Speculation: what will be announced at PaizoCon 2016?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Zaister wrote:
Marco, plese add some spoiler tags to the content descriptions.

Oh sorry, i don´t know how. :-(

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Edit your post and put [ spoiler ] before the descriptions, and [ /spoiler ] after (but leave out the spaces – I added those to show the tags).

Dark Archive

Zaister wrote:
Edit your post and put [ spoiler ] before the descriptions, and [ /spoiler ] after (but leave out the spaces – I added those to show the tags).

Somebody already did it for me.

I´ll try it next time. :-)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Ah cool :)

Awesome, a first world campaign setting book.

So it's a hobgoblin focused AP?

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Marco Massoudi wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds great!

That would be Benjamin Bruck, not Brook.

Anything else announced?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Axial wrote:
Anything else announced?

First World book, Path of the Righteous, and a Qadira campaign setting book. Everything else will be announced at the banquet starting in about 30 to 60 minutes.

Dark Archive


FALL 2016: VILLAIN CODEX - 20 evil organisations including:
fang monastery, secret society, savage marauders, regal court, sinister cult, arcane society, death cult, merchant caravan, merry outlaws, ruthless brigands, slayers guild, thieves guild, corrupt guards, demon knights, viziers, natures scourge, serpent cult, evil circus, scandalous pirates.

Dark Archive


ENCOUNTER CODEX - Prepared encounters using flip-mats and pawns!

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Starfinder! Sounds amazing...

EDIT: Early details


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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yes, Starfinder! A science-fantasy COMPLETELY NEW tabletop game that is OGL and backwards compatible!!! Set thousands of years into a possible future where Golarion is missing and the gods won't say HOW or WHY. In its place is Absalom Station!

Liberty's Edge

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Zathras body is ready.

Dark Archive

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Soon it will be time for the real Iron God.

^Now if we could follow this up with some Iron Horses . . . .

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Hey, whataya know... Paizo freelancers Robert Brookes and Isabelle Lee worked/are working on the Aethera Campaign Setting. Maybe they'll both get tapped for Starfinder?

Please, oh please, they both write such awesome stuff.

I wonder if the OP for Starfinder will be fully compatible with PFS, or if there will have to be separate PFS and SFS boons, rules, etc.


Hope Starfinder's test actually takes into account feedback better than Pathfinder's did.

As for earlier news

Amber Scott's work has been... unpleasant with railroading, bad area design, NPCs with overly elaborate backstory with no personality or way of actually relaying it to the PCs, so not much hope for the new AP.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

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Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
I'm guess that science fiction adventures will be the gencon hardback

I just want to say I called it. I had no inside knowledge. Just my guess based on what is popular right now and what paizo did in the past with their adventures/player companions and what they haven't done with their hardbacks.

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If you know me you know that the wait for Starfinder is already killing me. Luckily I'm already in love with that stuff so I have Hypercorps, Aethera, It came from the Stars, Anachronistic Adventures, and a variety of technomancer classes to tide me over. Currently I'm running a space campaign that's going very well so I have only the highest hopes for Starfinder and my hype levels cannot get any higher.

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
I'm guess that science fiction adventures will be the gencon hardback
I just want to say I called it. I had no inside knowledge. Just my guess based on what is popular right now and what paizo did in the past with their adventures/player companions and what they haven't done with their hardbacks.

The evidence has been piling up for quite some time, hasn't it? Still, like you I've been calling this for years. Kinda nice to be right for once xD

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

T'Ranchule wrote:
The evidence has been piling up for quite some time, hasn't it? Still, like you I've been calling this for years. Kinda nice to be right for once xD

Right, but I called next year GenCon, as opposed to sometime in the future.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Malwing wrote:
If you know me you know that the wait for Starfinder is already killing me.

You should see what I am writing for Traveller right now.

I am kind of disappointed in this Starfinder news because I want info on the planets as they are in the current timeline.

I have no interest in the codex(es).

Lindley Court wrote:
Yes, Starfinder! A science-fantasy COMPLETELY NEW tabletop game that is OGL and backwards compatible!!! Set thousands of years into a possible future where Golarion is missing and the gods won't say HOW or WHY. In its place is Absalom Station!

This could make a Dark Heresy pathfinder conversion much much easier. Can't wait.

The villain codex sounds like it could be interesting.

will need more info on Starfinder...if Golarion is missing that implies that it incorporates some CS material? if so that means it could still actually have a lot of info on the adjacent worlds.

If it's less specific I am guessing we will still get stuff that could be incorporated into existing distant worlds, well assuming that starfinder isn't too diverging from Pathfinder in mechanics

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So many more questions: The tweets include mention of a Starfinder AP. Is this ADDITIONAL to the existing AP line, or does this mean Paizo is actually going to attempt the insanity of TWO APs at once. If the latter, are they trying to break James Jacob's sanity?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

They said they will be doing the Starfinder APs in addition to the usual stuff. However, James Jacobs will not be the creative director for Starfinder, that falls to James Sutter, I think.

Liberty's Edge

Given James Jacobs' Forgotten Futures game that he's been working on, and the secret project he's been put on ... is this related? Has it been said one way or another?

Project Manager

MMCJawa wrote:
So many more questions: The tweets include mention of a Starfinder AP. Is this ADDITIONAL to the existing AP line, or does this mean Paizo is actually going to attempt the insanity of TWO APs at once. If the latter, are they trying to break James Jacob's sanity?

*quiet sobbing*

James doesn't develop all the APs, however--he and Rob were switching off, and now Adam and Crystal are each developing one. :-)

Silver Crusade

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Jessica Price wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
So many more questions: The tweets include mention of a Starfinder AP. Is this ADDITIONAL to the existing AP line, or does this mean Paizo is actually going to attempt the insanity of TWO APs at once. If the latter, are they trying to break James Jacob's sanity?

*quiet sobbing*

James doesn't develop all the APs, however--he and Rob were switching off, and now Adam and Crystal are each developing one. :-)


*channels positive feelings to the Project Manager*

Does anyone know the names of the adventures in iron fang invasion are?

^For a second I misread that as names of the adventurers, as in which Iconics would be appearing on the covers. Actually, that would be cool to know as well.

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Was there any more info given about the First World and/or Qadira campaign setting books?

I take it there wasn't any new player companion books mentioned, correct?

I am disappointed that there was no info on any players companions and it looks like no more info on those two campaigning setting books.

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