Owen KC Stephens |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Our beloved Consigliere, Stan!, celebrated his 51st birthday last month. In honor of this event, Rogue Genius Games is selling nearly every pdf at 51% off for the month of November at our Paizo.com store.
Monster books, from bestiaries to collections of templates. Adventures, with writers ranging from Monte Cook to Ed Greenwood. New classes, new options for old classes, a spell-point system, and an entire set of magic item books with permanent items priced at 2,500 gp and down.
But all for just a limited time!
What could be better?
How about FREE pdfs!? See the next post.

Owen KC Stephens |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

By tradition, when we run one of our rare sales, we also ask for patron and fan feedback. Numerous RGG products, from The Genius Guide to Fire Magic to the Feat Resource Document to The Talented Monk to Anachronistic Adventures have come about as a direct result of this feedback. We've come to realize that if we give customers what they ask for, it works well for everyone!
That feedback is SO useful that we reward those who offer it with free pdfs! Here what you do (PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS).
1. Tell us what pdf you'd like to see updated, or would like to see compiled, or would like to see a sequel to. Alternately, tell is if you have a brand-new idea for a pdf! Do that here, in this thread.
2. Send an email to owen (dot) stephens (at) gmail (dot) com, saying what pdf with a normal price of $5 or less you would like to get for free. We'll send you a link to download it from OneBookShelf.
That's it! You can get on pdf for free, buy a LOT at 51% off, and help us plot a course to popular products for the years to come!

Owen KC Stephens |

Good to see the sale again, Owen.
I'd like to see a sequel to your guide on bardic masterpieces. There's still a lot of room for new ideas here. But when you get down to it, you do a lot of good work, so no matter what, I'm sure it'll be awesome. Thanks!
You're very welcome!
Thanks both for participating, and for the kind words!

Owen KC Stephens |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I would love to see you continue the 7 Deadly Sins feats that you started. I would love to see that continued with 7 Heavenly Virtues.
I DO keep meaning to finish the drafts for the feat to round out the collection that currently has Gluttony, Lust, and Pride. I'll try to prioritize those.
And Heavenly feats? Neat idea!

sepik121 |

Daaawww, the site went down for a bit and it ate my post.
What I'd love to see is a full compilation of the Chronomancy stuff (Time Thief/Warden, the genius options, the bestiary), but add on just more of all of it. I've loved what I've seen so far from it. The one thing I'd especially love though is some kind of a full caster class that uses time powers somehow. I always think of the time mage of Final Fantasy tactics class, using haste on allies, slow on enemies, etc. Control mages with a bit of damage too.
As someone who starts their campaigns at level 5 (which assumes on average that each pc has 10k gold) your loot 4 for less series has been awesome. I'd love to see more of that, but I also want to second the Loot for not so less covering 3 - 10k. Most of my games get to level 10-11 where those tend to be the items they're using for huge parts of the game.
Also bought the gruesome jellies book. because who doesn't love jellies?

Owen KC Stephens |

I really love your sales. And congratulations to Stan!
I'd like that Talented line continues (gunslinger, magus).
It will, I promise. It's just a line that takes a LOT of my personal attention, and since becoming a full-time developer in the Paizo offices and a Green Ronin developer, I don't have as much of that.
But Talented Bestiary, Talented Bard, and Talented Witch all have drafts in various stages. I'll likely bang out the rest of the core rulebook classes after that, so I can compile them.
Then, gunslinger and magus!
I'm still championing that you do a Loot-for-not-so-Less, covering range from 3-10k gp.
Do you feel those price ranges are strongly underserved? Do you want to see the same kinds of categories we did for Loot 4 Less?

Sethvir |

So this year, I'm going to take a slightly different tack. In years past, I have asked for something around Truenames. Not going to do it this year, as I think Interjection Games has delivered a pretty solid system. What I will ask you to think about is taking what they've done and finding a creative way to add to it, like you did with the Spell-Less Ranger and the Machinesmith. I know those are feats, but I have faith that you could add something interesting. :) Just a thought there.
I'll support the finishing out the Sin Collection as well. The 7 Virtues sounds like an interesting idea to me as well.
Continue the Talented Line. Loving that series.
More Bardic Masterpieces, more Houserule Handbooks and more Waysides, although I think that's more in Christina's court than yours.
More Apeiron Staves and always interested to see what new adventures Krazy Kragnar can get into. Wasn't there some notion about delivering Kragnar as an NPC at one point?
Edit: I thought the Riven Mage was an interesting idea. Any thoughts on pursuing that any further?
That's all of my thoughts for this year. And you know what, I really don't need anything this year for providing my input. Thanks as always.

Owen KC Stephens |

Daaawww, the site went down for a bit and it ate my post.
I sympathize. I hate that so much, I now usually write my posts in Word, and don't delete them until I see them posted.
What I'd love to see is a full compilation of the Chronomancy stuff (Time Thief/Warden, the genius options, the bestiary), but add on just more of all of it. I've loved what I've seen so far from it. The one thing I'd especially love though is some kind of a full caster class that uses time powers somehow. I always think of the time mage of Final Fantasy tactics class, using haste on allies, slow on enemies, etc. Control mages with a bit of damage too.
I presume you've seen Genius Options: Masters of Time?
That said there is ONE more Time book I want to do, the Genius Guide to Time Magic, which might well include a 9-levelc aster. Then I could compile everything into one book, and maybe even do print options.
It's just a line that takes a LOT of my personal attention, and since becoming a full-time developer in the Paizo offices and a Green Ronin developer, I don't have as much of that.
As someone who starts their campaigns at level 5 (which assumes on average that each pc has 10k gold) your loot 4 for less series has been awesome. I'd love to see more of that, but I also want to second the Loot for not so less covering 3 - 10k. Most of my games get to level 10-11 where those tend to be the items they're using for huge parts of the game.
Do you feel those price ranges are strongly underserved? Do you want to see the same kinds of categories we did for Loot 4 Less?
Also bought the gruesome jellies book. because who doesn't love jellies?

Malwing |

I talk about my experience with the sale here.
Personally I'd love to see more Runes. I've even resorted to working on my own homebrew version purely because the concept, while great, didn't cover enough ground for me.
But my current obsession is Anachronistic Adventures, due to running a space campaign and realizing exactly how much is in the book.
I can't say I need more spells. If the spells you have are compiled into one book that would be one thing but currently I use RGG spells as a repository of spells to insert into magic books and scrolls or discovered in some other way, and I'm happy with tat as opposed to bombarding players with a ton of options.

Thedmstrikes |
I would like to see something similar to what you did with the Feat Reference Document that would be an updateable PDF collection of magic items. As a GM, I find this kind of book incredibly useful for when I want to interject something new and often unused into a group to see what they can do with it. I find it helps steer them away from the "must spend money improving my current items" route. Not always, but it helps...Maybe break it down into smaller volumes to increase sales to compensate for the work with updating annually, semi-annually, etc.

Readerbreeder |

I just took advantage of the sale to catch up on some of my Rogue Genius backlog; thanks for the sale, and wish Stan! a happy birthday for me. My wishlist, in order of what I consider to be the likelihood of receiving it:
1. More monsters. I can never get enough monsters.
2. More One Night Stands, and/or Location Guides, such as the Pirate Haven of Blackrock or Outpost Qether. I'm at a point in my life where creating connective tissue between pieces of others' ideas is less time consuming than generating my own from whole cloth.
3. I still hold out hope that Stan! can somehow work out the means to bring the City of Liberty from the purview of The Game Mechanics to RGG.
4. I know that RGG is heavily invested in the Pathfinder system, but have you ever considered producing something for the Cypher System? I am reading the Numenera corebook, and would love to see how you guys would tinker with it.
5. Warlords of the Apocalypse (hahahahaha! You don't need sleep, do you, Owen?)

Luthorne |
1) I second the vote for finishing up the Seven Deadly Sins line, and also agree that Seven Heavenly Virtues could also be pretty neat.
2) Some more The Genius Guide to X Magic. In particular, some I would be interested in seeing would be Acid Magic (just not enough ways to melt people's faces), Blood Magic, Curse Magic (or just Genius Guide to Curses? regardless, I love curses, and wish there were more fun and creative ways to curse people, be it for petty reasons or carefully planned sabotage), Force Magic (really miss all the force spells 3.5 had available), Lightning Magic (seriously not enough zappy spells compared to spells for freezing things and setting them on fire), Mundane Magic (low-level but fun spells that help with improving quality of life that non-adventurers can appreciate), Radiant Magic (I'd like more variable light-based spells), Water Magic, and something like the good version of Hellfire Magic (Soulfire Magic, perhaps?).
3) Some more Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants.
4) The Genius Guide to Trapsense/Danger Sense Feats...basically, something to hopefully do for the rogue what the fantastic Genius Guide to Bravery Feats did for the fighter.
5) A Words of Power expansion would also be nice.

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1. Tell us what pdf you'd like to see updated, or would like to see compiled, or would like to see a sequel to. Alternately, tell is if you have a brand-new idea for a pdf! Do that here, in this thread.
I would like to see more Talented Classes(talented Magus?), more Horrifically Overpowered Everything, more Anachronistic Adventures material, more Ultimate Options, more material for all of your classes(I hope we haven't seen the last of the Witch Hunter), more new races, more of your magic guides(Hellfire is my favorite), more feats, and to see Warlords of the Apocalypse finished.
Are you going to be working on anything for Hypercorps2099 when it comes out?

sepik121 |

I do have the Genius Options: Masters of Time. What I was referring to was what you mentioned in the second sentence of compiling the whole thing into one awesome book. That's super time consuming (ayy), but again, I've loved what you've done so far with it.
As for the 3 - 10k range items, I base a lot of my own opinions on what I can find on the d20pfsrd. The wondrous items in that section (Greater Minor specifically) are overshadowed by the Big 6 of items. What I would specifically like to see are items that maybe drop a part of the bonus, but also give really useful buffs in other situations.
As an example, one of my favorite items from DnD 3.5 as an example is the Shadow Cloak from Drow of the Underdark. It gave a +1 bonus to AC, which is directly useful, but what made it special compared to just the plain ring of protection, was that it could also be used to gain concealment or have a quick blink away from someone. It still gives the useful stat, just a bit less of it, but in turn, it gives much better active ability on something else that is also directly useful.
As for categories, I do enjoy the areas you hit on with Loot 4 Less. I feel like 1 book covering each major slot would be awesome. Rings/Shoulders/Amulet/Belt/Boots are the first ones that pop to mind. That said, I'd still love to see you guys making armor/weapons/random other stuff with that section too.

Owen KC Stephens |

I talk about my experience with the sale here.
That's a really nice company review. Thanks!
Personally I'd love to see more Runes. I've even resorted to working on my own homebrew version purely because the concept, while great, didn't cover enough ground for me.
So to be clear, you like what we did with The Genius Guide to Feats of Runic Might and The Genius Guide to Feats of Runic Might II: Runebinding, but you want more of it? What sort of additional coverage do you want to see?
But my current obsession is Anachronistic Adventures, due to running a space campaign and realizing exactly how much is in the book.
So what more would you like to see? More tech at different PLs? More archetypes? Space monsters?
I can't say I need more spells. If the spells you have are compiled into one book that would be one thing but currently I use RGG spells as a repository of spells to insert into magic books and scrolls or discovered in some other way, and I'm happy with tat as opposed to bombarding players with a ton of options.
I could see a compilation book of all the RGG spells...

SilvercatMoonpaw |
The only thing I can think of right now is that there was once proposed a Races of Scale or something that was going to update the Sthein the same way Genius did the Piper, Aelfar, and Kestrel. I know someone already did a whole book updating the Bastards and Bloodlines races to Pathfinder, but more reptilian races would be appreciated.
Actually just more races, period. You want specific suggestions?
* Build-your-own furry races: the current offerings are either "meh" or contain "ick".
* Genius Guide to Horrifically Overpowered Races.

Crai |

RGG's current sale definitely moved the needle for me .... I made a monster purchase last night. And now I'm finding more RGG titles that are missing gaps in my collection. Ergo, I'll singe the Visa card one more time today. Lol.
As for Owen's "Feedback Offer" ... here's what I'd love to see from RGG.
A compilation of sophisticated & nuanced magic spells that are specifically dual-schooled (i.e. Abjuration/Divination, Illusion (Glamer)/Transmutation, etc). Perhaps these spells can alsos have early-dismissal mechanisms that provide a completely different termination effect/benefit than the currently running one.
Just an idea for an age-old spell school archetype/style that Paizo hasn't addressed (yet). Otherwise, I love all my Rogue Genius Games and you've pretty much got my captive attention to each of your new releases.

Luthorne |
Oh, and I'd totally understand if you didn't want to bother, but one thing I would like is for the Genius Guide to X Magic Books be updated for newer classes, especially the ones that only have the Core Rulebook classes listed...but the Genius Guide to Crystal Magic in particular seems to be really thematic for the occult classes, as well as the Genius Guide to Divination Magic (and I'd love for some of those to be witch spells as well...). But yeah, like I said, I'd understand if you don't want to update them, after all, that (probably?) won't result in new sales?

Malwing |

That's a really nice company review. Thanks!
One of the reasons I started a blog was to write a bit about general topics, genre specific things I use and prolific companies that put out a lot of good things. I plan on having company overviews on each company that I have a lot of products for.
So to be clear, you like what we did with The Genius Guide to Feats of Runic Might and The Genius Guide to Feats of Runic Might II: Runebinding, but you want more of it? What sort of additional coverage do you want to see?
Yes. Overall my intentions when I bought the two Runic pdfs was to give any class solutions to some problems usually exclusive for magic to solve. In some campaigns using the full rules magic can appear to be normalized to the point where magic item shopping is a regular occurance. In settings like that it made sense to grant options for mundane characters to have defenses against magic and minor magic as solutions to adventuring challenges.
My interests on what to cover is clear in the sigils document. Save defenses against magic, seeing in the dark, tanking, granting versatility to mundane solutions like grappling, straying away from magic item dependancy especially in regards to depending on casters for crafting, taking advantage of damage type weaknesses, runes that enable each other or stack to make a more powerful effect, and mobility.
The two runic books have helped a lot in regards to granting more versatility to mundane or less magical classes but I think they are still fairly conservative in what they will grant that benefits a less magical classes.
So what more would you like to see? More tech at different PLs? More archetypes? Space monsters?
The short answer is everything. More specifically; I'd like to see more equipment material for each progress level. Despite the stated intent for the original pdfs being to put 20th century characters into a fantasy setting I've been using it as a pseudo d20 Modern/Future, and more equipment crunch would help with that a lot. More Archetypes wouldn't hurt either. Perhaps the most useful things would be stat blocks for NPCs. Refluffing a monster into an alien is easy enough but NPCs using options from the book is more time consuming.
I could see a compilation book of all the RGG spells...
If you do I would like to beg for a writeup on how to implement them into the game. As I said before I tend to hand out RGG spells on a discovery basis which leads to interesting things but only spellbook characters are are really capable of dealing with it. Spontaneous casters have to retrain and prepared divine casters are mechanically obligated to know that the spell exists. Some of the work arounds I did for this; I give variant spells exclusively to spontaneous casters under the logic that molding a spell into a new form requires instinct over study and the books describing the experience describe feeling the magic rather than discussing a precise structure to study. For divine casters I have rituals to gain blessings. I also have scrolls, prayers on the walls of temples, spells known granted by monsters, casters that can teach or retrain spells known for free if you spend the time to train and items that grant bonus the spell known when held. As I said before it resulted in less options paralysis and actually made players emotionally attached to even awful spells.

Owen KC Stephens |

I would like to see something similar to what you did with the Feat Reference Document that would be an updateable PDF collection of magic items. As a GM, I find this kind of book incredibly useful for when I want to interject something new and often unused into a group to see what they can do with it. I find it helps steer them away from the "must spend money improving my current items" route. Not always, but it helps...Maybe break it down into smaller volumes to increase sales to compensate for the work with updating annually, semi-annually, etc.
I DO like that idea, but it'd be a LOT of work.
Who else would buy this for a reasonable sum (look at the FRD to see what I consider reasonable) if we took the time to put it together?

Eric Hinkle |

Bob_Loblaw wrote:I would love to see you continue the 7 Deadly Sins feats that you started. I would love to see that continued with 7 Heavenly Virtues.I DO keep meaning to finish the drafts for the feat to round out the collection that currently has Gluttony, Lust, and Pride. I'll try to prioritize those.
And Heavenly feats? Neat idea!
I second Bob Loblaw's idea. I'd love to see that series be completed.
One on the Seven Virtues would be a great idea too.

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Voadam |

Annals of the Archfiends but with OGL info based existing ones like from the OGL portions of Green Ronin's Book of Fiends or the various lords in Frog Gods' Tome of Horrors Complete. Or more new ones.
Alternately a Gruesome Guide to Fiends would be great, an in depth big collection like the dragons one. Themed to various existing demon lords would be great.

Owen KC Stephens |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I just took advantage of the sale to catch up on some of my Rogue Genius backlog; thanks for the sale, and wish Stan! a happy birthday for me. My wishlist, in order of what I consider to be the likelihood of receiving it:
1. More monsters. I can never get enough monsters.
Our four Horsemen Present line is doing sets of gruesome templates as we speak, which come with sample monsters, but can also be used to create thousands of new critters as well.
Do you already have all our Monster Menagerie, Template, and Codex Draconis books?
2. More One Night Stands, and/or Location Guides, such as the Pirate Haven of Blackrock or Outpost Qether. I'm at a point in my life where creating connective tissue between pieces of others' ideas is less time consuming than generating my own from whole cloth.
I do love these products, but they tend not to sell well. I suspect our next few adventures will all be tied to Veranthea Codex, Fall of Man, or Anachronistic Adventures, so we can support those lines.
3. I still hold out hope that Stan! can somehow work out the means to bring the City of Liberty from the purview of The Game Mechanics to RGG.
I see JD Wiker occasionally as well, and I've put a bug in his ear, but I suspect he wants to keep those projects.
4. I know that RGG is heavily invested in the Pathfinder system, but have you ever considered producing something for the Cypher System? I am reading the Numenera corebook, and would love to see how you guys would tinker with it.
The licensing is an issue. It's designed for full-sized books, and we tend to do much smaller pdfs. But yes, we're looking at it.
5. Warlords of the Apocalypse (hahahahaha! You don't need sleep, do you, Owen?)
I DO continue work on that book.

Ken Pawlik |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This sale will definitely see me picking up a few things missing from my collection; thanks for running it Owen!
As for things I'd like to see from RGG:
1. A nice fat collection of all those Gruesome templates!
2. Simple class templates for monsters of the many RGG classes. Or multiclass variants of them.
3. More hellfire! Hellfire items or a hellfire focused class would be great.
4. Warlords of the Apocalypse.
5. Even more fighter (or rogue, monk, cavalier, etc...) talents.

Silver Griffin |

To be honest the number one thing I want is a list of new archetypes for a bunch of your classes. I would especially like to see a lot of archetypes for the Death Knights, Dragon Ridders, Dracomancers & Hellion classes that you did. They are all great classes & I would love to see them expanded. Especially the Death Knights & Hellion classes. It really feels to me like there is a lot of untapped potential for them. With all the classes that have been released since they came out I feel there is a lot of crossover potential. In general the more options for the base class there are the more useful I find them.
Speaking of which I would love to see some of these classes crossover with Dreamscarred press psionic stuff & maybe Path of War. I also want to second 137bens idea of expanding the simple class template for your classes.
I would love to see the Masters of Time expanded enough to form a print book. Between the 2 classes & the monster menagerie we hare half way there already. I love the Time Thief & feel that there are a lot of potential uses for chronomancy that haven’t been covered yet. Both the Time Thief & the Time Warden could use a bunch more archetypes to expand the class options. I find archetypes to be a great way to give players a new way of looking at the classes & really help a class feel fully developed. I know that there are feats for this, but I would like to see archetypes for at least some more of the core/base (and occult) classes that show how they fit in with the time manipulators. Maybe some archetypes that bring some of the new class features into the time thief.
I would also love to see the spell expanding PDF’s continued. As Luthorne said we need more lightning, acid, water, prismatic, force & (despite Rite Publishing’s 101 legendary curses) more curses (just not as high powered). I would have said more shadow spells but Rite Publishing seems to have that covered.
I wouldn’t mind some inventive abjuration spells (as in it does more than give a penalty to hit or nullifies x amount of damage). As DungeonmasterCal said I would like to see some sonic spells (maybe even doing stuff besides damaging things). All the energy types need some expanding. I would like to see a lot more dream magic (especially since the Occult Handbook came out). Speaking of that, I also support Luthorne’s idea of expanding crystal magic to cover the occult. I would also like to see it expanded to cover some psionic crossovers as well. While I’m at I loved your patron specific hexes book & would love to see a couple more of them. An expanded list of patrons for witches would also be nice.
All the spells you have already come out with need an update covering at the very least which of new classes lists they would go on. I say at least because I would love to see it done for all your classes as well as some other publishers classes as well. The mosaic mage especially needs spells from other books updated because it’s hard to fill out a spell list for all the different colors (at least at certain levels). The mosaic mage makes a great alternative flavor for spell casters & I really want to see this class supported. I would also love to see notes on using archetypes for the wizard with the class.
Now I recognize that doing this errata is a LOT of work, but if you did a compilation of all the old ones as well as some of the new ones I’m sure it would sell it great. It might even be big enough to justify a print version. I happen to love having my books in print rather than in PDF but I find that the shorter ones tend not to be cost effective. Somewhere between 90 & 128 pages seems to be the sweet spot. Things like Construct Companion are a fantastic deal in print. Speaking of which I suspect that if you combined several of your newer creature expansions if would be a great print book.
I also want to endorse Lathiiras idea of doing more bardic masterpiece books. Bob Loblaw had a great idea with the 7 heavenly virtues to compliment the 7 deadly sins. I also support Thedmstrikes idea of a compiled magic item pdf (including the pricing you mentioned). But only if there is a bunch of new items in it (I already have all your item PDF’s). I see there is a call for items in the 3-10,000 item range. I would like to add a request for items that work as a set. I think it's an underused idea in RPG's other than the computer ones.
For shorter pdf I would love to see some feats to expand on a wizards school abilities (like an Illusionists blinding ray) the same way you had feats that expanded what you could do with certain spells. This could probably even be done with other class abilities.
(Yes I am obsessed with magical options for my campaign.)
Also I really like what I have seen with the Four Horsemen pdf’s. Are they going to give us things beside just gruesome variants (not that there is anything wrong with gruesome).
The talented bestiary you mentioned sounds interesting. I don’t think I have heard about it before so can you tell us a bit about it?
Finally I want to say thank you for the sale & for soliciting feedback like this.

Silver Griffin |

As for Owen's "Feedback Offer" ... here's what I'd love to see from RGG.A compilation of sophisticated & nuanced magic spells that are specifically dual-schooled (i.e. Abjuration/Divination, Illusion (Glamer)/Transmutation, etc). Perhaps these spells can alsos have early-dismissal mechanisms that provide a completely different termination effect/benefit than the currently running one.
Just an idea for an age-old spell school archetype/style that Paizo hasn't addressed (yet). Otherwise, I love all my Rogue Genius Games and you've pretty much got my captive attention to each of your new releases.
Not to say that Owen shouldn't consider this (or advertise someone elses product in it's place) but until he comes out them you should know that Necromancers of the Northwest did that with their advanced arcana series. In the first one they have spells that change on how you cast them or that effect other spells. It evolves into effects for termination in advance arcana II. Advanced arcana V has spells with elements from more than 1 school.

Four Horsemen — Pestilence |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Also I really like what I have seen with the Four Horsemen pdf’s. Are they going to give us things beside just gruesome variants (not that there is anything wrong with gruesome).
Thank you! We've got an ambitious plan that goes way beyond Gruesome Templates! In fact, we are putting out a product every week with Rogue Genius Games, with each month following a theme. October was Horror, November is Constructs, and December will be Science Fiction/Fantasy!
Last week we released Pakuvresh: the Flesh Golem Factory, but are putting out books on animated magical traps, mythic abstraction templates, and a base class that is all about building, modifying, and wearing constructs!
We've also got a Blog at d20pfsrd.com where we are posting advice and free crunch every week. Products and blog posts go out every Friday, so we'll even be putting out new content later today!

Four Horsemen—Famine |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

The talented bestiary you mentioned sounds interesting. I don’t think I have heard about it before so can you tell us a bit about it?
Good to see you again, Griffin!
We are really proud of the Talented Bestiary. The book presents a system for creature design that allows GMs and players to craft new races and monsters from the ground up.
Suppose you wanted to play a PC that has a few racial HD, like building one from the ARG but a little more meatier with racial HD? Or suppose you want your dragons to be unique, or you want to build a mind flayer or beholder for Pathfinder for your home game? By declaring a role and key combat abilities for the creature, you can swiftly build anything you want, and even mix and match types or subtypes to get the flavor you need for your encounter or PC.
That's the Talented Bestiary. We cast aside assumptions about creature types and static abilities, and give you the power to make absolutely anything. And once you know the system, it's actually wicked fast.
That book isn't quite ready for layout, but we anticipate a final turnover within the next few weeks and then we'll begin marketing in advance of its release. It's a big book, featuring a re-imagined version of almost every creature in the Pathfinder Bestiary.
Keep an eye on it!

Silver Griffin |

Thank you! We've got an ambitious plan that goes way beyond Gruesome Templates! In fact, we are putting out a product every week with Rogue Genius Games, with each month following a theme. October was Horror, November is Constructs, and December will be Science Fiction/Fantasy!
Last week we released Pakuvresh: the Flesh Golem Factory, but are putting out books on animated magical traps, mythic abstraction templates, and a base class that is all about building, modifying, and wearing constructs!
We've also got a Blog at d20pfsrd.com where we are posting advice and free crunch every week. Products and blog posts go out every Friday, so we'll even be putting out new content later today!
Sounds Great especially the part about animated magical traps & wearing consturcts.
We are really proud of the Talented Bestiary. The book presents a system for creature design that allows GMs and players to craft new races and monsters from the ground up.
Suppose you wanted to play a PC that has a few racial HD, like building one from the ARG but a little more meatier with racial HD? Or suppose you want your dragons to be unique, or you want to build a mind flayer or beholder for Pathfinder for your home game? By declaring a role and key combat abilities for the creature, you can swiftly build anything you want, and even mix and match types or subtypes to get the flavor you need for your encounter or PC.
That's the Talented Bestiary. We cast aside assumptions about creature types and static abilities, and give you the power to make absolutely anything. And once you know the system, it's actually wicked fast.
This sounds even better. Thanks for the info. Depending on the page count it might be necessary to get it in print instead of PDF. Now I just have to hope I have money when it comes out.

Sethvir |

All the spells you have already come out with need an update covering at the very least which of new classes lists they would go on. I say at least because I would love to see it done for all your classes as well as some other publishers classes as well. The mosaic mage especially needs spells from other books updated because it’s hard to fill out a spell list for all the different colors (at least at certain levels). The mosaic mage makes a great alternative flavor for spell casters & I really want to see this class supported. I would also love to see notes on using archetypes for the wizard with the class.
For what it's worth, I've done this for at least the Paizo delivered spells for mosaic mage. Handy I have the list for Blue and Black. In just Paizo delivered spells, there are 737 spells for the Black and 437 for the Blue. 0-9th level. Lists for Red, White and Yellow are on my other computer. The other computer also has a pretty extensive list of 3PP spells compiled in a database with the mosaic mages spell lists inclusive of a lot of 3PP material.
Edit: Found my Red Mosaic Paizo list 321 spells.

Silver Griffin |

For what it's worth, I've done this for at least the Paizo delivered spells for mosaic mage. Handy I have the list for Blue and Black. In just Paizo delivered spells, there are 737 spells for the Black and 437 for the Blue. 0-9th level. Lists for Red, White and Yellow are on my other computer. The other computer also has a pretty extensive list of 3PP spells compiled in a database with the mosaic mages spell lists inclusive of a lot of 3PP material.
This is exactly what I want. I figure Rogue Genius can do this for their PDF's as well as the stuff from Paizo. If they are willing to do it for other publishers like Rite so much the better.

Sethvir |

necromental |

Do you feel those price ranges are strongly underserved? Do you want to see the same kinds of categories we did for Loot 4 Less?
I just don't find many magic items that are fun, and more magic items is always good. This is the price range I find most fun and possible to combine with Big Six. Most underserved are probably the most expensive items, but don't care about them much. Same categories as Loot4Less are fine.
Yes. Overall my intentions when I bought the two Runic pdfs was to give any class solutions to some problems usually exclusive for magic to solve. In some campaigns using the full rules magic can appear to be normalized to the point where magic item shopping is a regular occurance. In settings like that it made sense to grant options for mundane characters to have defenses against magic and minor magic as solutions to adventuring challenges.
My interests on what to cover is clear in the sigils document. Save defenses against magic, seeing in the dark, tanking, granting versatility to mundane solutions like grappling, straying away from magic item dependancy especially in regards to depending on casters for crafting, taking advantage of damage type weaknesses, runes that enable each other or stack to make a more powerful effect, and mobility.
The two runic books have helped a lot in regards to granting more versatility to mundane or less magical classes but I think they are still fairly conservative in what they will grant that benefits a less magical classes.
I want to second this also.

Readerbreeder |

Readerbreeder wrote:I just took advantage of the sale to catch up on some of my Rogue Genius backlog; thanks for the sale, and wish Stan! a happy birthday for me. My wishlist, in order of what I consider to be the likelihood of receiving it:
1. More monsters. I can never get enough monsters.
Our four Horsemen Present line is doing sets of gruesome templates as we speak, which come with sample monsters, but can also be used to create thousands of new critters as well.
Do you already have all our Monster Menagerie, Template, and Codex Draconis books?
I do indeed have all of the Menagerie, Template, and Draconis books, an I love them! I enjoy the focus that the themed Monster Menagerie books bring.
On a side note, how long should we expect to wait for a response if we have e-mailed you about our feedback? I only ask because I e-mailed you on Monday and I haven't received a response yet *sniff*... :)