Recruitment: Kingmaker AP


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I think you've got your acronyms mixed up a bit there.

Also GM, whether I'm picked or not, just wanted to let you know that I would probably suggest a format like Google Docs over Photobucket for things like maps; I'm personally using Photobucket and am really thinking of switching, as it's a less convenient medium and doesn't give much opportunity for adding notes for players or having a legend for them to refer to. I know earlier in the thread you weren't sure what you might go with, just figured I'd give my two cents as a fellow Kingmaker GM here on the boards.

Looking forward to your selections, at any rate!

Wow, that was an incredibly difficult exercise. If I were more of a masochist (or thought that I really had the time to dedicate to running two more games as opposed to just one) it would have been very easy to put together two teams.

Unfortunately that is not the case, but we'll see how things go and I may come back around to that, but no guarantees.

The selections are as follows:

Faelar Braegen - Theodore Logan (Halfling Honour Guard / Strategist Order of the Blue Rose Cavalier)
Jesse Heinig - Ivo Crownwheel (Gnome Unchained Rogue)
Kaavek - Tove Hellstrom (Human Cleric of Erastil)
avr - Torsten Bock (Human Wood Elementalist Wizard)
Blue Drake - Bron "Wolf Arrow" (Human Wolf Shaman Druid)

Congratulations to those selected. My apologies to those of you who were not. I truly wish that I could have taken on more.

Theodore, Ivo, Tove, Torsten, and Bron please report to the discussion thread. Not to be difficult, but failure to check in by Monday, even with a simple "Hi", may result in replacement.

Well, Khosis will await another Kingmaker game. Thank you for the opportunity Talomyr and congratulations to those who made it in.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Congrats guys, have fun.

Congrats everyone, enjoy.

Thank you for this opportunity! I shall create my profile now and then check in.

Congrats to everyone who made it!

Grand Lodge

Thank you so much! This has made my week!

Grand Lodge

Whelp, looks like I'll just be meandering on outta here. Good luck to ya'll.

Congrats to all the selectees. Double for Faelar great character as always. And Kaavek great presentation of your character, always saw you as my greatest competition; I'd have picked you.

Good Luck and great gaming all.

I'm delighted to be picked! I've got to head off to my regular Sunday evening game now, but I'll check in before the end of tonight (NZ time).

Grand Lodge

@Veshly: Thank you, that means a lot.

Ya'll take care and have fun!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the ones who made it, have fun you guys!

And DM, thank you for your consideration.

Have fun!

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:

Wow, that was an incredibly difficult exercise. If I were more of a masochist (or thought that I really had the time to dedicate to running, two more games as opposed to just one) it would have been very easy to put together two teams.

Unfortunately that is not the case, but we'll see how things go and I may come back around to that, but no guarantees.

The selections are as follows:

Faelar Braegen - Theodore Logan (Halfling Honour Guard / Strategist Order of the Blue Rose Cavalier)
Jesse Heinig - Ivo Crownwheel (Gnome Unchained Rogue)
Kaavek - Tove Hellstrom (Human Cleric of Erastil)
avr - Torsten Bock (Human Wood Elementalist Wizard)
Blue Drake - Bron "Wolf Arrow" (Human Wolf Shaman Druid)

Congratulations to those selected. My apologies to those of you who were not. I truly wish that I could have taken on more.

Theodore, Ivo, Tove, Torsten, and Bron please report to the discussion thread. Not to be difficult, but failure to check in by Monday, even with a simple "Hi", may result in replacement.

Thanks for sharing.

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