
Lucas Servideo's page

86 posts. Alias of LackofFocus.


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Benedict Votras wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

A couple answers for the Quest.

The Answer:
When writing it I figured you started first thing in the morning and the show starts at 7 or 8 pm. So they have about 10-11 hours to solve it. Short answer there is time.

3-4 Difficulty:
For Difficulty numbers add +3 to the number for the 1-2 level.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Kassegore wrote:

Hey Guys,

I've been away from the Pathfinder Society and the RPGA for a long time now, but I'm looking to get involved again. I miss its heyday in 3rd edition/Pathfinder 1E where there were hundreds of conventions nationwide holding events. I know the RPGA is long dead, and it seems that Pathfinder Society 2e is still going strong. Can anyone recommend some of the local or national conventions were there's still a strong Pathfinder Society Presence? I see GenCon had a good turnout in # of tables, What about Origins or Winter fantasy? Megacon still rocking on Orlando? PaizoCon back to a physical format or is that still running events online? I live in Maine these days, and would love to take my kids to a gaming convention

And if any of my old groups or Ss'ressen players are still out there running, I'd love to hear from you.

Duane Choquette
AKA Kassegore.

Sent you a Private Message regarding Org Play in your area. :)

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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TheWreck wrote:


I played my first Pathfinder Society Organized Play sessions at the Rising Phoenix Con in Milford, MA on April 22-24. I had a lot of fun! Anyways, I went on to Paizo to register the character during the weekend. I played in Scenarios 3-08 (Foundation's Price), 3-02 (The East Hill Haunting) and 3-99 (Fate in the Future [L 1-4]), in that order. I signed in by paper for 3-08 and 3-99; electronically for 3-02. I've received the paper copies for all 3 (though the second was a little later than the 1st and 3rd). My electronic copy on Paizo, however, only registers 3-08 and 3-99. I'd like to have the electronic copy square with my paperwork, so that I can get all of the rewards I've earned.

What do I need to do to get this straightened out? I have been looking all over the site for directions for this, but I haven't found any (which could easily be my issue).



This will be taken care of tonight, the GM that ran 3-02 used RPG Chronicles and forgot to forward that link to me.


Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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I was in charge of Rising Phoenix please pm me the character information so I can add them to the reporting for that game. Welcome to society and sorry for the mess up.


Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Painlord please keep sharing if you would, look forward to the preview posts.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Congrats Ray, great job and thank you for all your hard work for PFS in Massachusetts.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

HQ Slot 1: DH KT/PSA
HQ Slot 2: Suicide Squad

HQ Slot 3: DH KT/PSA
HQ Slot 4: Playing the Special

HQ Slot 5: DH KT/PSA
HQ Slot 6: Playing the Captain Planet Special

HQ Slot 7: Playing Thralls


The Professor is all Set


We are playing with a "Jedi" in Emerald Spire he is a Kineticist, he is pretty fun a to see at work on the table.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Update Time: It is about that time I start the Art Previews and here we go.

In Honor of Horror Adventures I am going to be adding in Those Meddling Kids, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby.

I might be looking at havving a PDF add-on with the Meddling Kids as Level 1, 4 & 7(just for fun).

Thank You


Update Time: It is about that time I start the Art Previews and here we go.

In Honor of Horror Adventures I am going to be adding in Those Meddling Kids, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby.

I might be looking at havving a PDF add-on with the Meddling Kids as Level 1, 4 & 7(just for fun).

Thank You


Oooooo, I really need a another Alchemist for PFS(fingers crossed) Tinkerer here I come.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Romaq wrote:

I have a major problem with this poster... CREDITS! Who do we 'blame' for this? :)

It is very good, it is exactly what I want to share with my boss and have generally handy for presenting to people with ideas for characters they can create.

But you didn't credit yourself for your work, and I believe you *should* have. I would also recommend a tiny.url for where to fetch the .pdf.

I expect more iconics will be created in the future. My hope is that you would be willing to update this when they do, and that you would be kind to yourself to put your "Artistic Name" (such as Smart Goblin if you don't wish to use Lucas Servideo) and some HTML link or QR code that would link to where you are making this and updated versions available.

Fantastic job, and again just exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for to promote Pathfinder. :)

If you look by the end of the top line where it says where you can purchase the books my Smart Goblin logo is on the sign. :) that is my credit on the sign.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Hello Everyone I am bumping the thread

I am looking for B&W Lineart 300 to 600 dpi to fit on an 8.5x11 sheet of Kid Iconics whether you use one of the already exsisting one like the Amiri, Valeros and Seoni we already have or a New Bloodrager and Wizard.

For those of you that can't draw if you think there is something you can submit email me and we can see how you can help.

Thank You

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

They are printed on a water resistance vinyl so if something gets spilled on it, it is also flexible so it can be rolled up or folded for travel. It also will not tear.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

So everyone I just got these back from the printer there may be some available for Prizes.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Update to PAX East 2016 Events

We will have 8-10 face cut-out standups for you to take your picture as one of the Pathfinder Iconics.

The PAX East 2016 PAX Port for you to play to earn Boons and Prizes.

PACG Events
Demos of Wrath of the Righteous & Skull and Shackles
Season of the Shackles: Adventure #0-1 Lost at Sea and #0-2 A Pirate's Life

PFS RPG Events
PFS Quests: Silverhex Chronicles and Phantom Phenomena(Chronicle Sheet Events)

As well as a series of quests put together by the PFS PAX East Team "Winding Path" dealing with a Mysterious cult causing mayhem across Golarion.

Stay tuned to this thread for Updates on Events.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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So everyone I just got these back from the printer there may be some available for Prizes.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

cosined wrote:
@lackoffocus, is that mat for this year's PAX East?

Yes it is, we will be doing demos on these mats, there might be extras for prizes.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

GM Lamplighter wrote:

Hey Lucas,

I can't draw to save my life, so I can't help for thisI just wanted to say thanks for all your work (EDIT: and everyone who has worked on it!) on the kids track stuff. I believe it's one of the most important initiatives in PFS. Glad to hear from Tonya and John that it will get a wider circulation as well.

Thanks on behalf of the Kids Track Team, glad to have your support.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

MadScientistWorking wrote:
Benjamin Falk wrote:

Pathfinder Academy is surely a good idea, but to an european, some things like safecleaning the scenarios sounds very american^^
Now i don´t know every scenario, but i think Paizo keeps most things between the lines and safe anyway, so it seems more as an GM thing to me. I saw some of the "Deathpool" outcries though and it´s probably better to be on the safe side.

Im kind of surprised your a four star GM and you haven't come across that stuff yet. Admittedly, a lot of the wonky stuff you'll never see on the player side (ie. Modules like Godsmouth) but the weirdest thing I've ever come across is the fact that as a Dark Archive member you can complete an objective by recovering Zarta's BDSM toy. When I ran that scenario I was so happy that it didn't come up because well there was a young kid at the table.

What is trying to be done with the Pathfinder Society Academy and its guidelines to the scenarios is expand on what will require the GM to do less work couching adult content like Zarta's Toys. We are keeping everything spoiler free with warnings like movie ratings to explain content in a scenario.

There are somethings parents might not want a GM at a convention to expose their child too. Like Mr. Falk said it is "better to be on the safe side." We would rather be on the safe side then have someone complain a GM was talking about Zarta's Toys in front of their child.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Good Evening Pathfinder Community,
Last year for Kids' Tracks, I put together Kids Track Coloring Book for the Kids to work on while they waited play or got bored waiting for their turn. This year I would like to try and put another one together and I will be looking for artists and other contributors. Unlike last year where there was no theme this years theme is Kid Adventurers.

I would like to see what we can put together with Kids as the different Iconic classes, Young Monsters or maybe a Family of Adventurers. I will also be looking for people to help with Puzzles, mazes and other activities for the book.

If you are interested please contact me at

Thanks For your Time and see you at Gen Con,

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Update to PAX East 2016 Events

We will have 8-10 face cut-out standups for you to take your picture as one of the Pathfinder Iconics.

The PAX East 2016 PAX Port for you to play to earn Boons and Prizes.

PACG Events
Demos of Wrath of the Righteous & Skull and Shackles
Season of the Shackles: Adventure #0-1 Lost at Sea and #0-2 A Pirate's Life

PFS RPG Events
PFS Quests: Silverhex Chronicles and Phantom Phenomena(Chronicle Sheet Events)

As well as a series of quests put together by the PFS PAX East Team "Winding Path" dealing with a Mysterious cult causing mayhem across Golarion.

Stay tuned to this thread for Updates on Events.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Tim Broadwater wrote:
Ok cool, FYI I'm happy to run something if there are boons for running... not to sound like an opportunist, lol.

If you have slots and the time we are more than willing to have you run. Private message me to discuss times. :D

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Right now the Level 4 Quest is Pregen Only we are looking at running Scenarios at night after 6, Stay tuned we are still in planning.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Very Merry Un-Birthday too you, Very Merry Un-Birthday too me! Happy late Birthday John.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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dien wrote:

Thanks, Lucas! I had a blast contributing.

-Dana Huber

Dana thank you so much for helping I am just waiting for the Artist's Copies to be Printed so I can mail you a Physical copy.



This was the first year I entered, thank you in advance for the critiques

Coin of Chance
Aura light enchantment; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 1000 gp; Weight -
These old Varisian coins, with the grinning goblin on one side and a goblin skull on the other, were made to give its owner confidence in battle and to dishearten enemies. The fate the coin affects (for good or ill) is that of the owner and his allies, not his enemies. If flipped on heads the coin owner and his allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attacks and saving throws for 3 rounds. If tails comes up the owner and his allies suffer a -1 penalty on attack and saving throws for 1 round. If held at the start of combat, the Coin of Chance can be used as a free action as part of the initiative roll, otherwise activating the coin is a swift action. The Coin of Chance can be used once per minute.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bless, bane; Cost 500 gp


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Owen as one of those Volunteers in the the Sagamore you hung out with and helped out. I want to say thanks, it was a fun time hanging out with you.


My kids and I are painting minis as well today. My son wanted to know what Sarah is painting.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Hello All I just want to say thank you to all the Players that came to PAX East and played some Pathfinder. My Team and me had a great time, we are already prepping for next year.

Thanks Everyone for making PAX East 2014 a fun experience.


Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

So quick update, I have all the tables set up and and looks right now we are going to be have 5 Tables of Pathfinder RPG and 2 Tables of Card Game Demos. Stop on By.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

I started a New Thread explaining everything

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****


Dice and your PFS number will be fine, we will have over 200 of each level 1 pregen for you to choose from.

I just started a thread but it is going to be once we get a table of 4-6 players per adventure we are going to start.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Good Afternoon Pathfinders,

Now that I am officially done with work and I have a second to breath before I cook dinner. I will give a bit more detail regarding PAX East Events.

We are going to be following PAX Primes example and are going to be running PAX Port these short adventures are about an hour long each taking place in a different part of The Inner Sea, the countries we will be exploring are Osirion, Cheliax, Mwangi Expanse, Varisia and Ustalav. We will have 5 tables one for each country, I am hoping to have one table set up as card game demos as well. With a table that will be hosting either more of the PAX Ports or a full scenario (if we have people who can spend 4 hours with us.)

When you register for the event at Headquarters you will get your PAX Port once you play all 5 adventures you will get a boon.

We are running these events Friday and Saturday from 11am to 11pm then on Sunday from 11am to 7pm.

If you are at PAX East and want to have fun and lay some quick Pathfinder stop on by.



We are going to be running from 11 to 11 Friday and Saturday, then 11-7 on Sunday. It would be great to say hi.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Yes they are

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****


Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I am Lucas Servideo the VL working with PAX East to have Pathfinder run there. We are going to be in the open gaming area. We will be running short one hour long events with pregens once you play in all 5 events you will get a Boon and a chance for Prizes.

As of right now unless the type of Badge we get from PAX is going to change. The games will be running Friday 11am to 11pm, Saturday 11am to 11pm and Sunday 11am to 7pm.

I am still hammering out the final detailts with PAX East Staff on final table count and final location of the tables. I should know soon.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me on the boards or email me at

Lucas Servideo
Venture Lieutenant
Boston Lodge, North Shore

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Wow hard to follow that one, way to go Mike.

Thursday, August 15
Slot 1 (0800-1300): Kid's Track Advanced Session 1 (Ice)
Slot 2 (1300-1800): Kid's Track Advanced Session 2 (Isles)
Slot 3 (1900-2400): OFF (Marvel Pathfinder Game with Bobby Harring, Robert Beazy, Chris Mullican, Michael VonHasseln, and Andrew Christian)
Friday, August 16
Slot 4 (0800-1300): Kid's Track Advanced Session 4 (Waves)
Slot 5 (1300-1800): OFF
Slot 6 (1900-2400): Gen Con Season 5 End Special (5-8)
Saturday, August 17
Slot 7 (0800-1300): Kid's Track Advanced Session 7 (Isles)
Slot 8 (1300-1800): Kid's Track Advanced Session 8 (Masks)
Slot 9 (1900-2400): OFF
Sunday, August 18
Slot 10 (0900-1400): Kid's Track Advanced Session Ten (Woods)

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Stephen Drane wrote:

Hey, just ran Library of the Lion with extensive help from the Shared Prep Drive (which is AWESOME!), and found a couple of issues.

Not sure how to correct them, but hopeful that someone more tech-savvy can make it happen.

1. In the card deck, the encoded example message on Taldan Cipher 1 is missing a letter. The final word reads "OTRES", when it should be "OTRSES". This throws the whole sequence out and you just get gibberish instead of the intended meaning "SOLDIER".

2. In the Deception points document, point A. b. says to reduce by 1 point if the illusion cards are not removed. That should be reduce *to* 1 point (therefore losing 2).

Gotta say, the rest of the material up for this scenario is pure gold. Many thanks to everyone who contributed!

I will get on fixing the typo on the card deck and reupload it.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Congrats Seth

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Wow it has been a long time in coming for the updated version. Sorry for all the delays real life happened.

The PFS Record Sheet is now updated in a format that will make it easy for me to add a Season, AP, Module and anything else that comes down the line for PFS.

Hope this helps.


Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Just added a Deck for the Library of the Lion


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I picked it up I am really enjoying the whole pick your Apocolypse part of the book.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Tengu Inquisitor/Sin Eater(before they went public)
Suli Magus/Blade Bound, Elemental Knight


I will weigh in I have played 2 of the 3 you are suggesting and currently have bi-weekly Midgard game going.

I would look at your group seeing which would best fit them and what they want to play.

Right now the order I would Rank them:

1) Midgard-I am really of fan of the Setting, it has Masked Gods, Clockwork and Kobolds. Check out Midgard Tales and some of the Modules for Midgard.

2) Razor Coast-I have heard nothing but awesome things about this setting.(Though it is not on my play list until summer next year because we just finished Skull & Shackles)

3) NeoExodus-though this is 3rd on my list it is not because there is anything wrong with the setting. (The group is not wanting to play a sci-Fantasy game at the moment. That being said we all have characters ready and a bunch of NeoExodus Adventures printed ready for a game night.)

I am going to add another 2 to your list:

4) Wicked Fantasy-John Wick reworks the classic Fantasy Races adding his own twist to each of them working them into his own Fantasy setting.

5) Obsidian Apocalype-This is another setting by LPJ Designs in this post Apocalypse world you determine how the Apocalypse happened and in the book it has 4 different Apocalypses to chose from.(Just bought it, reading it over for sometime in the future)

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Welcome to the Team

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

That is great, Congratulations Shadow Stalker


Dotting, going to work on something this weekend.

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