Acolyte of Mushu |
I am fairly certain Bestiary 6 will not be Starfinder related at all. It has been said on numerous occasions that Starfinder will not affect Pathfinder at all, and seeing as the Bestiaries are part of the Pathfinder RPG line, it seems unlikely Starfinder would seep into it. Starfinder is gonna have its own line for hardcover books, so it's more likely it'll have it's own version of bestiaries rather than hijack Pathfinder's bestiaries.
Nightterror |
I am fairly certain Bestiary 6 will not be Starfinder related at all. It has been said on numerous occasions that Starfinder will not affect Pathfinder at all, and seeing as the Bestiaries are part of the Pathfinder RPG line, it seems unlikely Starfinder would seep into it. Starfinder is gonna have its own line for hardcover books, so it's more likely it'll have it's own version of bestiaries rather than hijack Pathfinder's bestiaries.
Yes, which means no Bestiary 6 in 2017, but Starfinder bestiary instead.
Nightterror |
Many, I mean MANY people are done with more than 5 bestiaries, they find everything more than the obvious overused Owlbear and other D&D & CO monsters enough, see some of the reviews of Bestiary 5. So there is a possibility that they will cut it and keep it like D&D only with 5 bestiaries, then a starfinder (which is new and fresh, and bleh for me personally) will have its first bestiary.
It will happen, mark these words. All thanks to the people that find bestiary 1 enough.
Nightterror |
I think you're greatly exaggerating the impact Starfinder will have on Pathfinder. :-)
If the same team works on both, then no way in hell they have time enough to create both a bestiary 6 and a starfinder bestiary at the same time. Seeying how Starfinder becomes reality in 2017, it will be logical that starfinder gets the october 2017 bestiary, and not pathfinder.
Then maybe I will still get my little Ichneumon and cool Nguruvilu, but both in well-armored shells of armor that can fire anti-dragon rockets and shooting lazers from their eyes.
Goth Guru |
SF cryptids. Bigfoot, Spring heeled Jack, Neanderthals(surviving and throwbacks), gillmen, synthetic oozes, Human/Vermin teleporter "accidents", Human Giants, and beast men(Animals altered by surgery, mutagens, and transplants).
In any case, more monsters from SF, Space opera, Mythos, Horror, and other sources.
Acolyte of Mushu |
Yeah, as far as what I was saying, I don't mean that there WILL be Starfinder Bestiary, or other hardcovers, just that it seems more likely they'd expand the Starfider RPG line to include a bestiary if there were one, rather than hijack the Pathfinder RPG line.
If Starfinder is successful I wouldn't be surprised to see more hardcovers.
Anyway, this isn't a Starfinder thread, but a bestiary thread! I'd like to see more monsters taken or inspired from Norse myth, more monsters from space (whether they be original or Lovecraftian or pulled from urban legend), and more aquatic monsters, in that order.
Gark the Goblin |
Nightterror |
Nightterror wrote:How do you feel about Hobgoblins. :-)Dragon78 wrote:No it is not sci-fi, it is Hobgoblin that true or just a joke because you know how I feel about Hobgoblins.
You don't wanna know, together with Hippogriff, tiefling and some other half-creatures I once torn a pages out of my D&D monster manual to get rid of those boring creatures.
I think they make Orc's unnecessary, they could give Orcs the war-like behavior and stategy, not Hobgoblins, also they look like something I generally don’t like. I do like their war-beast ideas though, but rather seen orcs having that role, being mostly dumb brutes but some neo-orcs or whatever being like Hobgoblins.
But seriously, anything is better than the current AP where only humans trouble humans with a overused D&D monster here and there… nothing interesting in Hell’s vengeance for me, though the bestiary isn’t bad, it holds nothing mythology-like. So I hope the neutral AP that comes after the Lovecraft AP has a more loosely variation of monsters, also every bestiary should have at least 2 mythology/cryptid/folklore creatures to make up with the lack of myth creatures in the bestiaries, I mean Odontotyrannos is PERFECt for a hobgoblin bestiary.
Nightterror |
I don't want the rhinoceros from the real myth, I want Odontotyrannos.
With a name meaning Fang Tyrant, is not some rhino, it could be an awesome Abyssal (Think bebilith/baregara) type of Tyrannosaurus or other horned carnivorous four legged horror dinosaur-like terror) Pretty much like in the game Titan Quest (expansion), where I learned about the Odontotyrannos, too bad Abookofcreatures destroyed my idea about the cool creature by referring the real myth is just a rhinoceros...
That name has more potential than the creature from myth, i'm in love with the name, not the creature. And Ankou proves that things can be changed rapidly.
And any monster fits a Hobgoblin-based campaign, it should be like the old days, all goes, nothing is strange, like the days we got banshee, mandragora and leucrotta all in one bestiary. I don't think 6 books with only hobgoblin based mounts is gonna work, I know you all want it because you want 24 monsters that make 10000% sense to the current AP, but I get the idea that the hobgoblin-campaign doesn't really revolve around a theme that much.
Nightterror |
Also, I like to see Trecouche, the french/belgian crab horror to look like this: artwork
I made a new friend on deviantart, and he's gonna draw many of these obscure myth creatures that I give him, I just gave him the site of a bookofcreatures so many more of these obscure jewels are probably created soon.
I really like the version he created, without eyes the Trecouche looks like some freaky abyssal crab horror. Just the way I like to see it in Pathfinder.
Aurelio 90 |
I would have a lot of proposals about the next Bestiary:
* Dragon, Terror: A new category of true dragons, Terror Dragons are evil dragons that embody wicked themes for mortals like bloodlust, madness and disease
* Seraphim: the "First Angels", mythic celestial that serve as heralds of the heavenly powers (empyreal lords and good deities) and protectors of the multiverse. Unlike ordinary celestial outsiders, seraphims haven't a humanoid form - instead, their bodies are composed of symbols and geometric shapes
* Archdevils (make diabolical demigods OGL!)
* Monsters (and maybe demigods?) from the Dominion of the Black
* New templates with Lovecraftian themes
* New variants (and wicked) of Core races
* Avatar of the God. The idea came from the last adventures of Serpent's Skull: create a deity's physical manifestation like an eidolon. An unique CR 20 monster with powers and abilities that change depending on the domains and the influences exerted by the god
Nightterror |
I want Old Saybrook Blockhead, Martian bigfoot, Felixstove Fire Demon, The nameless thing of blabla Square, The Springman of Prague, Domston Blobs, Giant Shrimp in the laundry room, Grunch road monster, Blackbird of chernobyl, Ghostly Scarecrow, Garson Invaders and Telepathic Football in pathfinder, their names are marvelous, and I want more sport and bizarre creatures in Pathfinder.
Someone even posted it under the football creature that he/she wants to stat these bizarre non-sense making creatures in pathfinder.
Who was it?
It is sad to see one of my favorite projects turn into some weird-named-alien-from-after-1900 thing.
Goth Guru |
Two lovers who died and there spirits become one incorporeal undead entity that do nothing but dance an eternal dance. Anyone who comes into contact with them also dance and will continue to do so until they die or the creature leaves the area. Sort of like ghostly ballroom dancers.
Carnival of souls is one of the places I got ideas for my Phantom Hitchhiker and Reaper class. Nice to see someone else watches these movies.
Goth Guru |
I want Old Saybrook Blockhead, Martian bigfoot, Felixstove Fire Demon, The nameless thing of blabla Square, The Springman of Prague, Domston Blobs, Giant Shrimp in the laundry room, Grunch road monster, Blackbird of chernobyl, Ghostly Scarecrow, Garson Invaders and Telepathic Football in pathfinder, their names are marvelous, and I want more sport and bizarre creatures in Pathfinder.
Someone even posted it under the football creature that he/she wants to stat these bizarre non-sense making creatures in pathfinder.
Who was it?
It is sad to see one of my favorite projects turn into some weird-named-alien-from-after-1900 thing.
[sarcasm]How about the Internet Troll. An otherwise normal troll that challenges everything anybody does. They think they are important and helpful. Monsters and people alike have to chase them away with fire.
Half Troll. Even worse is the half human Half Troll. They often have very useful skills or a profession, so you cannot just chase them away.[/sarcasm]
Wannabe Demon Lord |
I want Old Saybrook Blockhead, Martian bigfoot, Felixstove Fire Demon, The nameless thing of blabla Square, The Springman of Prague, Domston Blobs, Giant Shrimp in the laundry room, Grunch road monster, Blackbird of chernobyl, Ghostly Scarecrow, Garson Invaders and Telepathic Football in pathfinder, their names are marvelous, and I want more sport and bizarre creatures in Pathfinder.
Someone even posted it under the football creature that he/she wants to stat these bizarre non-sense making creatures in pathfinder.
Who was it?
It is sad to see one of my favorite projects turn into some weird-named-alien-from-after-1900 thing.
I would like to see ten of those, or at least expies/homages. How cool would the Black Bird of Chernobyl be as a radiation wielding Mothman-type creature? You put waaaayyy to much focus on names. You're fine with creatures where the only similarity to a mythical entity is the name, but perfectly good monsters who don't have good names are instantly disqualified. You're campaigning for the Odontotyrannus, which you don't even like, because it has a cool name, but far more unique monsters like the Dawson Blobs and Garson Invaders are bad? Even though Paizo's given new names to many monsters without workable names like the Sandpoint/Jersey Devil and Melfesh/Flatwoods Monster? You're being ridiculous.
Nightterror |
telepathic football doesnt only have an cringeworthy name, the creature is nothing special. What use could a dog in the shape of a football have in pathfinder. There should not be football in pathfinder. Ever. Mostly I dont like the name and the creatures look, they look extremely dorky like the blockhead for example.
Nightterror |
Nightterror wrote:[sarcasm]
I want Old Saybrook Blockhead, Martian bigfoot, Felixstove Fire Demon, The nameless thing of blabla Square, The Springman of Prague, Domston Blobs, Giant Shrimp in the laundry room, Grunch road monster, Blackbird of chernobyl, Ghostly Scarecrow, Garson Invaders and Telepathic Football in pathfinder, their names are marvelous, and I want more sport and bizarre creatures in Pathfinder.
Someone even posted it under the football creature that he/she wants to stat these bizarre non-sense making creatures in pathfinder.
Who was it?
It is sad to see one of my favorite projects turn into some weird-named-alien-from-after-1900 thing.
[sarcasm]How about the Internet Troll. An otherwise normal troll that challenges everything anybody does. They think they are important and helpful. Monsters and people alike have to chase them away with fire.
Half Troll. Even worse is the half human Half Troll. They often have very useful skills or a profession, so you cannot just chase them away.[/sarcasm]
So having an opinion other than the great human herd is being called troll in this ridiculous age. Then my name should be Goth, not yours.
Gark the Goblin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I think you're being labelled troll because you appear to be attempting to provoke anger by parodying people's ideas. If you were simply arguing (in good faith) against more scifi stuff in bestiaries, people wouldn't take exception to it and would probably just move on in the discussion of cool monsters. It's the mockery that sets off troll alarm bells.
Also, phrases like "great human herd" :v
Goth Guru |
It's claiming others suggestions are no good just because you say so that makes you an Internet Troll.
An oval shaped dog with psychic powers is ok if it's part of a setting or module. If you called that weird dog The Golorion Dog, and it caught on, people with no idea what Pathfinder is will start calling it that. People will start to think it appeared in that substandard viking movie.
Anthony Adam |
Update Summary...
Bestiary VI Wish List Added page 19 requests.
Added existing creatures from...
Book of the Damned III - Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Distant Worlds
Dungeons of Golarion
Isles of the Shackles
Lost Cities of Golarion
Occult Bestiary
Pathfinder Online - The Emerald Spire
Sorry for the slow updates, but my time is being swallowed immensely at the moment due to my mum being terminally ill and in hospital.
Wannabe Demon Lord |
Nightterror |
Marabbecca is on CritterCompendium.
I wished for it a while ago and it seems she's finally come to draw it, I love this amphibious-type version and would't mind such a version in Pathfinder Bestiary 6 or in a AP bestiary. Il-Belliegha (Another well-based bogeyman) could be a more humanoid looking well horror related to these aberrations.