Character died mid adventure

Pathfinder Society

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I need some rule clarification on raise dead and restoration. So I played an adventure tonight and got to the first encounter and died because a mimic with tentacles tried to eat me. I'm sure you guys can figure out for yourselves which adventure I'm referring to.

Right after I died I wanted to get raise dead cast on me using prestige points but the GM wouldn't allow me to during the adventure even though on the guild guide it says "Note that it's possible for a player to spend her character's prestige points even if the pc is dead, petrified, or otherwise out of commission. In essence this represents the pc having made prior arrangements with her faction to perform certain action on her behalf, such as recovering her dead body and returning it to a specific location or having it raised from the dead. In this event, the pc's actual location does not impact the prestige point cost."

Should I have been able to get raise dead cast on me mid adventure to continue the scenario instead of having to sit around for 4 hours just to get my chronicle sheet with no credit?

The Exchange 3/5

Can Dead Characters Be Brought Back to Life Mid Scenario?

If he disagreed for some reason I would have at least demanded the chronicle sheet right away so I could leave.

Liberty's Edge 4/5


Ragoz wrote:

Can Dead Characters Be Brought Back to Life Mid Scenario?

If he disagreed for some reason I would have at least demanded the chronicle sheet right away so I could leave.

Even that thread agrees that you can't conjure a cleric in the middle of nowhere just with Prestige points.

4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Ragoz wrote:

Can Dead Characters Be Brought Back to Life Mid Scenario?

If he disagreed for some reason I would have at least demanded the chronicle sheet right away so I could leave.

Even that thread agrees that you can't conjure a cleric in the middle of nowhere just with Prestige points.

The problem with this logic is I don't believe anything stops you from finding a cleric in that scenario as there is no time limit plot wise. If you really are that adamant you should be able to be resurrected in that scenario.

Grand Lodge 3/5

If the scenario the OP is talking about is the one I'm thinking of, then you're kind of in a remote and pretty hostile area, and it seems a little immersion breaking to have a random caster happen along to helpfully cast such a spell. On the other hand having to let a player sit through an entire scenario doesn't seem very fun either.

MadScientistWorking wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Ragoz wrote:

Can Dead Characters Be Brought Back to Life Mid Scenario?

If he disagreed for some reason I would have at least demanded the chronicle sheet right away so I could leave.

Even that thread agrees that you can't conjure a cleric in the middle of nowhere just with Prestige points.
The problem with this logic is I don't believe anything stops you from finding a cleric in that scenario as there is no time limit plot wise. If you really are that adamant you should be able to be resurrected in that scenario.

And like many you're looking at it backwards. The game isn't built around what it forbids, but by what it allows. What you can buy with either prestige or otherwise is going to be dependent on your surroundings. Your prestige allows you to call in favors, not conjure things out of whole cloth. The Judge was correct in his call.


MadScientistWorking wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Ragoz wrote:

Can Dead Characters Be Brought Back to Life Mid Scenario?

If he disagreed for some reason I would have at least demanded the chronicle sheet right away so I could leave.

Even that thread agrees that you can't conjure a cleric in the middle of nowhere just with Prestige points.
The problem with this logic is I don't believe anything stops you from finding a cleric in that scenario as there is no time limit plot wise. If you really are that adamant you should be able to be resurrected in that scenario.

There was a cleric NPC not 100 squares from where I had died in the scenario.

4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
MadScientistWorking wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Ragoz wrote:

Can Dead Characters Be Brought Back to Life Mid Scenario?

If he disagreed for some reason I would have at least demanded the chronicle sheet right away so I could leave.

Even that thread agrees that you can't conjure a cleric in the middle of nowhere just with Prestige points.
The problem with this logic is I don't believe anything stops you from finding a cleric in that scenario as there is no time limit plot wise. If you really are that adamant you should be able to be resurrected in that scenario.
And like many you're looking at it backwards. The game isn't built around what it forbids, but by what it allows. What you can buy with either prestige or otherwise is going to be dependent on your surroundings. Your prestige allows you to call in favors, not conjure things out of whole cloth. The Judge was correct in his call.

Actually, Im looking at it with the logic that nothing is stopping you in the scenario from heading back to town which in another season 7 scenario is absolutely necessary if you don't have the right party composition.

Syberion wrote:

There was a cleric NPC not 100 squares from where I had died in the scenario.

Would you please spoil the scenario because honestly at this point we are going to start talking about stuff written into the module. Trust me when I say that the DM did nothing wrong in that case.


Thralls of the Shattered God:
We were sent by a venture captain to some ruins inside the worldwound to an excavation that some priests were unearthing. We were accompanied by that woman experimented on in the traitors lodge because of some connection with her possession. We get there and explain to the main priest of the excavation that we need inside for some reason I cannot remember. We offer to clear the site of dangers for their group and he agrees. At no point did we tick him off or lie to the individual. We go inside the entrance that has teeth around the frame and out pops a mimic after 3 of us are in front of it and it deals 7 points of strength damage to two of us and 4 of us are dazzed. I asked the GM how long that would last because at that point I was losing 5 AC. He wouldn't answer but he does need to keep track because it could affect the outcome. I and another member of our party were grappled. Each turn until I died we took about 23 points of damage on average per attack from the grapple. I tried to escape 3 times but apparently its impossible even with a 32. Our oracle kept having to use his channel positive energy to keep me alive so I could keep hitting it because the rest of the party was unable to do so but then the oracle was being stingy with his channeling energy. The entire time I'm worrying about my health because I only have 65 hp at lvl 8. When I got down to -11 hp the oracle channels again but only brings me back up to 12. The party tells me to hit it and the GM is telling me to hurry and I'm flustered because my character is about to die and nobody gives a crap even though I did most of the damage. I'm trying to find something in my chronicle sheets to save my life and the GM only gave me a minute or so making it difficult to read things carefully. It gets back to the mimic and the GM rolls 25. I eventually find something in one of my chronicle sheets that would have made a difference but given that I was taking too long the GM essentially took away 12 prestige and 2540 gp from me for being a nuisance. The Magus in our group goes outside to speak with the cleric and he or the GM refuses to cast raise dead on me. On top of that our oracle could have at the very least saved me 2340 gp by performing the restoration on my character given that he was able to cast the spell but he also decided to keep his spell list a secret from me.

Also You guys are forgetting something. In the start of the thread I pointed out that A. I could spend the prestige even when dead and as though I had made the necessary preparations for this outcome and B. that the prestige point cost doesn't change based on distance at that point. I also put quotations around the part you should re-read because it is a rule in the guild guide.


You weren't in a town of more than 5000 people so the cost of the raise dead was increased by 5 but other than that you should have been able to get one no problem the Guide is very specific on that. If you wanted to spend a lot of prestige you could even get rid of the negative levels.

BTW it reads like your GM was violating the DBAD rule. When a character is in danger of dying a player should have time to examine his character sheet and chronicles to find a way to save himself. Not forever but more than a minute.


You know what. Screw it. I don't want to play anymore. The dicks up there don't want me in their campaigns and exclude me from everything roleplaying anyway even though I have been asking for years. They only started doing society because they needed more players for their exclusive games and they wanted to cherry pick the ones they liked to hang out with. Hell not long after they started society games a group in a club that I am a part of (because I pay for it) asked individuals apart of the club if there was any interest in playing pathfinder and other RPGs. I told them I was interested and they told me I didn't have enough experience roleplaying without even asking me about my previous experience. Then months later I find out they couldn't run any games because of a lack of interest. They dislike me so much that they don't even want to play if I was their only option.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I get your frustration. It is never fun to feel like an outsider. I can empathize.

But as far as when you can get a raise dead , it largely is a GM call.

  • The guide indicates that GMs might only allow players to spend prestige once during the session.
  • There is a whole paragraph that talks about the size of the settlement you can use your prestige in. It's definitely implicit if not explicit that during game play, you must be in a settlement to spend prestige.
  • The paragraph that indicates prestige can be spent anywhere is mostly regarding end of scenario expenditure, otherwise the preceding paragraphs don't make sense.

I largely go based on gut when considering circumstances and whether someone should be able to come back from the dead mid scenario. I try to err on the side of fun for the player. But there are just circumstances, sometimes, that dictate otherwise.

If you are in a private pocket dimension, being chased across the desert or are locked away from the world, it just isn't feasible.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Ragoz wrote:

Can Dead Characters Be Brought Back to Life Mid Scenario?

If he disagreed for some reason I would have at least demanded the chronicle sheet right away so I could leave.

Even that thread agrees that you can't conjure a cleric in the middle of nowhere just with Prestige points.

You might be able to, it just takes the extra 5.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5 **

In this instance, you are in the Worldwound, ten days walk from a settlement of 5000. There is a time constraint. Unless there was a cleric in your party, with raise dead prepped, I would have said no too. There is no cleric in the following party... A paladin, an oracle and summoners are behind you.

So, no you cannot conjure a cleric, no you cannot take the time to go back from whence you came, and no, you are not anywhere near a city, let alone one big enough for a raise dead at normal cost.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I'd be fine with paying the extra PP to get a cleric to walk to the ruins, but it would still take time to walk that priest to the far boonies where the scenario is set. You might not have that time.

4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Alison Ooms wrote:
In this instance, you are in the Worldwound, ten days walk from a settlement of 5000. There is a time constraint.

You technically have all the time in the world. Nothing is written in the scenario that makes getting revived a matter of success or failure. That is kind of the reason why most of the people arguing that you can't are wrong. You take your time in the module and something does happen but the PCs never even reached that point where it even mattered.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Syberion wrote:
There was a cleric NPC not 100 squares from where I had died in the scenario.

Actually it's an oracle and he does not have access to Raise Dead. Perhaps if he was a cleric, you could have requested an overnight resting period so he could prep it, but even still Valais is insistent on moving forward so even that probably wouldn't have worked. In this instance, the best to hope for is the GM allowing you to pay the extra prestige to be raised and then continue with two negative levels. However, that is left to the GM's discretion.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
  • The guide indicates that GMs might only allow players to spend prestige once during the session.

I've never seen this interpretation, but if it's true, then this is something I would respectfully ask that you add to the list of items to clarify in the new guide. Table variation around how many times you may spend prestige during a session should not exist. That one table might allow a Raise Dead and a Restoration in a single session, another might only allow a Raise Dead, and a third might allow neither, because you already bought a Wand with Prestige at the start of the scenario is not a good thing.

This is not an interpretation of the general rules of Pathfinder that PFS cannot address. The campaign should be able to provide a definitive answer to how often you are allowed to spend prestige. I agree that whether or not the capability exists in a given scenario is going to be left up to the GM to decide. But when time, location, access to spell casters, etc. are not a concern, a lack of clarity in the PFS rules should not exist. Either you're allowed to spend Prestige more than once a scenario (provided you are not trying to purchase 2 items or some other specific exception) or you are not. It's a yes or no question the guide should be able to answer.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Come on, 8,000 vigilantes in the society and no portable bat signal?

4/5 *

Remember about the limit of one restoration spell per week - so you can't get rid of both negative levels from dying, even if you have the prestige.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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GM Lamplighter wrote:
Remember about the limit of one restoration spell per week - so you can't get rid of both negative levels from dying, even if you have the prestige.

I've seen someone shell out for the greater restoration just for that reason.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Side note. There is no DBAD rule in PFS. I assume DBAJ was meant. (if you are going to acronym, use the correct acronym so that you do not create ambiguity.)

The Concordance 3/5 *

I'd allow a character to get a prestige casting anywhere if they did the +5 PP cost. Even in the Worldwound, even on the Isle of Terror. I've always equated the extra Prestige Cost to be the travel/teleport costs of the endeavor.


Bob Jonquet wrote:
Syberion wrote:
There was a cleric NPC not 100 squares from where I had died in the scenario.
Actually it's an oracle and he does not have access to Raise Dead. Perhaps if he was a cleric, you could have requested an overnight resting period so he could prep it, but even still Valais is insistent on moving forward so even that probably wouldn't have worked. In this instance, the best to hope for is the GM allowing you to pay the extra prestige to be raised and then continue with two negative levels. However, that is left to the GM's discretion.

Just because the scenario has an oracle without the spell on his list of spells known does not prohibit the character from utilizing the prestige option. Perhaps the GM could have adjudicated it as a successful scroll casting by the NPC, albeit still at the +5 PP cost. While the RGG indicates that the purchase is essentially favors within the faction and is typically done by an agent of the faction, this resolution would have still been within the spirit of the "prior arrangements."

As a GM, I tend to be very lenient on use of prestige because it's meant to be impactful. Your faction owes you favors, just like the Society owes Grandmaster Torch favors. Consider the things that can come of that.

The Exchange 4/5

i dont know what either means.
the important part I think about "time" is a party decision. Would the party leave the ruins to travel back to town? I dont think a GM should make that call for the players.
Did the character make plans for someone to drop in when killed. most likely not, so how does your faction know to send a healer? but the blurb says they do plan on things like this, right? So, how do they know to come, or just wait till party does something?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

In instances like that, it's not reasonable to be able to get a raise in the middle of hostile territory. However, I'd say that if your party had some way of contacting your faction (sending or something similar) then they might teleport in a cleric for an extra 5PP. Mostly just to keep the game going. Still needs to be reasonable though.

Sounds like that was a tough fight.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

Andrew Hoskins wrote:

In instances like that, it's not reasonable to be able to get a raise in the middle of hostile territory. However, I'd say that if your party had some way of contacting your faction (sending or something similar) then they might teleport in a cleric for an extra 5PP. Mostly just to keep the game going. Still needs to be reasonable though.

Sounds like that was a tough fight.

Honestly, I don't know why scenario authors deliberately write stuff like this! It's as if they want characters to die.

Oh, no, wait...


5/5 5/55/55/5

Its not unreasonable for the society to know that you've died. There's a THUMP ....

Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Move does he type with those paws? I hope we used the big tranq dart this time... move along...

The Exchange 4/5

Well we know that they spy on all of us,vso a status spell on everyone to know if died. Followed by scrying, using that room. Than a bored Venture Captain team shows up to raise you or rescue you.

The Exchange 4/5

And than we can have them bring supplies to buy or new CLW to spend 2pp on. Plus 5 for showing up.
Sending scrolls for all. "Hello faction, please bring me a mug of ale, and yes I'll pay the delivery charge"

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Serisan wrote:
Just because the scenario has an oracle without the spell on his list of spells known does not prohibit the character from utilizing the prestige option

I was merely responding to the OP's comment that there was a cleric immediately available that could have raised him. Since he was not a cleric, and having a fully detailed stat block did not possess a scroll of raise dead, the solution was not as "simple" that. Personally, I probably would have allowed the raise with the extra cost of being away from a qualifying city. I would also have allowed a restoration, again with the additional cost, but I won't second-guess the GM especially considering we have incomplete information. Based solely on the information provided, I cannot find where any specific rules were broken, so I would not be inclined to over-rule the table GM. However, I'll leave it up to the local Venture-Captain to investigate and determine if any action is warranted. There may be circumstances that we are not aware of that influenced the decisions made at the table.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Serisan wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Syberion wrote:
There was a cleric NPC not 100 squares from where I had died in the scenario.
Actually it's an oracle and he does not have access to Raise Dead. Perhaps if he was a cleric, you could have requested an overnight resting period so he could prep it, but even still Valais is insistent on moving forward so even that probably wouldn't have worked. In this instance, the best to hope for is the GM allowing you to pay the extra prestige to be raised and then continue with two negative levels. However, that is left to the GM's discretion.

Just because the scenario has an oracle without the spell on his list of spells known does not prohibit the character from utilizing the prestige option. Perhaps the GM could have adjudicated it as a successful scroll casting by the NPC, albeit still at the +5 PP cost. While the RGG indicates that the purchase is essentially favors within the faction and is typically done by an agent of the faction, this resolution would have still been within the spirit of the "prior arrangements."

As a GM, I tend to be very lenient on use of prestige because it's meant to be impactful. Your faction owes you favors, just like the Society owes Grandmaster Torch favors. Consider the things that can come of that.

Sure, but no matter what way you want to explain it, that 5PP spent still takes a minimum of 5 days to get the scroll or cleric to the party.

It is completely acceptable for a GM to rule that you can't just throw money or prestige at a problem to make it go away, if doing so doesn't make sense.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

ShieldLawrence wrote:
I'd allow a character to get a prestige casting anywhere if they did the +5 PP cost. Even in the Worldwound, even on the Isle of Terror. I've always equated the extra Prestige Cost to be the travel/teleport costs of the endeavor.

Sure. But it isn't instantaneous.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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Hey everyone, I'm that GM. The original post is a bit of an edited version of the events. I would prefer not to argue any points here, but if Alison (my VC) wants to look into the issue, I will absolutely go with whatever she decides.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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it isn't instantaneous

Technically speaking, there does not seem to be any time requirements listed in the Guide. Only that an extra 5pp be spent. In a world with magic as powerful as raise dead, its reasonable to think the society would provide teleportation magic as part of the extra +5pp cost. But, again, its left up to the GM to adjudicate.

I think the most important thing to consider is the balance between following the spirit of the rules and what is the "good of the player." Is it in the spirit of the Cooperate tenet to make a player sit idly at a table and watch five other people play for three hours? The extra prestige cost is a hefty price to pay for not being prepared. A breath of life scroll, first aid gloves, even a scroll of shield other could have made the difference. Seems, maybe, we should err on the side of the player. Who is served by doing otherwise? If the GM would have made a different ruling, would it have changed the OP's perspective? Would he not have rage-quit? Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know. While I will not chastise the GM for making a bad decision, perhaps we can take this as a learning opportunity. Sometimes, rigidly adhering to the rules and the idea of making everything a challenge can lead to some less than optimal choices. YMMV

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I get that we should err on the side of the player as possible. But I'm sorry, there are just some circumstances where that is not possible.

If there is no way to communicate instantly to trigger the 5pp expenditure, then it should t be based on the faction having instant knowledge. The precedent set by a handful of scenarios that are arguably a body recovery mission, usually have the Pathfinders traveling a few weeks later.

Additionally, the 5pp is the cost to send a team. If you have a way to immediately communicate the need, I'm not above allowing it. But if you want instant responce, then further expenditure for spellcasting services for a teleport or wind walk would also be appropriate.

There are several scenarios where I have both played and GMd where the GM allowed in scenario raise dead. So I am not opposed to such. But there are also a handful of scenarios where allowing such makes zero sense.

In all the games that I have played the party has always gone back to raise the dead character. Losing a PP seems less important than stranding a player for four hours. At low level tables GMs have offered to allow players to play a pre-gen (for no credit) so that they have can participate.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Isles—Online

i just ran this on saturday, and one PC died in the same encounter. After a few minutes of thought (and taking into account the background of the scenario) I allowed the PC's to travel back the 10 day hike, get the raise and a restoration, and then return.

knowing that the NPC's that are waiting to enter the temple are a) afraid, and b) very poorly equipped to deal with the dangers within, and a reasoned argument would get them to wait (or they would all die)

Oh and your GM let you off lightly on the damage - most rounds it would be doing 4d6 +65 at the higher tier

5/5 *****

chris manning wrote:

Oh and your GM let you off lightly on the damage - most rounds it would be doing 4d6 +65 at the higher tier

Hi Chris, you might want to check out the GM thread for a discussion about how the creature ability in that particular encounter is supposed to work.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Syberion wrote:
Should I have been able to get raise dead cast on me mid adventure to continue the scenario instead of having to sit around for 4 hours just to get my chronicle sheet with no credit?

I believe it should have been allowed. It may have cost you time and had repercussions in the scenario, but if the party had been willing, I would have allowed it.

As noted in the linked thread above, my Silver Crusade two man team can make house calls. All that is needed is a way to get the message to them.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

As a GM, I would feel comfortable with letting the PCs arrange a Raise Dead spell at short notice, and with "roaming charges". I think the Guide backs me in allowing it;

Guide to Organized Play 7, page 31 wrote:
If a character dies and is brought back to life, the GM must determine the rewards for that character. The minimum possible reward is 0 gp, 1 XP and 1 PP on the medium advancement track or 0 gp 1/2 XP, and 1/2 Prestige Point on the slow advancement track. If a character participates in more than 2/3 of the module, she should receive the full rewards. GMs and active players are encouraged to hasten the return of any characters waiting to be raised from the dead.

The 5PP roaming charge isn't enough to get NPCs to do the adventure for you; they're probably not willing to get that close to the dungeon. But you should be able to meet them at a few hours riding distance.

Clearly this quote isn't an absolute rule saying that PCs have a right to this under all circumstances. But it gives the GM leeway to let it happen if a passable explanation can be thought up.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Thanks Andrew. I actually pulled a few punches with this encounter, but the constrict damage was correct. That is a brutal encounter.
And to save a bit of face here, I want to clarify by saying that I did not tell this player he could not be brought back during the adventure.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Lau Bannenberg wrote:
The 5PP roaming charge isn't enough to get NPCs to do the adventure for you; they're probably not willing to get that close to the dungeon. But you should be able to meet them at a few hours riding distance.

I have a Travel domain Cleric and a Life Oracle, both Seekers. They can get to just about anywhere on Golarion on short notice, and anywhere OFF Golarion with a little work. :)

5/5 *****

Chris Murphy wrote:

Thanks Andrew. I actually pulled a few punches with this encounter, but the constrict damage was correct. That is a brutal encounter.

And to save a bit of face here, I want to clarify by saying that I did not tell this player he could not be brought back during the adventure.

I was replying to the other Chris and his

4d6+65 comment
which I think is nixed by the comments in the GM thread.
Liberty's Edge 4/5

Haha, I see. Sorry about that.

5/5 *****

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Lau Bannenberg wrote:
As a GM, I would feel comfortable with letting the PCs arrange a Raise Dead spell at short notice, and with "roaming charges". I think the Guide backs me in allowing it;

I am pretty much of the same view, the extra 5pp is a significant enough cost on its own. After all, we allow body recoveries from other planes for 5pp (I once had a player in Emerald Spire need two of those in one session) so popping over to the Worldwound shouldn't be an issue.

I wouldn't allow it to be immediate, it may take a few hours or a day or two depending on the circumstances. The PC is certainly out of the encounter but if time isn't a big issue they should be able to get back into the scenario if they are willing to pay the extra cost.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Don't forget there are other issues to consider with this specific case. At least one other player was creating conflict by [reportingly] refusing to use an available restoration. Again, I am not going to make a value statement on who was right or wrong. Not enough information for that. Not to mention there is clearly some long-standing issues between the OP and other players at this location. It is reasonable to assume that all these factors weighed in on the decisions made both at the table and those since

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

andreww wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
As a GM, I would feel comfortable with letting the PCs arrange a Raise Dead spell at short notice, and with "roaming charges". I think the Guide backs me in allowing it;

I am pretty much of the same view, the extra 5pp is a significant enough cost on its own. After all, we allow body recoveries from other planes for 5pp (I once had a player in Emerald Spire need two of those in one session) so popping over to the Worldwound shouldn't be an issue.

I wouldn't allow it to be immediate, it may take a few hours or a day or two depending on the circumstances. The PC is certainly out of the encounter but if time isn't a big issue they should be able to get back into the scenario if they are willing to pay the extra cost.

It gets a bit hairy if there's a real time pressure in the scenario (which isn't unheard of); if one encounter is just a chase scene away from the other there might not be any help for it. But often enough something'll be possible

- While adventures in cities tend to be fast-paced, temples are also closer by.
- Monsters that have been lurking for hundreds of years in a forgotten crypt are often willing to stay there a day longer.

Getting a PC raised will probably hazard the duration of active buffs, but the OOC goal of getting the player back in the game is worth a lot to me.

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