Help me build a Villian to defeat a PC Monk



I need help creating a villain to challenge and could kill one PC. It's supposed to be his big foe, something on par with him. I want to make something legit without being a killer gm (but he can die, I'm fine with that).

Below is his general abilities, help me counter this.

He's a LN outsider (from Limbo) monk who will be facing another outsider like himself (so ignore race). The monk is focused on Flowing and the qinggong. He's not a high damage monk, but he's usually tripping his foes, intercepting them, and his AC is very high (39, blame a +8 natural armor item dropping, touch 26) that just gets better with multiple foes.

Oh, and has two mythic levels and is level 9.

So if i go with a melee fighter, he needs a high hit bonus and the ability to avoid being tripped. I tried a mythic one before with that ability to counter the trip but he couldn't hit. I'm open to anything, even psionic characters (psionic character would be nice). Just can't be a divine character for story reasons (you know, because the villain is from the astral...hint hint).

I have time to introduce, so feel free to put at any level (though 16th is probably my cap) and more than 2 mythic tiers.

I'm hoping for a one on one battle, but who knows.

Any build suggestions would be nice, and even magic items. I was considering a cavalier for challenge or maybe a magus (but might not have the bonuses to hit).

Thanks for any help. Let's make a PC cry (and hope he doesn't see this thread). :)

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If you want to be really mean it could be an incorporeal creature. With a high attack bonus targeting touch AC that would be pretty nasty. I would say just pick a random incorporeal creature, flavor it as belonging to the Astral...hint hint, and then just add fighter levels.

Oh yeah, and people are probably gonna start bringing up the extreme ethics and moral implications of GM vs. Player and all that, but, oh well.

Honestly to me what would be easiests would be to make a villain you like and just give it one of the many spells, items, or monster abilities that punish natural attacks such as "Barbed Defense", "Razor Armor", or "Fire Aura". If the monk is built for drawing out longer fights any ability that forces him to fight quick or pay in damage will automatically tilt the balance in favor of the villain. If they both see each other as their nemesis it would even make sense for the villain to "even the field" by making the monk fight in ways he isn't use to.

*Edit* Hell, if you want to make it more cinematic give the villain an item/ability that does 1 points of bleed when hit with unarmed attacks. The damage is negligible but in an endurance fight it will start to add up. If the player is stubborn or doesn't pay attention their pride causes them to loose a fight they should have won. If they notice and avoid the trap they prove they are the greater warrior through both skill of arms and quick wits.

The Exchange

Get a tetori and grapple the heck out of him. Grapple, pin, then auto damage him into submission.

There was a thread a little while back about a building a fighter meant to be played from prone. Funny, powerful, and a perfect counter. Enjoy ing

Tripping, you say? Get something that can't be tripped. Magic, you say? Get something immune to it. I don't know how much handwaving you're willing to accept, but here are two variations:

Method 1 (smaller):
Mundane Stake
Slot None; Aura strong abjuration; CL 20th; Weight 15 lbs.
A Mundane Stake is a 4-foot-long adamantine stake, not unlike a prospector's stake. Originally created by a race of planar nomads, these stakes were indeed used by prospectors to navigate and tame alien and hostile Planes. When driven into the ground (a standard action requiring a DC 20 Strength check, or DC 25 for particularly dense surfaces) the stake activates a 60-foot aura. Magic ceases to function in this aura. Planar connections close - permanent ones reopen when the stake is removed. Spells cast within the aura fail, while spells cast from without cannot penetrate the aura. All magic items become nonmagical while they are within the aura. Minor artifacts have a 10% chance of ceasing to function, though major artifacts are unaffected.
In addition, a Mundane Stake protects against physical harm. All offensive combat actions - combat maneuvers, attack rolls, damage rolls, and some skill checks as designated by your GM - take a -4 penalty. Defensive actions, such as a swashbuckler's parry ability or a creature's saves are unaffected.
A Mundane Stake can be destroyed by a creature willingly driving it through their own heart.

Method 2 (longer):
Earthquake Soldier
The gods have paladins. The crime lords have fighters. Who comes when the natural world comes? Yes, all the spirits of the flood and the storm and the earthquake. But, sometimes, you just need a champion. When the mountains call for one, they find an Earthquake Soldier.
Alignment: One component must be neutral (NG, LN, N, CN, or NE); Hit Die: d10;
BAB: Full; Good saves: Fort, Will; Bad saves: Reflex;
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier; Class skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering, nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Wis).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Earthquake Soldiers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields).
Mighty Blow (Ex): At first level, an Earthquake Soldier learns to strike with unparalleled power. Once per day, he may double his Strength bonus to one attack and damage roll. This is an immediate action, but must be used before the attack roll is revealed. If the attack roll misses, the attempt is wasted.
Every other level thereafter (3rd, 5th, etc.) the Earthquake Soldier may use Mighty Blow an additional time per day, to a maximum of 10 times per day at 19th level.
Rock Solid (Ex): At 2nd level, an Earthquake Solider's training grants him increased resilience. He gains a +4 bonus to CMD, and gains Endurance as a bonus feat.
Natural Step (Ex): At 4th level, nature recognizes the Earthquake Soldier. He may move through any sort of undergrowth at his normal speed without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect him. Finally, he leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked, though he may leave a trail if he so chooses.
Unbreakable (Ex): By 6th level, the strength of the rock and stone in the earth infuses the Earthquake Warrior. He gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC that stacks with any existing natural armor bonuses. This bonus also applies to saves made against spells and spell-like abilities. At 9th level, and every three levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level.
Shattering Blow (Ex): At 8th level, the first tremors begin to surround the Earthquake Soldier. When using Mighty Blow, if the attack hits, the foe must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Earthquake Soldier's level + the Earthquake Soldier's Constitution modifier) or be knocked prone, as by a trip, and pushed back, as by a bull rush. The Earthquake Soldier cannot move with his foe as part of this bull rush. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Mundane (Ex): When an Earthquake Soldier reaches 10th level, the natural forces of the world begin to protect him even against the arcane. He gains spell resistance equal to 11 + his Earthquake Soldier level.
Stone Master (Sp): At 12th level, an Earthquake Solider may use stone shape, stone tell, and wall of stone as spell-like abilities. He may use these abilities a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This functions similar to spontaneous spellcasting: he has a number of slots that can be used on any one of these three spell-like abilities.
Call Earthquake (Sp): When he reaches 14th level, the earthquakes finally come. The Earthquake Soldier may now use earthquake three times per day as a spell-like ability. In addition, when he successfully deals damage with Mighty Blow, he can choose to use one of these three uses as a swift action, as though casting quickened earthquake.
Mountain Man (Ex): By 16th level, an Earthquake Soldier is immune to altitude sickness, in addition to disease of all kind.
Deep Rock Warrior (Su): At 20th level, an Earthquake Soldier is the chosen gladiator of the natural world. He no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties he may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the Earthquake Soldier still dies of old age when his time is up. If he is killed before he dies of old age, an earthquake and a storm of vengeance immediately trigger, centered on his corpse.

If you do use the second method, decide how long you can wait to introduce him. The longer you wait, the tougher he'll be to defeat. I tried not to make him too centered around taking out this monk, but it should do that quite nicely.

I built myself a Strength based Magus with the Improved & Greater Trip feats. Picked up a Wand of True Strike and used with a the Wand Arcana he was able to trip almost everything (BAB + 20[true strike] + 4 [trip feats] + Weapon bonuses - 2 [spell combat]).

For defense, use shield, mirror image, and blur.

Gives you a hard to be attacked target while doing the same thing the monk is doing.

Another nasty trick was wearing Spell Storing Armor and having Frigid Touch stored in it. Get hit, Frigid Touch goes off and the attacker takes 4D6 Cold damage and is staggered. No more attacks that round.
Suggest you save this for when the Monk tries grappling or you need to run away.

Lots and lots of nasty things you can do with a magus. Worse comes to worse, Magus casts Gaseous Form and runs away.

Drider's are very hard to trip...

How about an opponent who Polymorphs or Wildshapes into something that is un-trippable, while self-buffing to be very hard to hit and debugging the Monk?

Do you want to defeat him, or challenge him?

General advice though:

-Anything that flies negates Trip entirely.

-Build a character that can outlast him. If they're both hitting 1 in 3 hit and dealing 10 damage apiece, the guy with double the HP or DR or something wins.

--An Aegis, particularly one with Initiator's Soul for some sweet maneuvers might be a good choice.

-Attack his touch AC, or use no-save abilities. Something like a Dread could whip out both. A interesting combo would be a Dread with the Nightmare Creature/Lord template.

^Flying doesn't negate Trip if you have Ace Trip. Granted, usually Monk or anything else that doesn't get Weapon Training usually won't have Ace Trip, but it is possible with a feat tax (Martial Focus).

Grand Lodge

An earth elemental can stay attached to the earth which means no tripping, and if he grapples you it's earthglide time baby.

Build up a mythic marilith.

Marculus wrote:

An earth elemental can stay attached to the earth which means no tripping, and if he grapples you it's earthglide time baby.

...and unfortunately, the rules for earthglide remain scarce enough that I have no idea whether that works.

Only that one weird monk archetype really has rules for taking enemies into the ground with you. Everything else just doesn't say.

So it is entirely possible that the hanger on could prevent the elemental from earth gliding by just acting as a physical impediment (and honestly, if the grappler couldn't stop such a slippery foe, then what do you keep him for? One of the main jobs for grapplers is to keep people from running around)

Hmm... I can write you up a baddy if you want. I've been meaning to make Nocturne (league of legends) into Pathfinder for a while now, and this would give me a reason to do so. I've already moved Trundle into it. Just before I start, I'd need a CR to shoot for and the knowledge that I wouldn't be wasting my time lol.

Essentially it would be a fear-centric shade.


Scarab Sages

Dastis wrote:

There was a thread a little while back about a building a fighter meant to be played from prone. Funny, powerful, and a perfect counter. Enjoy


Fixed link

Dark Archive

I myself are not familiar with the Mythic rules, so I will keep them out of the build.

Instead of making the villain impossible to trip, you could also make it very hard. An opposing Monk with the Maneuver Master archetype gets an AoO whenever someone tries to make a combat maneuver that the monk also has the feat for. Each time he tries to trip him, he gets a fist in his face, or gets tripped first. Give the villain also access to the Steal maneuvers to disown his opponent from various magic items during combat.

To also increase the chance that he does not get tripped, maybe go for Signature Skill: Acrobatics, in combination with Skill Focus Acrobatics and Acrobatic feats. At lvl 10 (if you also have 10 ranks in acrobatics) you can roll an opposed acrobatics check with a -10 penalty versus his trip. Pump it a bit with Boots of Elvenkind and you have a respectable counterroll.

Here is an example build:

Maneuver Master Monk:

1 Improved Trip, Flurry of Maneuvers, Stunning Fist, Unarmed Strike, Combat Reflexes
2 Improved Steal, Evasion
3 Fast Movement, Maneuver Training, Maneuver Defence, Wolf Style
4 Ki Pool (Magic), Reliable Maneuver
5 High Jump, Meditative Maneuver, Signature Skill: Acrobatics
6 Greater Trip
7 Ki Pool (Cold Iron/Silver), Wholeness of Body, Wolf Trip
8 -
9 Improved Evasion, Skill Focus Acrobatics
10 Greater Steal, Ki Pool (Lawful)
11 Sweeping Maneuver, Acrobatic

Something more general, if he makes use of Ion stones, you could also think about Ion Spite Bracers.

Scarab Sages

DarkLCD wrote:


I need help creating a villain to challenge and could kill one PC. It's supposed to be his big foe, something on par with him. I want to make something legit without being a killer gm (but he can die, I'm fine with that).

Below is his general abilities, help me counter this.

He's a LN outsider (from Limbo) monk who will be facing another outsider like himself (so ignore race). The monk is focused on Flowing and the qinggong. He's not a high damage monk, but he's usually tripping his foes, intercepting them, and his AC is very high (39, blame a +8 natural armor item dropping, touch 26) that just gets better with multiple foes.

Oh, and has two mythic levels and is level 9.

So if i go with a melee fighter, he needs a high hit bonus and the ability to avoid being tripped. I tried a mythic one before with that ability to counter the trip but he couldn't hit. I'm open to anything, even psionic characters (psionic character would be nice). Just can't be a divine character for story reasons (you know, because the villain is from the astral...hint hint).

I have time to introduce, so feel free to put at any level (though 16th is probably my cap) and more than 2 mythic tiers.

I'm hoping for a one on one battle, but who knows.

Any build suggestions would be nice, and even magic items. I was considering a cavalier for challenge or maybe a magus (but might not have the bonuses to hit).

Thanks for any help. Let's make a PC cry (and hope he doesn't see this thread). :)

Before I start, seems like the two obvious answers are a Ninja and a Sunderer (to destroy all those items that are giving such high AC). I'm focusing on the ninja.

The ninja is the anti-paladin equivalent for monks.

So for starters, the Ninja uses Cha for their ki pool, while the monk uses wisdom, so the inherent Feint vs sense motive should always come up when the two face off.

Ninja tactics will require a back and forth of attacking, and retreating into the shadows (or via invisiblity). I'd focus on one good attack every two rounds for the NPC ninja.

In particular, the

Ki Block* (Su) (Ultimate Combat pg. 15 (Amazon)): A ninja with this trick can prevent a creature from using its ki pool. Whenever the ninja deals sneak attack damage, the target must make a Will save or be unable to spend any points from its ki pool for a number of rounds equal to the ninja's Charisma modifier. The DC of this save is 10 + 1/2 the ninja's level + the ninja's Charisma modifier. The number of points in the target's ki pool is unaffected, and abilities that do not require the subject to spend ki still function.

Granted, you'd need to sneak attack, but ninjas have easy access to invisibility and feint, amongst others, both of which could work well against monks.

Adding a level of sorcerer is a good option for a ninja, as they already have decent CHA scores. I'd use that to get True Strike or another spell to boost attack rolls. I'd also attempt to use Break, at least once, directed at one of their AC boosting magic items.

I recall something about poisons not working on outsiders, but I can't recall where that is. If the PC isn't immune, I'd make a point of having every shuriken that the ninja wields to be coated in a cheap poison. Nothing fancy, just something that he'll fail on natural 1s with. Whenever the Ninja is hidden from the monk, but not invisible, I suggest using the snipe rules to remain hidden while attacking with ranged attacks.

I will note that he'll probably have snatch arrows on a monk. Poison use without the poison use class feature means that if he throws them back, he is poisoned on his own attack roll if he rolls a 1. Even if he saves, it wastes the poison.

Scarab Sages

I'd also make a point of including Bane Outsider (Native) weapons for your ninja or whatever other NPC you create. Should help with rolls to hit against his outsider PC.

Murdock Mudeater wrote:
I recall something about poisons not working on outsiders, but I can't recall where that is.

The Bestiary says nothing for Outsiders, but I believe Monks gain immunity, and if he isn't high enough level his saves are too high anyways.

I do agree Ninjas would be a good way to go. Maybe a flying Ninja. Could be a Strix and to maintain the theme of outsider...

A Tulpa. They are created by the imagination of another creature, so maybe someone weaker who hates the Monk dreamed up an "antimonk". Tulpas are also supposedly made up of materialfrom the astral plane.

Monks are only immune to disease.

Murdock Mudeater wrote:

The ninja is the anti-paladin equivalent for monks.

Can you clarify this for me? The ninja is the super archetype for rogues, not monks

I'm going to whip up a couple dudes, let me know what you think!

First guy: Dr Machine

Barbarian Guy:

barbarian Guy
Human barbarian (invulnerable rager) 10/fighter (unbreakable) 1/Champion 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 79, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 49)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +10; Senses Perception +18
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+10 armor, +2 Dex, +3 dodge, -2 untyped penalty)
hp 157 (11 HD; 1d10+10d12+76)
Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +9; +3 morale bonus vs. fear, paralysis, and sleep, +7 morale bonus vs. spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities but must resist all spells, even allies'
Defensive Abilities hard to kill; DR 10/lethal, 5/—; Resist fire 6, extreme endurance
Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Melee +3 fortuitous furious bardiche +19/+14/+9 (1d10+15/19-20) or
bite +11 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks mythic power (7/day, surge +1d6), rage (26 rounds/day), rage powers (animal fury, dragon totem[UC], dragon totem resilience[UC], dragon totem wings[UC], intimidating glare, superstition +7)
Str 27, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +11; CMB +16; CMD 32
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Endurance, Extra Rage Power[APG], Improved Initiative[M], Improved Stalwart[UC], Power Attack[M], Stalwart[UC]
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +9, Fly +13, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (nature) +15, Perception +18, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +10, Survival +5, Swim +9
Languages Common
SQ amazing initiative, ever ready[MA], extra mythic feat[MA], fast movement, fleet charge[MA]
Other Gear +1 mithral full plate, +3 fortuitous furious bardiche[APG], belt of physical perfection +2, cloak of resistance +3, 150 gp
Special Abilities
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Animal Fury (Ex) Gain a d4 bite attack while raging
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Damage Reduction (10/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Damage Reduction (5/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Dragon Totem +3 (Gold Dragon [Fire]) (Su) While raging, +3 to Perception and saves vs. fear, paralysis, and sleep effects.
Dragon Totem Resilience (Fire 6) (Su) While raging, the barbarian gains resistance to the energy type that is associated with her dragon totem - acid (black, copper, green), cold (silver, white), electricity (blue, bronze), or fire (brass, gold, red). This resistance equals double her cu
Dragon Totem Wings (Su) When a barbarian selects this rage power, the Fly (Dex) skill becomes a class skill for her. While raging and wearing medium or lighter armor, the barbarian can spend a standard action to manifest a pair of spiritual dragon wings that grant her a fly
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Energy Resistance, Fire (6) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Ever Ready (+2) (Ex) Add tier to AoO attack & damage rolls, make AoO while flat-footed.
Extreme Endurance (Fire) (Ex) At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd. This ability
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Fleet Charge (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to move speed & attack (+2 bonus, bypass all DR).
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Improved Initiative [Mythic] When rolling initiative, use 1 power to treat the roll as a natural 20.
Improved Stalwart Double DR gained from Stalwart
Intimidating Glare (Ex) As a move action while raging, demoralize vs. adj foe with extended duration.
Power Attack [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Power attack for 1 min.
Rage (26 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Stalwart Forgo dodge AC bonus for equivalent DR
Superstition +7 (Ex) While raging, gain bonus to save vs. magic, but must resist all spells, even allies'.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.

While raging and combat expertise on, his dr is: 5 from invul rager, 6 from dragon totem, and 10 from stalwart and imp stalwart to be a total of 21 dr/-! Thats pretty good!

Basically, because the opponent's ac is so high, you should walk away with him, and ready attacks to get a aoo and a ready attack. In this statblock he is raging with a point spent on mythic combat expertise. Any aoo he gets is a +24 (with a +19 form fortuitous) which isnt that bad to hit ac 39.

Here is a magus:

Magus Guy:

Magus Guy
Human magus 11/Archmage 2 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +15; Senses Perception +11
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +6 Dex)
hp 97 (11d8+39)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +7
Defensive Abilities hard to kill
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +3 scimitar +18/+13 (1d6+10/15-20)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+3, 11 points), improved spell combat, improved spell recall, magus arcana (accurate strike[UC], arcane accuracy[UM], empowered magic[UM]), mythic power (7/day, surge +1d6), spellstrike, wild arcana[MA]
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 11th; concentration +15)
4th—dimension door, greater invisibility, empowered maximized shocking grasp[M]
3rd—fly, haste, intensified maximized shocking grasp[M] (2), titanic anchoring
2nd—bladed dash, invisibility, mirror image, empowered intensified shocking grasp[M] (2)
1st—chill touch (DC 15), reduce person (DC 15), shield, intensified shocking grasp[M] (3)
0 (at will)—detect magic, flare (DC 14), ghost sound (DC 14), light, mage hand
M mythic spell
Str 13, Dex 24, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 7
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 26
Feats Dervish Dance[ISWG], Empower Spell, Improved Critical (scimitar), Improved Initiative[M], Intensified Spell[APG], Maximize Spell, Power Attack, Spell Penetration, Weapon Finesse
Traits magical lineage, wayang spell hunter
Skills Acrobatics +10, Diplomacy +9, Fly +13, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (planes) +18, Perception +11, Perform (dance) +0, Spellcraft +18, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +12
Languages Common
SQ amazing initiative, energy conversion[MA], fighter training, knowledge pool, medium armor, mythic spellcasting[MA]
Other Gear +2 mithral kikko armor[UC], +3 scimitar, belt of physical might +2 (Dex, Con), headband of vast intelligence +4, magus starting spellbook, 150 gp
Special Abilities
Accurate Strike (Ex) 2 Arcane Pool: Melee attacks resolve as touch attacks.
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Arcane Accuracy +4 (Su) 1 Arcane Pool: +4 to attack rolls until the end of your turn.
Arcane Pool +3 (11/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Dervish Dance Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier with scimitar
Empower Spell Numeric effects of a spell are increased 50%. +2 Levels.
Empowered Magic (1/day) (Su) 1/day, cast a spell as if Empowered without altering the casting time or level.
Energy Conversion (Su) Spend 1 power to change energy type of a spell.
Fighter Training (Ex) Add half your Magus level to your Fighter level for the purpose of feats.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Improved Initiative [Mythic] When rolling initiative, use 1 power to treat the roll as a natural 20.
Improved Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Improved Spell Recall (Su) Spend your Arcane Pool to recall spells you have already cast.
Intensified Spell You can cast a spell that can exceed its normal damage die cap by 5 (if you have the caster level to reach beyond that cap).
Knowledge Pool (Su) Spend Arcane Pool points to prepare a magus spell that is not in your spellbook for 1 day.
Maximize Spell All variable effects of a spell are maximized. +3 Levels.
Medium Armor (Ex) Medium armor proficiency and no Arcane Failure chance in medium armor.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Wild Arcana (Su) Use 1 power, cast an arcane spell from your class list at +2 CL (doesn't need to be known/mem).

The main thing here is to yolo spend arcana points to target his touch ac, and fish for crits with empowered maximized stuff. Greater invisibility is pretty nasty and you can cast it as a part of spell combat. Monks functionally have no way of dealing with you while you are greater invis, so he has to basically take it. Make sure to full attack, then five foot step after so he has to guess where you are

DarkLCD wrote:

He's a LN outsider (from Limbo) monk who will be facing another outsider like himself (so ignore race). The monk is focused on Flowing and the qinggong. He's not a high damage monk, but he's usually tripping his foes, intercepting them, and his AC is very high (39, blame a +8 natural armor item dropping, touch 26) that just gets better with multiple foes.

Oh, and has two mythic levels and is level 9.

Well, if he thinks he can enforce his lawful harmony on the world, it's time to face a paragon of chaos. Send in a custom protean:

1) Give it a random number of legs each round, due to shapechanging. This way his trip won't become completely obsolete (frustrating for the player) but rather unreliable. One random option could be a serpentine shape (typical for proteans), so this round he can't trip at all.

2) Give it fast healing. It's more powerful against foes with limited damage output, and it makes sense for outsiders.

3) Give it a lot of natural attacks with limited damage each. Even a flowing monk has only one immediate action to counter attacks. Make the AB solid (outsiders have high BAB which helps), but don't overdo it. A CR 15 creature has a suggested high AB of +24 - that's good enough against AC 39, if you have something like 5 to 7 tentacle / claw / whatever attacks. Give him the fun of missing him a lot, but make sure the protean will land some hits.

4) A few spells damage the attacker when being hit, bypassing its AC (and flowing, in this case). Shocking Image and Fire Shield come to my mind. Probably replace Fire Shield by Vitriolic Mist, it fits better to a protean (and is less likely to be resisted). Maybe use all three spells in alternation, depending on the random shape the creature is currently in.

5) Give it the Drag Down feat. Once it's tripped, it can also attempt to trip him.

CWheezy wrote:
Monks are only immune to disease.

At level 9, sure.

Diamond Body still exists though.

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