Edymnion |
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Looking to make a seductress, a full on "Men are stupid, they'll do anything I tell them" style manipulator. Think Jessica Rabbit's effect if she were actually trying.
Far as I can tell, a vanilla bard seems to be the best class option, I mean they literally get an ability called Fascinate.
Are there any other classes/archetypes I might have missed?
Beyond that, I'm mostly looking at using the bluff/diplomacy combo to make the target think something was their own idea for the mundane twisting around fingers.
Or any general ideas at unlikely places to look for goodies?

Snowblind |
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If you end up taking a Bard, Lotus Geisha isn't too bad. You trade your knowledge stuff, most of your weapon proficinecies(you keep shortbows, however) and Well Versed but get spell focus/greater spell focus and the ability to focus your performances on a single target, making them significantly more effective against that one target while not affecting anyone else.

Onyx Tanuki |

Probably literally anyone that uses charisma would be useful for this so long as bluff and diplomacy are class skills (and even if not, you could make them class skills by picking the right races and traits).
One class you could try is an overwhelming soul kineticist. They're lacking in combat power compared to other archetypes or baseline kineticist, but they use charisma as their main stat, and gain bluff and diplomacy via their archetype. Plus this would be the one chance for improved skilled kineticist to actually be useful XD I can imagine a void kineticist who leads her lovers into airless spaces like a siren, tempting them to death by suffocation...
Pretty much any sorcerer would be a good option too, but in particular I'd suggest one with the fey bloodline and a bloodline familiar. The bloodline arcana grants a bonus to the DC on compulsion effects, and the familiar has its own fascinate ability.
Those are just two off the top of my head but I'm sure there's plenty more archetypes and options you could dig through.

The Shaman |
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Eh, you can bluff out of things that normally require intelligence checks. While I do not see how you can use bluff instead of knowledge arcana, for example, normal bards don´t have this problem as they just get bardic knowledge.
But yeah, lotus geisha bards are pretty good at the whole seduction and emotional manipulation thing. Court bards are fun too, what with their getting their bardic knowledge bonus to diplomacy and a few other skills.

Saldiven |
Kitsune Fey Sorceress who puts all her FCB into the racial option. She'll have a high Charisma, and you can put one point per level into Diplomacy and/or Bluff to specialize in either of those.
Her spell DC at first level for spells like Sleep and Hypnotism could easily be (Charm Person would be 2 lower):
10 +
5 Cha 20
1 Kitsune racial bonus
2 Fey bloodline
1 Spell Focus: Enchantment
1 Spell level
Alternatively, take one level of the above Kitsune Sorceress, and then go into Wrecking Oracle. This gives you more skill points per level to work with on the social skills, as well as better combat ability. You'll have all the Magical Tail spells (including Charm Person, Suggestion, Confusion, and Dominate Person), as well as divine spells like Command, Murderous Command, Compassionate Ally, Hold Person, Charitable Impulse, etc., and their DCs are all 4 points higher because of the choices made at first level.

Jack of Dust |
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Enticing Adulation from Agents of Evil is a spell that sounds perfect for this concept. It's not on the Mesmerist list for some odd reason even though it fits perfectly with the theme of the class however.

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Deadmanwalking wrote:Any reasonably competent gm will ban or hard Nerf the pants off the peacock for the stupid cheese that it is.Mesmerist is solid. So's Bard. Those really are your best options.
If going Bard, remember Pageant of the Peacock. Either way, remember Glibness.
Speaking as a reasonably competent GM, not necessarily.
It's potentially bad if you really focus on it...but for most Bards, it's nice, but not usable in combat (since it's a Performance and not worth giving up Inspire Courage), and Bardic Knowledge already makes you good at Knowledges. Making them better just isn't that broken. Oracles of Lore can manage a +20 bonus on top of their normal ranks out-of-combat. That's probably just better at most Knowledge checks for most of your career, and a lower level ability.
Besides, I was recommending it in this case almost solely for the +4 Bluff, so even if nerfed it'll work.

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Thanks for this thread, I'm looking for something similar for my campaign.
Enticing Adulation from Agents of Evil is a spell that sounds perfect for this concept. It's not on the Mesmerist list for some odd reason even though it fits perfectly with the theme of the class however.
This looks like it would do the trick but I need something that will last at least overnight... any suggestions or should I just GM fiat it?

Jack of Dust |
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Thanks for this thread, I'm looking for something similar for my campaign.
Jack of Dust wrote:Enticing Adulation from Agents of Evil is a spell that sounds perfect for this concept. It's not on the Mesmerist list for some odd reason even though it fits perfectly with the theme of the class however.This looks like it would do the trick but I need something that will last at least overnight... any suggestions or should I just GM fiat it?
A Charm or Dominate is probably your best bet. There's also The Dance of Kindled Desires masterpiece. Really a simple Suggestion spell can do if you word it right.

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Dhrakken wrote:A Charm or Dominate is probably your best bet. There's also The Dance of Kindled Desires masterpiece. Really a simple Suggestion spell can do if you word it right.Thanks for this thread, I'm looking for something similar for my campaign.
Jack of Dust wrote:Enticing Adulation from Agents of Evil is a spell that sounds perfect for this concept. It's not on the Mesmerist list for some odd reason even though it fits perfectly with the theme of the class however.This looks like it would do the trick but I need something that will last at least overnight... any suggestions or should I just GM fiat it?
Oooh... I love that dance, thanks!

Renegadeshepherd |
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My advice is a human female with focus study so that all social skills get skill focus over time. Then take racial heritage to get a dhamphirs feat of natural charmer, this giving you an automatic take 20 to most seductions. Take Travel/trade domain for a scaling bonus to more social skills.
So what you need is a herald caller cleric. The 4+INT skill is enough to be a mouth and functional, your summons are your fighting tool. You will have plenty of channeling to help out and still have good con and wisdom.
Edit: as a human you can take silver tongue trait as well to improve three steps and a +2. Conservatively you can bet on at level 20 having 20(dice)+10(trade)+6(skill focus)+20(skill points)+2 (silver tongue) for auto 58 to seduction with no effort aside from the Skill points and 2 feats.and doesn't include attribute bonus.Why use a spell? And at level 1 you could be doing 20+2+3+attribute+1+class skill if applicable every time.

Dragonchess Player |
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Bard works, as does mesmerist (especially cult master).
Another possible choice is investigator (psychic detective): psychic spells (because they do not use somatic or verbal components) are less likely to be noticed when cast (not to mention the psychic spell list is pretty good in general) and Inspiration provides a bonus on rolls (with the Expanded Inspiration talent, it can be used an unlimited number of times on Diplomacy and Sense Motive; add Underworld Inspiration for unlimited use on Bluff and Intimidate, as well). Talents like Amazing Inspiration, Empathy, Hidden Agendas, and Rogue Talent (Charmer, Hard to Fool, and Honeyed Words) can make the character even better at manipulation.

Edymnion |
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For race I'm actually leaning towards a Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling.
Themantically, beastbrood are already supposed to be subtle, charming, and while they get Detect Thoughts for their spelllike ability, I'll likely replace that for claws. What better seductress than a catgirl?
Lotus Geisha seems pretty excellent for single target enticing, doesn't seem to give up anything overly important to the concept either (loss of Bardic Knowledge isn't a big deal, don't exactly see a seductress as being a walking encyclopedia anyway).
Enticing Adulation is absolutely perfect, turn anyone into your fawning blathering idiot.

Artifix |
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Charm person, command, murderous command!!!
You forgot Unnatural Lust. I really want to make a character with arrows enchanted with this, then give them Murderous Command to make them attack their enemies attack their enemy's allies and finally Lover's Vengeance to give them boosts while they try to kill their own allies.

MeanMutton |
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I've got a sorcerer I'm playing right now who specializes in enchantment (and necromancy) spells. At 7th level, she's got a +25 Intimidate and a +17 Bluff, against elves and humans she has a DC 21 Charm Person and a DC 23 Hold Person, and is a TON of fun to play. She really lives by the save-or-lose spells.

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I've got a sorcerer I'm playing right now who specializes in enchantment (and necromancy) spells. At 7th level, she's got a +25 Intimidate and a +17 Bluff, against elves and humans she has a DC 21 Charm Person and a DC 23 Hold Person, and is a TON of fun to play. She really lives by the save-or-lose spells.
For the record, at 7th level, a Bard can relatively easily have +18 Intimidate and +42 Bluff. Along with +18 Diplomacy and Sense Motive. Their Save DC can be a solid 20 on Charm Monster and Confusion.
And she can fight pretty well in melee combat at need, too.

Scott Wilhelm |
I would say that it does not need a class or archetype unto itself, but in terms of a non-magical seductress, rogue is the way to go.
A little imagination makes for some other options, for instance Perform (Dance) combined with Animal Handling (Snake) makes for snake dancing.
I like Bluff and Diplomacy. And take the Rogue Talents Honeyed Words and Coax Information

Rattleingpython |
I would suggest negotiator bard. It eventually allows taking 10 om all social checks + the ability to get a few rogue talents. Also has a performance that will make it easier for charm person to land.
The other way ive done was a drow sorcerer with seducer altenate racial traits and infernal bloodline. With spell focus enchantment. +4 DC on charm person or charm monster. Just magical diplomacy.

Priyd |
Seducer witch is also an option for long term cons. If you've already had relations with someone, attempts to magically manipulate them become much harder to resist. Combine with dance of kindled desires for laffs, if you want to stick with bard for 4 levels (minimum) to sacrifice a second level spell for it. Alternatively you can just blow a feat.
Shame none of the non-bard bardic performance archetypes are all oratory instead of dance.
Plus anyone with high charisma and/or a high-dc mind whammy will work in general.

EdW |
I tried to create a kit for this once in DND 2e, and I basically just kept coming back to the point that Seductress of more of a behaviour than an actual class or archetype. Unless the seductress has a goal like thievery, assassination or espionage then she is just having sex with others. That said, I felt it was better just to build the the ability to seduce into various kinds of rogue characters, and it is essentially the same thing with Pathfinder.
Maybe look into some archetypes or prestige classes like spy or master spy, but mostly the class of seductress is not really a class.
In terms of a magical seductress, isn't that just an enchantress?