Netflix The Punisher


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Either they kill each other or come to an understanding where they go back to their own worlds.

I was referring to the writer's interpretation, not two different alternate Frank Castles...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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I get the feeling that's what the show is going for. The DD/Punisher, shoot me or he dies scene was straight out of Ennis' run, but the deeply broken pathos of loss feels much more Romita

I want more information on these "Time Monsters" They seem like the real threat here.

Sovereign Court

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Seriously people, it was a typo.

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Hama wrote:
Seriously people, it was a typo.

AWW :(

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I could have added in a "that". Still, considering that "that" is often ignored in english, and that the sentence doesn't make sense if you go with "time monsters", I felt it was okay.

That said, I am rather language-minded. I like having created "time monsters". Sound like a CR 14-17 or so.

I would almost say mythic ranks.

Shadow Lodge

Sissyl wrote:

I could have added in a "that". Still, considering that "that" is often ignored in english, and that the sentence doesn't make sense if you go with "time monsters", I felt it was okay.

That said, I am rather language-minded. I like having created "time monsters". Sound like a CR 14-17 or so.

Time monster = Outer Dragon Time

Dark Archive

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Sissyl wrote:
That said, I am rather language-minded. I like having created "time monsters". Sound like a CR 14-17 or so.

[tangent] A lower CR 'time monster' could be a fey that likes to play pranks specifically designed to make people amusingly late for important things, like their own weddings, or making them forget important dates, like their mother's birthdays. And if it's crossed, the fey gets together some friends and makes you a different kind of 'late...' [/tangent]

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I'm just glad I wasn't the only one that wanted time monsters.

But I agree with Mark they seem to be drawing on Ennis for the violence but Romito for the pathos.

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Trailer #2: Netflix's Punisher premieres on November 17th.

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Set wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
That said, I am rather language-minded. I like having created "time monsters". Sound like a CR 14-17 or so.

[tangent] A lower CR 'time monster' could be a fey that likes to play pranks specifically designed to make people amusingly late for important things, like their own weddings, or making them forget important dates, like their mother's birthdays. And if it's crossed, the fey gets together some friends and makes you a different kind of 'late...' [/tangent]

The time fey could even look like Carroll's White Rabbit who speaks (& sings) with a contralto.

But I'd rather have a baby langolier as an improved familiar.

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All I know is they had DAMN well better have some Metallica in this. I don't care how many remixes, but dammit, One had better be in it!

Silver Crusade

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Set wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
That said, I am rather language-minded. I like having created "time monsters". Sound like a CR 14-17 or so.

[tangent] A lower CR 'time monster' could be a fey that likes to play pranks specifically designed to make people amusingly late for important things, like their own weddings, or making them forget important dates, like their mother's birthdays. And if it's crossed, the fey gets together some friends and makes you a different kind of 'late...' [/tangent]

The time fey could even look like Carroll's White Rabbit who speaks (& sings) with a contralto.

But I'd rather have a baby langolier as an improved familiar.


Thank you for the favorite, Hama. :)

Sovereign Court

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Hey, Metallica was my first introduction to metal back in 2nd grade. Never turned back.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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I love this guy's analyses of trailers and music

It's a nice analysis, but I already figured out how One relates to Frank Castle.


Good to know. I was little later but thankfully before I gone full pop rock.

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I would be perfectly happy never hearing Metallica ever again.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Knight who says Meh wrote:
I would be perfectly happy never hearing Metallica ever again.


Sovereign Court

I don't really listen to it any more to be honest.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ditto. Metallica was early middle school stuff. They have a couple of good songs but that's it.

Sovereign Court


Silver Crusade

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Everybody always gotta be hatin on the music.

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Apparently Rysky. Me I have Metallica tattooed on the inner walls of my heart for life. So all you haters can go jump in the Inner Sea.

Sovereign Court

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ME too Thomas Metallica will always have a special place in my heart.

Sovereign Court

Anyone else watching this now? it's pretty good... :)

Not enough Metallica though! :)

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There is no such thing as "enough Metallica"

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

13 episodes is way too long for this. That much is clear for me now. It's not bad it's just...something else. Very low on actual punishing. I'm in episode 9 and there has really been only one instance of actual criminal killing. Otherwise this reminds me more of First Blood mixed up with military/political thriller. Bernthal is super good, and so is Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Micro. It's also way funnier than I expected.

Also SUUUUUUPER politically charged.

It's really different from what you would expect.

Also good use of handheld/person cameras in few scenes. Makes them feel really real and anxious.

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The Netflix Marvel shows are, intriguingly, heavily influenced by THE WIRE. I believe there's been at least one (and sometimes more) WIRE actor in each Netflix show (THE PUNISHER has Delaney Williams as O'Connor; he played Jay Landsman on THE WIRE) and they all seem to have the same desire to want to tackle real social and political issues. It gives them more grounding than other superhero shows, certainly, although it can also mean a bit of a tonal jar when the whackier stuff (like the immortal iron fist) comes into play.

I'm only on Episode 6 of THE PUNISHER and it's certainly far more interesting than IRON FIRST or THE DEFENDERS, and much better overall than IRON FIST. It's way more thoughtful than I think anyone was expecting, and delves deep into the issues affecting the lives of military veterans (although it checks off a few cliches along the way). In fact, the Iraq War stuff put me in mind of THE WIRE's sister show, GENERATION KILL, which also goes deep in on the impact of warfare on ordinary kids from the American suburbs and countryside.

Sovereign Court

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2 episodes in and this is already better than Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Defenders. Vying for first place with Daredevil season 1.

Scarab Sages

We got three episodes in before the wife got too tired to continue. It's been pretty good so far. Except for a few bits of (very much expected) stupid shit, I'm enjoying it. I do keep wondering where they're going with some of the seemingly minor plot threads, and whether those threads will tie into the overarching story.

Bernthal and the dude playing Micro have both been really awesome. It's nice to see some other familiar faces as well.

Sovereign Court

OK, I have a problem with people chewing on painkillers. Who the hell chews their pills? They taste awful.

Saw the first episode. It looks like they're going for a more sympathetic take, rather than "crazy person written by Garth Ennis." i.e. he didn't shoot the coworker who wasn't an obvious scumbag despite the fact he was part of the robbery as well.

I dunno. Might continue, but I don't know if I really like 'sympathetic' Punisher that much.

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Well there's "sympathetic because he's in pain" and then there's "sympathetic because the world is a screwed up place."

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Hama wrote:
Seriously people, it was a typo.

That's exactly what a time monster who doesn't want to be discovered would say...

I thought we were past this whole time monster business...

I am a bit over half way through and I think it is one of the better Marvel netflix shows.

3 episodes in. Its kind of intense. I don't know if I like it more then others yet or not. Their is a lot more violence just in these 3 episodes. A whole lot more blood too. So seems like they got the punisher feel right anyways.

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This is NOT the Punisher from the comics. And that's a good thing because that guy is a completely unsympathetic psychopath.

This Frank is still a pretty brutal murderer but here he's a human being.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Most normal people don't want to root for a murdering psychopath.

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Most normal people don't want to root for a murdering psychopath.

Tell that to his many fans of the comic version.

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yeah the only die hard fan of the punsiher I ever met was not someone I wanted to hang around.

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That being said, I'm literally watching a later episode right now and Christ on a cracker Frank goes FULL ON PUNISHER and it's kinda glorious. Brutal and bloody but GLORIOUS.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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I honestly hated the Punisher as a character until I watched Daredevil Season 2. I love this incarnation. It's a tribute to what the Netflix team has been doing.

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Check mark off of the possible psychopath list then.

I'm confused: how can you tell the difference between the bullets/knives that are dangerous and the kind that just stagger you a round or so and fail to go through thin materials?

So, all in all a decent show but a bit too little punishing. Better than IF, JJ or the Defenders, not as good as LC, and they are all vastly inferior to AC. Overlong, though.

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