Albert Malek Garess |

"Now that we've rested, perhaps we should give the feather tokens to the fey who enchanted the loggers, then return to the capital, do an inventory and consider investing in additional resources and tools. We should have considerable coin to spin once we have traded for many of the valuables we've come across."

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Lady Tiressa, we thank you for the healing and for allowing us to rest here. The Elven tower has been cleared of the evil fey. One of them did flee. This was the small foul-mouthed speedster. I am not certain who or what he is, but he did run away from us.
We do have plans to rebuild the tower in the near future as it can be used to keep order and peace in the area.
Andreas nods his agreement to Albert.
I concur. Let us deliver the tokens and finish exploring that area. We then can head home to make arrangements for the elven tower and our future explorations.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

"It was a pleasure visiting with you all again, Lady Tiressa!" Saoirse adds with a warm smile. "Should you need anything, we would gladly offer our aid."