MNM3E Omniversal Heroes Forever

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A group of heroes defend the Omniverse.

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Dot in here.

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

Somewhere, under a table, there is a very tall pile of books. The books shift slightly, and a muffled sniffling noise occasionally emanates from beneath them. Is someone under there?

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

Still figuring out somethings here, so just fair warning I'm going to make a lot of mistakes.

"The Dragon stands as the guardian of the treasure."

On Earths across the omniverse, the Serpent, the Dragon, represents change, challenge. Overcoming the dragon is not a matter of dominance or suppression, but rather the integration of the self.

The Olympian Gods fought against the primordial power of Typhon.

In the East, the dragon represents the challenge of integrating the shadow aspects of the self.

Every Spider has their Lizard.

Blue Beetle has faced Kobra and Killer Croc.

Tiamat, Asgorath, Hydra, Python, The Serpent.

This ancient struggle echoes through your mind, consciously or unconsciously, as you face this portal to somewhere...else.

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

Maggie's Prologue:
Maggie had taken a job. Michelle was still in the country helping Junior recover, and Nenene was in India with Yomiko and Nancy. Anita would be gone over the weekend on a school field trip, but before she had gone, she had thoroughly berated Maggie for buying books instead of groceries (again). Everyone would be back soon, and Nenene in particular would be furious if her cupboard was bare on her return. Perhaps, perhaps not, but most of all, they were out of milk, which constituted an emergency according to Anita.

Anyway, Maggie needed money to buy the groceries, and as it happened, someone had not long ago called the Three Sisters' Detective Agency's new number--now operating in Japan!--asking for help. A woman was worried an ex-boyfriend was stalking her. Could they tail her on an average day and determine if she was being followed? She'd hesitated to take a job without Michelle to coordinate the negotiation and the tasks ahead. But the woman was frightened, and the money, while not generous, was still good.

So she'd donned cargo pants and a mid-length jacket, all stuffed with more than an adequate amount of paper on their own, and taken the spare case with extra condensed paper "ammo." Her laptop was stuffed in the case as well, holding notes on the case that she couldn't accidentally convert into a familiar. Overly cautious to take that much with her, but better prepared than not.

She was successful. The ex was indeed following the girl. At Maggie's command, a giant origami snake delivered the stalker a message inscribed upon the fangs which "swallowed" the young man. "Leave her alone." She didn't harm him beyond a few bruises. He never saw Maggie's face. But follow up the next day confirmed he was no longer following the girl. Maggie left her client with the good news and a flier for self-defense classes, and left a little richer.

To Maggie's credit, she made it to the grocery store without having purchased a single book along the way! She got all the way to the checkout counter with rice, milk, and a few other staples that would support her and her little sister for the next week or so. But at the checkout, a small display offered paperback novels for sale. Cheap! She had just enough. Well, if she put one of the milk bottles back, then just enough. For one book. Just one book.

A small smile of triumph crept along Maggie's face as she left the store. She still had the groceries. And the book! With one arm, she managed to press the sack of groceries against her body, balancing the paper case on top. With the other hand, she held the new book in front of her. Her Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik. A British naval officer fights Napoleon aided by a precocious Chinese dragon. In a world full of dragons.

Why were dragons so pervasive in storytelling, anyway?

Here is Japan they were water spirits. In India, dragons protected the Buddha. In Britain, St. George slew one.

Maggie had her own dragon. She could fly through the skies in one, if she had enough paper. What was the dragon in her? Where did it come from?

Maggie was normally alert. Almost supernaturally alert. But her own train of thought and the narrative before her were unusually engrossing. By the time she noticed the glow and the prickle across her skin, she had already stepped through the portal...

For some reason, the first thing that came to mind as she faced suddenly unfamiliar surroundings was, Not again.

Male Kyptonian clone | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +15 | Initiative +3 | Toughness 16 (9 Imp) | Dodge 3 | Parry 4 | Fortitude 11 | Will 9 |

An electric-powered reach truck hummed down the warehouse aisle. Wooden crates fill the shelves creating a thirty foot tall corridor open to massive lights and big a$$ fans. The veteran warehouseman worked for a little less than double minimum wage and was not paid for the stress of a robber hanging on the back and holding a gun against his kidney.

They finally arrive at the bin location and slows to a stop. The armed robber growls in a deep gravelly voice, "nothing funny, or I learn how to operate this forklift." The pep talk did not reduce the warehouseman's stress, and he didn't want to correct him that this is not a forklift.

The reach truck repositions perpendicular to a wall of wooden crates and sends its arms up thirty feet in the air to the desired bin location. The forks slide under the ten foot long, five foot square, double skid, wooden crate with red 'Fragile' stenciled on every face. It lifts off the shelf clearly near the weight limit of the high capacity truck. The warehouseman wonders how they got this crate up there as be starts to pull the crate away from the shelf.

The unexpected motion to turn the truck twitches the robber's trigger finger causing a loud bang to explode in the warehouse. The attention of the warehouseman on the crate starts to fail when blood begins to leak from a hole in his back. At twenty feet, the control of the truck jerks tipping the crate into free fall. The robber jumps off the truck shocked by his shot and watches in slow motion as the crate falls to the concrete floor. The wooden crate lands on a corner and shatters exposing a metal and glass cylinder which also shatters.

The robber starts a string of curses when a human stands up and floats above the cylinder. This young Caucasian man stands well over six foot tall with extraordinarily broad shoulders and a small waist. His blue eyes are brilliant with a sparkle of ruby red. His short black hair is slicked back with one curl escaping in the middle of his forehead. His square jaw is clean shaven. He wears a modified red, white, and blue Superman suit with a stylized S symbol prominent on his chest.

Subject twenty-three had been dancing with his date in his senior year prom at the Smallville high school when his reality exploded in light and noise revealing an enormous warehouse. He sees two men: one bleeding slumped within a truck's cockpit and the second leveling a gun at him who obviously shot the other one.

The robber was not told what was in the crate. The job was described as a milk run to a Northern Virginia warehouse. In and out with a stolen, rental van. Nothing in his criminal life prepared him for a Superman floating above the wreckage of the crate. Already shocked and nervous, he fires three shots before realizing that the bullets just ricocheted off the Superman. As a reaction, a circular golden disc spins into existence in front of the floating Superman. Then in the blink of an eye, the disc and the Superman are gone. He looks at the wounded man and the remnants of the crate and wonders if he would survive this failure.

Subject twenty three twitches when the three bullets touch his chest. As he starts to fly toward the gunman, a golden disc blocks his flight transporting him to a third reality within a minute.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I was planning to throw everyone together at the same time, but since we are in different states of readiness, I'm going to roll things out as we can. Post whenever you are ready.

Maggie's ears pop as the air pressure changes. She can't see for a long moment, and in that darkness, she smells smoke, ash, something like burning chemicals, acrid and heavy in her lungs. She hears a voice, male but fairly high in pitch, speaking Cantonese with an antique Shang Hai accent. "I know the air is terrible, but it will help if you can take a few deep breaths. You are safe for the moment, and I am not a threat. You are likely experiencing some nausea and are temporarily blind. These things will pass quickly."

And indeed, the world begins to swim into place.

"While your senses gather themselves, don't be surprised to hear a door opening and closing. We have another traveler to welcome."

She hears a door open and close and a rush of air, this stale and dusty, like a warehouse.

At this, the one who would have been known as The Sentry is drawn through a door Maggie and the young man cannot see.

In lightly accented English he says, "Everyone stay calm. I know that this is very confusing, but we can't afford to draw too much attention to ourselves. CLARK, is your name Clark? Please stay calm and take a breath. Not too big a breath. I don't want to be crushed to death by air."

As your vision clears, you see that you are standing in an urban wasteland. The sky hangs heavy above with iron grey clouds. Burnt out cars litter the streets. Windows are shattered, buildings collapsed.

The voice slowly resolves into a middle aged Chinese man wearing a leather bomber jacket, khakis, a blue tie, glasses, and a leather messenger bag. His gloved hands hold a heavy brass key. You can see a dagger at his waist and a few metal vials.

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

It feels like getting hit all over again with Professor Weber's sonic cannon. Tough though she might be, Maggie struggles to stay standing, both from the effects of the portal and memories of prior dangers. She hears her ears pop. Better, at least, than getting them blown out again. Blindness, however, is not a welcome substitution for deafness.

She breathes as the Shanghainese man's voice suggests, though more out of training than following advice. She holds the book she was so engrossed in moments ago before rigidly; its pages quiver in anticipation of danger. She drops the groceries and paper case she was carrying, and they land with a plop beside her. One sad cabbage rolls its way into a nearby pile of dusty debris.

While she "arms" herself, she still takes him at face value at his claim he is not a threat. At least, he does not want her dead, or he would be taking advantage of her reeling senses. The book in her hand is preparing to become a shield. She braces herself for impact, not to spring into an attack.

As her vision clears, she straightens, all six feet and one inch of her. Reddish-brown eyes dart about. Every sense is focused on taking in as much detail as she can. The city that is very definitely not Tokyo in the year 2006. The man in the bomber jacket and his odd assortment of gear.

"Where are we?" she asks first in Cantonese, meanwhile internally acknowledging somehow this man knew this was her native language, even though, based on his accent, it is not his. Like him, she is ethnically Chinese, but she is from Hong Kong. She begins to size him up, but swings her gaze over to the shutting door as the new arrival comes through. The business card still juts out between her fingers, like a half-concealed knife.

A man who looks like, but not quite like, Superman, of all people. An off-brand Superman, but still an impressive costume, complete with S. She is far less interestingly clad, dressed in a light blue trench coat, a red crew neck, and dark brown cargo pants. She does have her own "super suit" of sorts, and she is indeed grateful she decided to put on her protective underarmor layer, just in case. But there is no time or need to change.

She speaks with a muted alto, repeating her first question in fluent English. "Where are we?" She follows up with the expected: "Who are you?"

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Believe it or not, I'm a Super-Hero." Ted Kord's inner monologue starts by stating the obvious. "I have seen Things. Things that would 'wrinkle your brain', and I'm smart enough to understand them, but This ... This part always weirds me the F-out."

He listens to the collection of individuals beginning to gather in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of burnt-out cars and shattered building windows collapsing into urban decay. Knocking his knuckles on one of the hoods of a burnt-out car husks he says in a sarcastic tone, "Let me guess ... Tesla, right?" He points to the car and then to the decaying buildings, "So this must be the Trump Future we were all promised. It's ... as I ... expected."

In a mocking manner he says, "Greeting Travelers," and bows his head. Ted is wearing his hero-costume of royal blue on a lighter blue-gray with black details, cowl, and fancy gold lenses tech-goggles scanning the area for all sorts of information only technology can feed the brain of a really smart (ass) guy.

Male Kyptonian clone | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +15 | Initiative +3 | Toughness 16 (9 Imp) | Dodge 3 | Parry 4 | Fortitude 11 | Will 9 |

Subject twenty-three blinks clearing the warehouse from his eyes and obeys the suggestion to take a breath. He surveys his new reality nonplussed, before remembering the question. "Clark? Name?"

In his hand, he notices a hand-written note which he reads to himself, “Sentry, do better than Superman.” Memories of Superman flood through his conscious reminding him who his favorite superhero is.

By deduction, he looks at the woman and two men and answers, "My name is Sentry. Who are you?"

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

Another costumed man comes through, appearing beyond the wreckage of a car. What madness was this? She wanted to believe she was dreaming, but the nausea and the rawness of the air felt real. She had seen impossibilities become possible before. Was this the same cause or something else?

The blue-clad "superhero" spoke things that made no sense. What did a pompous hotelier and one of the fathers of electricity have to do with the city they stood in? The puzzlement on her face registers clearly, but she leaves the questions unspoken and soon looks back to the man in the bomber jacket.

Likewise when Sentry introduced himself, she nods briefly toward him. "Maggie." Then back to their "host." He was the one who knew what was going on.

The man smiles at your confusion, not as though mocking you, but as in recognition. "I'll be happy to answer your questions as we go, but we should not be on the street too long. We have a few more friends to gather."

He clambers over a pile of broken asphalt and moves into the shadow of a half collapsed three story building. "I am Wan Li. My students mostly called me Doctor Wan or just Doc. Li is fine too. Take your pick. We are in or near Denver, Colorado, United States. I think the year is 2029. That is where we should be, but I am still figuring out some things with how the key works, so I could be a little off. At the moment, it would be best if we could avoid being seen by anyone until we can get our feet under us."

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Wow. The world was not kind to this place." He looked around and took a cocky attitude when he addressed the party, "I'm The Blue Beetle" as if that name is suppose to mean something to those gathered.

"So Doc, while we hide, why don't you fill us in, and give us the bullet points: What are we doing here? What happened here? And Who is the Big Bad?"

"Bullet...Points. Is that things you should shoot at? If you see any sort of hovering aircraft, like a crazy helicopter but with four rotors, definitely shoot at that. Or if you see something that looks like a nightmare metal skeleton with red glowing eyes, shoot at that. Or a big robot squid sort of thing. All of those are definitely things you should shoot at. Really any sort of robot. Most of the humans seem to be ok, but not all of them. As for what you are doing here, I brought you here with this, it is called the Anykey, and it can open doors to anywhere or anywhen. Someone called The First sent me a message that I should come here and use the key to open some particular doors. I did that, and you stepped through the doors. We have a few more doors to open to gather our team. I'm not sure what happened here. It looks pretty terrible. I would guess the Americans and the Soviets finally pushed the button for total annihilation. Mutually Assured Destruction. Looks like it wasn't completely effective."

He holds up a large brass key, like an old fashioned skeleton key when he points out the Anykey.

"As for who is the "big bad," as you say, I don't know who they are exactly. There are lots of killer robots and tanks and flying things, and they all have a sort of skull octopus symbol on them. Those seem to be hunting humans, so I'm thinking they are our opponents."

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

Her heartbeat increases as she considers being (A) far from her sisters and (B) far from home. Her mind races with panic that she has left Anita alone. Anita can take care of herself. But she is still a child.

Until proven otherwise, she was opting to take what he was saying at face value. She could be dreaming/drugged/gaslit, but she saw no immediate way to wake up if she was. She's also seen realities transform into different realities, London transformed by the Gentleman. She's read more than enough to accept multiple universe theory, both from the perspective of fiction and theoretical physics. All of this is possible.

Even as part of her goes into alert for the giant robots he describes, and she searches for the best place to seek cover, another part voices uncertainty: "So, you've kidnapped us. And you'll refuse to take us home until we help you." She pauses, just making the statement, not arguing or asking.

"And you've made a mistake. I-" I'm nothing without my sisters, is what she was about to say, but she hesitates, realizing if she brings up Anita and Michelle, he might be more likely to respond by kidnapping them too rather than send her home. And if he wanted a singularly strong paper master, Yomiko was the more obvious choice--but she wasn't going to let Agent Paper get kidnapped either. She changes tack, nodding at the two costumed heroes before her. "Why me? Maybe you heard of my abilities. But that doesn't make me a superhero."

Meanwhile, searching for cover:

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

"Kidnap-...whoa, hold on. Not kidnapped. I know none of this makes sense, and it is all very jarring...Well, maybe it is kidnapping. Ok, consider this an invitation then. I'm not a superhero, I'm not even a hero...just a college professor from San Diego. I will send you home right now, but if I do, it will be bad, really bad. All of reality ceasing to exist kind of bad. So come with me so I can show you something, and then make your decision, but if you want to go home, take the Anykey and imagine opening a door that you are familiar with, and it will take you home as fast as clicking your heels three times. But leave the key, because without it we can't get where we need to go."

He extends the antique brass key toward Maggie.

"As for why you, I don't know. The First said to get you, so that is what I'm doing. Everything I've seen tells me he knows what he is doing."

Maggie spots a comforting sign a few buildings down the street, "Tattered Dreams Books and Coffee." The glass front has been shattered, but the building looks sturdy enough.

Male Kyptonian clone | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +15 | Initiative +3 | Toughness 16 (9 Imp) | Dodge 3 | Parry 4 | Fortitude 11 | Will 9 |

Denver, Colorado? 2029? Big Bad? Bullet points? Sentry absorbs the descriptions but does not understand how, where, or when, and he does not open his mouth to admit the enormity of his ignorance.

He was glad when Dr. Wan Li did not know what bullet points meant but was concerned about all the threats that he does admit. He actively starts listening for incoming robots.
Hearing: Accurate, Analytical, Extended 4: –1 per 18.94 miles, Ultra-hearing
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

He tucks the note that he found in his hand into a small pocket that he just discovered in his skintight suit, as he listens to this Maggie be concerned about being kidnapped. Then, Dr. Li admits that kidnapping might be appropriate but may have a good reason like, all of reality ceasing to exist kind of bad.

While no one seems to be in any danger, he continues to seek information about his situation. "Dr. Wan Li, who is this First? And why do you do what they say?"

"Sentry, ah, I don't know if we should get into all of that yet, but he is a hero who sort of watches over things. Things like Reality. He monitors Reality, keeping an eye on all of the things that are playing out across time and space. Lots of different times and spaces. And sometimes he asks people to help fix things, which is what we are doing here. This place isn't right, and if I can Just Get Everyone Together with this key....Everything will be fine."

Calming himself, he gestures with the key, "I do what he says because what else are you going to do when someone asks you to save the world?"

Deep below the building, Sentry hears the sounds of people being very still. He hears 5 rapid heartbeats.

He hears a buzzing sound miles above, like an engine. At ground level, about a mile away, he hears three people walking at an irregular pace, moving and stopping in furtive movements.

Male Kyptonian clone | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +15 | Initiative +3 | Toughness 16 (9 Imp) | Dodge 3 | Parry 4 | Fortitude 11 | Will 9 |

"You answer, yes?" Sentry rhetorically replies to Dr. Wan Li's question remembering what the note read.

"Deep below this building, there are five nervous people hiding. And about a mile away, there are three people hunting. Are we waiting for them?"

After the answer to that question, the Sentry adds, "there is a machine miles above us. I will monitor it's movement."

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Skull octopus symbol? That's new." Ted thought about it for a moment, and while Braniac does have a skull like face and metal tentacles it doesn't usually brand itself with a skull octopus symbol.

As they looked for a nice place to hide and get caught up on their mission here he asks, "So The First is a Monitor-type of sorts? What does he really think we can do here? Other than the obvious."

Having a moment to collect her thoughts Maggie realizes that the other superhero is Blue Beetle. The second one. Ted Kord. Can't use the magitech Beetle so he uses his inventions to follow in Dan Garrett's footsteps. Billionaire or millionaire depending on the era. Brilliant inventor. Generally a good guy. (And with a 36, she might know things about him that he doesn't know. Of course, this is perhaps a variant.)

Expertise: Literature: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

"He didn't tell me specifically what we should be doing here. Just that there was a problem. I should bring you all together and 'set things right.'"

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

As soon as Maggie spots the bookstore, her attention entirely zeroes in on that. She very suddenly walks away from Dr. Wan as he begins to protest about a kidnapping, and she entirely misses his offer of the key.

"There," she waves the others along. "For hiding." With her other hand, a stream of index cards fly out from her sleeve like water pouring out of a faucet, bending and rippling until they take the form of a human-height, but still paper thin doll with four arms. Its "eyes" are a series of dashes and bars that look like some kind of symbol. The paper doll picks up the groceries and briefcase she dropped earlier and follows dutifully behind her.

She is heading toward the bookstore entirely because it looks sturdy and because she can find more ammunition to help protect people, and totally not at all because it is a bookstore. (It is also because it is a bookstore.)

GMST: Maggie just would take his offer and leave. Because "you have to save all of a reality" is too big of an ask for her to accept/absorb just yet, I was contriving a reason to keep her from demanding she be sent home by making her assume she is trapped and could endanger her sisters by revealing their existence. I did that to help the story along and keep her with the party. So now I'm going to lean on her bibliomania complication so she just entirely misses his offer. I would like to make it easy to keep her in the story!

If the others follow into the bookstore/cafe, the animated paper doll puts down her stuff and then disassembles itself, the paper components now flying toward the windows, filling gaps in the windows so (ordinary) people can't see inside.

The recognition of Blue Beetle has started to sink in. An American comic book hero as well. Same publisher as Superman. Strange. She does not speak that recognition aloud. But she figures whatever is going on, revealing her powers to these people is not going to be that big a deal.

Comic books. Skull-octopus symbol. Could it be...?

Expertise: Literature: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

She remembers. She recounts in her low, almost monotone voice. "Hydra. The skull-octopus symbol. It's the symbol of Hydra." She doesn't want to say more, but the question of what that is remains in the air, and she realizes she may be the only person who knows what that means. She sighs and explains further, her face reddening as she speaks. "Hydra was a superpowered metaphor for the Axis threat, the enemy of Captain America, a superhero representing the Allied efforts in World War II. The cover of the first issue of Captain America comics in 1940 was of Captain America punching Hitler. It appeared two years after the first appearance of Superman in Action Comics." She looks at Sentry as she says the final sentence. "Both heroes, though written by different people, were written to represent and defend the ideals of liberty and justice for all."

DQ/Maggie, I think I have a decent sized case of Stendhal syndrome, the thing where you cry at art. It doesn't happen very often with RPG sessions, but that got me for some reason.

Also, lol, he would have given you the key, but you probably couldn't have made it work.

Blue Beetle, you made me realize for the first time ever how much the Braniac ship with mechanical arms looks like the Hydra symbol.

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"So I have an idea." Ted Kord said as the newly assembled team looks for a nice safe place to call a base of operations here is this crappy world. "We need information, and you mentioned staying away from robots, but what if we caught one? I could try to search its files to get a better sense of the information we are lacking, and maybe even build a signal tracker back to its command center. If we are here to do some good I assume it is riding this world of this ... what did you call it? Hydra? That seems like the most logical and straight forward plan to me." He pondered his words and how they would register with the party of strangers. "Unless, you all have a better idea?"

Male Kyptonian clone | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +15 | Initiative +3 | Toughness 16 (9 Imp) | Dodge 3 | Parry 4 | Fortitude 11 | Will 9 |

Sentry standing up and floating a foot above the ground follows Maggie at a comfortable distance.

Hearing her assessment of the symbol, he replies to himself, "Superman fought this Hydra? Defending the ideals of liberty and justice for all? I must do better." He concludes to himself aloud.

At the Blue Beetle's question, Sentry offers, "if we want to know what is going on, we should talk with the people hunting about a mile away. They would know."

"If we want to hide, we should hide with the five people under the building. They think it is a good spot to hide."

Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Then I vote to find the 5 people hiding under the building." Ted says as he hopes this Superman has the same x-ray vision the Superman he knows also has. Ted wonders about this world and if it also has a Ted Kord or Blue Beetle or both. If they are alive and they can make contact then they might be a lot like him and they would be willing to help, or at least provide information and resources so this group of strangers can do some good while here.

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

Maggie decides not to correct Sentry. Superman surely would fight Hydra if the occasion arose, and he seems to be seeking guidance on that front. It would make for a good comic book crossover story.

She swallows at the sudden thought. A crossover? Is that what she was involved in? Was she a comic book character too? It was ridiculous, but she didn't dismiss the notion. Gentleman had been able to bring H.G. Wells' creatures from War of the Worlds to life. Dokusensha wanted to turn Nenene's brilliant mind into reality, if only after they'd tried to break it first. It felt perfectly sensible that the imaginings of a great author could become real. She just lamented the poor readers who had to put up with her and her sisters' shenanigans. Anyway.

After sentry's statement of needing to do better, she adds quietly, "I'm sure you do fine."

As Blue Beetle says he can likely hack the robots, Maggie nods in encouraging agreement. Yes, yes, he could do that. But, then the news of five people under the building. Did this Sentry have Superman-like senses then? Three proposed directions. Hunters a mile away. People below. Robots to find. She voices her agreement with whom to prioritize.

"The people hiding first." She pauses. She looks at Dr. Wan. "Are they the others you brought here?"

An environmental question: are there any books in this place?

Male Demigod | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +5 | Initiative +3 | Toughness 11 | Dodge 7 | Parry 9 | Deflect 10 | Fortitude 11 | Will 5 |

Suddenly another portal opens, depositing a muscularly built bearded man in classical themed garb upon the street with a thud!

He stands groggily, as if gathering his senses after receiving a mighty blow* ... before speaking with a growl through clenched teeth, the volume rising from, at first a hoarse whisper to a bellicose boom;


He pauses, taking in your collective countenance, before proclaiming loudly;


* Which we know he did courtesy of Donnergott in last month's issue True Believers!

Genetically-engineered metahuman | Init +8 | Toughness 12 (7 without powers | Dodge 8, Parry 8 | Fort 12 Will 8 |

Maggie reflexively darts backwards as the large figure charges through the portal Dr. Wan seems to have opened in response to her question. She had put her book in her jacket pocket as they had walked into the store and they discussed the situation. Now, what appears to be an index card slides from under one of her sleeves into her hand, and she holds it reflexively before her as though it were a sword or shield.

She takes a breath, her (considerable) intellect racing to piece together the new arrival. Huge. Muscled. Son of ... Zeus? But speaking English. The Crimson Skull.

Not just a man of myth. Also from the comics. One of the Avengers, at some point.

"Hercules..." she breathes, face reddening. She lowers the paper, but still positions herself backward, more intimidated than on the defensive. She acts as though she is small, even though she's as tall as most of the folks in the room.

"The Red Skull's Hydra. Sir."

Maggie Mui wrote:

Maggie decides not to correct Sentry. Superman surely would fight Hydra if the occasion arose, and he seems to be seeking guidance on that front. It would make for a good comic book crossover story.

She swallows at the sudden thought. A crossover? Is that what she was involved in? Was she a comic book character too? It was ridiculous, but she didn't dismiss the notion. Gentleman had been able to bring H.G. Wells' creatures from War of the Worlds to life. Dokusensha wanted to turn Nenene's brilliant mind into reality, if only after they'd tried to break it first. It felt perfectly sensible that the imaginings of a great author could become real. She just lamented the poor readers who had to put up with her and her sisters' shenanigans. Anyway.

After sentry's statement of needing to do better, she adds quietly, "I'm sure you do fine."

As Blue Beetle says he can likely hack the robots, Maggie nods in encouraging agreement. Yes, yes, he could do that. But, then the news of five people under the building. Did this Sentry have Superman-like senses then? Three proposed directions. Hunters a mile away. People below. Robots to find. She voices her agreement with whom to prioritize.

"The people hiding first." She pauses. She looks at Dr. Wan. "Are they the others you brought here?"

An environmental question: are there any books in this place?

The bookstore must have at some point been a cozy neighborhood hangout. A few books still sit on the shelves, but most have been thrown into a chaotic jumble on the floor as if by an earthquake or something similar. There is a coffee bar with an expensive espresso machine, but all of the food supplies have been raided. A sitting area shows signs of rodent infestation in a pair of mismatched sofas.

The books are the sort of collection you would find from a quirky but commercially viable neighborhood bookstore in the times before Amazon crushed most of them.

Sentry hears, far above, a shift in the pitch of the engines of the flying craft. Two smaller sets of engines spin up and detach from the larger sound signature. Something clicks in The Sentry's mind, a tiny bit of programmed knowledge surfaces, and he realizes that what is hearing is the sound of quad-rotor craft of different sizes.

One of the smaller craft drops in the direction of the bookstore in which you are currently sheltering...

The other moves toward the "hunting" humans he heard earlier. He hears them move into hiding and go still.

Doc shakes the hand holding the key as if shocked, or perhaps as if his carpal tunnel syndrome was bothering him. As Herakles bursts from the portal, Doc nods.

"Ah, good. Good. Just two more to figure out."

"Introductions seem appropriate. I am Dr. Wan Li, professor of History and defender of the universe. This is Herakles, son of Zeus. And these are Blue Beetle, Maggie Mui, and The Sentry. We are still trying to collect two more, but for now this is what we have to work with."

"Herakles, we are trying to hide from Hydra Hunter Killer robots, so if you could keep your bravado a a a little more quiet."

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