Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide (PFRPG) PDF Season 8?

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Liberty's Edge 5/5

Nefreet wrote:

So, then, we are not allowed to receive credit more than once for a Quest series?

Because I have quite a few characters that would need to be gone over.

Quests are a different animal and should not be held to the same criteria as scenarios.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

And that is stated where?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Nefreet wrote:
And that is stated where?

Quests are defined separately from Adventures in the guide.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Andrew Christian wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
And that is stated where?
Quests are defined separately from Adventures in the guide.

What should be the course of action for players and GMs who received credit multiple times, then?

Looking over my characters, I have 6 that received replay/reGM credit for Quests.

Almost all of them are now above Level 2.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

The Core Campaign has lost all access to the Bestiary!?

This will make Animal Companions harder, and Summon spells impossible, to use in Core...

Hopefully this was just an oversight...

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Animal Companion stats are listed in the Core Rulebook (so, no Rocs in CORE).

The Summon spells list what you can Summon. Additional Resources has never included a list for Summons for either the Standard or CORE Campaigns.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Not all of the rules used by the CRB Animal Companions are defined in the CRB... Hold Breath(Croc) and Pounce(Lion/Velociraptor) spring to mind, if they are defined in the CRB can you please cite them for me?

Can you cite where in the CRB the stats for the various Summon creatures are listed?

The Summon issue is worse, since they have never been supported by the RAW for the Core Campaign... There is no reference in the CRB to the Bestiary for the stats... Thus they never actually met the old requirements for access...

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Tempest_Knight wrote:
The Summon issue is worse, since they have never been supported by the RAW

Good thing there is no such thing as "RAW".

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

RAW = Rules as Written opposed to...

RAI = Rules as Intended

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Tempest_Knight wrote:

RAW = Rules as Written opposed to...

RAI = Rules as Intended

I understand what you meant.

There is no such thing as "rules as written". What you mean is "words as written". Rules are ideas. Writing is a medium with which we attempt to convey those ideas.

But writing is imprecise, and the English language makes it worse.

And reading is interpretive. There is no "RAW vs RAI". There is really only "RAI vs RAI": Interpreted vs Intended.

Your "RAW" is only one method to interpret written text. Since Pathfinder isn't written as a manual, or in code, your method isn't a good way to interpret the rules.

5/5 *****

So I see that playing a pregen now is not as safe as it was. You can no longer create a new pregen number if you die to throw in the way and save whatever character you were going to apply the credit to.

You also must contribute some cash from the linked character to use the pregens gear to clear conditions.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Did a quick skim of the thread, and I didn't find anyone bringing this up:

PFS Roleplaying Guild Guide, page 39 wrote:

GM Stars: GM stars are a measure of how many
Pathfinder Society games that person has run, ranging
from 10 sessions (one star) to 150 sessions (five stars). GM
stars grant access to several exclusive adventures and
grant a bonus on free rerolls. Earning the fifth star also
requires several additional steps described on page 16.

Now, the language on bonuses to free rerolls has disappeared, so maybe this is a typo that should've been gone, but as I interpret the Guide now, page 16 says you get rerolls equal to your GM stars, and page 39 says there's a bonus tied to rerolls that isn't explained (but can be inferred through the old use of rerolls). I think using both seems a bit excessive, but as of right now there's no real indication which should be used.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Andrew, don't know if you can help with this one.

Page 11 - Additional Playable Content wrote:
Campaign Mode: For sanctioned modules and Adventure Paths, GMs are allowed to use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). Credit is applied to an appropriate Roleplaying Guild character as if the character created was a pregenerated character.

The language used here would indicate that the campaign mode option is now available to all modules (which I suppose also technically includes Free RPG day modules). Do you know if this is the intent, or perhaps an oversight?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

andreww wrote:

So I see that playing a pregen now is not as safe as it was. You can no longer create a new pregen number if you die to throw in the way and save whatever character you were going to apply the credit to.

You also must contribute some cash from the linked character to use the pregens gear to clear conditions.

Technically, the FAQ still allows reassigning pregen credit to a new dead character.

I expect this may change sometime after Gen Con.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Jack Amy wrote:

Andrew, don't know if you can help with this one.

Page 11 - Additional Playable Content wrote:
Campaign Mode: For sanctioned modules and Adventure Paths, GMs are allowed to use their own rules for character creation and running the presented content (the entire book or series). Credit is applied to an appropriate Roleplaying Guild character as if the character created was a pregenerated character.
The language used here would indicate that the campaign mode option is now available to all modules (which I suppose also technically includes Free RPG day modules). Do you know if this is the intent, or perhaps an oversight?

That does appear to need clarification. This was a change made after the guide revision team turned over our suggestions so I don't know the intent.

5/5 *****

Hmm, now it seems that we have to include all condition removal on the chronicle, even where it is cleared by another PC, including their full PFS number.

So if someone gets diseased during an adventure and a PC cleric removes it at the end we have to record that despite it now having any mechanical effect whatsoever? This does seem like unnecessary extra book keeping.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

andreww wrote:

Hmm, now it seems that we have to include all condition removal on the chronicle, even where it is cleared by another PC, including their full PFS number.

So if someone gets diseased during an adventure and a PC cleric removes it at the end we have to record that despite it now having any mechanical effect whatsoever? This does seem like unnecessary extra book keeping.

This is not new. Just more visibly and/or clearly presented.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Kalindlara wrote:

Note that most of the variant spellcasting in Inner Sea Gods is not reliant on "priesthood". There are a few specific benefits that are, though, such as Urgathoan priests being able to absorb diseases via remove disease. I'm guessing that it was mainly meant for the deity-specific summoning lists. ^_^

Thus, only clerics of Asmodeus can get in on that sweet, sweet hell-hound-as-summon-monster-II action.

...which actually affects one of my characters.

So goodbye to my build of a Hell Hound-summoning Frost Sorcerer of the Silver Crusade. I just played her last week after a year and a half of not using her for adventuring. =(

I got to do something else with her, like buying a Wood Golem chest.

The Exchange 2/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
andreww wrote:

Hmm, now it seems that we have to include all condition removal on the chronicle, even where it is cleared by another PC, including their full PFS number.

So if someone gets diseased during an adventure and a PC cleric removes it at the end we have to record that despite it now having any mechanical effect whatsoever? This does seem like unnecessary extra book keeping.

This is not new. Just more visibly and/or clearly presented.

So the way to deal with this efficiently during play would be to pre-fill the chronicle sheet headers at the start of the game, and then write in conditions as they occur in play on the appropriate sheet e.g. Ok, the rabid dog bit you, make a save. Failed? Ok * scribbles 'diseased, rabies' on sheet *.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
andreww wrote:
This does seem like unnecessary extra book keeping.

Unnecessary extra bookkeeping started with the atrocity that is the TPS report duplicating a function of the chronicle sheets. At this point no bookkeeping insanity surprises me in PFS.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

My favorite thing about the GM star rerolls is that I now get rerolls without having to buy a stupid folio that I will never use.

And, yeah, I have shirts, but I don't wear them for every online game, and not even every game day.

However, four rerolls a scenario (or five if I have the right shirt on) does sound incredibly broken to me.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Die fixing is about the most powerful ability in the game.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

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Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Die fixing is about the most powerful ability in the game.

If it were keep re-rolling until you get a result you like (such as Fate allows), I might agree.

As I understand it working in Pathfinder (corrections welcome), any re-roll requires that you take the second result. It doesn't matter how many times you are allowed to re-roll, after the first it has no effect.

It is still nice, but not enough to make up for the hatred dice have against me.

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Ferious Thune wrote:

I see one big clarification:

Season 8 Guide wrote:
NO PLAYER-VERSUS-PLAYER COMBAT In keeping with the “cooperate” theme of the Pathfinder Society, player-versus-player conflict should be kept to a minimum. While circumstances may arise where friendly fire occurs, a player must always receive the other player’s consent before performing such actions. Deliberate death of a character at the hands of another character should never occur. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is not acting of his own initiative, such as being mind-controlled by an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
Thank you for that!

Hmmm. So this seems to disallow using something nonlethal like Reposition or Sleep on another player to prevent them from attacking an NPC (unless the target player agrees, of course) which used to fall under table variation.

That's a change that I would understand, but which would make me unhappy.

Grand Lodge 4/5

BretI wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Die fixing is about the most powerful ability in the game.
If it were keep re-rolling until you get a result you like (such as Fate allows), I might agree.

You obviously haven't played the card game with Melinski.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Still tabe variation. I wouldn't call it "friendly fire" if if doesn't hurt them or put them in immediate life-threatening danger.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
BretI wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Die fixing is about the most powerful ability in the game.
If it were keep re-rolling until you get a result you like (such as Fate allows), I might agree.
You obviously haven't played the card game with Melinski.

Blank stare...

Who is Melinski?

Grand Lodge 4/5

A bard. Dwarven too. Only reason we completed more than a few scenarios in Season of the Shackles.


MadScientistWorking wrote:
zefig wrote:

Where does it say that? Why else would they get Scion of Humanity-type options otherwise? Which DOES open things up a bit more, but you have to give up being an outsider. As Nefreet said, they're counting as descended from humans, and many may have completely human parents. That doesn't make them "half-human."
Probably because the fluff is so all over the place that you are talking about one specific instance. Hell the whole descended from humans bit is completely unnecessary too.

Presumably it is in the FAQ for a mechanical reason... .


The link in the reroll section on page 36,, redirects to and not a list of items available for rerolls.

Scarab Sages 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Redgar wrote:
MadScientistWorking wrote:
zefig wrote:

Where does it say that? Why else would they get Scion of Humanity-type options otherwise? Which DOES open things up a bit more, but you have to give up being an outsider. As Nefreet said, they're counting as descended from humans, and many may have completely human parents. That doesn't make them "half-human."
Probably because the fluff is so all over the place that you are talking about one specific instance. Hell the whole descended from humans bit is completely unnecessary too.
Presumably it is in the FAQ for a mechanical reason... .

I believe it's because people were wanting to make half-halfling/gnome/whatever Aasimars and Tieflings. In other words, small Aasimars.


Jeffrey Reed wrote:
The link in the reroll section on page 36,, redirects to and not a list of items available for rerolls.

They are aware and are fixing this link and changing the faction cards too I think this morning. link

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ferious Thune wrote:
Redgar wrote:
MadScientistWorking wrote:
zefig wrote:
Where does it say that? Why else would they get Scion of Humanity-type options otherwise? Which DOES open things up a bit more, but you have to give up being an outsider. As Nefreet said, they're counting as descended from humans, and many may have completely human parents. That doesn't make them "half-human."
Probably because the fluff is so all over the place that you are talking about one specific instance. Hell the whole descended from humans bit is completely unnecessary too.
Presumably it is in the FAQ for a mechanical reason... Linkified
I believe it's because people were wanting to make half-halfling/gnome/whatever Aasimars and Tieflings. In other words, small Aasimars.

^ that.

It's an older FAQ than the Half-elf/orc FAQ, and needs to be understood in the context of its time.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
andreww wrote:

Hmm, now it seems that we have to include all condition removal on the chronicle, even where it is cleared by another PC, including their full PFS number.

So if someone gets diseased during an adventure and a PC cleric removes it at the end we have to record that despite it now having any mechanical effect whatsoever? This does seem like unnecessary extra book keeping.

Why do I strongly suspect that this will rarely actually happen in practice? There are quite a few things in the guide that are routinely ignored (or so people claim), not sure adding more is a good idea.

Also not at all a fan of increased essentially meaningless paperwork. What problem is this even intended to solve?

The Exchange 2/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Paul Jackson wrote:
What problem is this even intended to solve?

That is something that there is great value in making clear in all endeavours. It's never as obvious to the rest of the world as it is in the mind of the person who is writing down the solution.

4/5 *

andreww wrote:
Hmm, now it seems that we have to include all condition removal on the chronicle, even where it is cleared by another PC, including their full PFS number.

We've been doing that since the beginning of the campaign; I thought it was always a rule (although I'm not going to go back through every version of the Guide to see how wording evolved over the past 8 years).

I think the idea was to allow a theoretical way for this to be checked that it was done by a real player. BUT, it dates from the days when you gave the player their Chronicle and signed it without everything filled out, and they resolved conditions themselves (either by spending gold, PP or whatever) when the potential for cheating was much more of a risk.

Not an argument in support, just context.

4/5 *

Paul Jackson wrote:
What problem is this even intended to solve

This is also worth bearing in mind: not every individual will come across the problem, but that doesn't mean a solution isn't needed campaign-wide.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

It's to ensure that the abilities monsters have that are supposed to present a challenge and are a factor in thier CR acasually do present a challenge and truly represent thier CR.

If you just ignore diseases, then why even have them on a monster?

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