Inn of meta-knowledge and what-not

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Finally got this done. GM, if you're looking for ways to twist a knife, here's over twenty of them.

Felder Family Relations:

The Felder family is fairly large given its upper class status. Dalen has a number of aunts, uncles, and cousins not listed here. Dalen also hasn't met many of them.

Father Gawain
Age: 55 Deceased
Bio: A tall, burly man, though not as tall as Dalen, Gawain has always had an intelligence and a sense for business that many underestimate on first meeting the man. He's friendly and a consummate diplomat, which has aided in expanding the already hefty family fortune.
Relationship: Dalen's relationship with his father has been rocky for the past five years. Dalen had always wanted to travel the world and see new places, but his father's desires meant that he'd never venture beyond the borders of Aruli and would likely be stuck around Sparo. He had voiced his objections several times, and last year things almost came to a head before Dalen gave in to Gawain's wishes.

Mother Dana
Age: 46
Bio: Dana is the daughter of a minor nobleman whose lands lie near Sparo. She's a cunning and mischievous woman and is quite knowledgeable about many things, from politics to art to history. She's taller than her husband and far more slender. She's also the peacemaker of the family
Relationship: Dalen's relationship with his mother is not as rocky as it is with his father, but it is just as cool. She managed to calm him down when he nearly lost his temper a year before, but the cost was what little warmth had been left after a few years of being told that he had to think of the family.

Brother Lanel
Age: 30
Bio: Lanel is the eldest of eight, and heir to the Felder fortune. He's polite, if aloof, and seems to never be perturbed by anything. He married ten years ago to the eldest daughter of Baron Sylva.
Relationship: Lanel has often viewed Dalen's opposition to Gawain's desires as childish and as a result tends to be patronizing and condescending to his youngest brother. Dalen, for his part, does his best to avoid him.
Children: Valiana - 7
-- Galen - 5
-- Holsen - 4
-- Halsen - 4
-- Deidra - 2

Brother Faelen
Age: 28
Bio: Faelen, despite being the second oldest, was the second to last to wed. he is married to the heiress of a smaller merchant company based in Balzir four years ago. He's a little scatterbrained, and his quietness often leads to him being overlooked. He is also somewhat cold in his dealings, a trait that has become more pronounced since his marriage.
Relationship: Faelen has always been a bit distant, but since it became clear that Dalen felt his emotions more deeply than his siblings, the distance has widened. Dalen has stopped trying to bridge the gulf in recent years as a result.
Children: Cade - 3
-- Belladonna - 1

Sister Moriah
Age: 27
Bio: Moriah, who looks like a shorter version of her mother, married the Earl of Harnon almost elven years ago. Since then she's been instrumental to helping the family secure its position and preparing it for even greater fortunes in the future. She's shwerd and her sharp wit is often quick to place her in the good graces of whoever she's trying to impress.
Relationship: Dalen and Moriah's relationship is perhaps the rockiest of all. She sees his failure to acquiesce to their father's wishes as a troubling sign and they've had many arguments over the years about his role in the family. That her children love him and enjoy it when he's around only serves to aggrevate her further.
Children: Calen - 8
-- Halley - 7
-- Holley - 7
-- Beatrice - 5
-- Hamish - 3
-- Talia - 1

Sister Ysolde
Age: 25
Bio: Ysolde takes more after her father's side of the family and is a tall, solidly-built woman. Despite her status and her pleasant looks, she wasn't married until five years ago. Since then she's only borne one child to her husband, the sickly son of a vinter who lives near Aldune.
Relationship: Though not as cold as Faelen or as strict as Lanel and Moriah, Ysolde still considered Dalen's attempts to do what he wanted as childish and is rather exasperated by the rumors she's heard of him peddling goods while traveling on business for the Order. Needless to say, She and Dalen are not close.
Children: Thomlin - 4

Brother Joplen (Hop-LIN)
Age: 21
Bio: Joplen was married five years ago to Teresa, a young and beautiful girl from the Frosthood Family. He is a friendly and mischievous sort who is often finding himself in trouble with his parents and his older siblings for his bawdy jokes and innuendo laced stories. Despite the arranged marriage, it is clear he loves his wife very much, and dotes on his young children.
Relationship: Joplen and Dalen were thick as theives growing up, though there was the occasional fight that resulted in bloodied lips and black eyes. Even now, the two are very close and, along with the twin sisters that came between them, are often busy helping the nannies and tutors herd all of the children when the family gathers for special occasions.
Children: Jaden - 4
-- Nicole - 3
-- Tori - 1
-- Balen - New born

Sister Charloette
Age: 20
Bio: Chasity's twin sister is much like the two brothers she was born between, charming, friendly, and just mischievous or rebellious enough to cause trouble. She and Chasity were supposed to be wed on the same day, but a storm delayed her fiance in a distant port long enough for her wedding to be postponed until after Faelen's. She is married to Forrest Vale, the younger of twin brothers by only a few minutes, and the son of one of the most successful nouveau riche merchants in Sparo.
Relationship: Though not quite as close to Dalen as Joplen was, Charloette and her youngest brother have stuck together and helped each other ever since they were little. Though there have been arguments over the years, none of them have been vicious or heated enough for the two of them to grow distant.
Children: Bryson - 3
-- Iona - New born

Sister Chasity
Age: 20
Bio: Charloette's twin sister is much like the two brothers she was born between, charming, friendly, and just mischievous or rebellious enough to cause trouble. She and Charloette were supposed to be wed on the same day, but a storm delayed Charloette's fiance in a distant port long enough for her wedding to be postponed until after Faelen's. Chasity is married to Daniel Vale, the older of twin brothers by only a few minutes, and the son of one of the most successful nouveau riche merchants in Sparo.
Relationship: Though not quite as close to Dalen as Joplen was, Chasity and her youngest brother have stuck together and helped each other ever since they were little. Though there have been arguments over the years, none of them have been vicious or heated enough for the two of them to grow distant.
Children: Thomas - 2
-- Hans - New born

Male Half-Elf Investigator(Empiricist) 4 (Shield Inc.) | HP 38 / 38 | AC 23; T 15; FF 19 | CMD 20 | F +5; R +10; W +6 | Init +7 | Per +13

Alright, so I think I've figured out a list of wants for Alvin :

+1 Crossbow Bolts x5 (230gp)

Access to Formulae/Spellbook of :
See Invisibility

That should be everything I'm interested in. Is there anything that might be difficult to get my hands on? How much will it cost total?

Do we want to move the party down to the quartermaster and handle the purchases IC?

I also just want to check what all is considered mundane gear? Base Weapons and Armor? Masterwork Equipment? Cold Iron or Silver weapons? Darkleaf armor? Masterwork Kits (Theives Tools, ect)?

Just want to be certain what I'm paying out of pocket for.

mundane is any adventuring gear, and any simple weapons or light armor. If you want martial weaponry you need to ask for it, and some might be provided.

Just use the normal costs for the formulae at a 20% discount.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Loot sheet for Group 1

You should be able to edit it so feel free to add stuff to it if you want. I'm still waiting on how many potions to get, hence the ??? for their quantity. It'll also be useful for tracking group funds and the like.

after a fair bit of haggling, you manage to get 5 potions for the 165 gold.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Woo! I'll just add that to the loot sheet.

Male Half-Elf Investigator(Empiricist) 4 (Shield Inc.) | HP 38 / 38 | AC 23; T 15; FF 19 | CMD 20 | F +5; R +10; W +6 | Init +7 | Per +13

Alright, Alvin is all set then.

I have 135gp left over if we wanted to pick up anything for Group 2? It sounds like Posh has us pretty well covered though.

We might want to consider pitching in for a couple scrolls of Lesser Restoration, just in case?

whaaaat, ability damage? pfft, why, why would I ever use that...

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Oh, oops. Sorry about that. Dalen is still going need the cart to get all of the supplies to his wagon, so just a minor retcon to say that Alistair's cart was empty when he found Dalen and helped him get the stuff to the wagon.

That said, working on getting the stuff Dalen's got organized. Feel free to add any significant stuff to the loot sheet. Using the link, you should be able to edit the sheet. If you want, you can add a sheet for gear you have on you at the moment (look at the bottom of the window.)

shame Dalen doens't have a level of barbarian or two to go along with that rage of his.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Can't take it at the moment, but I think over the course of the campaign his alignment is going to shift more towards the chaotic end of the spectrum and possibly shift towards good depending on the influences of the party and Elaina.

Male half-Umbral Dragon Human Wizard(Exploiter/Pact)/Alchemist(Mindchemist/Internal) 4 HP: 59[+12 temp]/59 Saves: 12/10/8 AC: 24/16/20 CMD: 24 Initiative: +10 Perception: +9 AR: 5/7

So are the groups going opposite ways? Where are Aldune and Aldur in relation to each other?

Good luck group 2. Perhaps we shall meet again if fortune wills. ;)

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Not sure what happened, but my last post did not show

not particularlly opposite.

one is to the west, and slightly north. The other, Aldune, is north and slightly east. However team 2 will be traveling a little under a week to there destination.

also, I hope my time advancement is ok. If you would prefer a more role played out travel please let me know and I will gladly accommodate. I'm not sure how I should pace things in a PbP format yet.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Generally a post a day seems to be fine for most groups. Though me, personally, tends to give a little longer for bits that can have some RP happen.

That said, I would like to point out that while we want information, there's a method to my madness.

Oh, and someone's going to have to pay for the rooms. Dalen has all of 1 silver left.

And I know you're busy, but I didn't want the little RP going on via PMs to get lost in the shuffle. Just whenever you have a moment to send the next thing.

Well I was more asking if the players would prefer to take travel on a "day by day" basis. As many memorable moments IRL games for me came from simple travel banter. If you think I am rushing things too much please let me know.

and, sorry, visiting the folks on my week off so posting will be sporadic.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Ah, okay.

Male Half-Elf Investigator(Empiricist) 4 (Shield Inc.) | HP 38 / 38 | AC 23; T 15; FF 19 | CMD 20 | F +5; R +10; W +6 | Init +7 | Per +13

I've no problem with the time jump, I'm sure we can catch up on chatter at the inn. When I have time tomorrow, I plan to have Alvin catch the rest of the group up on his knowledge of the cultists and their god Aramosh.

Magus (Spell dancer) 2 | HP: 20/20| AC:18 (22 w Shield spell) , 14 touch , 14 flat-footed | CMD 14| Fort: +5, Reflex: +3, Will: +2(+4) | Init: +3 | Perception: -1, Sense Motive: -1 | Arcane pool 3/4 Anduriel Silverthorn

I'm sure we'll have some decent opportunity for interaction at the inn so it's all good that we jumped ahead to get things going. I think for travel it's a case by case thing. Some trips, the travel itself gives opportunity for RP, in other cases FFWD is just fine and keeps the momentum.

Human Cleric 4 | HP: 20/30 | AC 20/13/17 | F+5 R+4 W+8 | Per: +10 | Init: +3 (+5 in Surprise)| Channels 2/4 | Spells: 1st (3/3) 2nd (2/2) | Arrows (50) Blunt Arrows (10)


Travel can drag down post, unless it's filled with a bunch of encounters or clues. Some flavor text as we travel is nice, but I've always been a fan of getting to the point.

Magus (Spell dancer) 2 | HP: 20/20| AC:18 (22 w Shield spell) , 14 touch , 14 flat-footed | CMD 14| Fort: +5, Reflex: +3, Will: +2(+4) | Init: +3 | Perception: -1, Sense Motive: -1 | Arcane pool 3/4 Anduriel Silverthorn

Character development moments and downtime have their place though. They shouldn't be always skipped over.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Are these prices correct? That is very, very, very high. A typical ale is 4CP according to PF care rulebook.
I mean this is your world and if these are the prices I am fine with that. I just wanted to make sure before I spit my ale all over the place when I am told how much it

You are right, that was my mistake, I had intended it to be 1 silver for a pint. The 10 came from something else not yet relevant. That's what I get for posting via phone and mildly distracted.

It's a bit on the pricy side, but no extremely so, for the world. (However its two for one so it's decently cheap)

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

ok, sorry about that but I felt I need to know if this was the correct price.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Okay, that makes more sense. If it was 10 sp a mug, then Dalen was going to see if he could sell what he has to the innkeeper and try to make out like a bandit.

Oh well. On to other matters.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

Oh my

Welp, It looks like Table 2 is in for some fun times. :)

after looking at the prices again, I completely bundled. I was looking at the wrong thing. So, a pint of ale will be 10cp on average, varying mildly depending on the quality of Ale. (the food/drink table really just lets you know how freaking -rich- adventurers are even at level 1, I'm gonna have to tear down and rebuild this table one day.)

I'd say its 15cp normally for a drink at the Inn you are in, since it is the more "commercial" inn the prices are slightly higher :P. but lucky you, you guys get two for 15cp!

you haven't met Bannock yet.

oh and dalen, I am just trying to figure out the best way sshe would respond to you atm.

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

I figured. Take your time. I am in no rush.

As for the whole economy of the game, it doesn't make any sense, because, given the weight of coins, steel is more valuable than gold. Fixing it would require overhauling an entire part of the game, plus all of the parts that touch or use that part. On top of that, if you wanted to be more accurate to the roughly medieval/renaissance time period, you'd have to have it were 30-50-ish coppers equals a silver and 30-40-isn silvers equaling a gold. If you really wanted to get into it, you'd have coins minted by different areas and interests exchanged at different rates, so 30 Sparo silver coins is worth 1 Golden Knight coin, but it'd take 33 Umber silvers or 28 Dwarven silvers to equal the same coin. And then you could have fun throwing in counterfeit coins and watch your players weep as they realize they just got swindled big time. Then you can spring the whole "some currencies aren't allowed here" card.

Sorry, got carried away there.

As for Bannock, I can't wait. If he's anything like Tibby and starts hitting on Dalen or Elaina, the results are going to be hilarious.

And now I'm picturing Bannock as Master Bob of the Blue Pegasus guild from Fairy Tail. That really would throw Dalen for a loop. >:D

I had thought of that. However this being set in a single nation with a decently strong central oligarch government I doubt they wouldn't have cracked down on that and had one currency instated.

But yeah, economy is a mess. I may do something with it, but for now we'll just use a slightly modified table for food/drink that's fairly close to the provided one.

Male Half-Elf Investigator(Empiricist) 4 (Shield Inc.) | HP 38 / 38 | AC 23; T 15; FF 19 | CMD 20 | F +5; R +10; W +6 | Init +7 | Per +13

Definitely for the best, the only thing messier than the D&D economy is actual medieval currency.

And yeah, Oh my! Indeed. Tibby promises to be a rather unique contact. He simply must meet Lienhol :P

Male Human Fighter 4 | HP: 39/48, NL: 0 | AC 20/11/19 | F+8 R +3 W+3 (+4 vs. Fear) | Per: +3 | Init: +1 | Arrows: 20

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Like I said, I got carried away. If you wouldn't mind making that table available, that would be all I ask. I would like to play Dalen as knowledgeable and with good business sense, so this would help.

Magus (Spell dancer) 2 | HP: 20/20| AC:18 (22 w Shield spell) , 14 touch , 14 flat-footed | CMD 14| Fort: +5, Reflex: +3, Will: +2(+4) | Init: +3 | Perception: -1, Sense Motive: -1 | Arcane pool 3/4 Anduriel Silverthorn

Even crazier when you consider that the rough translation is the a CP is $1.00 a silver is $10.00 and a GP $100.00 which makes a suit of leather armor $1000.00 which actually makes sense.

$15 drinks.....this is the place to be apparently lol. Or one of those artisianal pubs.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Inflation sucks. ;)

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Kitsune Wizard 5 | HP: 58 (-0)| AC 20 | F: +10, R: +12, W: +8 | Perc: +6 | Stealth: +3 | 25ft | Focus: 1/1; Hero Pts: 1/1; Staff: 6/6; Bond Item 1/1 | Spells 1st: 4/4; 2nd: 4/4; 3rd: 2/3 | Active Conditions: Tailless Form.

At least there's no cover charge to get in. :-P

Kitsune Wizard 5 | HP: 58 (-0)| AC 20 | F: +10, R: +12, W: +8 | Perc: +6 | Stealth: +3 | 25ft | Focus: 1/1; Hero Pts: 1/1; Staff: 6/6; Bond Item 1/1 | Spells 1st: 4/4; 2nd: 4/4; 3rd: 2/3 | Active Conditions: Tailless Form.

I can get a little overboard with my characters sometimes. If you feel I'm coming on too strong, just let me know and I'll back off.

For the record, I have no ill will towards you Alvin. :-D

Male Half-Elf Investigator(Empiricist) 4 (Shield Inc.) | HP 38 / 38 | AC 23; T 15; FF 19 | CMD 20 | F +5; R +10; W +6 | Init +7 | Per +13

Not at all, I rather love Posh's brash nature. It compliments my own.

I'm a little under the weather at the moment though, I'm hoping to have a decent rebuttal up this evening.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Sorry that perception roll was the will save.

Sorcerer 4 | HP: 19/27| AC: 14 (14 Touch, 12 Flatfooted, 18 w/Mage Armor) | CMD: 16 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perception: +8, Sense Motive: +2

Still rolled better than me :(

I figured when I saw it.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

I think the party would like to thank you for rolling all the ones for us.

Sorcerer 4 | HP: 19/27| AC: 14 (14 Touch, 12 Flatfooted, 18 w/Mage Armor) | CMD: 16 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perception: +8, Sense Motive: +2

Okay, so time to just cast Ray of Frost over and over again. I'll just soak up all the ones while the party just rolls criticals.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male half-Umbral Dragon Human Wizard(Exploiter/Pact)/Alchemist(Mindchemist/Internal) 4 HP: 59[+12 temp]/59 Saves: 12/10/8 AC: 24/16/20 CMD: 24 Initiative: +10 Perception: +9 AR: 5/7

You guys are getting attacked or something. Meanwhile Serill has gone to bed early ^_^ good luck

Serill won't be getting off that easily... or he might. Who knows.

Male half-Umbral Dragon Human Wizard(Exploiter/Pact)/Alchemist(Mindchemist/Internal) 4 HP: 59[+12 temp]/59 Saves: 12/10/8 AC: 24/16/20 CMD: 24 Initiative: +10 Perception: +9 AR: 5/7

Coup de grace in my sleep. so long friends.

Actually, I think I have something more fun in mind. Or. At least funny.

little something to keep Serill occupied while the rest of the group sort things out.

Sorcerer 4 | HP: 19/27| AC: 14 (14 Touch, 12 Flatfooted, 18 w/Mage Armor) | CMD: 16 | Fort: +4, Reflex: +4, Will: +7 | Init: +4 | Perception: +8, Sense Motive: +2

Just so you know, I editted my post with the will save to add in the check you requested lizardwizard. Making sure that you don't skip over or miss it because of the edit.

Male Half-Elf Investigator(Empiricist) 4 (Shield Inc.) | HP 38 / 38 | AC 23; T 15; FF 19 | CMD 20 | F +5; R +10; W +6 | Init +7 | Per +13

Just a heads up. I am flying out to visit family for the holidays tomorrow. I should be able to post throughout the visit however it may be a little sparse on occasion over the next two weeks. Please accept my preemptive apology and don't hesitate to move things forward if needed.

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