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Yeah, I get that it's a weird question.
Lets say that an Intelligent Item has Possessed a spell caster, and then they perform the Lich ritual.
What happens? Which soul becomes bound to the phylactery?
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I'm not sure intelligent items have souls.
The rules say to treat them as constructs, and constructs can't be resurrected, which to me implies they have no soul. No soul, means nothing to put into a phylactery. So I don't think a lich ritual would work.
Lich's become such as a means to avoid mortality and death. An intelligent item is already there.
(And for what it's worth, I don't think a possessed spell caster would lose their soul and become a lich is forced to perform the ritual, but I don't know what would happen.)
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No idea, but an Intelligent Item that manuvers its way into becoming a phylactery seems like an interesting plot.
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By RAW it couldn't, but it'd be possible to work it. Say, if the item was intelligent because the soul of a creature was sealed inside it.
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No, the INT item can't become a lich, it's a construct, not a living thing. The same goes for any other construct.
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If you're the GM, then screw the rules. Make a story for it, make it work. You ARE the rules.
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what if the intelegent item had part of another creatures soul in it
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deuxhero wrote: No idea, but an Intelligent Item that manuvers its way into becoming a phylactery seems like an interesting plot. Could the intelligent item be a Graveknight's sword? (Not the armor, just the sword.)
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For what it's worth, the rules note that some constructs can be powered by souls, although this probably isn't true of the average intelligent item. I still don't think it would work... but the item might not know that, and even the attempt could drive an interesting plot. XD
ive always wanted to make my graveknights armor intelegent just so it could become a lich and have a phelactory so that if the graveknight armor is ever destroyed i can still come back as the armor has a phelactory
Lady-J wrote: ive always wanted to make my graveknights armor intelegent just so it could become a lich and have a phelactory so that if the graveknight armor is ever destroyed i can still come back as the armor has a phelactory I love this idea. What a great concept for a villain.
How many different ways do we have to kill this a+$%%~&?
I think a Lich can become an intelligent item.
An intelligent phylactery would be nightmare fuel for the Lich. They put their soul in an unfeeling, unmotivated lump of metal/stone for a reason- now you just gave it legs, a CG alignment and a squeaky gnomish voice.
Jader7777 wrote: I think a Lich can become an intelligent item.
An intelligent phylactery would be nightmare fuel for the Lich. They put their soul in an unfeeling, unmotivated lump of metal/stone for a reason- now you just gave it legs, a CG alignment and a squeaky gnomish voice.
Interting. Most of the time when I use liches in my games, they make their phylacteries intelligent on purpose.
The lich's soul is in the phylactery. The lich's body is just an animated spell dispenser being controlled by the phylactery.
The item would have to be evil to accept the magic. Neutral if you allow that for undead.
An undead fighter with their soul in their sword would be a soul sword.
This is such a weird question, that if you are going to ask it you might as well go for it. Obviously the rules are not meant for this sort of thing, so as GM do what you think is cool.
I would make it into a flesh golem like lich. Flesh golems is a construct not an undead, so I am sure there is a construct version of a lich that is equally messed up.
Alright, lets change it up slightly. What if instead of an intelligent item, it was a Belier Demon possessing a person, or a wizard using Magic Jar?
Who's soul goes into the phylactery? The possessing entity, or the host?
Doomed Hero wrote: Alright, lets change it up slightly. What if instead of an intelligent item, it was a Belier Demon possessing a person, or a wizard using Magic Jar?
Who's soul goes into the phylactery? The possessing entity, or the host?
That's an interesting way to make liches. Expensive, but maybe there's a reason for it.
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