People on These Boards Tend to be a Little Contrarian

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Dark Archive

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first of all, how dare you

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No I don't!

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No we don't.

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You are right, we do tend to be a little contrarian.


Your move, KC.

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You got that right, scaly guy.

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I don't see it.

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I'm a fully grown contrarian.

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Seltyiel Fangirl wrote:
first of all, how dare you

Actually, personally, you're wrong.

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I am not!

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Yes you are!

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~begins bickering with myself~

Scarab Sages

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*marked as FAQ, I think we need a ruling for PFS*

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Hey now, you can't FAQ in off topic.

But then, you knew that, didn't you KC.

You cannot obfuscate the truth!

Wait... is that right?...Oh god!...

curls up in a fetal position, clutching his useless button, crying uncontrollably.

Dark Archive

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Give in to your anger and join the Dark Side!

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[Borg voice]Resistance is futile. All will be assimilated.[/Borg voice]

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~rampages through the thread~ MOO!!!

Dark Archive

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~crawls away~ I'm out of here! You guys are crazy!

Dark Archive

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Burn everything! Burn it all!

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~skitters around and then burrows into the ground waiting for prey~

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You're not my supervisor!!!!

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I swear to god, if I don't get some g$#%@%n eggs, I'll be shocked, shocked I say if this place doesn't burn right to the ground y'all.

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Starts throwing peanuts.

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Not to be That Guy, but I'm allergic to nonorganic peanuts.

Also can I get some softer water.

Are these the best magazines you have.

Never mind, this'll be fine. I guess.

Um, where did we land on those organic peanuts...

Shadow Lodge

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Well, when you're wrong, you're wrong. And you? You're always wrong!

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I came here expecting this thread to be Ironic...

but it wasn't

Dark Archive

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So, by default that would make me right.

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I'm not sure about your claim that we're "contrarian".

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I'm not sure about your claim that we're "contrarian".

I take issue with the word "little". Unless it's being used ironically.

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Terquem wrote:

I came here expecting this thread to be Ironic...

but it wasn't

Was so.

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Was it.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I mean, the title of the thread is all wrong. First of all, for maximum click bait it should be in the form of a question. So "Are posters on the forums a little contrarian?"

Second of all, because a contrarian is a type of person, a "little contrarian" is not someone who is only slightly contrary, it is a contrarian who is the size of a kobold. Which...may actually have been what you meant. But probably not.

If you wanted to ask about the level of contrariness of the posters, then what you should have titled it was:

Are people on these boards a little contrary?"

I mean, was that hard? It's like you aren't even trying.

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Is pH unbalanced right about "contrarian"? The answer will SHOCK you!

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Is pH unbalanced right about "contrarian"? The answer will SHOCK you!


Get yer popcorn here!!!

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Please tell me the link is monetized, at least.

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Vun rarian, ha! ha! ha!

Two rarians, ha! ha! ha!

Drei rarians, ha! ha! ha!

Is zis right?

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Now really, what do you expect me to believe when it comes to grammar? Some random dictionary somewhere, or the words in my brain?

I find this thread and everyone who posts in it offensive - offensive I say!!!!

Because the OP and everyone who either agrees or disagrees with him is clearly wrong!!!

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If Kobold Cleaver put it somewhere where I can FAQ it, we would know (eventually) now wouldn't we!

Not that it matters, it doesn't even bother me at all.

turns around, sobbing.

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AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:

I find this thread and everyone who posts in it offensive - offensive I say!!!!

Because the OP and everyone who either agrees or disagrees with him is clearly wrong!!!

No offense, but actually, you people make me sick and bring great shame to my family.

Personally, I think I could've done it better.

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15 Most Contrarian Posters of All Time!
#7 will shock you!

Scarab Sages

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In other news, water is wet. Except when it's dry.

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My dear boy, we're not a LITTLE contrarian.

We are, all of us, EXTREMELY contrarian.

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Not me, I'm just fine, the snow hardly bothers me at all.

Dark Archive

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Wilkins, Goblin Scholar wrote:

My dear boy, we're not a LITTLE contrarian.

We are, all of us, EXTREMELY contrarian.

As a goblin, aren't you the very definition of a little contrarian? :D

Dark Archive

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Are we contrarian, or expressing or free will and expressing our unique take on the world?

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