Ishani Dhatri

Brother Simon's page

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Grand Lodge

In the past 24 hours I have gotten four emails to let me know that my Order for Night in Nightarch is pending. Seems like something is sticking in the notifications system. Not a big deal, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Grand Lodge

So I was wondering, since the stated design of Starfinder is to encourage players create their own worlds (star systems), in the wide, wide open galaxy since it will be impossible for Paizo to fill up all of that space, how many people have started to do so?

Part of me was also wondering if there was a wiki of fan made material of this sort so we share this sort of thing? Is there any interest in this? Of course I imagine this would have to follow the community guidelines.

Grand Lodge

Has anything been mentioned about cloning? I know that there has been things mentioned about androids being manufactured, but cloning is its own different thing.

Grand Lodge

So I've been contemplating how some races move forward to Starfinder campaign. Particularly ones that sort of plague Golarion.

For what ever reason Doppelgangers have never been associated with the Aboleths, and I used to think it odd, but now I feel like it's opened me up to a new concept. Doppelgangers could be a servitor race to the Greys

Here is my canon, sort of quick and dirty

Greys thousands of years ago created doppelgangers after experimenting on humanoids to assist them in finding more victims and keep them hidden. Over time doppelgangers have been cast off or left behind on worlds and to their own devices so much so that they have become their own race. Sexually hermaphroditic, doppelgangers typically produce another doppelganger only when they carry them to term, no matter what ever the race other parent was.

Should the doppelganger impregnate another humanoid, there is an equal chance that the offspring will be a doppelganger, mother's race or a half breed known as a personate.

Humanoid (Shapechanger)
Base Speed: 30
Ability Score Modifiers: Standard (+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution)
Languages: Standard
Racial Traits:
Change Shape, Greater
+2 Bluff
+2 Disguise

Usually only fully manafesting thier powers just past puberty. a Personates sometimes even skip generations. Once they learn their legacies most head out on the road to find out what their powers can lead them to. Some become bards, some dabble in sorcery, some take up psychic arts. The only thing that slows them down is that they are prone to illness, it would seem that the shapeshifter bloodline doesn't suit their humanoid bodies. After a time many Personates can forget their original forms and change them as often as people change clothes.

And as free as the Personate might seem to others, they are hunted by the Greys as easy target to turn into slave doppelgangers. Dopplegangers have occasionally sought out Personates and there are rumors that they can train Personates to become full Dopplegangers, but these are more than likely just stories to tell in taverns. More likely they would just want someone else to take the blame for a crime they commit while they escape.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What if the only thing about Aroden that could be remembered that there was a god of humanity, but Iomedae succeeded that deity and that individual's name is lost to antiquity...

Would that make the whole "Gap" thing more mysterious to Pathfinder players?

I'm considering using this in my game.

Grand Lodge

new card provided. please reprocess.

Grand Lodge

So we know that there is an Azlanti Empire, but have any of the old nations of Golarion created colonies in other parts of the galaxy? And given how the gap has happened, how many have simply just been forgotten?

Is this address in the core book?

(Personally I'm imagining a world called Andorandia, based off of Andoran, and a fleet of ships that look like birds, and more than likely is going to be in my head canon now.)

Grand Lodge

I'm now a subscriber.

Grand Lodge

I'm looking for feats, traits and vanities that simulate wealth, but don't actually change character wealth?

Grand Lodge

I got a payment decliened message yet my bank shows it doing through. (coincidently right at the same time.)

Order 4147733 Please let me know what to do.

Grand Lodge

It's been holding from back on the 27th. Any reason for the holdup?

Grand Lodge

Was the placement of El Raja Key near Absolom just a tribute to Robert J Kuntz or was it also supposed to be a way for bringing characters from other 3.0 or 3.5 games into Pathfinder?

For those who are unaware, El Raja Key existed in Greyhawk (as Maure Castle), Blackmoor and RJK's Kalibruhn.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I certainly don't think that a whole hard back would need to come out, but I'd love to see a soft cover book that offered some options.

Grand Lodge

Hi I would like to modify the tags for my Paizo PDFs. I have no intention of removing watermarks and/or sharing my purchases and I to be honest I really don't want the password just to make this modification so i won't.

This feature would be useful to me as my library has gotten quite large. Is there any chance that this feature will be allowed or is it more of a sorry this is one those features that are locked down unintentionally?

On a related note, if there is a program that will allow me to add metadata that can be ready by the OS that doesn't modify the PDF I would be happy with that as well.

P.S. Please don't interpret my request as frustration with the protection system. I respect and accept it. I just want a way to find things a little quicker with my searches.

Grand Lodge

Is there away to hold subscriptions from being charger and shipped till say after the 15th of the month? The first two weeks in the month are dedicated to a few bills and the second half is easier on me.

Grand Lodge

I have the shipping preference of combining orders, but all of my books were sent individually again.

Shipped Today to Clearwater, FL
Package 1 of 3

Shipping Method USPS First-Class Mail
Estimated 2 to 9 business days in transit
Package Tracking Expected to ship in 1 to 7 business days
Not trackable

S Pathfinder Player Companion: Weapon Master's Handbook (PFRPG)
Paizo Inc.

Added to your downloads
14.99 12.74 12.74

Shipping & Handling

1 item. Estimated package weight: 1 lb.

Shipped Yesterday to Clearwater, FL
Package 2 of 3

Shipping Method USPS First-Class Mail
Estimated 2 to 9 business days in transit
Package Tracking Expected to ship in 1 to 7 business days
Not trackable

S Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms (PFRPG)
Paizo Inc.

Will be in your downloads once shipped
22.99 19.54 19.54

Shipping & Handling

1 item. Estimated package weight: 1 lb.

Shipped Yesterday to Clearwater, FL
Package 3 of 3

Shipping Method USPS Priority Mail
Estimated 2 to 5 business days in transit
Package Tracking Expected to ship in 1 to 7 business days
Not trackable

This seemed to happen last month as well. Could you look into this. Thanks for the kind service in advance.

Grand Lodge

So I'm getting read to run Giantslayer and I want to have some things sorted out RAW in my mind. The question is if a character wanted to buff another character larger than "Large", what options do they have?

So first off, the spell would have to not have a target of personal. Is there a meta magic feat that will allow a personal spell to be used on another person. Wands seem to be one answer as long as the user is putting the spell on themselves and that persons has UMD.

I could go with magic items that allow for this, but I don't want to force players into this.


Grand Lodge

I'm not sure why my adventure path is shipping by itself. Order 3721107

Grand Lodge

I just added a sub for Pathfinder Player Companion. Is there a chance it could be added to my pending order?

Grand Lodge

I'm looking for a program that makes bestiary style sheets for monsters. Something along the likes of Herolab. What I am not looking for is a stat block generator.

Any recommendations on a program that can accommodate?

Grand Lodge

What books have the best details on the Clockwork Cathedral of Absalom?

Grand Lodge

I have corrected the bank problem.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know someone asked for this a while back, but it looks like it wasn't followed up on. There is no pinch and zoom on the iPad for this site. Speaking for myself, I find the site hard to read so increasing the font size would help (pinch and zoom could take care of that).

Also if there was a way to set the background to a more neutral background that would be awesome. I'm sure the parchment tone is really cool for some people, but it is another thing that makes it hard to read on a iPad, IMHO.

As always everyone else might not have a problem, it might just be me, or maybe others have this issue. I thought I'd bring it up.

Grand Lodge

Has there ever been a Pathfinder product that allows a person to project themselves into someones mind kind of like say Scorpius was in Creighton's head in Farscape.

I'm looking for a spell that would allow you to be perceived by the target as part of their surroundings, but more or less an untouchable phantasm.

There would be no control of the target of the spell. I imagine it as a form of possession, but weaker. About the only thing you could do is disrupt concentration...

Thanks in advance.

Grand Lodge

I presume that they do, but you would ignore any magic items they would create as their function is player directed rather than NPC directed.

Grand Lodge

Has anyone created map icons for Kingdom making for the overland maps. I have the district icons, what I was interested in was things like capital and city markers, farms, fisheries and the like for the hex maps.

Grand Lodge

Please cancel all my subscriptions.

Grand Lodge

Would prefer CD, but I will purchase software and serial. Only interested in Mac version.

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