Light hearted PFS scenarios wanted ...

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Agent, New Zealand—Auckland

I'm wanting to run a more humourous type of PFS scenario for our local lodge night, a few days after Christmas and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for more light hearted scenarios that would be applicable - more roleplay rather than combat. We're also in the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand) so Christmas falls in summer - so any appropriate themed scenarios would be nice.

Any suggestions please?

Grand Lodge 4/5

As the man said, dying is easy. Comedy is hard. But you could play these a bit more for roleplay:
- Anything with Goblin in the title - Rise of the Goblin Guild was my first thought
- City of Strangers 1 and 2
- The Blakros Matrimony
- The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet - in a warm place, but has quite a bit of combat between absurdities
- The Paths We Choose

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

I laughed a lot during Our Lady of Silver.
Just play the appropriate music during the opening and it will set the tone for the whole evening.


If you just want roleplay "The bid for Alabastrine" was made for you

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Starfinder Superscriber

Frostfur Captives has a lot of comedic potential.

Dark Archive 4/5

The Overflow Archives! :)


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The Disappeared for the hijinks the team could get into doing the infiltration.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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Murder on the Throaty Mermaid can be funny. Just run the crew as viler firefly expys.

Hall of Drunken Hereos, empathize the Drunken

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Tineke Bolleman wrote:

I laughed a lot during Our Lady of Silver.

Just play the appropriate music during the opening and it will set the tone for the whole evening.

I'd go with this. I GMed this for Tineke, and it's pretty much perfect for what you described. It's in Katheer, so it's already pretty hot. The opening scene is straight out of Aladdin, and then it throws some weird curveballs at you.

Protip if you're GMing it: for the opening fight, throw everything at your players, and maybe make up some extra stuff too. Make it a hectic fight, as the fights themselves aren't too difficult. Play up the panic a bit. For the courtroom bit, go check out the GM shared prep site, there's a really cool addition that will really spice up the encounter.

This scenario really ranks as one of my favourite I've GMed so far. It's so unlike anything else I've played.

5/5 5/55/5

Already mentioned Frostfur Captives and The Overflow Archives have lots of comedic potential.

Among the Dead also has lots of comic potential with the main NPC doing comedic complaining and general funny remarks.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Reaping What We Sow is a hilarious time, despite having an option for a darker, more horrific theme to it. Just play up the hilarity of the enemies and how ineffective they are, and you'll have a grand time.

Grand Lodge *

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Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Night March of Kalkamedes has a particular "weekend at burnie's" flair to it that can be played for laughs, plus an npc that's consistently there you can make jokes from

Silver Crusade 4/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Reaping What We Sow is a hilarious time, despite having an option for a darker, more horrific theme to it. Just play up the hilarity of the enemies and how ineffective they are, and you'll have a grand time.

Yeah, it's kinda sad that Paizo's first PFS scenario based on Horror Adventures comes off more as The Nightmare Before Christmas than Nightmare on Elm Street. But it was fun, and very thematic for Halloween, when I played it. So I'd actually recommend everyone wait until next October to run it.

Definitely agree with a lot of the recommendations here. My first thought when I saw the thread title was Frostfur Captives, followed by Rise of the Goblin Guild. Goblins are just great NPCs.

The Sanos Abduction has two fun, light hearted NPCs, but turns dark pretty quickly after that.

Grand Lodge 2/5

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Rise of the Goblin Guild

Ekkie is a lot of fun to roleplay. When my players interrogated her, I gave her a life story to rant about like Chunk in The Goonies.

The Paths We Choose

There is a mission to embarrass someone publicly. You can't beat that.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Todd Reidenbach wrote:

The Paths We Choose

There is a mission to embarrass someone publicly. You can't beat that.

I must have missed that one. The down side of variable missions depending on party, I guess.

That does remind me of one Taldor faction mission from season 1 to push someone into the harbor to humiliate him. Of course, I was playing the only Taldor PC in that one with a strength dumped gnome sorcerer. Luckily, my friend's Chelaxian inquisitor was happy to help.

Come to think of it, a lot of the Taldor faction missions in the early years ended up being funny. Not all, but there were a few. "I do this for Taldor" and the one from part 3 (I think) of Eyes of the Ten are two of the all time most memorable faction missions.


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I agree with most of what's already been mentioned. Night March and Overflow Archives are two of my favorites.

Consortium Compact has some potential for shenanigans, depending on your party.

Sewer Dragons of Absalom was a blast for us, but half of our party were circus performers so we hammed the heck out of it (blood bags and all).


certainly the We Be Goblin (module) series is aimed at entertainment. In PFS make it snow (that's an environmental effect) and add some christmas ornaments, felled small pines, and a few old giant wolly socks...

5/5 5/55/5

For Paths we choose it really depends on the story lines that are played. There are 7 options which depend on the players factions. Some are light hearted and some are not. There is one which I believe is for the Dark Achieve which is very dark. I heard lots of people talking about the difficulty and it's about crypts and death.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Fromper wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Reaping What We Sow is a hilarious time, despite having an option for a darker, more horrific theme to it. Just play up the hilarity of the enemies and how ineffective they are, and you'll have a grand time.

Yeah, it's kinda sad that Paizo's first PFS scenario based on Horror Adventures comes off more as The Nightmare Before Christmas than Nightmare on Elm Street. But it was fun, and very thematic for Halloween, when I played it. So I'd actually recommend everyone wait until next October to run it.

There is an option in there to go dark. If you want to take it there it can be pretty grim.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I would not call Ghennett Manor Gauntlet lighthearted. though i did have a bad experience with it.

my monk failed her fort save against the chaos beast we encountered. Wisdom damage and becoming amorphous?! oh hell no.
She was also the only frontliner, with a gnome rogue, zen archer, and an underlevel psychic.

I consider School of Spirits fairly light hearted.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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While I would never call Beneath the Silver Tarn a comedy scenario, I ran it last night and hijinks most definitely ensued.

I think if you have access to hurdy gurdy music, #54 Jester's Fraud certainly becomes quite funny.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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8-09 Final encounter had our entire table laughing on the floor. That is all I'm going to say. That and the interspecies romance.


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I have to agree with Overflow Archive as well. Mistress Koi alone is comedy gold.

2/5 *

What subtier?

Frostfur Captives
Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
The Immortal Conundrum
Red Harvest
The Blakros Matrimony
The Disappeared
Night March of Kalkamedes
Scars of the Third Crusade

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I was thinking this was going to be a thread petitioning for some humorous scenarios to be written, because there is sadly a lack of them.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

When done "right", The Stolen Heir can be quite funny.

funny encounters:

First, you have the Galtans that have captured the girl... they are showing off and using combat maneuvers without the feats. I play them with heavy Monty Python-esqe fake French accents, because Galt to me has to be revolutionary France, right?

The encounter becomes a farce when it is not just hack slash slay baddies.

Then, later, out have to defend a cow from wolves? Priceless!

Scarab Sages 5/5

Horn of Aroden can be quite enjoyable if you get the right group of players who are willing to really go with the RP of

Horn of Aroden:
taking the boy to basic training to be an adventurer instead of just locking him in a box to bring him home.

And I also really enjoyed Out of Anarchy. That has the bones to be really silly and fun if you get the players to buy in and forget how silly the plot and characters are.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Tallow wrote:

Horn of Aroden can be quite enjoyable if you get the right group of players who are willing to really go with the RP of

** spoiler omitted **

And I also really enjoyed Out of Anarchy. That has the bones to be really silly and fun if you get the players to buy in and forget how silly the plot and characters are.

Horn of Aroden:
When we played this, we did indeed lock him in a box. Then we wanted to take the werewolf with us, but she couldn't be trusted, so we retrieved Lander from the box and put her in. Then we were remembered how insufferable he was, then switched them around once more.

Yeah, we didn't get our second prestige point.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Agent, New Zealand—Auckland

Thanks for all of those suggestions and I'll certainly keep them under advisement - especially the "Overflow Archive" I had a lot of fun with that one (my female wizard PC decided to do the underwater level as a mermaid - just because she could - while trying to save as many books as possible) and it's on my list to GM. Unfortunately we're a small Lodge down here so a lot of the suggested scenarios have already been played/GMed by most although I will admit, some of them a worth using my one star replay.

One gaming weekend I did GM all four Goblin modules back to back - just because I could ... and .. oh my ghod ... my players just went for it ... We B4 goblins was comedy gold.

And as for the list of modules with comedic potential, I'm going to add "Ungrounded but Unbroken"

Anyway .. it looks like the players want to get their Pirate on, so it may be "No Plunder No Pay" or "Plunder and Peril" - Arrrrr

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