
Ladis's page

Organized Play Member. 44 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Liberty's Edge

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More than three weeks and three emails later, I'm still waiting for any reply from customer support. There used to be a forum for customer support but I can't find it anymore. Guess I will keep sending emails until they respond, because I don't have my Kingmaker books nor any shipping notification, and it wasn't precisely a cheap crowdfunding...

Liberty's Edge

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I contacted support on January 15 and I’m still waiting a response…

Liberty's Edge

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Spain here, no notification still… I’m starting to worry I will not get it. I guess I will have to contact support

Liberty's Edge

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I still don't hay any email notification for my package, should I be worried? :-(

Liberty's Edge

I've been subscribed two times, once when Starfinder came out and another one when PF2 came out. Both times I had to cancel the sub because high shipping costs and additional customs taxes upon arrival.

I expect the situation to be even worse now due to the additional VAT to pay with the recent changes to EU customs.

For example, for 3 books totalling 100$, I would have to pay 44$ of shipping, plus VAT (not sure if they would apply 4% for books or the general 21%). Best case you are paying 149$, worst case you pay 174$ for three books that should cost 100$. I just purchase the books from Amazon when they are available and pay 0 on shipping or customs.

Here's hopping they find a way of doing subscriptions right for EU in the future, because I would subscribe on a heart bit. I prefer to support Paizo directly than through Amazon, tbh, but the cost of doing so through a subscription right now is way too damn high.

Liberty's Edge

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Hi there lovely people, I created a character sheet in booklet version (A5 -> A4 folded by the middle). Just dropping the link here in case anyone finds it useful. In the link you can find the InDesign files to modify the sheet to fit your personal taste. It's localized to English and Spanish (because I'm from Spain).

Google Drive Link

If you find any typos or have any suggestions on how to improve the sheet, let me know and will try to work on it as soon as possible.

PS: You can see how the sheet looks printed in this link: Twitter Post

PS2: Remember to select Booklet mode in printer settings!

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:

You can subscribe a month or two after release (you always have the option of commencing a subscription with the upcoming item or the one that’s just been).

So you can either wait a few weeks for reviews, Q&As, etcetera. Or you could even buy the PDF on launch day and then see the whole thing for yourself, adding a subscription if you decided you like it. The CRB PDF is likely to be quite reasonably priced.

I thought I had to be subscribed before the launch of the product... interesting. Thanks for the info Steve ;-)

Liberty's Edge

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I see (and have) some mixed feedback about the playtest, and there are some mechanics I still want to know how they are going to work before deciding if I like the game ENOUGH to subscribe since the beginning.

For example: the resonance system is now gone, but I don't know what is replacing it. I liked the idea of limiting the number of potions/scrolls/magic items and making charisma more useful. And personally don't like how in PF1 my players are like a Christmast tree with magic items for decorations, and so I'm waiting to see how they resolve this issue before deciding going full head on with this edition with a subscription since the start or just buying the CBR from Amazon to play a couple of games from time to time.

You see, subscribing from the EU is a bit of a hussle, that's why I want to make sure I like the game enough to be worth it, and thus why those details are important to me.

Liberty's Edge

It would be nice to get our hands on some kind of final version of the rules before the game release so we can decide if we like the game enough to subscribe. Or have many of you already decided that?

Liberty's Edge

I have a question that may be stupid but I’m new to this subscription thing. The subscription to Adventure Paths grants Paizo Adventage, which, if I understood correctly, gives you a 15% off in other products. I asume that 15% off applies to the items we are getting from the other subscriptions but it states the discount will only apply after the first AP in the subscription is sent. Does it mean that, if I subscribe to various Pathfinder subscriptions to jump into 2E hype train head on I won’t get the 15% in the other products until the next subscription shipment?

TL:DR - If I subscribe to various subscriptions to start with the first batch of 2E content, will I get the 15% off in all the other items of that first shipment?

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

If international shipping were EU friendly I would subscribe in a heartbeat. I dream of the day that happens

Liberty's Edge

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

Unfortunately this won't reach Germany until next week.

Are there any binding issues with this book?

Mine got to Spain yesterday, so Germany shouldn't be too far away. The binding looks alright in this one.

Liberty's Edge

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

I'm not returning my defective copies, because i don't have the guarantee to get functional ones as replacement and what's even more problematic is, i wouldn't have any rules left to play and GM until at least december.

I guess i'll buy a second printing once it's available in germany, which may very well be early next year.

I purchased directly from Paizo and they told me I dont have to return the defective copies. Now I have two defectives copies, which I will try to repair and donate to a RPG association in my city once I get an alright copy of the book.

Liberty's Edge

My replacement copy had the defective binding too. I just had to lay it down flat and the binding started to fall apart.

Here’s an image comparing the binding with the Pathfinder CRB

I’m curious to know if the white stripe must be attached/glued to the cover or not. The Pathfinder CRB does, as many other RPG manuals, but the Eclipse Phase one does not, so I’m not sure if that’s part of the binding problem or a conscious binding decision.

Could someone with a proper binded book post a photo for comparison?

Liberty's Edge

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Lonejedi,

We received your email. As soon as the new printing arrives we will get a replacement on its way for you.

Excuse me for jumping in here, but I had the very same problem and sent the email specifying I would be willing to wait for a second print before seeing this post.

I know it will be some time before I receive any response to the email (I totally get you are very busy right now) but I wonder if I would need to “remind” you about the replacement when the second printing comes along or will you do it automatically? When, approximately, can we expect the second print? Just curious, I’m not in a rush as I can use the PDF for now (using the books with the defective binding deeply hurst my RPG soul).

Liberty's Edge

MythicFox wrote:
Hey, for those of us who haven't gotten much use out of our books yet, is there an easy test that doesn't risk causing a problem in a book that doesn't have one? Or is it really obvious if something has gone wrong?

I have used my book twice with absolute care (mainly because those creeking sounds hurts my soul) and it shows the problem at the top end. If you lay open your book and go throught several chapters the problem should appear (if it's present).

Liberty's Edge

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Ladis wrote:
dWhisper wrote:
How long does it take to get a response back from Paizo support? I submitted a message a couple of days ago and haven't seen so much as an auto-response.
At least you got the auto-response, I didn't even get that so not sure if I should do something more but I don't want to flood them with more emails, this must be already very bussy.
Paizo does not do auto/robo-responses at all to my knowledge.

The very first comment on this thread states that he got an auto-reply, therefor I thought they enabled some kind of auto-reply in this time of trouble.

Liberty's Edge

dWhisper wrote:
How long does it take to get a response back from Paizo support? I submitted a message a couple of days ago and haven't seen so much as an auto-response.

At least you got the auto-response, I didn't even get that so not sure if I should do something more but I don't want to flood them with more emails, this must be already very bussy.

Liberty's Edge

I use Tiddlywiki to write and prep my games, so I created a simple theme for my next Starfinder game.

It looks like this and you can find it here.

Hope you find it useful and have a blast playing Starfinder :-)

Liberty's Edge

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The Sideromancer wrote:
It's a way of doing stacked notation without special characters, it expresses 1½. Personally, improper (3/2) or decimal (1.5) would be much easier.

Thanks for the info, it must be something used in the USA, as it's the first time I see it. Using 1.5 would be easier in my opinion, specially to avoid the confusion due to the - symbol. At least now I know what it means. Thanks again!

Liberty's Edge

sunderedhero wrote:
Ladis wrote:
Maybe I'm reading this the wrong way
You are, 1-1/2 means 1.5.

Excuse my ignorance, but how is that? Is that some kind of notation? First time I see it, and a find it fairly confusing. I would appreciate some info about it, as I see it used in many other places.

Liberty's Edge

Maybe I'm reading this the wrong way, but in page 136 in the Tumble description, the DC is calculated as 15 + 1 - 1/2 * opponent CR. As I understand, that would make higher CR easier to tumble through.

CR 2 -> 15 + 1 - 2/2 = 15 + 1 - 1
CR 10 -> 15 + 1 - 10/2 = 15 + 1 - 5 = 11
CR 20 -> 15 + 1 - 20/2 = 15 + 1 - 10 = 6

Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, since a more difficult enemy should be more difficult to tumble through, not easier. I must he reading the equation incorrectly or the equation should be 15 + 1 + 1/2 * CR.

Liberty's Edge

Ey Diego, i just received the refund for the authorization, so those initial 200€ are back into my account. Everything is ok now.

From now on I know I must make sure to have at least double the cost of that month's subscription costs, as it seems my bank lags a couple of days to return the money from the authorization.

Thanks for your time and for an awesome product like Starfinder.

Liberty's Edge

Diego Valdez wrote:
Ladis wrote:

I just got my shipping notification, granting me access to the PDFs. Yeah!

The email says my package will be shipped the 17th, so I guess the order has ben packaged and finalised to be sent, but it won't be on its way until the 17th. In the mean time I have the PDFs to read :-)

Hello Ladis,

The email should say that the order will ship by the 18th, not on the 18th. So it may be arriving earlier than you are expecting!

Ups, you are right, I missed that "by".

Liberty's Edge

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Ladis,

You have not been charged twice. The authorization that was opened on the 30th was expired, so when we shipped the order we opened and immediately finalized a new authorization. Typically banks release the holds when they expire the authorization, so the older hold sure disappear soon, as soon as they release it.

Ok, I will wait a couple days to give time to my bank in case they need some time to complete that release.

Thanks for the info Diego.

Liberty's Edge

I just received my shipping notification for my Starfinder Subscription and noticed that I've been charged again. I was already charged 200€ on July 30th during the payment authorisation, and another 200€ right now.

If I understood it correctly, on the payment authorisation the money is put on hold to make sure there is enough to pay it when the time comes, but I have been charged again instead of using that money, and there is no reimbursement either, so effectively I've been charged twice. Is it an error or the refund of the money put on hold during the authorisation may be lagging a bit?

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I just got my shipping notification, granting me access to the PDFs. Yeah!

The email says my package will be shipped the 17th, so I guess the order has ben packaged and finalised to be sent, but it won't be on its way until the 17th. In the mean time I have the PDFs to read :-)

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Can we get notifications of things being shipped on a weekend>?
The good people at Paizo are enjoying their weekend ahead of GenCon apocalypse, so likely not.

We are really excited for this game, but they need to rest during the weekend, just as any of us, and do family/life/hobby stuff.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Azih wrote:
I echo nuttallfun. Just make the AP larger Paizo peoples! Pathfinder honestly kind of intimidates me with all the different lines that come out for it.

That's the reason I subscribed to Starfinder, because it looks way more reasonable to fit in my budget at that pace. Pathfinder release speed is way too intimidating.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
vilor wrote:

Woohoo! Got my pdf :)

Wasn't sure how soon I would, but maybe international orders are going out early

Congrats f5or getting the PDF5, f5ingers crossed f5or my international shipment notif5ication.

Liberty's Edge

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*F5 intensifies*

Liberty's Edge

Sadistic GM wrote:
Ladis wrote:
Now that shippings has started my F5 key is going to be on fire XD
IIRC they don't open until 10:00am PDT :( Another 7 hours until shipping resumes.

Yep, looks like F5 will have some rest until 19:00 Spanish hour. At least the idea of playing the AP#1 next week with my friends while in vacations seems feasible.

Liberty's Edge

Robbgobb wrote:
Shinmizu wrote:
Maybe I'm too old, but I well remember TSR's Birthright campaign... as in I remember the products taking up large portions of the shelves at the local Hastings, but I don't remember anyone actually buying/playing any of them...

I loved that campaign but never got to play it but one time. It did not fit how most people played in my group.

I am glad I am not the only one that is glad Starfinder is releasing slower than Pathfinder.

If there are lucky people out there who can play as often and fast, they can play many other RPG games (Pathfinder included) in the mean time, or write their own adventures. For my group, even if we could play every week I know for sure that it would take morae than one month for each AP. They really like going deep and slow on the details, role playing and social interactions aspects of the game.

Liberty's Edge

Now that shippings has started my F5 key is going to be on fire XD

Liberty's Edge

SilentInfinity wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
The bottom line is that there are good reasons to buy from us. There are good reasons to subscribe from us. There are good reasons to buy from your local shops. And there are good reasons to buy from other internet retailers. The best answer is to do whatever makes the most sense for you.

All good points! I need to pick up the AP subscription again. I'm going to be busy for a while running Strange Aeons but there's always other games going and running by friends.

I like that the subscription has benefits like the free PDF and simultaneously Paizo can measure some regularly revenue from those subscribers. Who doesn't like good, solid financial forecasting while also giving its subscriber fan base perks?

I'm eagerly anticipating that ship notification! Very excited to peruse the PDF until my hard cover arrives!

That's what we are all waiting for :-P

Liberty's Edge

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Sara Marie wrote:
Starfinder Maps: Flip-Mat: Basic Starfield is sold out on, new maps subscribers will need to start on Flip-Mat: Cantina. We still have some stock of Flip-Mat: Terrain.

Amazing how many products are sold out even before release. I hope that's a sign of a huge interest in the game and a great starting point for Starfinder. Maybe Starfinder will be to Sci-Fi what D&D was to fantasy. Long life Starfinder!

Liberty's Edge

CaniestDog wrote:

I would love to buy direct from Paizo, but the shipping costs to the UK are just two much. I'm not sure why smaller publishers can supply direct at reasonable prices, and Paizo cannot?

If they made an effort to cut the costs down I'd subscribe.

Don't know for the U.K., but in my case (Spain) if you plan to buy everything, you are better off subscribing to Paizo instead of buying from Amazon, even with the absurd shipping costs.

My August subscription will deliver me the CRB, AP1, Mat Terrain, Mat Starfield, GM Screen, Pawns, combat pad and character folios for 225$ (includes 57$ of shipping). That converts to roughly 200€. Buying everything from Amazon Spain will cost me 212€, which will ship later and won't include the PDFs.

Here is a breakdown of those numbers in a nice image.

I was charged 200€ on Friday, so I can confirm you that's the final price I got. For £ the conversion seems to be pretty similar, around 200£, but you should compare with the prices from Amazon UK. It may be a better deal to subscribe and get all those nice PDFs for free, an get the books on release instead of whatever Amazon will do.

Liberty's Edge

Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Giorgo wrote:
I hope that in addition to Hero Lab, they release content for Realms Work and Fantasy Grounds as soon as possible.

Yes, please!

I don't expect to see much Starfinder support for Realm Works in the near future, but I would love to be wrong about that.

Biggest problem with Realm Works for me it's not being available for Mac/iOS/Android. I prep each season in my pc (Syrinscape, Herolab, Trello), but I use my iPad while DMing as it takes less space and the touch interface and single app at a time fits really well with all the other old-school tools (pen, paper, real dice etc). I love the physicality of those things and using my laptop while DMing makes me focus on using it much more than I should, distracting me more than I want.

Liberty's Edge

John Lynch 106 wrote:

Hi Diego.

I completely understand that and am quite sure Paizo is just passing on the cost from the delivery. It was just a shock to the system to see it. Thanks for the speedy auctioning and sorry again for the unnecessary work.

I initially had the same problem but after crunching some numbers, if you are from Europe and are subscribing to several categories up to the point where you get the subscriber discount and considering currency exchange, the final cost is roughly the same as purchasing from Amazon, for example, and you get all the PDFs!

Liberty's Edge

Redelia wrote:

I'd be surprised if they didn't grant the PDFs when shipping notices go out, considering the order spawning email said:

Starfinder Core Rulebook Hardcover Paizo Inc. Will be in your downloads once shipped

Yeah, that's what got me thinking about getting the PDF to read while the books get to my country, but that may just be what the system shows by default and may not be true for a launch item like Starfinder just like Joana said.

Liberty's Edge

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So I received the payment authorization on Saturday and the full amount was charged. My order now shows as pending, so I guess everything is fine and I just need to wait for my order to ship.

This is my first time as a subscriber so I have to ask. The PDFs included in the subscription will be available when the items ship or on August 17th when they officially launch? Fingers crossed for a quick shipping, I'm super hyped for Starfinder!

Liberty's Edge

August is here, so the release must be really close. There isn't still a definitive release date, right? I'm super excited to play this AP.

Liberty's Edge

If I preorder this one already having a subscription will it ship alongside the normal core book from the subscription or the release date is different?

Liberty's Edge

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To which god should I pray for a landscape GM screen?

Full Name



Half Orc Skulking Slayer Scout 2


Stat Block:
HP 17/17 | AC: 19/ T: 14 /FF: 15 | F: +2/R: +7/W: +1 | CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 30 | Int. +7 | Perc. +4 (+6 locate traps, hidden objects, identify potion)| SM +4 | 60' Darkvision







Special Abilities

Sneak Attack +1d6






Common, Goblin, Orc



Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Horef

Male Half-Orc Rogue (Scout, Skulking Slayer) 2
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) and
falchion +4 (2d4+4/18-20) and
unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3 nonlethal)
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 18

Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative

Traits blade of the society, mindlessly cruel

Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +5, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +4 (+6 to find hidden objects (inc. secret doors and traps), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste), Sense Motive +4, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise, pass for human, scavenger

Languages Common, Goblin, Orc

SQ orc blood, rogue talents (combat trick), weapon familiarity, underhanded maneuvers
Other Gear +1 chain shirt, arrows (40), dagger, falchion, shortbow, backpack, belt pouch, marked cards, trail rations, waterskin, whetstone, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 130 gp, 8 sp, 18 cp

Arrows - 40/40
Dagger - 1/1
Trail rations - 1/1
Special abilities:

Special Abilities
Blade of the Society You gain a +1 trait bonus to damage rolls from sneak attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Mindlessly Cruel Whenever you have a morale bonus on weapon attack rolls, you also receive a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Pass for Human +1 (Ex) +1 to disguise checks to conceal half-orc heritage, with no penalty to appear as another race.
Scavenger +2 Perception to find hidden objects (inc. secret doors and traps), determine if food is spoiled or identify a potion by taste.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Underhanded Maneuvers +1/+1 Perform a dirty trick or steal maneuver when you could sneak attack.


Horef as a young man travelled with his father across the Golarion Inner Sea countryside from the cold climate of Kalsgard in the far Northwest through the desert heat of Katheer in the Southeast. Horef's human father was a travelling merchant selling his goods wherever people were buying it at the expense of Horef.

They would often sleep outside under the stars just outside the city as they couldn't afford inn prices. During this time Horef did whatever he could for his father in terms of cooking, packing, cleaning, and bringing people to the merchant cart. Horef never really picked up his rogue skills but instead began mugging customers without his fathers knowledge so Horef could get things he wanted (a good meal, nice clothes, or even a lady) in the cities. His father never told him of his Orc heritage but he learned soon enough from many of the half breeds in the villages and backstreets where his rough housing took place. They would approach him often and through this contact he learned orcish. As time passed his soft skills didn't improve much but the methods of his alley way attacks improved.

Today Horef is alone as his father was killed while working along the river ways of the Qadira/Taldor border. This has created a mean streak in him and has increased his need to fight. The merchant cart is out and thuggery has become a regular job. He has worked along side other merchants, has dealt in arms trade with mercanaries and recently did some courier work in the Zho Mountains but now it time to move on. He did pick up another language, Goblin, and improved his Orcish in his new line of work.