Mike Selinker Adventure Card Game Designer |

We want a snapshot of what your demon-busting character looks like after he or she finished the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path. Ideally, it is what the character looked like after completing Closing the Worldwound but before following its reward that allowed you to mine the box for whatever boons you wanted for Justifiable Deicide. (If you can't remember that exactly, get as close as you can.)
Please respond to this thread with a full feat and deck list of any character that fits the above description (and only that description!), in very specifically the following format.
Character Name: (name)
Role Card: (role)
Skill Feats: (skill)+(X), (skill)+(X), etc.
Power Feats: +(X) hand size, (added proficiencies), (other feats)
Card Feats: (type)+(X), (type)+(X), etc.
Weapons: (card), (card), etc.
Spells: (card), (card), etc.
Armors: (card), (card), etc.
Items: (card), (card), etc.
Allies: (card), (card), etc.
Blessings: (card), (card), etc.
Mythic Path: (path)
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: (card), (card), etc.
Please don't skip or add any lines; if you don't have any of something, just leave the part after the colon blank. Include loot cards under their card type, please. Also, if your character or cohort died, let us know that.
Thanks to all crusaders for closing that pesky Worldwound!

Mundane61 |
Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Lancer
Skill Feats: STR+4, DEX+1, CON+1, INT+1, WIS+3, CHA+2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, discard a card for 2+adv number, rechage card if defeated, recharge allies and items, recharge a card or put it on top of your deck to search for a mount, recharge, shuffle or put a polearm or spear on top of your deck, discard mount or put on top of deck to move.
Card Feats: Weapon +3, Armor+2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Holy Radiance, Mace of Smiting, Master's Lash, Mournful Razor, Norizigath, Sunsword, Vorpal Blade
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Demon Armor, Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude, Stole of the Inheritor, Tarnhelm
Items: Banner of Valor, Boomcrown, Thorncrown of Iomedae
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Dire Griffon, Orengofta, Suurlahetas
Blessings: Inheritor, Iomedae x4
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: STR+1, DEX+2, CON+1, INT+4, WIS+3, CHA+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Use knowledge to acquire an item or defeat a barrier, discard book, reduce acid, electricty, or force damage for any character at your location to 0, reveal book to add 1d4+2 to a check, recharge boon to look a t top 3 cards and put them back in any order.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +3, Alluy +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Death's Touch x2, Elemental Bombardment x2, Form of the Dragon, Meteor Swarm, Sign of Wrath, Steal Soul, Transmogrify
Items: Demon Hunter's Handbook x3, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Ring of Forcefangs, Skinstitcher's Manual
Allies: Chevalier, Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Abraxas x2, Inheritor x2, Xoveron x2
Mythic Path: Archmage
Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: STR+1, DEX+1, CON+1, INT+3, WIS+1, CHA+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, draw a card after playing a non-attack spell, recharge spell to draw a monster, use monster from discard pile, uise monster to add 1d4 to defeat barrier or acquire weapon, armor, item, reduce damage by 3 or add 1d6 to a combat check, add 1d8 against summoned monsters, draw a monster after defeating a summoned monster.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +2, Ally +3, Blessing +1
Spells: Glibness x2, Lend Mythic Path, Restore Mythic Power, Rune of Jandelay, Steal Mythic Power, Winds of Vengeance x2
Armors: Horns of Naraga
Items: Chalice of Ozem, Robe of the Rifts, Torc of the Heavens x2
Allies: Dire Griffon, Druid of the Leaf, Eliandra, Lann, Merchant Lord, Waxberry
Blessings: Nethys x2, Starsong x3
Mythic Path: Marshall
Character Name: Arueshel
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: STR+1, DEX+4, CON+1, INT+1, WIS+1, CHA+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Electricity, fire, and poison reduced by 5, move after evading, +2 to the gift, addd gift to hand on any turn, heal 1d4 +2 instead of first explore, character may draw a card after healing, examine location and may put boon on the bottom.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor+1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +3
Weapons: Deskari's Tooth, Dragonbreath Bow x2, Spirit Blade, Starbow
Armors: Mantle of Faith x2
Items: Fortune's Arrow, Ring of Reflection, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers, Talisman of True Faith
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Nocticula, Wolf x2
Blessings: Baphomet, Deskari x4, Inheritor x2, Starsong
Mythic Path: Champion
Redeemed cards: Corroded Helm, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Horns of Naraga, Rod of the Viper, Skinstitcher's Manual, Soulshear, and Unholy Aspergillum +3
Shardra died during Vengeance at Sundered Crag (replaced by Balazar).

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Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, roll Cha+4 for before you act checks, discard top card for d6+3, draw on defeat monster, explore after Corrupted boon, add d8 vs demons and undead, move to another character
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+2, Ally+2, Blessing+3
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Holy Radiance, Blancher, Dawnflower's Kiss, Mournful Razor, Noriznigath
Spells: Cure, Winds of Vengeance, Glibness
Armors: Paladin's helm, Decemvirate Helm, Commander's Field Plate
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Fortune Teller, Dire Griffon, Druid of the Storm, Chevalier
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae x3, Blessing of Abadar x2, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Sarenrae
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+4, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Elec/Fire/Poison reduced by 5, evade then move, Gift adds d4+2 and return at start of any turn, instead of first explore, heal d4+2 and draw, examine top card, may put boon on bottom
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Armor+1, Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+3
Weapons: Starbow, Firebow, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Force Shortbow+1, Heavy Crossbow
Armors: Stole of the Inheritor, Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Torc of the Heavens, Chalice of Ozem, Swallowtail Bracers, Talisman of True Faith, Spherewalker Staff
Allies: Wolf, Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Leaf, Mongrel Archer
Blessings: Blessing of Noticula x2, Blessing of Xoveron x2, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Shelyn x2, Blessing of Shax
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster
Cards Redeemed: Soulshear, Rod of the Viper, Unholy Aspergillum +3, Stalker's Crossbow, Traitor's Blade, Book of the Damned, Helm of the Serpent King
To be honest, I didn't know about the ruling that I had to have a card to redeem it for most of the AP. By that rule I really should only have redeemed Soulshear as it was really the only corrupted card (besides blessings) I ever kept.
Some guesswork as I only have the post-rebuild stats. Also due to the fact that you get 2 card feats immediately pre-rebuild so I'm not sure what those would have been since you get them at the same time as you get to fish around in the box.

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Character Name: Zarlova
Role Card: Theurge
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +1
Power Feats: All of them
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: none
Spells: Cure, Cure, Elemental Bombardment, Life Drain, Life Drain, Transmogrify, Winds of Vengeance
Armors: Spiritwalk Armor
Items: Amulet of the Abyss, Black Robe, Chalice of Ozem, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Fortune-Teller, Mastiff
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of the Starsong
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant
Cards Redeemed: Black Robe
Cohorts Banished: Nurah Dendiwar, Queen Galifrey

Kolasi |

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +3 Hand Size, 1d6 (+1) to checks by characters at your location, if that character defeats a monster, he may draw a card, if the card has the heavy armor or sword trait, recharge it instead of discarding it, if it does not have that trait, you may givve it to a character at your location, you may be dealt 1 combat damage to reduce combat or any damage dealt to a character at your location by 3, when you play a blessing that has the iomedae trait, a character at your location may shuffle an ally in their discard pile into his deck
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Ally +2, Blessing +2
Weapons: Noriznigath, Sunsword, Holy Radiance, Vorpal Blade, Mournful Razor
Spells: Breath of Life x2
Armors: Decemvirate Helm, Paladin's Helm, Armor of the Pious, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Pit Gladiator, Celestial Unicorn, Druid of the Storm, Waxberry
Blessings: Blessing of the Inheritor, Iomedae x3, Abadar, Sarenrae,
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal until Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Spirit Guide
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +4, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +4, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 Hand size, Heavy Armors, Weapons, when you succeed at a knowledge check, you may examine the top 2 cards of any location deck, gain the skill Arcane: Wisdom +1, discard a card to add 1d6 +4 and mental trait to combat checks to defeat a monster, when you defeat a bane, you may recharge a spell from your discard pile and draw a card, when you play a blessing on a check to defeat a monster by another character at your location, add 1d12 instead of the normal die
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2,
Spells: Cure x2, Divine Blaze x2, Time Stop, Elemental bombardment, Meteor Swarm, Transmogrify
Armors: Ebon Thorn
Items: Black Robe, Demon Hunter's Handbook, Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Chuffy Lickwound, Fortune-Teller
Blessings: Blessing of Starsong, Shax x2, Sarenrae, Nethys, Shelyn, Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant
Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: Hand size +2, after you play a spell that does not have the attack trait, you may draw a card, you may recharge a spell to draw a random monster from the box, when you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to your hand and you may shuffle a random monster from the box into your deck, you may banish a monster from your discard pile to draw a card or add 1d4 to any check to defeat a barrier or to any check to acquire a weapon, an armor, or an item, or reduce damage dealt to a character at your location by 3 or add 1d6 to any combat check by a character at your location, add 1d8 to any check by a character at your location against a summoned monster when you defeat a summoned monster, you may draw a random monster from the box
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +2, Ally +2
Spells: Good Omen x2, Terraform, Charm Monster x2, Ghost Wolfe, Fire Shield, Rune of Jandelay
Armors: Sweet Dragon Costume
Items: Belt of Charging, Mist Horn, Torc of the Heavens, Amulet of the Abyss
Allies: Scribe, Dire Griffon, Druid of the Leaf, Unfettered Imp, Wolfe
Blessings: Blessing of Nocticula x4
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal
Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Wandering Judge
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand Size +2, gain skill Perception: Wisdom +2, you may reveal a card that has the divine or ranged trait to add 1d4 and the divine and magic traits to your check against a monster, when you defeat a monster, explore your location on a 1d6 roll of 3-6, and before you explore, you may draw a card, add 1d4 to your checks during this exploration. recharge a card that has the ranged or divine trait to add 1d4 +2 to a combat check at another location, when you play a blessing that matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may shuffle the top card of the blessings dicard pile into the blessings deck, add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or a blessing,
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +3
Weapons: Marksman's Bow x2, Dragonbreath Bow, Stalker's Crossbow, Skirmishing Spear, Firebow
Spells: Cure x2,
Armors: Commander's Field Plate
Items: Fortune's Arrow, Mysterious Disk, Wardstone Fragment
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Pit Gladiator
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension x8
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: Black Robe, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Rod of the Viper, Skinstitcher's Manual, Soulshear, Stalker's Crossbow, Unholy Aspergillum +3

HitmanN |

Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1, Wisdom+2, Charisma+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, before you act use Charisma +2, Charisma+4, discard to add d6+1, +2, +3, add 1d8 against Demon and Undead monsters, when someone encounters cultist or demon move to that location
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Ally+2, Blessing+3
Weapons: Holy Radiance, Fiendsplitter, Rapier of Puncturing, Blancher, Disrupting Warhammer, Sawtooth Sabre+2
Spells: Cure
Armors: Ebon Thorn, Black Dragonhide Breastplate, Imperial Army Greathelm
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Celestial Unicorn, Pit Gladiator, Wolf
Blessings: Blessing of Inheritor, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion, then Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Cold Iron Warden
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Dexterity+2, Constitution+1, Wisdom+4, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Perception:Wisdom+2, reveal divine/ranged for 1d4, add 1d8 against Cultist, when defeating monster examine top card, may roll 3 to explore after defeating a monster, use Strength on Diplomacy checks, recharge basic blessing when played against a bane, may evade encounter, may put evaded card to bottom.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Firebow, Marksman's Bow, Star Bow, Dawnflower's Kiss, Noriznigath, Soulshear
Spells: Cure, Icy Prison, Divine Blaze
Armors: Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Silver Raven Figurine, Talisman of True Faith, Torc of Heavens
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Mountaineer
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant
Character Name: Melindra
Role Card: Mage Spy
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+2, Constitution+1, Intelligence+3, Wisdom+1, Charisma+2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, evade with Stealth 5..., After playing Arcane spell examine/take spell/item from top, failed boon acquisition may be put on top, recharge a card to add 1d6, +1, recharge Arcane to examine a location, character deck, may shuffle the deck, explore again after acquiring Magic trait card
Card Feats: Spell+2, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Skirmishing Spear, Spirit Blade
Spells: Death's Touch, Death's Touch, Life Leech, Ice Strike, Restore Mythic Power, Scrying, Form of the Dragon
Armors: Celestial Armor
Items: Spyglass, Spyglass, Ring of Forcefangs, Black Robe, Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Thylacine, Lizard
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Starsong, Blessing of Sivanah
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
Redeemed cards: Black Robe, Corroded Helm, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum+3
Removed cohorts: Queen Galfrey, Nurah Dendiwhar
* Cards may not be accurate, as I didn't make record of them at that point, but I'm pretty confident I got them right.
* Had some class deck cards (cleric, wizard, ranger) mixed in with the set.

MagnumDC |
We killed Deskari yesterday and had a blast. No deaths, but hell what a ride that last scenario is. This is our third completed adventure path and everyone's favorite so far, in all aspects.
Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: str +1, dex +1, con +2, int +2, wis +4, cha +1
Power Feats: All
Feats: weapon +1,spell +1,armor +1, item +2, ally +2, blessing +1
Weapons: skirmishing spear (x2), deskari’s tooth, starbow
Spells: Miracle, lend mythic path, breath of life
Armors: immolation cloak, barding of pleated light
Items: Iron flask, ball of twine, fascilous labyrinthum, mist horn
Allies: mastiff, Pegasus, celestial unicorn, dire griffon, thylacine
Blessings: Ascension (x4), Shelyn
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Wandering Judge
Skill Feats: str +4, dex +2, con +1, int +1, wis +4
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: weapon +2, spell +1, armor +1, item +1, blessing +3
Weapons: blackaxe, sunsword, firebow, noriznigath, Marksman’s bow, , Fiendsplitter, Master’s lash
Spells: Cure, cure
Armors: Celestial armor, Commanders Field plate
Items: fortune’s arrow, chalice of ozem, silver raven figurine
Allies: Pit gladiator
Blessings: Starsong, inheritor, deskari, ascension,abadar, pulura,nethys, shax
Mythic Path: Champion
Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Mauler
Skill Feats: str+4, dex +1, con +1, int +1, wis +1, cha +3
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: weapon+1, spell +1, armor +1, item +1, ally +2, blessing +2
Weapons: Blancher, demonbane longsword +2, holy glaive of speed, holy radiance, dawnflowers kiss,mournfull razor
Spells: Transmogrify, hellmouth lash, sign of wrath
Armors: Armor of the Pious, demon armor, stole of the inheritor
Items: talisman of true faith, amulet of the abyss, torc of heavens
Allies: Thylacine, celestial unicorn
Blessings: iomedae, inheritor (x4) , starsong
Mythic Path: Guardian
Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Eldritch Savant
Skill Feats: Str +1, dex +1, con +1, int +4, wis +1, cha +4
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: spell +3, item +1, ally +2, blessing +2
Weapons: -
Spells: Ghost wolf, death’s touch (x2), terraform, steal soul, cape of wasps, ice strike, elemental bombardment, dragon’s breath
Items: Robe of the rifts, ring of forcefangs, black robe, paupers thighbone,
Allies: Quandnys orlun, runelord alderpash, lann, kamilo dann
Blessings: Abraxas, Ascension, Baphomet, Nethys, Shax, starsong
Mythic Path: Archmage
Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Abyssal Walker
Skill Feats: str+2, dex +4, con +3, int +1, wis +1
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: weapon +3, armor +1,ally +2, blessing +2
Weapons: planar crossbow +2, stalkers crossbow (x2), flaming spear +1, dragonbreath bow, marksmans bow, demonbane light crossbow+1, force shortbow +1
Spells: -
Armors: Spiritwalk armor, immolation cloak, expeditious chain mail
Items: banner of valor, sacred prism
Allies: Frog (x2), Fortune teller,waxberry
Blessings: Ascension, Baphomet, Sarenrae, Nethys, starsong,xoveron
Mythic Path: Champion
Redeemed cards: Black Robe, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, ghoul hide, monkey’s paw, rod of the viper, soulshear, stalker’s crossbow, traitor’s blade, unholy aspergillum +3

NyferFen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This is my 6-player solo team. I replaced Shardra with Arueshalae after I rescued her. I didn't even realize until that point that my team consisted of all female characters. Chalk a victory up for the ladies!
Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +1
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Armor +0, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Planar Crossbow +2, Sword of Subtlety, Force Sling +3, Stalker's Crossbow, Skirmishing Spear
Spells: Bloodscent, Breath of Life, Pillar of Life
Armors: Mantle of Faith
Items: Fortune's Arrow, Chalice of Ozem, Iron Flask, Amulet of the Abyss
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Pegasus, Mastiff, Wolf
Blessings: Shelyn, Shax, Nethys x2, Noticula
Mythic Path: Champion
Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Cold Iron Warden
Skill Feats: Str +4, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +1
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Armor +0, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Marksman's Bow, Holy Glaive of Speed, Soulshear, Vorpal Blade, Stalker's Crossbow, Skirmishing Spear
Spells: Cure, Terraform, Flames of the Faithful
Armors: Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Boomcrown, Belt of Charging, Black Robe
Allies: Jesker Helton, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Shelyn, Shax, Nethys, Noticula x2, Iomedae, Abadar
Mythic Path: Guardian
Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Str +0, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +3, Wis +0, Cha +4
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +0, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming Spear +1, Marksman's Bow, Traitor's Blade, Starbow, Firebow
Spells: Cure
Armors: Immolation Cloak
Items: Ball of Twine, Mist Horn, Torc of the Heavens, Talisman of True Faith
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Pit Gladiator, Chevalier, Druid of the Flame
Blessings: Starsong x2, Abraxas, Xoveron, Shax, Nethys, Noticula
Mythic Path: Trickster
Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +2
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +0, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Blackaxe, Demonbane Longsword +2, Keen Scythe +2, Noriznigath, Dawnflower's Kiss, Holy Radiance
Spells: Life Drain, Weapon of Awe
Armors: Demon Armor, Bastion of the Inheritor, Armor of the Pious
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Warhorse, Druid of the Storm, Pit Gladiator
Blessings: Shax x2, Sarenrae x2, Iomedae, Abraxas
Mythic Path: Marshal / Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower's Flame
Skill Feats: Str +1, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Armor +0, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Blancher, Spellbreaker
Spells: Frigid Blast, Elemental Bombardment, Dismissal, Lend Mythic Path, Divine Blaze, Fiery Glare, Pillar of Life
Armors: Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude
Items: Dawnflower's Light, Thorncrown of Iomedae
Allies: Scribe, Thylacine, Runelord Alderpash
Blessings: Torag x2, Abadar x2, Iomedae, Abraxas, Deskari
Mythic Path: Hierophant
Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Str +1, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +2
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Weapon +0, Spell +3, Armor +0, Item +3, Ally +0, Blessing +1
Spells: Death's Touch, Meteor Swarm, Blast Vortex, Icy Prison, Elemental Bombardment, Transmogrify, Hellmouth Lash, Schorching Ray, Ice Strike
Items: Almanac, Skinsticher's Manual, Book of the Damned, Demon Hunter's Handbook, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Spellbottle
Allies: Demon Hunter, Noticula
Blessings: Abraxas x2, Shelyn, Noticula, Terendelev
Mythic Path: Archmage
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: Anarchy Hammer, Black Robe, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Rod of the Viper, Skinsticher's Manual, Soulshear, Stalker's Crossbow, Traitor's Blade, Unholy Aspergillum +3
This party composition was very good by the end of the game. The annoying banes from the early Scenarios (Demonic Horde and friends...lookin' at you!) became trivial with Imrijka's ability to put them at the bottom of the deck or Adowyn's ability to scout for them. We made do against the Army banes with Kyra and Enora being able to fill most of the gaps. Arueshalae is a beast, basically giving RoTR Lini's power to a check on virtually every turn (also helpful vs. Armies!). Seelah with Holy Radiance is virtually unstoppable. Imrijka and Marksman's Bow was also a favorite. Adowyn shuffling Leryn back for the Stealth die addition was huge - her deck recycling was very useful.
6-Player Solo was very tedious though, moreso than any of the other adventure paths. The spreading banes, Armies, and the extra setup of mythic counters, Cohorts, etc. was a lot to keep track of for one person and I won't play with 6 on my next go around (I'll look forward to 6-player on the digital version in the future!). I haven't tackled the bonus scenario yet. The thought of 37 fights in a row solo is a little daunting.
But great fun overall - I liked the step up in difficulty and power as a one off. I also liked the optional capstone mission at the end, which I think should become a standard inclusion going forward. Most of the RPG Adventure Paths give many options at the end for "Continuing the Campaign" and including one or more of those in future sets would be really cool to test our final gear and powers.
Thanks Mike and Dev Team. Look forward to Mummy's Mask!!

Slacker2010 |

This is for Society play.
Character Name: Tarlin
Role Card: Peacemaker
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution+3, Wisdom+3, Charisma+1
Power Feats: Hand size 7 (3 feats). Shuffle used Blessings of Iomedae, When character plays a blessing on Tarlin's Combat/charisma checks, they may recharge a random card - If the blessing was Iomedae they can recharge the blessing first. Recharge a weapon to recharge random card from your discard pile. Add 4 to Tarlin's checks to Aquire allies and weapons.
Card Feats: Spell+1, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessings+3
Weapons: Grayflame Mace +2 (5), Dancing Scimitar +2 (6), Greatclub +3 (4), Greatclub +1 (2)
Spells: Holy Feast (6), Righteousness (4), Major Cure (3), Cure (B)
Armors: Adamantine Plate Armor (6), Invincible Breastplate (5), Animated Shield (4)
Items: Holy Water (normally replaced with Banner of Valor)
Allies: Clockwork Owl (6), Exalted (5)
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae x3, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of the Dawnflower.
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshall
Typical Group members: Harsk (Arbalist), Harsk (Vanguard), Raz (Dog Rider Knight), and Seelah (Faith Healer)

Googam |

Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +4, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +2, Blessing +1.
Spells: Death's Touch, Elemental Bombardment, Elemental Bombardment, Terraform, Steal Mythic Power, Meteor Swarm, Dragon's Breath, Dismissal
Items: Fasciculus Labyrinthium, Ring of Forcefangs, Demon Hunter's Handbook, Book of the Loremaster, Book of the Damned.
Allies: Waxberry, Fortune Teller.
Blessings: Ascension, Abraxas, Baphomet, Shelyn, Deskari
Mythic Path: Archmage
Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Eidolomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Spells: Charm Monster, Charm Monster, Good Omen, Ghost Wolf, Lend Mythic Path, Paralyze, Safe Harbour, Mirror Image
Armors: Stole of The Inheritor
Items: Sacred Prism, Black Robe, Blood Periapt, Demon Hunter's Handbook
Allies: Merchant Lord, Kamilo Dann, Thylacine, Interrogator
Blessings: Deskari, Inheritor, Iomedae, Starsong, Nocticula
Mythic Path: Marshal
Character Name: Raz
Role Card: Dog Rider Knight
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +3.
Power Feats: All
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Armour +1, Item +1, Ally +2
Weapons: Holy Glaive of Speed, Blancher, Vorpal Blade, Holy Radiance, Dawnflower's Kiss, Noriznigath
Spells: Cure
Armors: Tarnhelm, Demon Armour, Barding of Pleated Light, Immolation Cloak
Items: Banner of Valor, Talisman of True Faith
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Pegasus, Dire Griffon, Mountain Dog, Retriever, Warhorse
Blessings: Nocticula, Shelyn, Starsong
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +2, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: All
Card Feats:Weapon +2, Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Marksman's Bow, Dragonbreath Bow, Firebow, Skirmishing Spear, Scythe(!)
Spells: Sagacity, Transmogrify, Cure.
Armors: Spiritwalk Armour
Items: Amulet of the Abyss, Chalice of Ozem, Fortune's Arrow
Allies: Dire Griffon, Wolf, Thylacine, Bat, Mastiff
Blessings: Ascension, Inheritor, Saranrae, Baphomet, Starsong
Mythic Path: Champion
Redeemed Cards: Black Robe, Corroded Helm, Fascilius Labrynthium, Soulshear
Deaths: Seoni (Runelords version) died sometime around deck 2/3. Enora stepped up to replace her.

TFGenesis |

Character Name: Seelah (WotR)
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Dexterity +1, Constitution +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, When you attempt a check before you act you may use your Charisma Skill +4 instead of any listed skill, You may discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6+3 to any check by a character at your location, if that character defeats a monster on that check he may draw a card, You may add 1d8 and the Magic Trait to your check to defeat a bane that has the Demon or Undead trait, When another character encounters a monster that has the Cultist or Demon trait you may immediately move to his location.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +2, Armor +1, Ally +1, Blessing +3
Weapons: Dawnflower's Kiss, Master's Lash, Sunsword, Improvised Dinosaur, Holy Glaive of Speed, Holy Radiance
Spells: Winds of Vengeance, Holy Feast, Augury
Armors: Helm of the Serpent King, Imperial Army Greathelm, Demon Armor, Ebon Thorn
Items: Torc of the Heavens
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Evangelist, Orengofta
Blessings: Nocticula, Xoveron x2, Sarenrae x2, Shax, Abraxas
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Electricity, Fire and Poison damage dealt to you are reduced by 5, When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character add 1d4+2 to his checks that use the marked skill. At the start of your or any turn you may add Aueshalae's Gift to your hand, Instead of your first exploration on a turn you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+2 random cards from his discard pile into his deck then discard the card you revealed and that character may draw a card, At the start of your turn you may examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a boon you may put it on the bottom of the location deck.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +3
Weapons: Deskari's Tooth, Firebow, Planar Crossbow +2, Skirmishing Spear x2
Spells: Sacred Weapon
Armors: Bastion of the Inheritor, Decemvirate Helm
Items: Torc of the Heavens, Fortune's Arrow, Potion of Nightvision, Sacred Prism, Banner of Valor
Allies: Lann, Exalted, Celestial Unicorn
Blessings: Inheritor, Nocticula x2, Xoveron, Baphomet, Sarenrae, Nethys, Deskari
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion
Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Tyrannomancer
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, After you play a spell that has the Attack Trait, banish it. After you play a spell that does not have the Attack Trait you may draw a card, You may discard or recharge a spell to draw a random monster from the box, When you defeat a monster and would banish it you may add it to your hand and you may shuffle a random monster from the box into your deck. You may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card or add 1d4 to any check to defeat a barrier or to any check to acquire a weapon, an armor or an item or reduce damage to a character at your location by 3 or add 1d6 to any combat check by a character at your location, Add 1d8 to any check by a character at your location to defeat a summoned monster. When you defeat a summoned monster you may draw a random monster from the box.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Spells: Rune of Jandelay, Fire Shield, Time Stop, Unearthly Aim, Scrying, Restore Mythic Power, Charm Monster x2
Armors: Stole of the Inheritor, Horns of Naraga
Items: Belt of Charging, Black Robe, Ring of Reflection, Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Quadnys Orlun, Wayfarer, Clockwork Dragonling, Celestial Unicorn, Eagle
Blessings: Baphomet, Nocticula x2, Inheritor, Sarenrae
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal
Character Name: Kyra (WotR)
Role Card: Dawnflower's Kiss
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +3, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, For your check to defeat a bane that has the Demon or Undead trait you may recharge or shuffle into your deck a spell or blessing to use your Divine skill +2d8 and add the Attack, Divine and Magic traits. You may add an additional 1d8 and the Fire trait, When you use the above power or play a blessing that does not have the Corrupted trait on another character's or you own check to defeat a character at your location may shuffle 1 random card from his discard pile into his deck after the check, When you play a blessing on your check to defeat a bane that has the Demon or Undead trait you may recharge that blessing, Add 1d4+2 to your check to recharge a card that has the Attack trait, When another character plays a Blessing of Sarenrae on your check that character may recharge it and a random card from her discard pile.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +3
Weapons: Blancher
Spells: Icy Prison, Transmogrify, Elemental Bombardment x2, Major Cure, Divine Blaze, Death's Touch
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Imperial Army Greathelm
Items: Mist Horn, Thorncrown of Iomedae
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Exalted, Clockwork Dragonling, Evangelist
Blessings: Inheritor x3, Starsong x2, Abadar x3
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant
Redeemed Card: Black Robe, Book of the Damned, Helm of the Serpent King, Horns of Naraga, Rod of the Viper, Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum x3

![]() |

Character Name: Alahazra (S&S)
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Str +1, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +4
Power Feats: All of them
Card Feats: Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: none
Spells: Steal Soul, Elemental Bombardment, Cure, Cure, Divine Blaze, Transmogrify, Ice Strike, Miracle
Armors: Celestial Armor
Items: Chalice of Ozem, Seer's Headdress, Ring of Forcefangs, Banner of Valor
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Mastiff, Fortune-Teller, Orengofta
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Terendelev
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: None

Malcolm_Reynolds |
Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Shadow
Skill Feats: all
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: all
Weapons: Stalker's Crossbow, Skirmishing Spear, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Spirit Blade, Scoundrel's Sword Cane
Spells: Refuge, Terraform
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Emerald of Dexterity, Footpad's Boots, Letter of Marque, Talisman of True Faith, Sniper Goggles, Amulet of the Planes, Masterwork Tools, Demon Hunter's Handbook
Allies: Slip, Old Salt, Old Salt
Blessings: Erastil, Starsong, Achakek, Nocticula, Terendelev
Mythic Path: none
Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: all
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: all
Weapons: Sunsword, Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Blackaxe, Mace of Smiting, Holy Glaive of Speed, Furious Broadsword +2
Spells: Wall of Blades, Find Traps, Black Spot, Vengeful Storm
Armors: Demon Armor, Decimvirate Helm, Eagle Knight Dress Uniform, Stole of the Inheritor, Breastplate of the Deep
Items: Amulet of Fortitude, Orc War Drum
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound
Blessings: Gorum, Gorum, Gorum, Nocticula, Milani, Geryon, Cayden Caillean
Mythic Path: none
Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: all
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: all
Weapons: Stalker's Crossbow, Skyrocket Crossbow, Enervating Pistol +3
Spells: Find Traps, Good Omen, Holy Feast, Restore Mythic Power
Armors: Wilderness Studded Leather, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Potion of Glibness, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Flying, Potion of Nightvision, Potion of Lucubration, Alchemist's Lab, Alchemist's Glue, Fuse Grenade, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Haneilius Fitch, Runelord Alderpash
Blessings: Achakek, Erastil, Nethys, Nocticula, Sivannah
Mythic Path: none
Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Hexer
Skill Feats: all
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: all
Spells: Dimension Leap, Shapechange, Rune of Jandelay, Tsunami, Quickened Ray, Transmogrify, Resist Energy, Icy Prison, Freezing Sphere, Recast
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Farglass, Sapphire of Intelligence, Wand of Flame
Allies: Royster Mccleagh, Audessa Reyquio, Lady Agasta Smythee, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Arronax, Endymion
Blessings: Pharasma, Pharasma, Pharasma, Pharasma, Pharasma, Nocticula
Mythic Path: none
Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Aquamancer
Skill Feats: all
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: all
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Grayflame Mace
Spells: Vengeful Storm, Black Spot, Divine Fortune, Breath of Life, Wall of Fire, Resist Energy
Armors: Expeditious Chain Mail, Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Pearl of Wisdom
Allies: Sefina, Pteranodon, Dodo, Monkey, Droogami, Thylacine, Wolf
Blessings: Gorum, Starsong, Nethys, Asmodeus, Achakek, Achakek
Mythic Path: none
Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: all
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: all
Weapons: Adamantine Trident +3, Infinite Rod, Flaming Falcata +3, Blancher, Noriznigath, Spellbreaker, Sawtooth Saber +2, Rapier of Puncturing
Armors: Benevolent Buckler, Hellknight Armor, Imerial Army Greathelm, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Totem Necklace, Gloves of Dexterity, Chalice of Ozem, Tankard
Allies: Pierce Jerrell, Alise Grogblud, Nocticula, Dire Griffon, Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Asmodeus, Geryon, Gorum, Zogmugot
Mythic Path: none
Cards Redeemed: Stalker's Crossbow, Blackaxe, Nahyndrian Elixir, Rod of the Viper, Corroded Helm, Skinstitcher's Manual, Fasciculus Labyrinthum
Six-character solo, no deaths. Kept Breath of Fire for insurance against Khorramzadeh. Finished most scenarios on first try (not 4-2, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, I think).

Nomad Sage |

Wrath of the Righteous complete!! We finished up over this long weekend. Thanks for the crazy, and sometimes harrowing, adventure path!
Some highlights: The druid allies were all very beloved! I think Adowyn was the MVP, with her awesome scouting abilities via Leryn -- the ability to look ahead 2 cards was huge for strategic planning... it would have been very painful without her in the party!
Some lowlights: Everyone is familiar with the Aboreal Blight/Demonic Horde gripes (happily, only encountered each once during the rest of the path, woo!). The scenario 6 armies were grueling, so much so that we don't want to run Justifiable Deicide with the prospect of having to grind thru them again.
Overall, the path had some really great moments, but was also pretty stressful most of the time. Very few scenarios were "easy", and most were challenging. It will be strange to play a RotR game now after getting used to the gaudy numbers we were putting up at the end!
Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand size 7; At the start of your turn... (* or a card...); You may recharge a card to evade... (* or discard a card...); * Before you would discard an ally for its power...; * You may reveal a card... (* +1) ... (* or your check); * You may recharge a card... (* or discard)
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Firebow, Planar Crossbow +2, Skirmishing Spear, Skirmishing Spear, Traitor's Blade
Spells: Bloodscent, Cure, Flames of the Faithful
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Chalice of Ozem, Scale of Resistance
Allies: Leryn (from Iconic Heroes), Mastiff, Pegasus, Thylacine, Wolf
Blessings: Abadar, Ascension, Shax, Shax, Shelyn
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion
Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Corruptor
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: Hand size 7; Before your combat check... (* or Magic) (* or Corrupted); You may automatically... (* or an item); When you acquire an ally (* or a spell); * You may treat a card... (* or any card); * After your first exploration... (* and bottom card)
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +2, Blessing +2
Spells: Death's Touch, Dismissal, Form of the Dragon, Hellmouth Lash, Ice Strike, Terraform, Transmogrify
Armors: Spellcaster's Shield
Items: Black Robe, Ring of Forcefangs, Robe of the Rifts, Torc of the Heavens
Allies: Druid of the Leaf, Runelord Alderpash, Scribe
Blessings: Abraxas, Abraxas, Abraxas, Deskari, Nocticula, Nocticula
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: Hand size 7; Electricity, Fire... (* 5); You may evade your encounter (* then...); When the cohort... (* +1); * Instead of your first exploration... (* +2); * At the start... (* you may)
Card Feats: Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +3
Weapons: Javelin of Lightning, Marksman's Bow, Planar Crossbow +2, Starbow
Armors: Spiritwalk Armor
Items: Sacred Prism, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers, Talisman of True Faith
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Fortune-Teller, Merchant Lord, Pit Gladiator
Blessings: Ascension, Deskari, Nethys, Nocticula, Pulura, Shax, Starsong, Starsong
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster
Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Dexterity +1, Constitution +2, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand size 7; You may discard... (* If that character...) (* If the top card...); * You may be dealt... (* or any type of) ... (* 2) (* 3); * When you play a blessing of Iomedae...
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Blessing +3
Weapons: Dawnflower's Kiss, Holy Radiance, Noriznigath, Sawtooth Saber +2, Sunsword, Vorpal Blade
Spells: Breath of Life, Weapon of Awe
Armors: Bastion of the Inheritor, Commander's Field Plate, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Ascension, Deskari, Iomedae, Iomedae, Sarenrae, Shax, Shax
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Redeemed Cards: Black Robe, Blackaxe, Corroded Helm, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Ghoul Hide, Rod of the Viper, Skinstitcher's Manual, Soulshear, Traitor's Blade
No deaths after the B scenarios (sigh...), though there were several close calls. Threshold of the End was particularly rough, but we eked through!

Narsham |
Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Lancer
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, you may recharge (or allies or items), Recharge a card (or put it on top of your deck), When you would recharge a weapon... (or shuffle it into) (or put it on top), On your turn, discard a card that has the Mount trait (or put it on the top)
Card Feats: Weapon +3, Armor +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Fiendsplitter, Lance +1, Mournful Razor, Noriznigath, Ranseur of the Gargoyle, Shocking Lance +1, Soulshear
Spells: None
Armors: Barding of Pleated Light, Commander's Field Plate, Full Plate, Helm of the Serpent King
Items: Banner of Valor, Chalice of Ozem, Talisman of True Faith
Allies: Fortune Teller, Kamilo Dann, Warhorse
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Baphomet X 2, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Torag
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion
Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +4, Wisdom +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, acquire a spell (or an item), reduce Cold or Fire (or Acid, etc) damage dealt to you (or to any character...), You may reveal a boon that has the Book trait to add 1d4 (+1), At the start of your turn... (put them back in any order)
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: None
Spells: Elemental Bombardment X 2, Fiery Glare X 2, Icy Prison, Life Drain X 2, Restore Mythic Power, Steal Mythic Power
Armors: None
Items: Evocation Staff, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Lymirin Discourses, Ring of Forecefangs, Robe of the Rifts, Skinstitcher's Manual
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Blessing of Abraxas X 3, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of the Starsong
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, (or a card that has the Animal trait), (or discard a card to allow another character...), Before you would discard an ally for its power..., You may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to add 1d4 (+1)(+2) to (or your check), You may recharge a card that has the Animal trait... or bury (or discard)...
Card Feats: Weapon +3, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Dawnflower's Kiss, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1, Firebow, Planar Crossbow +2, Skirmishing Spear, Starbow
Spells: Cure, Miracle
Armors: Immolation Cloak
Items: Ball of Twine, Fortune's Arrow, Wardstone Fragment
Allies: Bat X 2, Frog, Wolf, Wolverine
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar X 2, Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Sarenrae
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster
Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Everlight's Grace
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, ...recharge a spell (or blessing) to use... (2d6), When you use the above power... (or your) check to defeat... shuffle 1 random card (of a type of your choice), When you play a boon that has the Healing trait... (or allies), When you (or a character at your location) would bury...
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Blessing +3
Weapons: Blancher
Spells: Breath of Life, Cure, Fiery Glare, Lend Mythic Path, Steal Soul, Transmogrify, Winds of Vengeance
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Amulet of the Abyss, Talisman of Good
Allies: Chuffy Lickwound, Riftwarden
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension X 3, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Pulura, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of the Starsong
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Cards Redeemed: Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Helm of the Serpent King, Soulshear

Kasoh |
Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+3, Charisma+2
Power Feats: +3 hand size, add 1d6 (+1), If the Top card has the Heavy Armor or Sword Trait, Give a boon if not corrupted, Dealt 1 Combat Damage (any) to reduce by (2, 3), When you play an Iomedae blessing...
Card Feats: Spell+2, Ally+(2), Blessing+3
Weapons: Vorpal Blade, Holy Radiance, Demonbane Longsword+2, Dawnflower's Kiss
Spells: Cure, Breath of Life, Pillar of Life
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Stole of the Inheritor, Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude
Items: Banner of Valor
Allies: Jesker Helton, Dire Griffon, Pit Gladiator, Scribe/Noticula (Since we banish Noticula to use, she got replaced a lot, but when we got her back, it went in the Pally's deck if she wasn't used on the villain)
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae x3, Blessing of the Inheritorx2, Blessing of Sarenraex1, Blessing of Noticula
Mythic Path: Guardian, then Sword of Iomedae
I probably didn't put enough swords or heavy armors in the deck to make best use of the Smite recharge, and I topdecked Holy Radiance to the bottom too many times to count. The Iomedae blessings ability with the Armor of the Pious comboed really well giving Seelah a lot of sustain, but most of it was just cure spells and not losing. The Promo Seelah Helmet was replaced by the Stole which did the same thing but better and frankly a requisite in this Adventure.
Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Constitution+1, Intelligence+2, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Reduce Elemental Damage by 3(5), Evade Encounter (if turn, move), Display Aureshalae's Gift 1d4+1,+2, Start of Any turn pull back, Kyra's Heal 1d4+1,+2, Draw a card. Start of Turn scry, May put back.
Card Feats: Spell+1, Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Skirmishing Spear, Firebow, Starbow, Marksman's Bow
Spells: Cure
Armors: Expeditious Chainmail
Items: Scale of Disguise, Fortune's Arrow, Swallowtail Bracers, Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Quadnys Orlun, Waxberry, Chuffy Lickwound, Mastiff
Blessings: Blessing of the Starsongx4, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Noticula
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster
She started strong, but the bows just were not as good as the swords. The best bow in the game is the Marksman's Bow from Deck 2. Her combat struggled late game, but that Cohort was so good it made up for it all. And the fire resistance helped at quite a few locations. The crossbows weren't bad, but a little too niche.
Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1, Intelligence+4, Wisdom+2, Charisma+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Attempt to acquire spell (or item)(or defeat a barrier) use Knowledge, Discard a spell to reduce (elemental) damage to you (or any character), Reveal a book to add 1d4(+1,+2) Recharge a book to examine location deck, recharge a spell to examine your deck (put back in any order)
Card Feats: Spell+3, Item+2, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: -
Spells: Death's Touchx2, Good Omen, Rune of Jandelay, Transmogrify, Steal Soul, Elemental Bombardment, Blast Vortex, Icy Prison
Armors: -
Items: Evocation Staff, Mist Horn, Demon Hunter's Handbook, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Book of the Damned
Allies: Clestial Unicornx2, Suurlahetas (Last deck pull, not sure what it used to be.)
Blessings: Blessing of Abraxasx5
Mythic Path: Archmage, Shield of Iomedae (We play with two players so we each took a Iomedae Mythic path.)
Enora replaced the summoner about midway through the B box and was a workhorse for the entire campaign. Always with a spell or blessing when it was needed and the book thing came in really handy when She had to punch something in the face, which Enora had to do a lot. Ring of Forcefangs was a staple in the deck until more blast spells got in there...in deck five or six.
Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Mauler
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Dexterity+1, Constitution+2, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Heavy Armors, Bury a card for 1d10 (+1, +2, +3) if the check has the attack trait (or card), Gain Arcane Cha+3, Before you act deal 2 elec damage..., Reduce damage dealt before you act by 1(2), When discard a two handed weapon to draw a card.
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+1, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Sunsword, Holy Glaive of Speed, Blancher, Master's Lash, Blackaxe
Spells: Winds of Vengeancex2, Dragon's Breath, Form of the Dragon
Armors: Decemvirate Helm, Ebon Thorn
Items: Sacred Prism, Torc of the Heavensx2
Allies: Lann, Dire Griffon
Blessings: Blessing of Abadarx3, Blessing of the Inheritorx1, Blessing of Shaxx2
Mythic Path: Marshal
Crowe wanted more boons to feed his card burying habit and it worked very well for him. He never cast the spells he had except winds of vengeance, they were just recharged for his 1d10.
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: Anarchy Hammer, Black Robe, Blackaxe, Book of the Damned, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Helm of the Serpent King, Monkey's Paw, Rod of the Viper, Skinsticher's Manual, Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum +3

Niobar |
Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +2, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +4, Charisma +0
Power Feats: +2 hand size, all except You may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane ( ) or discard a card to allow anotehr charactewr to do so.
Card Feats: Weapon +3, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +0
Weapons: Skirmishing Spear, Starbow, Stalker's Crossbow, Planar Crossbow +2, Firebow, Skirmishing Spear
Spells: Cure, Cure, Steal Soul
Armors: Stole of the Inheritor, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Boomcrown, Chalice of Ozem, Banner of Valor
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Celestial Unicorn, Bat, Thylacine
Blessings: Abadar, Shelyn, Abadar, Nethys
Mythic Path: Champion
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: Ghoul Hide, Unholy Aspergillum +3

Brother Tyler |

My wife played Crowe and Kyra; I played Imrijka and Seoni. I started with Adowyn and Enora, but Enora died during The Elven Entanglement (replaced by Seoni) and Adowyn died during The Wardstone Patrol.
Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Spellrager
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+2, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +3 hand size, Heavy Armors, all other feats
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Armor+1, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Blackaxe, Dawnflower’s Kiss, Infinite Rod, Mace of Smiting, Master’s Lash, Noriznigath
Spells: Form of the Dragon (x2), Restore Mythic Power, Rune of Jandelay, Terraform
Armors: Decemvirate Helm, Demon Armor, Immolation Cloak
Items: Boomcrown, Talisman of True Faith,
Allies: Dire Griffon, Druid of the Leaf
Blessings: Inheritor, Nethys, Sarenrae (x4)
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal
Character Name: Imrijka
Role Card: Wandering Judge
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+3, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, all other feats
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Armor+1, Ally+1, Blessing+3
Weapons: Dragonbreath Bow (x2), Firebow, Holy Glaive of Speed, Marksman’s Bow (x2)
Spells: Cure (x2), Sign of Wrath
Armors: Mantle of Faith, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Chalice of Ozem, Demon Hunter’s Handbook
Allies: Jesker Helton, Orengofta
Blessings: Deskari, Inheritor (x2), Iomedae (x3), Nethys, Starsong
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower’s Flare
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Constitution+1, Intelligence+2, Wisdom+4, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapons, all other feats
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Armor+1, Item+1, Blessing+3
Weapons: Spellbreaker, Sunsword
Spells: Breath of Life (x2), Cure (x2), Elemental Bombardment, Miracle, Transmogrify
Armors: Immolation Cloak, Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude
Items: Thorncrown of Iomedae, Torc of the Heavens
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Storm
Blessings: Iomedae, Inheritor (x2), Nethys (x2), Shelyn (x2), Starsong
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant
Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Corruptor
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1, Intelligence+3, Wisdom+2, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Light Armors, all other feats
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Spells: Dragon’s Breath, Elemental Bombardment, Icy Prison, Meteor Swarm, Steal Mythic Power, Time Stop, Winds of Vengeance
Armors: Mantle of Faith
Items: Book of the Damned (x2), Ring of Reflection, Torc of the Heavens
Allies: Celestial Unicorn (x2), Dire Griffon, Verbovezzor, Waxberry
Blessings: Abraxas (x4), Baphomet (x2)
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
Note that Seoni had an extra skill feat due to the Tome of Physical Might.
Cards Redeemed: Blackaxe, Fasticulus Labyrinthum, Helm of the Serpent King, Rod of the Viper, Soulshear, Stalker’s Crossbow, Unholy Aspergillum +3
Knights of Kenabres Medals: Valor, Vigor, Clarity, Spirit, Command
Champions of Mendev Medals: Valor, Vigor, Clarity, Spirit, Command
Cohorts Removed: Lexicon of Paradox, Nahyndrian Chisel, the Suture (all to close the Worldwound)

![]() |

Rebel and I (and a friend of ours) finished this months ago, but I never reported, so here goes!
Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower's Flare
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +2
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +3
Weapons: Quarterstaff of Vaulting
Spells: Transmogrify, Death's Touch, Elemental Bombardment, Breath of Life x2, Icy Prison, Good Omen
Armors: Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Thorncrown of Iomedae, Black Robe
Allies: Wolf x2, Interrogator
Blessings: B of Nethys x2, B of Pulura, B of Abadar, B of Torag, B of Iomedae x2, B of the Starsong
Mythic Path: Hierophant
Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +3
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Ally +2, Blessing +3
Weapons: Demonbane Longsword +2, Sunsword, Noriznigath, Dawnflower's Kiss, Holy Radiance, Blancher
Spells: Cure
Armors: Paladin's Helm, Black Dragonhide Breastplate, Decemvirate Helm, Ebon Thorn
Items: Belt of Charging
Allies: Chevalier, Pit Gladiator, Druid of the Flame
Blessings: B of Baphomet x2, B of Shax, B of Nocticula, B of Abadar, B of Shelyn
Mythic Path: Marshal, then Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +2, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: all
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Firebow, Spirit Blade, Skirmishing Spear, Traitor's Blade
Spells: Flames of the Faithful, Refuge
Armors: Barding of Pleated Light, Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Chalice of Ozem, Banner of Valor, Fasciculus Labyrinthum
Allies: Thylacine, Leryn, Frog, Celestial Unicorn, Dire Gryffon
Blessings: B of Nocticula x2, B of Baphomet x2, B of Nethys
Mythic Path: Champion
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: Black Robe, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Soulshear, Unholy Aspergillum +3

Scott Hall |

I started with Ekkie and Enora, while my friend had Seelah and Kyra. I quickly swapped Ekkie out for Harsk. When we acquired Arushalae, I added her to my group and my friend added Shardra.
We added in the Ranger, Wizard, Cleric, and Paladin decks.
Harsk used the tome of Physical Might- I think Enora did also, and was able to make the check to return it to the box.
Seelah was the workhorse, almost unstoppable with Holy Radiance in her hands.
Enora was the only death in 0-5. She sometimes seemed like a weak link- yes a d12 in intelligence, but only Arcane +1 felt much smaller than it really is. But, she also did some major butt kicking, including taking on the chimera solo.
Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Demonslayer
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+4, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+3, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +3 hand size, May evade Demons and may put it on top of its location deck otherwise add2d6 on checks, May use SUrvival instead of Knowledge against a monster, May reroll 1 dice in a failed check against a Demon, May explore again if defeat a demon on first exploration, May recharge a card to add 1d4+1 to another character's check to defeat a demon
Card Feats: Weapon+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Stalker's Crossbow, Skirmishing Spear, Flaming Spear +1, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Spirit Blade, Infinite Rod, Marksman's Bow, Deskari's Tooth
Armors: Spiritwalk Armor, Sniper's Studded Leather, Celestial Armor
Items: Ring of Reflection, Sacred Prism, Knight's Pennon
Allies: Jesker Helton, Lann, Mountaineer, Dire Griffon
Blessings: Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Deskari, Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Nocticula
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion
Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+4, Wisdom+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, May use knowledge when attempting to acquire an item or defeat a barrier, Discard a Spell or Book to reduce Cold, Fire, Acid, Electricity, or Force damage dealt to you other another character at your location to 0, Reveal a Boon with the Book trait to add 1d4+2 to your check, At start of turn may recharge a Book to examine top 3 cards of location deck or a spell to examine top 3 cards of your deck and put them back in any order
Card Feats: Spell+3, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Spells: Hellmouth Lash, Fire Shield, Scrying, Ice Strike, Transmogrify, Form of the Dragon, Dragon's Breath, Life Drain, Scorching Ray
Items: Robe of the Rifts, Demon Hunter's Handbook, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Spellbottle, Black Robe, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Celestial Unicorn, Pyromaniac Mage,
Blessings: Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Norgorber, Blessing of Nocticula
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+4, Constitution+1 Intelligence+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Reduce electricity, fire, and poison damage by 5, May evade encounters and move, When Arueshalae's Gift is displayed add 1d4+2 and may add to hand at the start of any turn, Instead of first exploration may reveal a card with Desna or Blessing to shuffle 1d4+2 cards into a characters deck and that character may draw a card, At start of turn may examine top card of location deck, if it's a boon, may put on bottom of deck.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Armor+1, Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+3
Weapons: Mournful Razor, Firebow, Marksman's Bow, Star Bow, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1
Armors: Mantle of Faith, Celestial Armor
Items: Amulet of the Abyss, Ring of Reflection, Torc of the Heavens, Fortune's Arrow, Swallowtail Bracers
Allies: Clockwork Librarian, Varisian Illusionist, Wolf, Fortune Teller
Blessings: Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of Nocticula, Blessing of Terendelev, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Abadar
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster
Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Dawnflower's Flare
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+4, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +1hand size, Weapon proficiency, When facing a bane with the demon or undead trait, you may recharge of shuffle into your deck a spell or blessing to add 2d8 to you divine skill and may add an additional 1d8 and the fire trait, after using the above power or playing a blessing on your or another character's chance to defeat may shuffle 1 card from a discard pile, may recharge blessing when you play them on your check to defeat a demon or undead, may add 1d4+2 to check to recharge card with the attack trait, when another character plays a blessing of sarenre on your check they may recharge it and another random card from their discard pile
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +3
Weapons: Grayflame Mace+2
Spells: Cure, Ice Strike, Brilliance, Frigid Blast, Terraform, Scrying, Holy Feast
Armors: Armor of the Pious, Adamantine Plate Armor
Items: Boomcrown, Banner of Valor
Allies: Apprentice, Druid of the Leaf, Evangelist, Riftwarden
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Pulura, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Sarenrae
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant
Character Name: Shardra
Role Card: Spirit Guide
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Constitution+1 Intelligence+2, Wisdom+4, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Weapons proficiency, When succeed at knowledge check may examine top 2 cards of any location deck, gain Arcane: Wisdom+1, Discard a card to add 1d6+4 and mental to combat checks to defeat a monster, When you defeat a bane you may recharge a spell from your discard pile and draw a card, when you play a blessing on a check to defeat a monster by another character at your location add a d12
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Rod of the Viper
Spells: Fiery Glare, Breath of Life, Mass Cure, Divine Blaze, Divine Fortune, Cure, Venomous Bolt, Frigid Blast
Armors: Spiritwalk Armor, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Boomcrown, Talisman of True Faith, Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Scribe, Exalted, Eliandra
Blessings: Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Shax, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Pharasma
Mythic Path: Mythic Hierophant
Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, When you attempt a check before you act may use your charisma+4 instead of the skill, May discard top card to add 1d6+3 to any character at your location and if the character defeats a monster they may draw a card, When you acquire a boon with the corrupted trait bury it and may explore again, May add 1d8 and magic trait to check to defeat bane with demon or undead trait, when another character encounters a monster with the cultist or demon trait you may move there.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell +2, Ally +2, Blessing +3
Weapons: Dancing Scimitar+2, Noriznigath, Blancher, Soulshear, Dawnflower's Kiss, Holy Radiance
Spells: Weapon of Awe, Cure, Wisdom
Armors: Fortress Shield, Demon Armor, Ebon Thorn,
Items: Knight's Pennon
Allies: Kamilo Dann, Mendevian Crusader, Grizzled Mercenary, Mountaineer
Blessings: Blessing of Pulura, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Norgorber, Blessing of Cayden Cailean
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae
Cards Redeemed: Soulshear, Stalker's Crossbow, Black Robe, fascicalus Labyrinthum, Amulet of the Abyss, Rod of the Viper

Tigerkralle |

We started with 5 and Seelah was replaced by Arueshalae, but that player did not have time for the whole Adventure Path.
Character Name: Enora
Role Card: Occularium Scholar
Skill Feats: Strenght+1, Constitution+1, Intelligence+4, Wisdom+2, Charisma+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Attepmt to acquire spell or item or defeat a barrier with Knowledge instead of any listed skill, Discard a spell to reduce Cold or Fire or Acid, Electricity or Force damage to you or any character at your location, May reveal a Book trait to add 1d4+2 to your check, At the start of your turn recharge Book to examine 3 cards from location deck and put them back in any order.
Card Feats: Spell+3, Item+3, Blessing +2
Weapons: (card), (card), etc.
Spells: Death's Touch (x2), Elemental Borbardment , Icy Prison , Refuge, Restore Mythic Power, Steal Soul, Time Stop, Transmogrify
Armors: (card), (card), etc.
Items: Pauper's Thighbone, Skinstitcher's Manual, Black Robe, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Robe of the Rifts, Sacred Prism
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Dire Griffon
Blessings: Ascension (x2), Nethys, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Nocticula
Mythic Path: Archmage
Character Name: Balazar
Role Card: Eidolonmancer
Skill Feats: Strenght+1, Constitution+1, Intelligence+3, Wisdom+2, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, When you defeat a monster you mad add it to your hand and you may draw a card you may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card or add 1d4 to any check to defeat a barrier or to any check to axquire a weapon an armor or an item or move after an encounter or reroll your failed combat check, While you are displaying a cohort that has Eidolon trait use Strength skill insted of Constitition or Fortitude or Dexterity or Stealth skill, When a character plays a Blessing on your Strength check you may add1d12 instead of normal die if the Blessing has the Basic trait it may be recharged.
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+2, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: (card), (card), etc.
Spells: Charm Monster (x2), Enchanted Fang, Fire Shield, Mirror Image, Terraform, Winds of Vengeance
Armors: Bastion of the Inheritor
Items: Horn of Battle Clarity, Lyre of Storms, Thorncrown of Iomedea, Scale of Resistance
Allies: Grizzled Mercenary, Kamilo Dann, Mendevian Crusader, Retainer, Scribe, Teamster
Blessings: Abadar, Iomedae, the Inheritor (x2), Nocticula
Mythic Path: Marshal
Character Name: Crowe
Role Card: Mauler
Skill Feats: Strenght+4, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+2, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Heavy Armors, You may bury a card to add 1d10+3, You gain the skill Arcane: Charisma+3, On your combat check you may add 1d8, Reduce damage dealt to you by the above power before you act by 2, When you discard a weapon.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Item+1, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Blackaxe, Disrupting Warhammer, Holy Glaive of Speed, Scizore +3, Sunword, Mournful Razor
Spells: Form of the Dragon, Ghost Wolf, Steal Mythic Power, Winds of Vengeance
Armors: Black Dragonhide Breastplate, Horns of Naraga
Items: Belt of Charging, Banner of Valor, Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Merchant Lord
Blessings: Ascension, Nethys (x2), Sarenrae, Xoveron, Nocticula
Mythic Path: Marshal and later Sword of Iomedae
Character Name: Alain
Role Card: Lancer
Skill Feats: Strenght+4, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+3, Charisma+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, You may discard a card to add 2 plust its adventure deck number to defeat a non-villain monster if defeated rechardge a random card from your discard pile, At the end of your turn you may recharge any number of weapons or allies or items, Recharge a card or put it on top of your deck to search your deck or discard pile for a card with Mount trait, When you would discard a weapon with Polearm trait recharge it instead or shuffle it into your deck, On your turn discard a card that has the Mount trait or put it on top of your deck to move to another location.
Card Feats: Weapon+3, Item+1, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Infinite Rod, Vorpal Blade, Blancher, Dawnflower's Kiss, Deskari's Tooth, Noriznigath, Soulshear
Spells: (card), (card), etc.
Armors: Demon Armor, Ebon Thorn, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Amulet of the Abyss, Ball of Twine, Scale of Sacred Weaponry
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Dire Griffon, Mendevian Crusader, Warhorse, Waxberry
Blessings: Abadar, Shax (x3), Torag
Mythic Path: Guardian
In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: Amulet of the Abyss, Anarchy Hammer, Black Robe, Blackaxe, Book of the Damned, Ghould Hide, Horns of Naraga, Lexicon of Paradox, Monkey's Paw, Robe of Rifts, Skinstitcher's Manual, Soulshear, Stalker's Crossbow, Unholy Aspergillum +3
One highlight: Insane Bythos all roles were shuffled and then all four got their own role back. O.o After we finished laughing and joking that monster was defeated.
Knights of Kenabres Medals: Valor, Vigor, Clarity, Spirit, Command
Champions of Mendev Medals: Valor, Agility, Vigor, Clarity, Spirit
Banished Cohorts: Lexicon of Paradox, Nahyndrian Chisel, The Suture (all to close the Worldwound)
Alain died early (must be the first half) but i (Enora) used the Wardstone Fragment before we won that scenario.

pluvia33 |

Opening Notes: Two player, two character game. Didn't use the Character Add-on deck since we didn't use any characters from it, but we did add the cards from both the Alchemist and Paladin Class Decks. Also, since using two class decks was making some of the stacks rather large, when we got to Adventure 5 I implemented a minor(?) house rule of removing any remaining Basic cards (both bane and boon) from the box when we began removing Elite cards. Otherwise all of the Armor would no longer fit in its slot in the insert and Items and Allies were uncomfortably snug (like I was afraid it would cause damage to the cards). Hope doing this doesn't make our data invalid.
Character Name: Damiel (Class Deck version)
Role Card: Mindchemist
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +1, Intelligence +4, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, would banish (or discard), (or shuffle it into your deck), (or any 2 cards), (or your Strength...), You may bury..., bury (or discard), (+2), (or Wisdom or Charisma), (Then you may draw a card.)
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Deskari's Tooth, Flame Cannon, Marksman's Bow, Master's Lash, Mournful Razor
Spells: Cure, Divine Fortune, Major Cure, Restore Mythic Power
Armors: Alchemist's Shield, Laboratory Coat
Items: Alchemist's Fire (x2), Alkali Flask, Liquid Ice, Potion of Restoration, Sunrod, Tears of Death
Allies: Deathtrap in a Jar
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Nethys (x2), Blessing of Norgorber
Mythic Path: Mythic Trickster
Character Name: Seelah (Wrath of the Righteous version)
Role Card: Inheritor's Blade
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +3
Power Feats: +3 hand size, (+1), (if the character defeats...),
(if the top card has...), You may be dealt 1 Combat Damage, (or any damage), (2), (3), When you play a blessing...
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Armor +1, Ally +2, Blessing +3
Weapons: Dawnflower's Kiss, Demonbane Longsword +2, Holy Radiance,
Noriznigath, Spellsword +2
Spells: Cure (x2), Winds of Vengeance
Armors: Ebon Thorn (x2), Fortress Shield, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Anesthetizing Slime, Celestiel Unicorn, Pit Gladiator,
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae (x5), Blessing of Nethys (x2)
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal, then Sword of Iomedae
Cards Redeemed: Blackaxe, Soulshear
Closing Notes: No cohort or character deaths during the actual Adventure Path, but a REALLY bad set of die rolls from Seelah's second check against Deskari (four d20s all rolling single digit results) got us killed in Justifiable Deicide. It was sad and a little anti-climatic, but I guess he was just too powerful for us. In retrospect, I (as Damiel) probably could have taken two of the checks instead of Seelah, but you live and learn. It also would have made the final scenario much easier if I would have played Arueshalae as a third character when we unlocked her, but it would have been kind of awkward playing two characters at once and I'd feel kind of bad for taking twice as many turns as my friend. Oh well, you live (or die) and you learn. Anyway, back to the Adventure Path scenarios, we never had to replay any, but I think we had three really close calls.

redeux |

First (blind) playthrough after completing Closing the Worldwound but without gaining any boons from box. I do think I forgot to include the Adventure Path card feat in the below snapshot. Added HV1+HV2 character decks into box.
Party Inventory:
Character Name: Adowyn (WOTR)
Role Card: Blight Scout
Skill Feats: ALL
Power Feats: ALL
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+1, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Stalker’s Crossbow x2, Dragonbreath Bow x2, Deskari’s Tooth
Spells: Good Omen, Transmogrify, Cure
Armors: Immolation Cloak, Horns of Naraga
Items: Chalice of Ozem, Ball of Twine, Fortune’s Arrow
Allies: Leryn, Celestial Unicorn x2, Dire Griffon x2
Blessings: BoShax x2, BoAbadar x2, BotInheritor
Mythic Path: Shield of Iomedae
Character Name: Lazzero (HV1 Class Deck)
Role Card: Asmodean Advocate
Skill Feats: ALL
Power Feats: ALL
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+2, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Holy Radiance, Keen Scythe+2, Mace of Smithing, Vorpal Blade, BlackAxe,
Spells: Breath of Life x2, Winds of Vengeance, Steal Mythic Power, Lend Mythic Path
Armors: Mantle of Faith, Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude
Items: Talisman of True Faith, Banner of Valor,
Allies: Lann, Waxberry, Eliandra
Blessings: BoDispater, BoMammon, BoMoloch, BoBaalzebul, BoMephistopheles x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Marshal
Character Name: Urgraz (HV1 Class Deck)
Role Card: Tyrant
Skill Feats: ALL
Power Feats: ALL
Card Feats: Weapon+3, Spell+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Soulshear, Blancher, Holy Glaive of Speed, Sunsword, Noriznigath, Mournful Razor
Spells: Cure x2, Winds of Vengeance
Armors: Commander’s Field Plate, Stole of the Inheritor, Tarnhelm
Items: Wardstone Fragment, Black Robe, Amulet of the Abyss
Allies: Thylacine
Blessings: BoShax x3, BoAbadar, BotInheritor x2
Mythic Path: Mythic Guardian
Character Name: Seoni (WOTR)
Role Card: Corruptor
Skill Feats: ALL
Power Feats: ALL
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+1
Spells: Blast Vortex, Icy Prison, Rune of Jandelay, Elemental Bombardment, Canopic Conversion, Form of the Dragon, Meteor Swarm
Armors: Advocate’s Armor
Items: Ring of Forcefangs, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Book of the Damned, Robes of the Rifts
Allies: Druid of the Flame, Fortune-Teller, Druid of the Leaf, Runelord Alderpash, Druid of the Storm,
Blessings: BoAbraxas x6
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
Cards Redeemed: Unholy Aspergillum+3, Rod of the Viper, Ghoul Hide, Anarchy Hammer, Black Robe, Soulshear, Stalker’s Crossbow, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Blackaxe, Book of the Damned, Lexicon of Paradox, Amulet of the Abyss, Horns of Naraga
Knights of Kenabres: Valor, Agility, Vigor, Spirit, Command.
Champions of Mendev: Valor, Agility, Vigor, Clarity, Spirit
No cohort or character deaths.
Adowyn changed from Mythic Hierophant to Shield of Iomedae.
Party used Tome of Mental Prowess and Physical might in combination with Urgraz's power feat and spell Glamour to prevent the tomes from being removed from game/banished. Lazzero's blessings also helped signicantly with this since by this point he had the powerfeat to give d12s on his certain corrupted blessings. This allowed the most of the group to max out skill feats early. Urgraz was last one to max out since he had to banish it when used so it wasn't until the final scenario reward that he maxed out.

Killer Power |

"Finally" finished this AP (I'd started it in August 2015).
I have to explain a couple of things before I post my successful party of Crusaders:
1. I've added the Paladin, Ranger and Sorcerer Class decks for some class oriented loot
2. Not sure, but I think I might have played redeeming wrong: I thought(or better read somewhere) that you might only redeem cards that you own. Therefore is my list of redeemed cards quite short...
Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Wardstone Sentry
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Dexterity +1, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, roll Cha+4 for before you act checks, discard top card for d6+3, add d8 vs demons and undead, move to another character
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+1, Ally+2, Blessing+3
Weapons: Soulshear, Holy Radiance, Blancher, Mournful Razor, Noriznigath
Spells: Cure, Good Omen
Armors: Spiked Plate, Celestial Armor, Stole of the Inheritor
Items: Chalice of Ozem
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Celestial Unicorn, Druid of the Flame, Jesker Helton
Blessings: Blessing of Ascension, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Baphomet, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Shax
Mythic Path: Sword of Iomedae (former Mythic Guardian)
Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Demonslayer
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+4, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, May evade Demons and may put it on top of its location deck otherwise add 2d6 on checks, May use Survival instead of Knowledge against a monster, May reroll 1 dice in a failed check against a Demon, May explore again if defeat a demon on first exploration, May recharge a card to add 1d4 to another character's check to defeat a demon
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Item+1, Ally+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Starbow, Traitor's Blade, Force Shortbow +1, Dragonbreath Bow, Flaming Spear +1, Firebow, Deskari's Tooth
Armors: Horns of Naraga, Ophidian Armor
Items: Banner of Valor, Fortune's Arrow, Torc of the Heavens
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Mountain Dog, Lann, Mountaineer
Blessings: Blessing of Shax, Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of the Starsong, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Terendelev
Mythic Path: Mythic Champion
Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Element Master
Skill Feats: Strenght +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Discard a card to draw a card with the Arcanbe or Magic trait from the discard, when spell aquired may draw a card, Mastered traits: Acid, Cold, Fire, add 1 mastered trait to your check, add 4 to your check with a mastered trait, Reduce damage by mastered trait by 4
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +2
Spells: Elemental Bombardment, Elemental Bombardment, Dragon's Breath, Create Spiked Pit, Scorching Ray, Fiery Glare, Terraform
Armors: Spellcaster's Shield
Items: Black Robe, Wand of Paralyze, Ring of Forcefangs
Allies: Druid of the Leaf, Quadny Orlun, Dire Griffon, Pyromaniac Mage, Pit Gladiator
Blessings: Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Nocticula, Blessing of Sivanah, Blessing of Sivanah, Blessing of Abraxas, Blessing of Cayden Cailean
Mythic Path: Mythic Archmage
Cards Redeemed: Black Robe, Blackaxe, Fasciculus Labyrinthum, Soulshear
Harsk and Seoni both died twice (almost all death were in the introduction Adventure, last time Seonie died was in the Gibbering Horde scenario)
No Cohort died in this Path.