrior fighter

vl1 Point blank, precise
lvl2 weapon focus(double sling)
lvl3 slipslinger style
lvl4 two weapon fighting
lvl5 Advanced weapon training(Trained Throw)
lvl6 improoved two weapon fighting
lvl7 deadly aim
lvl8 Rapid shot
lvl9 Clustered shots AWT: focused weapon
Lvl10:Weapon Specialization
lvl11:Improved precise shot

I wonder how much damage it would do compared to the other classic archer builds, assuming you have the correct gear like stat belts, gloves of dueling and a high enough magic weapon.

I know it's not a part of your vision for the build but UC rogue/urban aberrant bloodrager is a really amazing combination even if this character won't be like it maybe someone else will try it.

How do pauldrons of the bull interact with shield slam? Since the slam uses the same roll as the attack.

I wonder what a halfling slinger fighter wielding a double sling could do at lvl 12.
Something like:

Halfling mutagenic warrior fighter

vl1 Point blank, precise
lvl2 weapon focus(double sling)
lvl3 slipslinger style
lvl4 two weapon fighting
lvl5 Advanced weapon training(Trained Throw)
lvl6 improoved two weapon fighting
lvl7 deadly aim
lvl8 Rapid shot
lvl9 Clustered shots AWT: focused weapon
Lvl10:Weapon Specialization
lvl11:Improved precise shot

Be a Halfling. Take Slipslinger style with the warslinger alternate halfling trait and use the double sling! Will probably need to be a fighter for all the feats. Additional bonus if you get the trained throw advanced weapon training since the sling is in the fighter thrown weapon group.

Here is what it might look like.

Mutagenic warrior fighter

Stats: 20 point buy STR: 14 DEX: 18 CON: 12 INT: 12 WIS: 10 CHA: 9

lvl1 Point blank, precise
lvl2 weapon focus(double sling)
lvl3 slipslinger style
lvl4 two weapon fighting
lvl5 Advanced weapon training(Trained Throw)
lvl6 improoved two weapon fighting
lvl7 deadly aim
lvl8 Rapid shot
lvl9 Clustered shots AWT: focused weapon

I like mutagenic warrior since you eventually get flight and you even solve the fact of your low damage die with AWT: Focused weapon.

Aren't you going to be transmuting yourself to some sort of animal anyways? I would try to build on that rather than using your base form with natural attacks.

I always imagined the archetype dex based since you are using a one handed slashing weapon to deal damage with spring attack. Although I guess it wouldn't have to be. Swash buckler dip would fix a lot of problems. Freeing up a feat or two and allowing me to parry/riposte if i was stuck in melee.

How would you guys build a dex based Qadiran Horselord?

Oh my electric eel style sounds so fun to use. I must try it! Should you just go full on grappling with the build? Can I even use medusas wrath while grappling?

Is there any way to modify the monk of the empty hand to work with the unchained monk?

How does one make the most of the lightning domain? Theologian lightning cleric?

Dune drifter cavalier wielding a gun?

The Virtuous bravo is not pfs legal sadly. And really you don't need swashbuckler levels when playing the virtuous bravo.

Damn. Scarred monk. Would it be actually possible to adapt it for the Umonk?

BUT, how do I make the best unchained grappler?

Secret Wizard wrote:
Woodoodoo wrote:
Who is the ultimate unchained monk grappler? How can I rival the tetori monk.
Ya can't.


Who is the ultimate unchained monk grappler? How can I rival the tetori monk.

Is the tetori still the ultimate grappler? I haven't looked into grappling lately.

I can't wait to play my Dandy ranger in hells rebels. How high a diplomacy score do you think a Dandy could get?

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I still think the phantom thief is the ultimate skill monkey. Getting so many skill unlocks and getting them early is pretty amazing. Also getting half your level on so many skills.

Phantom thief rogue. Can diplomacy his way out of combat almost every time.

The book is not an improvised weapon.

He was probably talking about the living grimoire inquisitor archetype that came out a while ago. Alas the archetype is pretty weak.

Sniper rogue or vigilante? I mention rogue only because they can full attack while sniping at lvl 10

Specifically for the nagaji build I just though it would be funny. Have your snake grapple him and then you coup de grace

A build focusing on coup de grace using that nagaji cavalier archetype from blood of the beast that gets to ride a snake?