lordofthemax |

Hey guys. The thought just occurred to me that Starfinder may/may not need or get it's own section in Hero Lab, the app that I (along with many other gamers) use to make characters in Pathfinder. So I was wondering: WILL there be a Starfinder Hero Lab? And if so, will we need to buy it separately from the Pathfinder one?

Stone Dog |

I asked this in the main question thread (along with others) and the answer regarding 3rd party software was something like "These companies are aware of Starfinder and are currently in various stages of planning." Unless a rep of Wolf Lair swings by, I don't think that anybody from Paizo is in a position to make concrete statements yet.

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lordofthemax wrote:Joshua James Jordan wrote:I guarantee that Hero Lab will develop and subsequently charge you for the Starfinder add on.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOThat's kind of their business model and you can't really fault them for that.
Yeah, every time I spend a few minutes in the HL Editor to customize a magic item or ability, I end up feeling like the Lone Wolf Development guys don't charge us enough.

Torbyne |
But every time i look at picking up HL to help out with character creation i balk at the extreme cost of getting all the packs to match my hard copies. i get that they need to make money to keep going but the cost just isnt worth it to me. I know a few players that use it and they are resigned to dropping down more money every time they want to make a new character... its just not for me. I will subscribe to all the Starfinder products but will be skipping out on HL again for this one.

The Only Sheet |

But every time i look at picking up HL to help out with character creation i balk at the extreme cost of getting all the packs to match my hard copies. i get that they need to make money to keep going but the cost just isnt worth it to me. I know a few players that use it and they are resigned to dropping down more money every time they want to make a new character... its just not for me. I will subscribe to all the Starfinder products but will be skipping out on HL again for this one.
There are free character managers around that can be used should you prefer not to dish out $ for such. TOS CORE is an example for CORE characters (available in the Paizo store).

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They have to pay a licence fee for every book they include with HeroLab. ie Paizo gets a cut of every sale that Lone Wolf makes. It's another media that you are buying the Pathfinder books in. Also, it takes time and labor to enter/program the content into HeroLab. So they deserve a return on their time. If you don't like it you can buy the authoring module so you can see how much hassle you save by buying the premade supplements.

Butch A. |
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Herolab is basically the only reason I can maintain a game. The organization really helps me out and running combat through their tactical console is fantastic.
If Starfinder winds up to be everything I hope it is, I will certainly be buying it for Herolab as well.
OMG yes. If I had to be familiar with every spell/feat/class option that shows up in Adventure Paths I'd go crazy--AND, on the other hand, I love being able to swap out the 'bog-standard' options that sometimes show up in an AP for things that better suit my vision, easily and quickly.

SnowHeart |

If you're new to Pathfinder, getting HeroLab up and running is outrageously expensive. At least, it used to be. I saw they introduced new packages to get you everything you need for particular player classes. GMing would still be quite the expense. But as someone who bought it years ago and has gradually added to it, I don't regret the expense at all.
But Starfinder's package at the outside and gradually add on to it, and I expect you'll find yourself equally appreciative. It's a bargain.

IonutRO |

Hopefully starfinder will get them to finally implement the simple monster creation rules...
Hopefully they'll make Pathfinder 2.0 with Starfinder's system. Though minus the damage dice scaling on weapons, that wouldn't really fit in Pathfinder unless they adopted Elder Scrolls style material based weapon upgrades.

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Giorgo wrote:I hope that in addition to Hero Lab, they release content for Realms Work and Fantasy Grounds as soon as possible.Yes, please!
I don't expect to see much Starfinder support for Realm Works in the near future, but I would love to be wrong about that.
Biggest problem with Realm Works for me it's not being available for Mac/iOS/Android. I prep each season in my pc (Syrinscape, Herolab, Trello), but I use my iPad while DMing as it takes less space and the touch interface and single app at a time fits really well with all the other old-school tools (pen, paper, real dice etc). I love the physicality of those things and using my laptop while DMing makes me focus on using it much more than I should, distracting me more than I want.

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I'm using Realm Works right now to plan out the PDF I hope to bring forth using Starfinder. I'm curious what support you think you need from it beyond what it has already if you set up a generic setting?
Lone Wolf is creating a marketplace where you can purchase pre-built content. You can find an example of Paizo's material on their website. They have a free download of the "We Be Goblins!" adventure. Having the content already built in Realm Works is a time-saver that will be of value to some GMs.

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As a long time supporter of Herolab, this pleases me greatly. All I can say is sooner-the-better.
I'm not running Starfinder without Herolab. Won't happen. It's mandatory at my table for me and my players both, no matter the system we are playing (PF, CoC, 5e) and now Starfinder.
Looking forward to it!

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Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:Our group lives or dies by Hero Lab also. Our motto is "Hero Lab can't be wrong."It often is...but only till the next update if you email them.
And at least the table is consistently wrong, rather than having multiple people interpreting things in different ways and being wrong in different and inconsistent ways.

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Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:Our group lives or dies by Hero Lab also. Our motto is "Hero Lab can't be wrong."It often is...but only till the next update if you email them.
I've emailed them for years and they've never come any closer to even trying to implement Stalwart and Improved Stalwart and Ultimate Combat has been out for quite some time.

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Inkfist wrote:I've emailed them for years and they've never come any closer to even trying to implement Stalwart and Improved Stalwart and Ultimate Combat has been out for quite some time.Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:Our group lives or dies by Hero Lab also. Our motto is "Hero Lab can't be wrong."It often is...but only till the next update if you email them.
That's a feature request, not a bug fix. From a Hero Lab Forum, "Right, there's no way currently to specify the source/type of the damage, so we can't tell whether it should be reduced by DR. We leave it up to the user to remember to reduce damage." (Aaron-Lone Wolf Staff)
They don't (at least a few years ago) have any intention of adding DR.

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Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:Inkfist wrote:I've emailed them for years and they've never come any closer to even trying to implement Stalwart and Improved Stalwart and Ultimate Combat has been out for quite some time.Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:Our group lives or dies by Hero Lab also. Our motto is "Hero Lab can't be wrong."It often is...but only till the next update if you email them.That's a feature request, not a bug fix. From a Hero Lab Forum, "Right, there's no way currently to specify the source/type of the damage, so we can't tell whether it should be reduced by DR. We leave it up to the user to remember to reduce damage." (Aaron-Lone Wolf Staff)
They don't (at least a few years ago) have any intention of adding DR.
I've had extensive email conversations with them on this.
It's not a feature request. I paid for Ultimate Combat, it should incorporate those Feats, and it doesn't. Combat Expertise works. I don't need them to count off the DR, but some switches to turn the feats on, have it reduce the attack Bonus, and tell me what the DR is, rather than adjust my AC.

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Found a video from GenCon from Dungeons and Dragons Memes (you can find it by searching Facebook for Hero Lab, two videos)
Online will be Starfinder only when released
Starfinder will only be Online (did not sound like immediate plans to make for traditional)
Given that, web connection will be necessary (though it wasn't explicitly said)
Saw it running in a tablet and a phone emulator and on desktop
Beta will be announced in the newsletter on the lone wolf site.
Beta will be characters only... ships will come later (Yay!) - beta maybe early September... hoping to launch to public later September.
Main goal is to get Starfinder stable by end of October... Pathfinder next in line after that.
Subscription fee... hmm, they mentioned, but then didn't really say anything. I think it's subscription fee + content purchase, but they really didn't talk enough about it. You don't need to rebuy content... if you have content on classic, you can use it on online.
New features planned for online will allow...
-Hero lab online will allow for inter party integration... cleric blesses you, he can flag it, and you can automatically get the buff.
-Shared party loot stash... GM Adds loot to party stash, party then can choose who gets it...
Anyone hear anything more?
I think online only is going to be a disaster at a con. :-(
Classic platform will exist for years and be developed in parallel (so, whew!)

AJCarrington |

Rob posted an update over on the LWD forums:
Quick Update on Hero Lab Online from GenCon
The fees seem pretty fair/reasonable, but I do hope they have an option for offline.