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The sidebars that appear below the "TOP SELLERS" sidebar on the right of the home page ("MESSAGEBOARDS", "ONLINE CAMPAIGNS", "BLOGS", etc.), then have been replaced by empty space. At first I thought it was just Chrome on my phone doing weird things, but then I tried on a real computer, and it looks the same). Anyone know what happened to them?
The FAQ request button at the top of posts seems to have vanished. Posts that were FAQ'd previously still show the number of FAQ requests.
Yeah, the Paizo logo in the uppermost left corner is missing now too. Methinks there be some tinkering still going on right now by some late-working Web Team member(s).
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I have the sidebar showing for me now, but was surprised when I signed on this evening that the main page wasn't the blog post.
Late at night/early morning probably is the best time to mess around with the page though and test things out.
{peeks out between server blades} Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! {scurries back in}
Sidebar is not showing for me, but especially in the 'Customer Service' section of the messageboard, some old threads are sticky again (like the June 2015 shipping thread and the like).
Strange Aeons happening already?
cant seem to be able to read all at the same time...
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Looks like the upgrade caused the Paizo logo to disappear from the upper left corner.
I also prefer the ability to see all the latest threads in one spot. Am I just missing a button to switch it back to the old view?
And there it is. Flatten was what I wanted
It's nothing new; your flatten/expand setting randomly resets occasionally.
Lathiira wrote: How does one reset it? In the upper right, right next to the 'forums search' box, are the switches for flatten/expand, focus/defocus, and show/hide hidden threads.
the "Product Catalog & Schedule" link now takes you to http://paizo.com/paizo/about not upcoming product releases
Strange, all I see are the 'email', 'subscribe', 'Facebook', and 'Twitter' buttons.
I have noticed that after the Upgrade, certain features, such as the Logo and the Message Board newest thing, seem to be missing. I am just wondering if any of these have been removed on purpose, or if there were simply some hiccups when bringing the servers back online. I am working under the assumption the you decided to let certain things slide, for now at least, for the sake of bring the website back faster.
Noticed the same, as well as missing images on the main page in the Browse subsection in the middle of the page.
Well, not the absolute upper right. For me they're to the immediate left of Forums Search. If you don't see them there it may be browser-dependent; I'm on Mozilla.
Pathfinder Society-specific messageboard features (venture-officer names/locations and GM stars) are also missing.
Life will go on without them, I just wanted to make sure it was logged somewhere.
Are you on the Paizo/Messageboards/Paizo/Pathfinder/Pathfinder RPG level page?
I've been on several. I'm concerned that if I'm on the main page, I can't see the store blog or the usual list of most recently updated messageboard threads. I found Flatten/Focus under the Messageboards, didn't help. Paizo was also acting wonky to me yesterday or the day before (can't remember which, I work overnights) and wouldn't load. I don't remember if I updated Firefox to the newest version.
OK, not updated to newest version of Firefox.
Also of note: the Paizo golem isn't loading in my upper left corner. Very odd. What's Cosmo done this time?
I tend to navigate straight to the PFS boards from the Pathfinder Society link on the side. But when I do that, I don't see the PFS boards.
Guys, you are forcing me to do more clicks to keep up with my board addiction. Horrors!
Lathiira wrote: OK, not updated to newest version of Firefox.
Also of note: the Paizo golem isn't loading in my upper left corner. Very odd. What's Cosmo done this time?
I don't pay enough attention to such things to remember what was there before, but my upper left has the word "Paizo" in an unimpressive font in a space big enough that it should probably have a graphic in it.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
I miss the various game logos on the right hand side of the main forum page. They provided a handy reference when scrolling down.
There seems to be a LOT of functionality gone.
The main Messageboards page and Online Campaigns is Flattened in addition to the individual boards, unlike before. So harder to navigate.
Sidebars showing recent posts are gone so again, the site is harder to navigate.
Plus the previously mentioned stuff.
Hopefully this is a temporary state of affairs. I'm getting tired of forums "upgrading" to a form with overall less functionality.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
This really seems like a botched upgrade deployment, why it wasn't rolled back I have no idea. Various aspects of the site are just straight-up broken; the paizo logo doesn't work, the recent messages sidebar to the right is gone, clicking on the product logos to the left doesn't show their respective messageboard sections, missing product images which break the main landing page, etc.
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Flagged to move to the website feedback forum.
I'm also not pleased with the update, but it's not too difficult to get used to. I miss the sidebar with updated threads on the left.
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wait where does it say that this is a new forum version rather than something that broke that Paizo is trying to fix?
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Chess Pwn wrote: I miss the FAQ button. Oh, I didn't even see that was missing. Yes, we need that back.
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...I'm on the latest version of FireFox and the forum looks exactly the same to me, FAQ buttons and all. I just had to hit the flatted/extend button and it went back to how it used to look...
....aaaaaaaand after I hit reply the "FAQ" buttons vanished. Ok that's odd.
The Product Schedule is gone too, it just forwards to the about page.
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We're looking into the problems right now. I'll update when I get more information.
Now it's starting to sound... sinister.
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Lamontius wrote: wait where does it say that this is a new forum version rather than something that broke that Paizo is trying to fix? Exactly. What new forum?
10 people marked this as a favorite.
This is why you don't iterate over unordered collections. We are testing a fix now.
Gary Teter wrote: This is why you don't iterate over unordered collections. We are testing a fix now. I have no idea what the first sentence means, but I completely understand the second one. That makes me happy. Not just understanding it, but also knowing that it's being worked on.
Bob_Loblaw wrote: Gary Teter wrote: This is why you don't iterate over unordered collections. We are testing a fix now. I have no idea what the first sentence means, but I completely understand the second one. That makes me happy. Not just understanding it, but also knowing that it's being worked on. C++ talk....
The Auld Grump
Google "iterate over unordered collections" and you will see lots of hits.
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We've narrowed down the problem and are currently trying to figure out how exactly it's happening and what we can do about it. We see what's going on but it's a difficult problem to pinpoint exactly how to fix it. Bottom line is, we're still working on it.
Sweet. Just confirmation that this is temporary is good.
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GM_Beernorg wrote: Go get 'em Lissa! Well Gary is doing the bulk of the work here. I'm just making sure you guys are informed.