![]() We tend to play alot of PaizoCon - as there's little incentive to gm. As opposed to GenCon where GMs are rewarded with accommodations - so we do the full GM gambit there. I prefer GenCon overall - the structure is in place for constant gaming. PaizoCon has alot of downtime if you are not into seminars - and the afternoon "pickup games" were less than successfully managed (too many of repeated mistakes from the previous year). If you don't GM, and are only into playing PFS - i'd probably recommend PaizoCon. ![]()
![]() Ah the AssHats.... where Lucious and Doc Tracy both lost the "pimp off" to Naerta... good times. And when THUNDERLIPS! Finally got to give his veiny shaft into the crystal womb speech.... This being a day and change after Jon shouting/singing "I'm a little teapot" during the banquet... 20 bucks is 20 bucks man. Besides.. who better to save the biggest AssHat in pathfinder society than the AssHats? "He may be an a$$hole, but he's OUR a$$hole!" ![]()
![]() Bar time on sunday night. Painlord sits down. Eric Brittain and Darren Caldemeyer sit down and its a few awesome hours of banter. And Swat's good friend Alistair Rigg joins us and declares the beautiful virtues of Swat to Rand who is "poopoo" about Swat. Beautiful night of conversation. Did i mention these words from Painlord? "I made a mistake." ![]()
![]() Pathfinder Swat sat down for Bid for Alabastrine this morning. 56 minutes later we make it out of the briefing. The Gm has lowered his head in laughter/pain/joy/disgust a dozen times. 58 minutes later, the first combat is over, the Perp's handcuffed and it is time for the union break. When the coffee and donuts landed on the table the gm was just speechless and started laughing again. ![]()
![]() Banquet update number one: For twenty bucks... Jon Dehning will stand on his chair and shout/sing i'm a little tea pot. Quote from Thursty: "oh. my. god..." Quote from the Banquet Coordinator of the hotel: "please don't stand on the chairs... but if you do stay to the edges... or you will fall through." The Minnesota crew is enjoying dinner with June Soler (RVC) and Will Chase. We pity them but they are amused. June was in on the sing-along Sean Wellsmore seems to like us since he bailed on his table for our last chair. ![]()
![]() A mixed experience at the afternoon pickup games... On one hand, seeing Nefreet and chatting for a while. He met up with Wei Jei. Sweetsauce! Then... we couldn't get a game. Too many players both experienced and new. Not enough gm's nor variety of games. (Not sure why most of the "pickup" games are the same games as the con). Oh well - got a nap in before the banquet. Time to warm up for the banquet. ![]()
![]() Day three begins with Denny's. Still feeling a little bad for the rediculous herd of cats GM Nathan had to tollerate last night from Swat! That guy is a champ. Morning starts out with the "Pimp Off" between Lucious Lucius and the Doctor... followed by mimosas and some afternoon pickup games - gotta see how those are working out. ![]()
![]() The day started out well. Landed safely at the airport and got breakfast. Early checkin to the hotel was smooth while waiting for the rest of the Minnesota crew. The hot tub ain't bad and the 55 degree weather was nice. Jon Dehning, Jack Brown, Ruan Bolduan and Keith Apperson finally arrived in the afternoon, we hit the liquor store and sat down with Sean Wellsmore for his 150th table! The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor at 7-8 with a crew of degenerates - THUNDERLIPS!, and Lady BroKahn, Lucious Lucius and the Calistrean Elektra, the Dhampir Marjenic (sp?) and the pirate monk Naerta and her ship of playrooms. He put us through a great fun game and nearly got two kills (Yay Riddtwhipple and breath of life scroll). @Hmm's hug was delivered to Mr. Compton near the end of the game while we ran a little long. Dinner at the Roaster with Painlord and the Minnesota transplant Kyle was good. Solid bbq joint. Back to the hotel for a nightcap and a full night's sleep - the last and only for this weekend! ![]()
![]() i gotta speak up after that one. regardless of game experience - i will always thank the GM for running the game(pbp or f2f). I am going through a slow painful game of Fingers of Midnight, and Silbeg will easily second the slow pace - but i will still thank the GM for at least trying. But i do agree with alot of the other points Deussu makes - especially in new players - irregular posts, subpar detail and lack of hooks are hard - but i also see this primarily in newbie pbp's. If I saw it in a longerterm pbp'er... i'd get really frustrated in it too. Expanding on Part D... I really get frustrated with people who type of a great roleplayed diplomacy and roll diplomacy.. but i find out they intend to only get out of the conversation and then expecting to think twice later and probably go back on the stated statement. ![]()
![]() I used to ask for the players' most recent chronicle as well as give out small simple stats cards (that include a simplistic mechanic question)... Until at PaizoCon i sat down to run and no player had their chronicle sheets.. including a VC and his son. I just ask for any quirky bits now, as its better to not put myself in that situation. ![]()
![]() You should verify what they said... If what they said was the Alchemist's class bonus for the use of Craft (alchemy) to create alchemical items was not allowed then they are correct. only permanent universal bonuses are allowed... aka without conditions of use... example... a compass is a bonus on survival to not get lost... does not apply to day jobs. ![]()
![]() Benrislove went the same route i did Couple interesting options i had not considered - Inner Beauty trait over lantern lodge trait.. @Adam i'm only aware of the day job boon in a 5-9 tier scenario... I had intentionally left off crafter's fortune in my 22 as only a wiz can use it before getting a 2pp wand... but what wiz would choose it as one of its starters?... anyways... 1 rank
so... 26 with a potential 29 if Inner Beauty works.. plus if there is a level one scenario day job boon... But with the street performer... i think Adam wins after the double up. ![]()
![]() Matthew Pittard wrote: Obviously the Basic one is the best. I prefer also to use dry erase markers ... just MAKE sure that you always clean them off after a session or you will end up with maps like mine where the ink has set in. Two comments: Dry erase markers on the lamenated basic maps... Chessex grid maps you cannot use dry erase. must use wet erase markers. As for cleaning, try the Mr. Clean magic erasers. Works wonders on old marker stains. |