Air Your Grievances

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Goth Guru wrote:

The game needs more sonic damaging spells.

Try planting spell books containing Noiseball, soundwave, and solid Wall of Sound. They are sonic versions of Fireball, Cone of Cold, and Wall of Fire. Air wizards may plant these books because they feel marginalized.

I'd like to see more sonic and force spells, myself. More spell options are always welcome.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Not enough positive threads about classes, spells, wizards and fighters, etc. In short, everything Pathfinder and Paizo. I get really, really tired of the same tired topics being recycled all the time.

Grievance over.

Just for you, my freind. Happy Holidays!

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I sure did love Bigby's spells (yes, Bigby was one of the names for our son my wife shot down).

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DrDeth wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Not enough positive threads about classes, spells, wizards and fighters, etc. In short, everything Pathfinder and Paizo. I get really, really tired of the same tired topics being recycled all the time.

Grievance over.

Just for you, my freind. Happy Holidays!

Thanks and Happy Holidays to you and yours, as well!

captain yesterday wrote:
I sure did love Bigby's spells (yes, Bigby was one of the names for our son my wife shot down).

What did you finally name him, Melf, Lemond, or Tenser?

Or Drawmij?

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captain yesterday wrote:
I sure did love Bigby's spells (yes, Bigby was one of the names for our son my wife shot down).


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Goth Guru wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I sure did love Bigby's spells (yes, Bigby was one of the names for our son my wife shot down).
What did you finally name him, Melf, Lemond, or Tenser?

We settled on a naming him after a comic character from the 80s.

But not before almost naming him Dexter, until my brother said "oh, like the TV show?"

I then googled the show Dexter and that one was out.

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captain yesterday wrote:

We settled on a naming him after a comic character from the 80s.

You named your kid Hobbes?

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Oh but Dexter is SUCH a good show. Especially the season with John Lithgow.

Unless you meant Dexter's Lab, which was...meh.

Oh shut up, put your nostalgia away and look at it again - totally meh.

Except for the Omelette Du Fromage episode. That was genius.

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Grievance of the year's end:

I wish I had the time to run a Vampire: the Masquerade game.

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My main grievance is never having enough time to get through a campaign. Dead Suns? My group is just about to meet Gevalarsk Nor. Another AP I started GMing a year or two ago, they're about to fight the boss at the end of book 1. If by "about" you mean "whenever, if ever, we can schedule a game with more than one person coming"

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Not enough positive threads about classes, spells, wizards and fighters, etc. In short, everything Pathfinder and Paizo. I get really, really tired of the same tired topics being recycled all the time.

Grievance over.

Here's a little something different: LINK

Merry Christmas, Cool Yule, Happy Hanukah, Sunny Solstice to all my friends.

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And that goes for me, too. Whatever holiday you celebrate this time of year, may it be filled with joy, warmth, and laughter.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Don't forget Life Day!

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Happy Hearth's Warming Eve to everyone playing Ponyfinder.

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Jiggy wrote:
Don't forget Life Day!

**Makes Wookiee sounds**

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I really wish Quibblemuch lived close enough to game with m group. He cracks me up and would fit right in with my Island of Misfit Gamers.

Grievance over.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I really wish Quibblemuch lived close enough to game with m group. He cracks me up and would fit right in with my Island of Misfit Gamers.

Grievance over.

Likewise! Transporter tech can’t come soon enough...

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You guys could Skype, Roll 20, or otherwise virtually chime into their group.

I miss my variety. It feels like my current group overall only has d20 as their comfort zone. I've in the past ran games, campaigns, and one shots for more then a dozen other systems and settings. Le Sigh.

Hero System
Eclipse Phase
Powers and Perils


It's definitely better then no game however, and at least they are good people.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
You guys could Skype, Roll 20, or otherwise virtually chime into their group.

Huh? Whuh?! Kids today with your technology and your pants...

*wanders off muttering about THAC0*

Silver Crusade

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quibblemuch wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
You guys could Skype, Roll 20, or otherwise virtually chime into their group.

Huh? Whuh?! Kids today with your technology and your pants...

*wanders off muttering about THAC0*

I never did figure out that newfangled THAC0 stuff. In my day, if you wanted to know if you hit, you had to look up the chart in the rulebook, and compare your die roll to that.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Rathendar wrote:

I miss my variety. It feels like my current group overall only has d20 as their comfort zone. I've in the past ran games, campaigns, and one shots for more then a dozen other systems and settings. Le Sigh.

Hero System
Eclipse Phase
Powers and Perils


It's definitely better then no game however, and at least they are good people.

Does their comfort zone include all things d20, or specifically d20 fantasy? If the latter, then THIS might be a stepping stone you could use.

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Fromper wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
You guys could Skype, Roll 20, or otherwise virtually chime into their group.

Huh? Whuh?! Kids today with your technology and your pants...

*wanders off muttering about THAC0*

I never did figure out that newfangled THAC0 stuff. In my day, if you wanted to know if you hit, you had to look up the chart in the rulebook, and compare your die roll to that.

Charts? Books? Feh!

In my day all we had was a game called &. The letter D and the concept of alliteration hadn't been invented yet. And the only dice roll we ever got was 1, the other numbers being several decades away in development. It was all critical fumbles, all the time. And that's how we liked it. Built character...

Silver Crusade

Oneup Liesalot wrote:
Fromper wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
You guys could Skype, Roll 20, or otherwise virtually chime into their group.

Huh? Whuh?! Kids today with your technology and your pants...

*wanders off muttering about THAC0*

I never did figure out that newfangled THAC0 stuff. In my day, if you wanted to know if you hit, you had to look up the chart in the rulebook, and compare your die roll to that.

Charts? Books? Feh!

In my day all we had was a game called &. The letter D and the concept of alliteration hadn't been invented yet. And the only dice roll we ever got was 1, the other numbers being several decades away in development. It was all critical fumbles, all the time. And that's how we liked it. Built character...

How could you build them without sheets?

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Dirt. We'd pile up dirt. Because that we had a lot of. That's where the term "build" came from.

But if it got windy, oh my stars, the arguments we'd have! "That's my fighter!" you'd say, and your friend would say "No! That's my rogue, he just blew into your tiny fighter pile!"

Usually it ended in tears and fisticuffs. So I guess some things haven't changed...

A D1 is a ball with a few 1's drawn on it. No matter how it lands, it counts as 1. You could draw 12 on one and roll it with a D6 to roll up stats.

A friend of mine who played the lottery every week for decades just died. he won 4 dollars once. He never won enough to open that bicycle repair shop he wanted. There's your realism! Reality is the enemy! Good people never get a break. His shaking hands and swollen feet made him so afraid of falling down that he died of a heart attack! I'm afraid to go to his funeral. His ex wife might not exist.

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Session 8: And Special Snowflake player with a traumatic past and commitment issues has gone from "PC1 you're a coward, and PC2 is stupid" to sarcasm (after my character told him point blank to shut up or one of us leaves the party. I had actually talked to the DM about re-rolling my character). Any failed roll by my character is still greeted with "Can't get it up?" etc etc.

Oh, did I mention he went and told all the other PCs that my character intended to lie to them, when my char offered to help him cover up some mess he did -Special Snowflake goes off on his own a lot cause that's what the character would do, while the rest of us sleep.

So I talk to the player. "You know it would be nice if your character made an effort." Apparently we have to give him time. He is currently TRYING to make us dislike him -commitment issues- but giveeeeeen time, he'll stop acting like an ass.

I suppose the player is having fun, and so am I, with the other PCs. But I just don't get the "I'll be an ass and its up to you to be nice to me and find out all that trauma I have so our characters have any sort of relationship."

I simply told the player that if they're having fun, so am I, but don't expect my char to come grovelling to hear your sob story after you're a prick to him and backstab him.

Edit: Player's previous character was a Kitsune sorcerer with a traumatic past (and with DMs agreement THE ONLY Kitsune in Golarion, other than his dad) that -among other marveloussness- invented Braille in Golarion (that was a small piece the player wrote that the DM decided was canon).

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Sob stories always sound better in the writer's head. The best you can do when listening is make a somewhat polite nod and say "Ummmm, okay..."

Hopefully that breaks them of the sob story habit.

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"Hmm... My soup needs more salt... Special Snowflake, could you tell us your backstory again?"

Something to that effect, only worded without the seven layers of jerk I added, tends to do the trick to break someone of the sob story background habit.

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Good grief.

You find another word!
Special Snowflake is being used against people who are genetically handicapped. Also people who were abused as a child. The forbiddance against politics should be applied.

You could call them rules violators. There are rules for character generation. If someone tries to use your homebrew that way, then you cancel all homebrew backstory rewards and blame them. The rest of the players will drag them away from the table and throw them out the door.

You could set up character generation limits.
1: Skill bonuses are limited to 5 points total.
2: All characters start out with the same levels and hit dice.
3: Only monsters with major drawbacks are allowed.
4: Were-creatures are incapable of violating alignment. No penalty, just GM veto.

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Goth Guru wrote:

You find another word!

Special Snowflake is being used against people who are genetically handicapped. Also people who were abused as a child. The forbiddance against politics should be applied.

You could call them rules violators.

In fifteen years, you'll be complaining about "rules violators" for the same exact reason. Just like how, these days, autism and Aspergers are beginning to be used as insults against people viewed as intellectually or social-skill deficient.

It's called the euphemism treadmill. It's why you will always be fighting a losing battle on this subject, as you will always just be suggesting the next insulting term you'll be fighting against. It's also one way the trolls win, as they can always turn the word you suggest into a euphemism everyone hates and then bring up the times you used it in its more intended meaning to accuse you of discrimination and discredit your voice.

The problem isn't the term. The problem is that people are jerks, and to date no amount of language moderation has done anything except give them more tools to be jerks with.


There are rules for character generation. If someone tries to use your homebrew that way, then you cancel all homebrew backstory rewards and blame them. The rest of the players will drag them away from the table and throw them out the door.

You could set up character generation limits.
1: Skill bonuses are limited to 5 points total.
2: All characters start out with the same levels and hit dice.
3: Only monsters with major drawbacks are allowed.
4: Were-creatures are incapable of violating alignment. No penalty, just GM veto.

This is actually good advice.

Scarab Sages

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Rathendar wrote:

I miss my variety. It feels like my current group overall only has d20 as their comfort zone. I've in the past ran games, campaigns, and one shots for more then a dozen other systems and settings. Le Sigh.

Hero System
Eclipse Phase
Powers and Perils


It's definitely better then no game however, and at least they are good people.

Right there with you. I miss original campaigns, too. We used to do RuneQuest, Warhammer FRP, Champions, Fantasy Hero, GURPS, Savage Worlds, D&D 3.5... And almost all of them were original campaigns, not modules.

Now we play Pathfinder exclusively, and it's all Adventure Paths. It's still fun, but not the same level of fun as when we were trying out all kinds of rules and all-original stories.

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I can only run original campaigns. I just can't run modules or adventure paths. I've never been able to do so with any sort of competence or confidence. Plus my players prefer homebrew campaigns. Using the PF rules we changed from our 3.5 setting (which dates back to 2e). There are some great sounding APs out there, but I don't run them. Another reason is I can't afford them.

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I tried to write my own adventure for 3.5 edition, it took me two years and was bad, really really bad.

I then got Stolen Lands to see how good adventures were written and have never looked back.

All of my brothers and sister write their own adventures and campaign settings.

I did my own campaign but then my then 2 year old daughter "helped me" by painting all over the map I'd spent all winter drawing.

And then the pathfinder campaign setting had all my country ideas, except well written, so that was scraped as well.

Scarab Sages

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I can only run original campaigns. I just can't run modules or adventure paths. I've never been able to do so with any sort of competence or confidence. Plus my players prefer homebrew campaigns. Using the PF rules we changed from our 3.5 setting (which dates back to 2e). There are some great sounding APs out there, but I don't run them. Another reason is I can't afford them.

I think it can really be a challenge to run a pre-written adventure. One of our GMs is heavily modifying an AP to better fit the style and characters of our group. That puts a lot of pressure on him to figure out what to modify and what to leave alone, and how to adapt the AP details to fit the characters and relationships we've created. But another GM is just running the AP as-is, so it really feels railroad-y and our characters don't get much time to interact with each other while they're so busy following the tracks from one combat encounter to the next.

Some of the APs aren't terribly well organized, either, so if you're not good at juggling a lot of balls it seems like it would be really difficult. Having to go look up monster stats in a bestiary, or finding that the stat block for an NPC is only included in book 1 but the NPC shows up again in book 4 can be frustrating.

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People who say PDFs should be free because "why should I pay for information twice"?

If it was just the information you were getting you wouldn't need it. You're also getting convenience, searchability, ease-of-upgrading, etcetera. You're paying for all of that.

Related: people who tell me where the PDF can be bought when I'm trying to track down a printed copy and then try to explain to me that it's exactly the same. It isn't.

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PDFs are handy, for sure. But I much prefer the hard back for really deep reading.

It's easier for me to find information in a PDF. I don't always remember what page something is on, or what chapter it's in, but for some reason I can recall how the book 'felt' when i was looking at that page, and i can home in on that pretty quick.

That, and if I'm looking for something quickly during a game, I can flip through pages till I see the images/words i have associated with what i'm looking for. PDFs have to load images, and it's a pain.

Yup, I know there's an index, and PDFs have search capabilities. Don't like to use either unless I have to.

Im a PDF guy myself. I am super tired of finding the answer in question quickly, and then having to wait while stubborn players page through their books to find it themselves...

Grand Lodge

I find PDFs useful while DMing, as I like to pull up any maps for an adventure or setting I am running. But I do like having a hard copy when available for reading purposes.

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