2016 PFS PaizoCon Bloggery

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Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Fun day so far... Realized I had an extra hour this morning, 'cause Gallowspire didn't start until 9. Thorval Thorvalson, son of Thorval, son of Thorval, son of Thorval...(and so on) was able punch out <redacted>, and <redacted>, and even <redacted>. Was even better what with getting to meet the author AND developer of the module!

While I was waiting, took a little time to shop at the paizo store, and picked up a couple of things, including the new faction pins! They are so totally cool!

Jon, AJ, and I ran to the Safeway for some food and beers. Then, Painlord forced me to play a game of the ACG. (That's how I recall it). Then he proceeded to berate me for the deck I had (Merisiel), and was also warning the other two players how badly I would suck. He was so pissed that not only didn't Merisiel fail to suck, by the end of the game he was telling Ezren that he should be more like Merisiel. Merisiel managed to close three of the five locations!

Hanging out with "Team Trouble", as Tonya Woldridge called us as she passed us in the hallway this morning, while we prepare for "Pathfinder SWAT" and The Sun Orchid Scheme.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So tired after just one day!

Started the day off with a harrowing game of the Blakros Connection where we ran right up to 1:00 and then straight into the Anger of the Old Forest with Greg Vaughan. After losing a few hobbits to the excellent GMing of Mr. Vaughan, fellow player Elizabeth finally solved the puzzle. We almost lost Bilbo... twenty-years before he found the ring, it could have been catastrophic!

Now food...

Tomorrow morning we start with the Sun Orchid Scheme!

Sovereign Court 3/5

Walter Sheppard wrote:

And GMs--return those paperclips in the future if you can!

Oh, the memories.

Dark Archive 4/5

First slot ticketed players seated within ten minutes of the start of the slot and non-ticketed players were filled in within another five minutes.

Second slot ticketed players were seated by five after with non-ticketed players filled in within another five.

Nicely done team!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

12 minutes into the evening slot, and we've already been asked to quiet down, and we self impose banishment into the corner of the room. Our introductions to the to Lem the Producer (and GM Nathan Monson). Nathan has been extremely tolerant of our antics, and has even been getting into it.

Pathfinder SWAT... You've tried the rest, now send in the BEST!

Dark Archive 4/5

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Some crazy guy just game up and threatened me. It went like this:

Crazy guy walks up to me.

Crazy guy: Do you have six fingers on your right hand

Me: I do

Crazy guy: My name is Painlord. You have not played the Adventure Card Game. Prepare to die.

Me: I'm going to play it tomorrow

Crazy guy: Okay. Never mind.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Me: "I wonder why John Compton isn't coming over to our table."

Jack: "Oh, he knows."

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Thurston Hillman believes in us!

Dark Archive 4/5

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He came up to me later and said he was lying. He's a nihilist. He believes in nothing.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

Union coffee break.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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Todd Morgan wrote:
He came up to me later and said he was lying. He's a nihilist. He believes in nothing.

"Nihilist? I mean, say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos."

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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So, I'm here at the prize table looking over the room of immersive gameplay and I am reminded why I help to organize this insanity. The day has been a whirlwind of greetings, answering questions, and shenanigans. For me, the gaming is secondary to the interactions with the fans, fellow gamers and fanboys, Paizo staffers, and associated publishers. The Syrinscape booth is always fun and this year we have a huge monitor showing off the new ACG online app. If I didn't already play, the display would have sold it
Just had my first critical hit prize winner. Congratulations Keith Homewood!

I should mention I'm giving Painlord the stink-eye but he's soo immersed in a round of ACG he fails to notice.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

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Mark Seifter came by, and we had a fun conversation with him(sorry about that, Nathan), especially about the errata to the Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier. We agreed that the changes were totally appropriate.

Back to the sun orchid scheme!

Dark Archive 4/5

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A wild Linda Zayas-Palmer appeared! She collected the rabid Mark Seifter and departed to parts unknown. We can only hope she means us no harm, and will protect us in the future from the Elder One known only as Compton.

Our fortunes have never looked bleaker. It is darkest before the dawn. Libations!

Dark Archive 4/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
I should mention I'm giving Painlord the stink-eye but he's soo immersed in a round of ACG he fails to notice.

I'm staring at him too at my end. He can pretend like he doesn't notice but we know the truth...

The Exchange 3/5

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Todd Morgan wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
I should mention I'm giving Painlord the stink-eye but he's soo immersed in a round of ACG he fails to notice.
I'm staring at him too at my end. He can pretend like he doesn't notice but we know the truth...

Dude, if I had to acknowledge all the yahoos who stare at me for the things I do, I'd never have time to be glad that I'm here enjoying this fine gaming night. It's pretty damn good; you're right, TwilightBob.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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So I played in James Jacobs Not So Secret Anymore Project game. Turns out I got to play a Grey Maiden! And nearly die! As is only proper.

Then came another round of Consortium Compact. I swear, these murderho- I mean, Pathfinders, just cannot get that secondary success condition.

Now it may be time for late night noms. Edit: Nope, time for bed. 7AM comes too soon.

Dark Archive

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:

So I played in James Jacobs Not So Secret Anymore Project game. Turns out I got to play a Grey Maiden! And nearly die! As is only proper.

Take it that it's linked to the curse of the crimson throne hardcover? Unless in the very unlikely event this is the second secret project Jacobs mentioned?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Correct. We played part of the new adventure being added.


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Day three begins with Denny's. Still feeling a little bad for the rediculous herd of cats GM Nathan had to tollerate last night from Swat! That guy is a champ.

Morning starts out with the "Pimp Off" between Lucious Lucius and the Doctor... followed by mimosas and some afternoon pickup games - gotta see how those are working out.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Had fun yesterday! Slots went off without a hitch and got some good ramen for lunch. Took a break from HQ with Cameron Ackerman and delved against some of John Compton's notorious goblins. Though Valeros fought valorously, it wasn't quite enough to succeed (let alone survive)--even with the addition of Steven Huffstutler in the 11th hour to our two player table.

After the final slot started and tokens were distributed, the BahbTodd ettin released us and we congregated outside the DoubleTree lounge / bar. With a bit of convincing, we got them to serve drinks and dinner just outside the entrance while we wrangled Eric Brittain into a game.

The scenario of choice was 7-21, the Sun Orchid Scheme, and we jammed through it with a full table. The scenario is half investigation, half standard adventure, and the party enjoyed digging into the investigation meat with a creative voracity. Eric brought a tengu and its wolf companion, proceeding to get a job as a local guard to further their infiltration plot. Steven's dwarf rogue, with above average charisma, swooned his way into the graces (and chambers) of a halfling trapsmith. Zack Zobrist joined us with his Druidic oread covered in moss with profession "tree" that spoke only Druidic, a rare dialect who's phrases come across as "I am Groot" in common. The lone pine tree in Thuvia attracted the attention of some locals, who took to showering it with gifts and prayers. Among the children playing at its feet was the young Pathfinder Yoon, played by Cameron. Yoon gathered some Oliver Twist-like kids and formed a gang of sneaks and cut purses, using them to investigate the plot as her minions. Melissa McCallum joined with her foul mouthed bard, Ruk-Maw, who managed to bluff her way into the employ of the trapsmith and her benefactors. She then proceeded to act as saboteur, undoing their hard work. Last was Bobby Pepka's...something...a deranged halfling worshipper of Groteus, made insane by his deity and accompanied by an equally creepy "wolf." His antics were kept in like by Petulio, a talking rat that keeps his company. The rat of course just a delusion of the mad halfling, in reality being a mummified rat corpse drug around by a string

Despite the best efforts of my players, we managed to finish the scenario in about 4 hours with an overwhelmingly positive impression (review to come!). The best moment came each evening in the game, as Groot would slowly move his Profession (tree) ever closer to the enemy base, and in the morning his gathering would grow as the only pine tree in Thuvia was apparently magical, as it impossible moved every night!

5.5 hours of sleep later it's time to do it all again for slot 3!

The Exchange 3/5

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Freakin' Walt! Good update/post.

My own is less glamorous but I had a piddlespot-ton of fun last night. And we kicked butt and took goblin names in the ACG. Pretty much, last night we got as good as it can get in playing at a Convention.

Sentimental but important side note:
I've blathered about this in the past, but it's the social connections that make PFS & Conventions like this worthwhile. The gaming can be fine, but it's not the endpoint and the reason why we're here. We're here to share a common pastime among friends and develop experiences that can be shared.

For example, Part 1: I first met Balodek, aka Finneas, aka Bryan, during a recruitment thread for PbP Shackled City in June of 20-freakin'-11.

We started Shackled City online later that month. We played, online, for years before I met him at PaizoCon 2012.

Then I saw him at PaizoCon 2013 and met his wife.

Then he mostly disappeared as their first child came. But now Bryan is back at PaizoCon and we played a ton of ACG last night and had a great time doing it.

Also, though it took nearly 5 years, we mostly finished Shackled City. It took nearly 16000 game posts, but it was good times all the way through.

Part 2: I met Andrew the Brit aka Nizari, in 2012. I've seen him and again ever since. This year, because we chat occasionally, I asked him to bring me chocolate from far away. He did. I returned to him a Kublacon coin (a rare 2011 vintage) and a tin of my wife's cookies.

My table last night was Buell (an ACG volunteer from WA), Bryan B (see note above) and Eric/Doc76, who I met playing ACG at GenCon last year.

I as starting my new Alahazra deck. We played 5 of the Season of the Runelords 2 scenarios in 5 hours. We were rocking in the zone (despite and maybe because of the stares of TwiLiBob and Todd Freakin' Morgan) because that is a quick rate of play.

Bryan had a Druid build, Eric the Varril Inquis (surprisingly effective...or maybe I 'misunderestimated' the deck when I looked at it), and Buell had a Wu Shen. We played together, we talked trash, we caught each other's mistakes, and just had a blast.

I'm abed by midnightish. There were no exploding pipes in or around my room last night, which was a nice bonus.

* * *

Now? I breakfast in the hotel, sipping first coffee (and awaiting 2nd coffee), while I graze the continental breakfast. Not only are the bagels and coffee good, but free wifi. Also, I can eat my body weight in blueberries and Greek yogurt.

Today is more ACG in the morning, I can try to finish up Season 1 of the Righteous with my Inquisitor or play some tier 2 stuff with Alahazra.

Tonight is the Preview Banquet thingy. That's always fun.

The Exchange 3/5

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RE: the Preview Banquet...every year I try to highlight the spoilers from the presentations as they happen. But I also recognize you can get them from other sources or may not care in the first place. Should I do it again this year? Or is it not worthwhile?

Respond or like this post if you want the spoilers.

5/5 5/55/55/5


Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Painlord please keep sharing if you would, look forward to the preview posts.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Keep sharing, thank you!


Dark Archive

Much pathfinder online on display there this year?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I always enjoy reading your spoilers Painlord - they're the next best thing to actually being there!

5/5 5/55/55/5

drools in anticipation. getting the herbavores nervous

Grand Lodge 4/5

Sun Orchid Scheming this morning. It was fortuitous that the Raptor Squad could not get seated, as our silly tengus would have flubbed the mission hard. My cleric of Shelyn has been doing her best with a measly 2 skill points per level, by the heist is going well. Later, I'll be bidding for Alabastrine.

4/5 *

Yes please - I'll be checking my phone between sets tonight to see what's what!

Paizo Employee 5/5 Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

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Waiting for the hobos I picked up to finish using my shower. Painlord maybe convinced me to do an update...

Convention has been great so far. Lots of meeting friends and hanging out with people I only get to see once/twice a year. Hung out in the bar on Night 0, and spent last night spending time with Tonya, Jon, Jenny, and Christoper. Tonya's husband is apparently real... So that's something. ;)

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

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Friday Recap: Ran two slots of #7-12 Twisted Circle in the morning and evening time slots. Both games had great groups and turned into fun games. The morning slot was all folks I know from colorado so that was a surprise. The evening group was great fun, with a bunch of ex-pirates staggering around the mana wastes. These were also my 149th and 150th PFS games!

During the afternoon slot, I ran my "Goblins in the Greenhouse" lottery game which I enjoyed immensely. I think the players may have had fun too. Joe Kondrak, one of the freelancers who has worked on the Deadly Gardens line, was at the table too, so that was fun.

After running 3 games yesterday and staying in the bar chatting until they kicked us out, the morning slot today had to be sacrificed to the gods of sleep! Now I am to go check out the store and get some lunch before playing in an Emerald Spire game run by Owen KC Stephens at 1:00. I will also be attending the banquet and will post some info during that event.

Pulled off the sun orchid scheme with no casualties, one casting of silence, one casting of darkness, two castings of obscuring mist, and some creative lying. Nothing like distracting a Thuvian Weasel-Dog.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Painlord wrote:

RE: the Preview Banquet...every year I try to highlight the spoilers from the presentations as they happen. But I also recognize you can get them from other sources or may not care in the first place. Should I do it again this year? Or is it not worthwhile?

Respond or like this post if you want the spoilers.



Thurston Hillman wrote:
Tonya's husband is apparently real

Real deadly :-)

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

I just got back from Thai place across the street. It's good every time!

Even though the character I brought is a poor fit for them (a paladin), I'm really enjoying all the intrigue-heavy scenarios. I'm looking forward to possibly getting a peek at what the theme for next season will be at the banquet.


Simeon wrote:
Pulled off the sun orchid scheme with no casualties, one casting of silence, one casting of darkness, two castings of obscuring mist, and some creative lying. Nothing like distracting a Thuvian Weasel-Dog.

Even better, we pulled off the heist without ever drawing a weapon, or the guards knowing we'd been there!

Having a great time so far, seeing lots of familiar faces and wishing I had time for more games! I continue to notice a lot of Ultimate Intrigue-flavored stuff in the later season 7 scenarios, definitely shifting things toward a very skill-focused kind of Pathfinding. It's been fun, with the right characters at the table, though I imagine there are some folks out there who are finding their old 'Kill 'em all, let Pharasma sort 'em out' builds have some idle time. But it does make for some new challenges and a more varied way to solve problems. And in my last two scenarios I've been in a total of two fights, which is kind of cool.

Spending the afternoon to come with a pick-up game my son is running, using a homebrewed setting in Old New Orleans - I guess continuing the Ultimate Intrigue flavor. We've been joking about the big book announcement at tonight's banquet being something exactly counter to Intrigue or Horror, like Ultimate Empathy or Ultimate Friendship, perhaps a nice, soothing adventure path with lots of cuddles. We'll see how accurate our crystal ball is.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

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Kashka wrote:

Morning starts out with the "Pimp Off" between Lucious Lucius and the Doctor... followed by mimosas and some afternoon pickup games - gotta see how those are working out.

We got sat at Glen Shackleton's table for this, along with John Mason and James Mason, who definitely didn't know what they were getting into. Game started off with Glen calling out the "pimp off"...

Thralls of the Shackled God was a blast. We pulled out all the stops on each encounter. It was a tough, but fun, scenario. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.. Glen said it was "his kind of table." Lucius was able to drop and extended persistent unnatural lust on the BBEG, followed by a second one non-persistent one when that was done. I could say more, but this scenario is spoilerific.

Now, we are getting ready for Micah to run F&F3 part two.

Dark Archive

Anyone gone to the future of Paizo panel?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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Achievement unlocked: GM a table with John Compton as a player. Makes one self-conscious. It was also the first table I've GMed in years where everyone had a lower PFS number than me. (All 4 digits, except for the one 1-digit number....)

Played my third Captive in Crystal table this morning, the first one where nobody fell in lust with the beefcake genie.

This afternoon, it's off to alternate New Orleans with Khelreddin and Simeon, then Saturday Night Nap.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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So I played Bid for Alabastrine with Alex Augunas. Hands down top 5 PFS experience and in the discussion for #1. Alex was as prepared as I've seen a GM. And he really made an effort to let us all shine, get through a heavy RP scenario well on time and made it feel meaningful for the players. And this gamut of awesomeness was really expounded upon by an awesome group of random players!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Sun Orchid Scheming this morning. It was fortuitous that the Raptor Squad could not get seated, as our silly tengus would have flubbed the mission hard. My cleric of Shelyn has been doing her best with a measly 2 skill points per level, by the heist is going well. Later, I'll be bidding for Alabastrine.

We played in this game as well. We pulled off the heist to great-ish success. Only a couple "unnecessary" deaths... sorry guys! Taking the afternoon off until banquet. Already died in the delve, will likely hit the other table for more death. Been easily getting through the scavenger hunt boon.

Some pics so far...

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Painlord wrote:

RE: the Preview Banquet...every year I try to highlight the spoilers from the presentations as they happen. But I also recognize you can get them from other sources or may not care in the first place. Should I do it again this year? Or is it not worthwhile?

Respond or like this post if you want the spoilers.


I mean, I'm not there to do it, so you kinda have to...

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Well, today's ACG action consisted of another run of the Mummy's Mask demo which makes me like it even more. Shift over to a how to create a character from the class deck using my Alchemist deck as the example which brought me to a play of 2 Season of the Righteous scenarios before ending my volunteer run for today.

Headed over to the store for a couple of novels and a replacement for my messenger bag before a relaxing evening of relaxing (and wishing I was at the banquet...Thanks Painlord for the updates from the banquet).

Tomorrow, more ACG and maybe break in my Inquisitor deck or finish 2-1 with Damiel. We shall see.

Scarab Sages 4/5 *

Back again for my 5th year...as always great to see so many familiar faces, this is almost becoming like a local con for me (aside from the small matter of the 10hr flight :) )

Some great games so far with new and old friends.

Manged to deliver all my UK goodies to Tonya (Thanks Bob for pointing out that I should avoid saying I have 10Kilo's of goods....but hey its Tonya's sugar fix).

Delivered some proper Cadbury Chocolate to Painlord who surprised me with a return gift of some lovely and delicious home made cookies and a very rare Kublacon coin which is most kind and totally unexpected, very humbled by that...you make great friends at Paizocon!

Actually attended one of my first seminar's on Friday about How to create inclusive game spaces, a very inciteful and informative talk, great use of time,and some great discussions.

More later... off to enjoy more of the fun.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Man, having bad luck with cavaliers this weekend. Dropped to negatives before Ser Aloysius even got an action!

Dark Archive 4/5

So a Paizo employee, that may or may not be the Editor-In-Chief, informed us at PFS HQ that there is a company doing a mash-up of American Gladiator mixed with Pathfinder that runs about an hour long up in the Cascade room. It is called The Gauntlet. Anyone that wasn't able to get into a pickup game in the afternoon may enjoy the experience.


So far enjoying myself GM'd three tabela of 7-14 Let Bygone Be. Had a great time with most of those players. Some great roleplaying and teamwork.

Met the usual cast of Pathfinders, and had an opportunity to chat with the lovely Infernal Magestrix Abrogail II of House Thrune.

Looking forward to tonight's banquet.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5

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Listen you Agents, out there in PaizoCon-Land, I don’t want to spoil your day but we just got an alert from from our people at Border Control. It seems like a Faceless Stalker managed to slip through and caught the flight out of Heathrow. Someone found the mangled body of "Andrew the Brit" jammed into a dicebag in the washrooms. It seems likely that it took over his appearance and stole his PaizoCon ticket. Whatever you do, don’t accept chocolate from this cad. He just wants to bury you and steal your skin.

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