PaizoCon 2017 - Who's Coming?!

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Grand Lodge

I have dual lodge citizenship, so I will be representing both the Minnesota and Online communities. I am one of the people traveling with Earl on that train. Rob, I would love it if you could join us on that trip! I so want to meet you!


Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

Khelreddin-- thanks! You and Simon are a lot of fun to play with as well.

Alas, I've figured out the finances, and it's been ugly for the last year. I'm 98% sure at this point I won't be able to make it, barring some unforseen windfall.

Dark Archive

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Magic 8 Ball: All signs point to yes!

See everyone there.

Scarab Sages

rknop wrote:

Khelreddin-- thanks! You and Simon are a lot of fun to play with as well.

Alas, I've figured out the finances, and it's been ugly for the last year. I'm 98% sure at this point I won't be able to make it, barring some unforseen windfall.

Sad, but take care of you and yours first. Hope circumstances improve!

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I shall be in attendance as well. ^_^

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I expect to be there for the first time this year. Not 100 percent sure yet, but definitely in the high 90s...

Dark Archive

Lilith wrote:
I shall be in attendance as well. ^_^


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

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I was on the fence, but there are plans afoot and surprise visits by friends that have compelled me to go.

Liberty's Edge

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Mike Welham wrote:

I was on the fence, but there are plans afoot and surprise visits by friends that have compelled me to go.

Cool - hopefully we can find time to chat!


Nebraska checking in.

Grand Lodge

rknop wrote:

Khelreddin-- thanks! You and Simon are a lot of fun to play with as well.

Alas, I've figured out the finances, and it's been ugly for the last year. I'm 98% sure at this point I won't be able to make it, barring some unforseen windfall.

Oh, that's too bad, but I understand. I do hope to meet you someday, Rob. You have been always a delight to intract with on these boards.


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OK, got Con (and banquet) tickets and hotel reservations. Just need to get plane tickets now...

Really looking forward to meeting a lot of people I've chatted, designed and games with over the last six years.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Yep, plane tickets are the next move. Waiting for the best deal...shame that it's Memorial day weekend and my daughter's last day of school is on that Friday. The most expensive plane ticket day :(

Very likely I'll be getting tickets for super early Saturday morning and head straight to the Con then banquet.

My plane tickets were a disaster this year. Got in super-early and therefore cheap (but non-alterable) fares from home to Seattle for Paizocon, Texas for NTRPGCon and back here. Once I was all booked and ready to turned out I was going to be in Lisbon, rather than Australia just before. Rather an expensive lesson in diary management. :(

Scarab Sages

Well, it looks like my Magic Eight Ball says, "All signs point to YES!"
My *FIFTH* PaizoCon!
I'm especially excited about getting to see the Special Guest, Crystal Frazier, and getting her autograph again! (On Mummy's Mask issues!)
I'll be staying at the convention hotel, as I always have.

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I'll be flying in from New York!

I have my con badge and banquet ticket, my hotel reservations, and my plane tickets!

It will be my first Paizocon and my first RPG convention since the '90s!

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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Where do you get a badge? Merchandise section?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

here, mid screen

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Oh thanks! I was thinking badge was something more special than a ticket :)

Unfortunately I'll have to wait for day of, only getting 1 day.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

My wife and I will be coming to Paizocon this year. Curious to attend, as the only Cons I've been to before were either tiny, tiny and badly managed, or non-gaming.

Still, looking forward to it!

Deidre and I will of course be attending, and I should be available before and after for at least a day or two for possible tours/excursions/games if anyone wants a semi-local guide. PM me if interested (or email in profile).

zylphryx wrote:
Unless my job / financial situation looks up dramatically in the next month, I won't be there ... which will make for my longest absence from PaizoCon ever

This must not be! PM sent.

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I will be there for my 5th PaizoCon in a row!

I also want to set up some kind of gathering for the freelancers that I have worked with to be able to meet face to face.

Scarab Sages Contributor

I'll definitely be coming, and I eagerly look forward to the trivia contest! Not to mention the rest of the fun stuff there!

bidding for me to be on your team begins at 1 miniatures booster pack

Dark Archive

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I'm getting ready to move to Seattle, so I might make it.

Silver Crusade

And can officially say most of the LA crew will be coming. Including me. :-)

Scarab Sages

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It is looking more and more likely Ill be there this year to represent the netherlands.

Dark Archive

Woran wrote:
It is looking more and more likely Ill be there this year to represent the netherlands.

Great! I look forward to meeting you!

Scarab Sages

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Woran wrote:
It is looking more and more likely Ill be there this year to represent the netherlands.
Great! I look forward to meeting you!

Thank you. I am exited to finally meet some of the board regulars :)

Dark Archive

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This just in!
Both Minnesota VCs (as well as three former VCs) will be there! Coming out early with my wife (who will likely not be attending) to explore Seattle once more! Then, Mimosas, Thursty!

Scarab Sages

Tickets have been ordered! Now on to the quest for airplane tickets. Must get that extra leg room...

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

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I'll be there once again. Looking forward to it.

Order of the Amber Die

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I'll be there, along with two other members of the Order, Sterling and Aerick from The Strange Aeons Experiment and The Giantslayer Endeavor. We'll also be running a seminar about marathon gaming; it's similar to the one we ran at GenCon last year, with the added bonus of now having Savannah there to answer some questions about what it was like to marathon with us. I'll add some details about it in the event list when that drops. Looking forward to having a blast at our first PaizoCon!

Dark Archive

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Silbeg wrote:

This just in!

Both Minnesota VCs (as well as three former VCs) will be there! Coming out early with my wife (who will likely not be attending) to explore Seattle once more! Then, Mimosas, Thursty!

Get yer liver ready.

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Representing Massachusetts. Bringing a certain Long Island based Angellic cleric as well

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I expect to attend (traveling from Minneapolis).

It will be my 3rd visit. Looking forward to seeing your friendly faces, both familiar and new!

Grand Lodge

Woran wrote:
It is looking more and more likely Ill be there this year to represent the netherlands.

Oh, Tineke! Will I finally get to meet you? This will be great! We need to find a table to play at together!


Scarab Sages

Hmm wrote:
Woran wrote:
It is looking more and more likely Ill be there this year to represent the netherlands.

Oh, Tineke! Will I finally get to meet you? This will be great! We need to find a table to play at together!


Most defenitely. Im also dragging snowflake along. It will be awesome to finally meet you!

Grand Lodge Contributor

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I'll be there from Winnipeg after a couple of years' absence.

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Excited to be heading back to Seattle again this year - see you all there.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Neil Spicer wrote:
I'll be there once again. Looking forward to it.

Awesome, maybe I can return the game favor last year and run something for you for a change one evening.

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I'm in. Just ordered my badge today.


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I'll be there for my first time at PaizoCon :D

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Plane ticket and hotel room purchased! I'm officially going to Paizocon for the first time.

I was thinking about running some games, perhaps some non-PFS stuff? Would you, Paizocon veterans, recommend that? Or, should I just go to play and hang out?

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Andrew Hoskins wrote:

Plane ticket and hotel room purchased! I'm officially going to Paizocon for the first time.

I was thinking about running some games, perhaps some non-PFS stuff? Would you, Paizocon veterans, recommend that? Or, should I just go to play and hang out?

I recommend a balanced mix of seminars, running/playing PFS and other games, and hanging out with freelancers, Paizo folks, and other cool people. :) I wouldn't necessarily schedule too many games to run, it's entirely possible to run something spontaneously if you find a group of people willing to play. If you decide to run any of your PFS scenarios, it would be fun to play at your table. :)


Girlfriend and I will be there all weekend. Look forward to meeting everybody, first PaizoCon for us.

Scarab Sages

As a current local, I'll definitely be there. I'll likely be working on my 5th star with special #10.

Grand Lodge

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Yay! Just got my tickets for not only my first PaizoCon. But my first Con of any kind. The excitement is building.

I expect to be there as a player as I need to spread the joys of gaming. Got my suite and may have a newbie in tow to see what gaming is all about. I do have my 150 tables of credit and a few cons to organize before GenCon... maybe I'll sit in on a 5 star qualifier or do my own...

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I shall be in attendance!

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