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Didn't see a thread for this yet, so.....
I've never seen any of the Netflix Marvel series, but I keep up with developments, so knew they were working on The Defenders. Here's some interesting news:
Marvel unites The Defenders, introduces Sigourney Weaver as main villain

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First full trailer . Looks fun. Glad we getting more Daredevil

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Honestly, IF is not bad. It just isn't as good as the other shows. If you really don't want to watch it you can read the I09 recap here.
Definitely looking forward to Defenders.

atheral |

I have a completionist mindset when it comes to the MCU I feel like I'd be missing part of the story if I skip the show. Summaries just arnt the same for me.
I've seen a bunch of folks knocking IF, but several people I know said that they quite enjoyed it after the first two episodes. So I'm going to give it a chance. Right now I'm working on the last three episodes of Luke Cage, which I think has been a far weaker show than either DD or JJ. So if I can make it though that I can make it through IF.

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Get your pitch forks out but I barely finished JJ and couldn't get through IF.....
DD1 (excellent)
LC (above average)
DD2 (didn't live up to DD1 punisher/fisk was best part)
JJ (mediocre-bad)
IF (couldn't finish)
If it wasn't for a pretty good showing by LC, I'd say the series keeps getting worse. The one thing the worse of the series have going for them, is the continuity. I look forward to Defenders, hopefully Defenders bucks the trend. If that fails, there is always Punisher!

Greylurker |

I think Defenders looks like a great big pile of Fun. I can't wait to see Danny and Luke together.
Plus seeing Matt fend off Jessica's level of snark is gonna be great.
For me JJ was the best of the lot, then DD1.
LC was great until they changed villains. Cottonmouth was just so much better both as a villain and as a character. An incredibly deep layered individual and then we had to swap him out for Diamondback who just came across as kind of flat and two dimensional.

Bjørn Røyrvik |
Diamondback was a good cartoony villain for the show which had up to that point been basically just a gangster drama. LC didn't feel like a show with a superpowered protagonist until Diamondback took over. Cottonmouth and Black Mariah were good gangster villains but lacked the exaggeratedness that 'super'villains need.
On topic, the show looks....OK, I guess. I'll give it a shot.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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I've watched the first episode and a half this morning (Netflix in one window, morning exercises in the other).
Overall... I look forward to seeing what happens next.
What I struggle with is they are taking forever, at least from the start, to get the story going and get everyone together. The 1st episode sees NONE of the four titular characters meet each other. It's more like... the first episode is a bunch of interlaced mini-episodes of each individual show. I didn't get to the end of the second yet, but I saw things starting to move.
But pacing, IMO, has never been a strong point of the Marvel Netflix series. I admit to napping through large chunks of each show (especially Daredevil, though mostly because I'd shut my eyes through the gorier fight scenes and then the lengthy sounds of punching became sort of rhythmic and hypnotic and zzzz...)--even as I absolutely, seriously enjoyed key moments of awesome also in each show. Plotting and characterization is good, they just take forever to get there and I have a feeling it will be no different here. They also continue the Marvel Netflix aesthetic of shooting half the scenes in the dark with everyone whispering. (I am not to my knowledge hard of hearing (though have mildly poor auditory processing) and have to watch the shows close captioned or I can never understand what anyone is saying--turn up the volume and the background music just gets louder while everyone still mumbles. Preemptive response to "well I understand it just fine!" Yay, good for you! I am talking about my personal experience only.)
The mystery of what the bad guys are up to and impending disaster is interesting, the characters are the characters as you'd expect them, and there's some good badassery on display. A remarkably HUGE number of each shows' supporting casts have also already shown up (which makes me happy as in many cases I enjoyed the supporting cast more than the heroes themselves). Yet the show is managing the huge cast admirably--and maybe that's something where the slow pacing allows for a bit.
Alexandra doesn't stand out to me much... yet. (Although Sigourney Weaver is always awesome.) She seems sort of your generic rich mysterious evil overlord. But there's also some specific questions about her character that arise early on that interest me. Madame Gao is also present and as she's one of my favorite MCU villains (she's the main reason I watched Iron Fist) so it was good to see her.

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@DQ I hear you about closed captioning :) I had a row with my fiancé recently because she hates CC and I use it for your stated reasons. Of course, I end up turning it off to make her happy only to be accosted about turning up the volume and rewinding the scene to decipher the inaudible dialogue moments later.....

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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Thanks. :) Things are slow in RL at the moment so I'm sticking my toe in the waters of posting more. (Things may cease to be slow soonish so this may be temporary.)
On the topic of the show: speaking of shooting in the dark, the opening scene of the first episode totally confused me because I totally thought a character they were showing fighting was Colleen Wing. They were shooting in the dark and not showing her face, but she had a similar build and hairstyle as Colleen and was fighting with awesome sword fu. But it is not Colleen. I'm pointing this out in case anyone else is confused upon watching the first scene.

Browman |

I have finished the first episode and started the second.
Almost nothing useful happened in episode 1, which is fine if you are doing a 20 episode season, not so much an 8 episode one.
The first episode seemed to be entirely reminding us (or introducing to people who didn't watch everything) who all the characters are.

Greylurker |

Seen 4 episodes so far and loving it.
Danny seems to have grown up a little, don't get me wrong he is still impulsive and can't really seem to plan more than 1 step ahead, but he seems more open to listening to other people and recognizing when he is being a bit stupid.
Matt is coming to terms with the mess he made of his life
Luke and Danny are really fun to see together. That friendly banter they got really works.
and Jessica is awesome as always.
I think I have a good idea of what's the end game here. The irony of it is I think they could "win the war" by bugging out and doing nothing but lie low for a few years. Of course the death tole in the meantime would be catastrophic but I figure Stick would offer up a quote about Omletts and Eggs.

Irontruth |
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Just started, a little slow at first.
One thing made me a little sad. Sigourney Weaver is starting to look old. It's not a "oh man, she used to be hot" thing, but rather just seeing one of my favorite actresses of all time showing the effects of time. I want to see her in movies/shows for another 40 years. She'll continue killing it in whatever she does, but it just reminded me of how many icons died last year and the prospect of seeing more go in the coming years. I just don't want her to have a "final" project. She keeps getting more badass too.

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Just started, a little slow at first.
One thing made me a little sad. Sigourney Weaver is starting to look old. It's not a "oh man, she used to be hot" thing, but rather just seeing one of my favorite actresses of all time showing the effects of time. I want to see her in movies/shows for another 40 years. She'll continue killing it in whatever she does, but it just reminded me of how many icons died last year and the prospect of seeing more go in the coming years. I just don't want her to have a "final" project. She keeps getting more badass too.
I like that she's mature, without necessarily being stuck with the 'old lady' roles that actresses like Judi Densch, Diana Rigg and Helen Mirren seem to be getting stuck with.
Spoiler regarding her character, probably information gained in the first or second episode;
Spoilery thoughts regarding the entire season;
I *really* like that they showed her using her detective abilities, and didn't just hand-wave that. On a team with Luke and Danny, her being able to punch really hard wasn't, IMO, going to make her stand out, and the detective work really did give her a moment to shine and make a unique contribution. Actually that applies to all four of them. Matt contributed with the lawyering and law connections, in addition to punching. Jessica with the detective work. Danny with the money and big-business connections (albeit ineptly, as seems to be his wont). The only who didn't get a chance to shine, outside of the punching, was Luke, whose 'Hero of Harlem' status and reputation was mentioned, and only briefly seen, when he asks some people for information and their eyes go wide and they immediately tell him, rather than giving him attitude, but perhaps could have played a larger role, to make him more than 'the guy who stands in front of the bullets.'
But that's a pretty minor quibble, and the show was overall pretty good.

thejeff |
Spoilery thoughts regarding the entire season;
Spoiler:I know bupkiss about how K'un-Lun and the Hand and the dragons and the Hand's resurrection techniques have anything to do with each other in the comic book canon, but, gosh, that was kind of an elegant way to tie it all together, at the end, so that it made sense that the Hand was so strongly motivated to get back there. It was really neat, and served as a cool bit of connective thread between the various shows.

Irontruth |

Irontruth wrote:I like that she's mature, without necessarily being stuck with the 'old lady' roles that actresses like Judi Densch, Diana Rigg and Helen Mirren seem to be getting stuck with.Just started, a little slow at first.
One thing made me a little sad. Sigourney Weaver is starting to look old. It's not a "oh man, she used to be hot" thing, but rather just seeing one of my favorite actresses of all time showing the effects of time. I want to see her in movies/shows for another 40 years. She'll continue killing it in whatever she does, but it just reminded me of how many icons died last year and the prospect of seeing more go in the coming years. I just don't want her to have a "final" project. She keeps getting more badass too.
Yup, she still carries herself with a lot of strength, but she's nearly 70. And this isn't a judgement of her, but rather an indictment against the passage of time in general. Halfway through the series so far and I think she's a great pick for the role.

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Honestly I found it dull and uninteresting. It was mostly OK, but dunno. I guess I expected more. My fault.
The fight scenes did nothing to wow me, but, I'll admit, fight scenes almost never wow me, but Daredevil season 1 had some brutal and intense fights (that hallway fight!) and it feels like they've never really matched that intensity in any show since, despite, in some cases, seeming to be desperately trying to (including framing very similar fights in hallways).
But, since I don't really get all worked up over fight scenes (only really noticing them when they are spectacular, or kinda lackluster, like in the Iron Fist series), I found lots of cool stuff in the character development, world-building and story arc.
*Some* of the dialogue felt a little too pat, too formulaic, and I vaguely remember one scene in particular where I kind of rolled my eyes as a character dropped a cliché, and I muttered the 'traditional' response, and sure enough, those were the next words out of Luke Cage's mouth. I know, there's only so many words in the English language, and *nothing* is really going to be original, but sometimes the dialogue (and characterization, less often) came off a bit phoned-in and by-the-numbers, like some of the 'NPC' characters were shorthand, and being written less like *people* in their own right.
At least some of that is less a fault of the writing and more a fault with the jaded audience of me, that can't watch (or read) anything these days without being reminded of a hundred other shows (or books) that have used that exact scene or line or characterization bit.
I think I'd enjoy shows and books more if I could turn off my brain and forget every other show and book I'd consumed over the years, and that there are only so many stories to tell (or broad-strokes characters to use)...
All that aside, I liked the stuff I mentioned in the spoilers above, and thought the way they tied stuff together was super clever, despite my all-too-common gift for nit-picking the heck out of anything. :)
I also enjoyed the lampshade-hanging going on whenever Danny tried to talk about magical cities or dragons or whatever, and everybody just rolled their eyes. Even Matt, who had previous experience with serious supernatural weirdness, thanks to the Hand resurrecting Nabu in the second season of his solo show, was not having it, at first.
Spoilers again!