Bestiary 6 Wish List

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I would like some Star Wars like races such as having tentacle like "hair" growths or other strange traits on human like races. Plus some of the weirder things would cool as well.

Also like something similar to Star Trek's Orion slave girl race, in other words attractive green skilled race of people.

More sci-fi sword and planet style 0HD races in general and other creatures.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey, were did the biggest fan of myths ever go?

If you say his name three times, he will appear;)

I'd like a few more playable 0HD races directly shaped by, and linked to specific parts of the setting: wether places, important events or phenomenons, powerful monsters, organizations or divinities.

I'd like to see low CR monsters focused more on infiltration and insidious control: shapeshifters, mind controllers, illusionists, body snatchers, more likely to be found in cities than in forgotten ruins.

I'd also like to see more monsters created from transformed or cursed humanoids, that aren't undead or lycanthropes.

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I want a lycanthrope weresnake!

Klay Fireheart wrote:
I want a lycanthrope weresnake!

Or a 0 HD, playable naga able to change shape into a humanoid form!

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Some more revision on my list of celestials I'd like to see in the Bestiary 6:

My Bestiary 6 Wishlist:
Angel, Azrael (CR 15): These angels possess four black colored wings and are often referred to by mortal civilizations as "angels of death". Their duty is to guide, guard, and advocate for the souls of particularly pious mortals and aid the psychopomps in destroying any fiend or undead that seeks to steal or pervert the souls of the righteous.

Angel, Hashmal (CR 17): These angels of thunder and lightning regulate which petitioners are deemed ready to ascend to the status of a celestial.

Angel, Kherub (CR 18): These particularly powerful four-winged angels are steeped in the occult bearing not only mastery of psychic magic but also possession of three phantom-like animal aspects in addition to their own humanoid body.

Angel, Seraph (CR 19): Born in holy flame, these angels possess four crimson wings and an aura of angelic fire that scorches even the likes of devils while at the same time healing the valiant and the righteous.

Azata, Ariel (CR 9): These azata have an affinity with wood of the forests, the beasts of nature, and the stone of the Earth. They possess an aura of purity which removes blight and bile alike from their surroundings.

Azata, Tharsis (CR 11): These aquatic azata seek to aid the good-aligned inhabitants of underwater settlements as well as safeguard and protect coastal communities. Many a castaway sailor has been saved by these beautiful aquatic celestials. They are known for bearing a unique ability to allow anyone near them to breathe underwater.

Azata, Erelim (CR 12): These courageous armored Azata ride upon their summoned Sleipnirs throughout the planes brandishing their longswords and shields seeking evil to slay and innocents to rescue.

Archon, Blade (CR 16): These archons bear armor and wings of steel and dual-wield two exceptionally sharp looking longswords. They are capable of surrounding themselves with a aura that resembles the blade barrier spell. This heavenly pinwheel cuts evil and neutral aligned foes to ribbons while leaving good-aligned beings unharmed.

Archon, Evangelizer (CR 18): These espousers of the god's wisdom and grace possess an ability similar to the Deimauiggas of Hell in that they can permanently shift a creatures alignment one step towards lawful good. They are often tasked with reforming dangerous criminals and aiding fiends in rising from the evil that taints it's very being.

Archon, Monarch (CR 20): Surpassing even the Star Archons in power and grace, these archons administer entire cities or provinces of Heaven. Greater fiends tremble when a Monarch Archon unseats itself from it's flying heavenly throne and lesser fiends cry out in terror as when they unsheathe their vorpal greatswords.

Agathion, Serpental (CR 14): These serpent-like Agathion direct and aid the Reptials in collecting holy relics of significant value. They possess greater powers of occult than the Reptials but always attempt to use them for the good defending the minds of others against forces that would twist them to evil.

Agathion, Artiodactal (CR 16): Rivaling the Cornugons of Hell in terms of strength and ferocity, these bison-like Agathion serve as lieutenants and commanders in the armies of Nirvana, striking down fiends while rallying their subordinates to victory against impossible odds.

Agathion, Ceratonal (CR 18): Generals without peer and combatants without fear, these rhino-like Agathion lead entire armies of celestials into battle against the fiends of the multiverse. Lesser fiends panic and cower before these holy armored goliaths.

Agathion, Loxonal (CR 19): Eclipsed in power only by the Draconals, these elephant-like Agathion possess almost titan-like strength and are the lords of celestial fortresses and cities on the plane of Nirvana and seek to defend them against any fiendish incursion.

Quote me as wishing for more Sahkils and Qlippoth. I would also love some new Asuras. Why? Because neither has gotten much information. There are still only 5 or so Asuras and Qlippoth, and Sahkils have only just been published. That combined with both groups uniqueness makes them my stand outs.

I would love a 0hd aberration player race, though I'm not shure on how that would look.
I look forward to any 0hd races but aberrations are particularly variable.

On a different note I kind of hope for some more Azrec inspired monsters. With shush a rich culture I'm surprised that relatively few have been added. The only one of real note was the Tzitzimitls all the way back in B2. Incan culture could also get a boost. Really any new world culture.

More celestials! We need more celestials!

Berselius wrote:

Some more revision on my list of celestials I'd like to see in the Bestiary 6:

** spoiler omitted **...

I love this list!

There has been some new qlippoths in APs. I think there has been one new azura somewhere. They haven't had a new oni in a long time.

Some more lycanthropes would be nice especially ones like snake, owl, raven, fox, and panther.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Duke Baron wrote:

On a different note I kind of hope for some more Azrec inspired monsters. With shush a rich culture I'm surprised that relatively few have been added. The only one of real note was the Tzitzimitls all the way back in B2. Incan culture could also get a boost. Really any new world culture.

A lot of new world mythologies don't lend themselves terribly well to vast swathes of new creatures.

A few giants (we have plenty of those to culturally re-tool- the Shadow Giant's regalia in the Inner Sea Bestiary has a decidedly Mesoamerican look), a few gods, a Thunderbird or two, and then...

It's no accident that a decent chunk of the "new world" monsters we DO have are things like the Chupacabra or the Jersey (er... Sandpoint) Devil.

Others, like the Qallupilluk, Baykok, Wendigo, Sasquatch, Ahuizotl, or Couatl are left kinda lonely in terms of the game's mechanics.

Not saying this is a bad idea-I am all about more new world influence (and African as well, but that's another story)- but the myth-mining is arduous in some cases.

I know a lot of the Alaska Native stories I heard growing up were more concerned with figures like Raven or Bear, rather than goblins and giants and the like.

The Native Languages website actually has a fairly huge list of mythological creatures from North America. North America has just as rich a mythology to draw from as Europe, It's just not as well known, and I think the emphasis on old world monsters also in part stems from DnD largely being focused on fantasy lands derived from Europe and adjacent regions.

South America and Africa are tricky however; the various encyclopedias and and similar "creature" compilations have generally not mined those regions all that well, so a good chunk of potential monsters still remain embedded in difficult to access anthropological literature.

MMCJawa wrote:

The Native Languages website actually has a fairly huge list of mythological creatures from North America. North America has just as rich a mythology to draw from as Europe, It's just not as well known, and I think the emphasis on old world monsters also in part stems from DnD largely being focused on fantasy lands derived from Europe and adjacent regions.

South America and Africa are tricky however; the various encyclopedias and and similar "creature" compilations have generally not mined those regions all that well, so a good chunk of potential monsters still remain embedded in difficult to access anthropological literature.

Some monsters also suffer from a lack of "Rosetta Stones".

At least were getting creatures from so many different cultures, none of the D&D editions had this kind of variety.

"underpants gnomes" like fey.

Fey that like to collect clothes, even undergarments, would be different.

Dragon78 wrote:
Fey that like to collect clothes, even undergarments, would be different.

Glashan = Manx boggart; helps farmers in rounding up sheep or threshing corn, but constantly pesters women and steals bits of their clothing

Well that is bits of there clothes, but not the whole outfit.

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How about Gargantuan (monolith) and Colossal (primal) versions of Elementals?

Yeah, ok, you can apply the Giant and/or Advanced templates, but still...

The Exchange

I love were creatures. The first five were creatures came from the ancient Assyrian areas, which is modern day Transylvania. The first 5 were the Were Jackal, The Were Hyena The Were Bull, Were Antelope and the Were Giraffe. The first two have been done though not as a lycanthrope. I would like to see some Good and Neutral herbivorous lycanthrope. The Were Bull sounds interesting. Were Giraffe would be interesting especially since all the dire forms are simply the same animal two size categories bigger. I would also like to see the Were Stag.

Half Orc Tengu wrote:
I love were creatures. The first five were creatures came from the ancient Assyrian areas, which is modern day Transylvania. The first 5 were the Were Jackal, The Were Hyena The Were Bull, Were Antelope and the Were Giraffe. The first two have been done though not as a lycanthrope. I would like to see some Good and Neutral herbivorous lycanthrope. The Were Bull sounds interesting. Were Giraffe would be interesting especially since all the dire forms are simply the same animal two size categories bigger. I would also like to see the Were Stag.

Were Hyena are mentioned in the Campaign Setting, they get along very well with Gnolls.

Were Hyena would be interesting but not the others. I like my lycanthropes to be based on predatory or scavenging animals.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Were-hyena is to Gnoll as were-bull is to Minotaur... you're on your own with the were-Giraffe, though. No matter my mental contortions, I can't make it look anything but ridiculous in my head.

We could definitely use more therianthropes. It's a less-bloated niche than giants, dragons, devils, demons...

Dragon78 wrote:
Were Hyena would be interesting but not the others. I like my lycanthropes to be based on predatory or scavenging animals.

Were Jackal make sense.

-Riding Dog (like Were-Rats, could blend in society horribly well).
-Lion, Leopard and Cheeta.
-Goblin Dog.

I love were creatures.

Me too!

I would love to see some of the following:

-Lycanthrope, Wereeagle

-Lycanthrope, Wereraven

-Lycanthrope, Wereape

-Lycanthrope, Wereserpent

-Lycanthrope, Werespider

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Berselius wrote:

-Lycanthrope, Wereraven

-Lycanthrope, Werespider



lion, hyena, panther, raven, fox, rhino, orca, ape, serpent, jackal, salamander, snapping turtle, leopard, eel, frog and owl.

Liberty's Edge

Werehuman :]

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Cole Deschain wrote:
Berselius wrote:

-Lycanthrope, Wereraven

-Lycanthrope, Werespider


I know right? The only problem is if a Werespider can actually be a Lycanthrope with it being a vermin-type monster and all that jazz (still, if it's good enough for Whitewolf Publishing and Vampire Hunter D's anime setting, it's good enough for me ^_^). I just hope they make the Wereraven Chaotic Good in alignment. Maybe even give it the ability to summon swarms of crows but also giving it an additional weakness to gold as well as to silver. :D

Sissyl wrote:


So are some bizarre choices.

Mechagamera wrote:

Aren't Hydra's Magical Beasts and not Animals? If so, I don't think they'd qualify as being stock for Lycanthropes.

I don't remember a werespider in any of the Vampire Hunter D movies.

Berselius wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
Berselius wrote:

-Lycanthrope, Wereraven

-Lycanthrope, Werespider


I know right? The only problem is if a Werespider can actually be a Lycanthrope with it being a vermin-type monster and all that jazz (still, if it's good enough for Whitewolf Publishing and Vampire Hunter D's anime setting, it's good enough for me ^_^). I just hope they make the Wereraven Chaotic Good in alignment. Maybe even give it the ability to summon swarms of crows but also giving it an additional weakness to gold as well as to silver. :D

Sissyl wrote:


So are some bizarre choices.

Mechagamera wrote:
Aren't Hydra's Magical Beasts and not Animals? If so, I don't think they'd qualify as being stock for Lycanthropes.

I would argue that most people living on most fantasy worlds wouldn't recognize the difference between a beast and a magical beast, thus whatever magic forces that make were critters wouldn't recognize it either. More seriously nothing says they couldn't expand the template in B6.

All Lycanthropes in Pathfinder are based on real world non-magical animals and so far only vertebrates.

So far we only have vertebrate lycanthropes, but they can be any creature of the animal type, so I'm holding out for were-cephalopods

I don't remember a werespider in any of the Vampire Hunter D movies.

It was in the manga adaption of the first movie. The Doctor who is Doris Lang's friend was formerly a Werespider hunter.

Milo v3 wrote:

Now that Bestiary 5 is out-ish-sorta it's time for us to start rambling and ranting about our monstrous desires in a new thread.

I hope for some more Australian creatures and more outsiders from the groups that are starved like protean, psychopomp, inevitables and div. Maybe even have some simple templates like Celestial but for the different elemental planes.

Indeed, Protean and Inevitable need to be rounded out. Also: a CR 20 version of each, to complement the "arch" monster for Demon, Aeon, Agathion, etc., is needed. Let all of the 9 "Alignment Outsiders" be equally complete.

I agree, every outsider group should have a CR20(or higher) "leader/Boss" type.

Lhaksharut inevitables are a thing, but somehow we still have no proteans or archons of CR 20 or above.

The designers have managed to come up with CR 20 asuras, divs, kytons, manasaputras, onis, psychopomps, qlipoths, and rakshasas.

Would a paragon of holy order or pure chaos really be all that much to ask for?

Avoron wrote:

Lhaksharut inevitables are a thing, but somehow we still have no proteans or archons of CR 20 or above.

The designers have managed to come up with CR 20 asuras, divs, kytons, manasaputras, onis, psychopomps, qlipoths, and rakshasas.

Would a paragon of holy order or pure chaos really be all that much to ask for?

Agreed. I think my idea of the Monarch Archon fits well. A golden humanoid archon with hair of burning fire and piercing eyes of light seated on a heavenly throne which is fully capable of attacking enemies on it's own with blasts of heavenly flame while the Monarch Archon itself is unseated and wading into combat with it's vorpal greatsword! Still, Paizo won't probably use a fan's ideas for a CR 20 Archon (if they plan to give us a CR 20 Archon at all). Paizo is showing a nasty trend to underpower celestials (just look at the Empyreal Lords).

I wouldn't mind seeing a creature like beetlejuice/betelgeuse.

An alien race like predator, in the sense they like to hunt creatures for sport but at least have a honor system.

Dragon78 wrote:
I wouldn't mind seeing a creature like beetlejuice/betelgeuse.

I think the Boogieman monster fits that character rather nicely.

Dragon78 wrote:
An alien race like predator, in the sense they like to hunt creatures for sport but at least have a honor system.

Now that would be cool. A race humanoid crabmen who are strong, fast, tough, flame resistant, and have stealth tech, laser / plasma tech, and electric quarterstaves that can change shape!

Also, some sort of rule that if they are reduced to below 0 HP but still alive then their next action (if they aren't killed before then) is to blow themselves up via miniature nuke!

Really awesome / insidious monster right there! I only hope that if Paizo does this then they keep the honor code of the Predator as well (aka it's not prey if it can't defend itself [aka a child, infant, or a female carrying an baby in her womb]).

0HD races I would like to see.

Animal based- wolf, rabbit(s), turtle, humming bird(s) and bug/insect.

Creature types- at least one aberration, ooze, and undead. Would also love more fey, monstrous humanoids, and plant based ones.

Human hybrid/blooded races- for fey, giant, and dragon.

Alien- There are a lot that have been mentioned but not stated up.

Tauric- it would be cool to have at least one that is centaur-like maybe medium size with small size humanoid form. A good candidate would be the centaur-like race on Arkanen.

Classics- Some more types of halflings, orcs, goblins, dwarves, and elves would be cool.

Tiny- It would be cool to have at least one tiny size race. More then likely it would be a fey.

Speed and Mobility- At least a couple races with 40 base move and one with 50ft. More creatures with a burrow speed. Some other strange forms of movement would be cool.

More races with monster based abilities/traits like breath weapon, web, compression, extra eyes, constrict, tentacles, gaze attack, snakes for hair, serpentine lower body, etc.

Dragon78 wrote:

0HD races I would like to see.

Animal based- wolf, rabbit(s), turtle, humming bird(s) and bug/insect.

Creature types- at least one aberration, ooze, and undead. Would also love more fey, monstrous humanoids, and plant based ones.

Human hybrid/blooded races- for fey, giant, and dragon.

Alien- There are a lot that have been mentioned but not stated up.

Tauric- it would be cool to have at least one that is centaur-like maybe medium size with small size humanoid form. A good candidate would be the centaur-like race on Arkanen.

Classics- Some more types of halflings, orcs, goblins, dwarves, and elves would be cool.

Tiny- It would be cool to have at least one tiny size race. More then likely it would be a fey.

Speed and Mobility- At least a couple races with 40 base move and one with 50ft. More creatures with a burrow speed. Some other strange forms of movement would be cool.

More races with monster based abilities/traits like breath weapon, web, compression, extra eyes, constrict, tentacles, gaze attack, snakes for hair, serpentine lower body, etc.

And rules/classes archetypes to play them...

Why would you need rules/classes archetypes to play them?

Dragon78 wrote:
Why would you need rules/classes archetypes to play them?

Take in example the Awaken spell/template, it does say the awakened animal could take class levels, the problem being, for many, there is an entire class feature they can't use, Weapons Proficiencies, then there are things like the Mount class feature, in some case, spell casting, etc...

So your saying you want to play animals with human intelligence not humanoid animals? Or are just saying you want more archetypes(and other rules) that fit a race's abilities and form?

Dragon78 wrote:

So your saying you want to play animals with human intelligence not humanoid animals? Or are just saying you want more archetypes(and other rules) that fit a race's abilities and form?

Kinda both, and it could help making rules for playing Lycanthropes and other weird things.

Tauric creature have no use of the Mount class feature.

Creature without hand, or who can't use them most of the time, don't gain much use of Weapon Proficiencies. (WereBats and WereBirds could fit there in hybrid forms)


Also, you mentioned playable Ooze?

I support this fully. Oozefolk for the win!

I could have sworn I have seen a cavalier archetype for centaurs that would be very useful for any tauric creature.

A playable ooze that can turn into a human, we have had at least two oozes that can turn into humanoids so a playable version would be awesome.

The Skinwalker fills the lycanthrope role and with some more options could really fill that niche well.

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