Air Your Grievances

Gamer Life General Discussion

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I'm a DM, and have been for about 7 years since I was 13, I have yet to hit higher than level 8 as a player except in a one on one campaign with a buddy, where I hit 16th antipaladin, but have finished four consecutive face to face campaigns to level 20 and 2 others to higher than 15, as well as a near dozen discontinued campaigns that my players just lost interest in and requested a new one, all homebrew, and I am thankful for such a faithful group but I have personal only played 5 characters, three in one campaign. I just want to play man.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
But...but I can go all day! All! Day! I have no finite resources that would ever need to be recharged! I'm basically INVINCIBLE!

The biggest eye-rollers for me are when the "all day" tag-line gets thrown out in response to a post about...overland flight. Or Mind Blank. Ya know, the spells that actually last all day. Or hell, even Dominate Person, which lasts far more than a day.

It's also aggrevating because when the "all day" line is thrown out, it's not at all clear what it is you can do "all day." If you're a fighter, you can't fly "all day." You can't travel long distances rapidly "all day." You can't take control of a hostile being "all day." Or at all. Same goes for commoners: none of the Commoner's class features have "per day" limits, because Commoners have no class features to lose.

By the way, how many posts do we need to make on this subject in this thread before KC indexes it?

Huma4President wrote:
I'm a DM, and have been for about 7 years since I was 13, I have yet to hit higher than level 8 as a player except in a one on one campaign with a buddy, where I hit 16th antipaladin, but have finished four consecutive face to face campaigns to level 20 and 2 others to higher than 15, as well as a near dozen discontinued campaigns that my players just lost interest in and requested a new one, all homebrew, and I am thankful for such a faithful group but I have personal only played 5 characters, three in one campaign. I just want to play man.

Your best bet may be online gaming, Virtual Tabletop in particular.

Play by Post is great for what it is, but it's incredibly slow and part of your hunger is for high level play [though a rare few PbP's are started at high level.]

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Is this the new mode of protest for rednecks? Walk into buildings toting as much firepower as you can muster, intimidate opposition into silence, then walk free?






That's my grievance for today.

Firearms aren't competing with the pharmaceutical industry.

I've got two big .pdfs to review and I've had near constant pain from a microfracture in my tibia for months now and I just can't seem to concentrate on them from the pain. Sure, some days are better than others but those are the days I have to clean the house and wash the ever funkier dishes, as well as do my shopping. I feel kinda bad for taking so long after getting the items and I hope the publisher understands that I will get to them. Just not as quickly as I'd hoped.

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Then why does "He's got a gun!" lead to an extrajudicial death penalty for the same black kid? They should congratulate him on his celebration of the Second Amendment!

Oh, another grievance: I love dice. I especially love my dice. They're about the only thing I'm remotely OCD about and I can tell you with near 100% truth I've only lost 6 dice in 30 years of gaming. Until I moved my dice to a larger box today, that is, and noticed 2 more missing. I'm losing my mind over this tiny little incident. On the other hand, I got a GREAT new treasure chest looking box for my dice and with all the dice I own it's already nearly half full. So there's some sunshine in the loss of dice from two of my favorite sets.

sigh... wurrah wurrah wurrah...

Well...I won't be needed here. KC has the job taken care of. See you at the refugee page.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Is this the new mode of protest for rednecks? Walk into buildings toting as much firepower as you can muster, intimidate opposition into silence, then walk free?






That's my grievance for today.

This is a subset of people trying stuff that never worked again and again. If terrorism worked, it would be a bad thing.

If on the other hand you are trying to cure cancer or perfect warp drive, keep trying.

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I literally have no idea what you're saying.

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I think it best we take this increasingly political grievance to another thread before the Man comes to take it away.

Silver Crusade

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I think it best we take this increasingly political grievance to another thread before the Man comes to take it away.

Chris is a woman.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

With tooth-ripping tongs.

Rysky wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I think it best we take this increasingly political grievance to another thread before the Man comes to take it away.
Chris is a woman.

The Woman?

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I was speaking figuratively and in 70s speak... lol

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Cole Deschain wrote:
With tooth-ripping tongs.

I had to change them for Hell's Rebels, so they go after finger or toe nails.

Something about kids having romantic notions of the tooth fairy and they'd probably cry if i made them evil, and they had to kill them.

Silver Crusade

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I was speaking figuratively and in 70s speak... lol

I know, I just couldn't resist :3

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I was referring to the idiots who tried to take over a national park as terrorists. If you were talking about something else, sorry.

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I got what you were saying. I just don't want to get the thread bogged down in hot political topic and locked. Your grievance is legitimate, but I think we should keep them to gaming subjects, at least in this thread.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Everyone talks about guns being Dangerous, Killing and Maiming people! Why doesn't anyone look at the other tool that causes more deaths unintentionally, Maims more people and is easier to steal then most guns!! not to mention is directly related to 1000% more citations, Breaking of Laws then Guns and is in some way linked to 40% of all Felony crimes in the United States.

The only thing you need to lawfully buy one is a check book and a state Lic.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

But to legally operate one, you need to prove you are capable of doing so both through written examination and in-field testing reviewed by a trained instructor.

And then, to legally operate the machine, you are required to carry liability insurance.

One of these things is indeed not like the other.

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You know what my Grievance is...

Google Sheets is terrible at things.

Seriously, it can't even color between the lines when you export it to a PDF. Look at this &#$&.

Best of all, I have no idea if I want to fight sheets and figure out a layout that doesn't look quite as much like &$%, or if I should just accept that anything I design will look like a bad Paint mockup when you try to print it.

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Not gaming subjects. There is a forum for this, and it's not here.

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You think you're so great. You think you've got it figured out. You think "I got the spell for this". Well, I'm here to tell you that ain't the case. You come waltzing in like some kind of candyclass with your left feats, and that's not gonna fly here. You may be high level where you come from, but here you're starting at the bottom.

I only have one question for you: Player, will you be ready, when the dice roll for you?

Not really a grievance with anybody specific (especially not on here), just felt like D&Ding up some wrestling smack talk. :P

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DrDeth wrote:
Not gaming subjects. There is a forum for this, and it's not here.

I've been trying to push it back on the rails.

Scythia wrote:

You think you're so great. You think you've got it figured out. You think "I got the spell for this". Well, I'm here to tell you that ain't the case. You come waltzing in like some kind of candyclass with your left feats, and that's not gonna fly here. You may be high level where you come from, but here you're starting at the bottom.

I only have one question for you: Player, will you be ready, when the dice roll for you?

** spoiler omitted **

You had me pretty scared, let me tell ya.

Snowblind wrote:

You know what my Grievance is...

Google Sheets is terrible at things.

Seriously, it can't even color between the lines when you export it to a PDF. Look at this &#$&.

Best of all, I have no idea if I want to fight sheets and figure out a layout that doesn't look quite as much like &$%, or if I should just accept that anything I design will look like a bad Paint mockup when you try to print it.

I've never used Google sheets. I don't think I will now.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I got what you were saying. I just don't want to get the thread bogged down in hot political topic and locked. Your grievance is legitimate, but I think we should keep them to gaming subjects, at least in this thread.

Yeah, sorry. I was just ranting in the first thread unfortunate enough to fall beneath my gaze. Thanks for keeping us on-topic, DMC.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I got what you were saying. I just don't want to get the thread bogged down in hot political topic and locked. Your grievance is legitimate, but I think we should keep them to gaming subjects, at least in this thread.
Yeah, sorry. I was just ranting in the first thread unfortunate enough to fall beneath my gaze. Thanks for keeping us on-topic, DMC.

I do what I can LOL

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My wife and I recently moved far away from out regular, weekly, awesome f2f gaming group, and so I've been looking into PBPs and recently got into two. I...kind of hate how slow they are. Both GMs repeat the phrase "one post a day" a lot but then we have players who sometimes go as long as a week between posts.

In one of the threads, the posters themselves are awesome. One is kind of slow, but the rest are regular posters and good RPers. The other is newer, but so far is a train wreck. The cleric and my barbarian are the only ones who post with any regularity, and there's one character who is clearly phoning it in on their once-weekly posts. Literally, in the opening festival scene:

"What a strange halfling"

[One-sentence description of standing silently away from the group, doing nothing, saying nothing]

That same character won highest initiative roll in our first combat...three days ago. Still waiting on their turn. At this rate, we're looking at taking a month just to set the friggin' scene. I don't want to quit just yet, but the thought has crossed my mind because isn't what I signed on for.

Was gonna have a movie night with friends, starting with "Nosferatu" and ending with "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS" but the pain in my knee is so intense it just mocks the meds and I'm in a stupor. So I had to cancel. We were also going to do some out of game RP to set the scene for the next session.


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Oh, god. I call those the "doorkeeper" players, because they're the ones who will stare at a closed door for five weeks, not blinking, waiting for someone else to tell them what to do.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Oh, god. I call those the "doorkeeper" players, because they're the ones who will stare at a closed door for five weeks, not blinking, waiting for someone else to tell them what to do.

I have a couple of those guys in my group. They are the most incredible "over thinkers" I've ever seen. Just to see how long I could stand it, I once let them debate nearly an hour over the best and safest way to open an unlocked and non-trapped door. They knew it was unlocked and there were no traps, but they couldn't decide if they should open it cautiously or just charge in, and they offered reason after reason why their individual positions were correct. I finally had enough and had the door burst open and a devil of some sort come charging out.

Liberty's Edge

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I have a couple of those guys in my group. They are the most incredible "over thinkers" I've ever seen. Just to see how long I could stand it, I once let them debate nearly an hour over the best and safest way to open an unlocked and non-trapped door. They knew it was unlocked and there were no traps, but they couldn't decide if they should open it cautiously or just charge in, and they offered reason after reason why their individual positions were correct. I finally had enough and had the door burst open and a devil of some sort come charging out.

I'm not too impressed with option paralysis at the game table. At first one is sympathetic. After awhile it's like "do something it's not rocket science". The above example would drive myself and my gaming group crazy. I have to wonder how such people survive in the real world. Do the same in a supper market. Spend hours deciding if they should by low fat or low salt margarine.

Snorb wrote:
"All right, let's see your character sheet, Greg... oh. Look at that. Five 18s and 20 Strength. But that's okay because Amy signed off on that! Now, let's see Amy's cleric... whaddyaknow. 20 Wisdom and 18s across the board, but it's kosher because Greg saw you roll your stats!"

Wish I could favorite twice!

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memorax wrote:
I'm not too impressed with option paralysis at the game table. At first one is sympathetic. After awhile it's like "do something it's not rocket science". The above example would drive myself and my gaming group crazy. I have to wonder how such people survive in the real world. Do the same in a supper market. Spend hours deciding if they should by low fat or low salt margarine.

After 30 years of gaming together, it's just how we roll. I've come to expect it and I just let it ride. The guy who always plays spellcasters or psions takes forever to choose what he's going to do on his turn and we just let it slide. I doubt my group would ever be compatible with most others, but they're mine and I love 'em, in spite of themselves.

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memorax wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I have a couple of those guys in my group. They are the most incredible "over thinkers" I've ever seen. Just to see how long I could stand it, I once let them debate nearly an hour over the best and safest way to open an unlocked and non-trapped door. They knew it was unlocked and there were no traps, but they couldn't decide if they should open it cautiously or just charge in, and they offered reason after reason why their individual positions were correct. I finally had enough and had the door burst open and a devil of some sort come charging out.
I'm not too impressed with option paralysis at the game table. At first one is sympathetic. After awhile it's like "do something it's not rocket science". The above example would drive myself and my gaming group crazy. I have to wonder how such people survive in the real world. Do the same in a supper market. Spend hours deciding if they should by low fat or low salt margarine.

Id be paralyzed over a margarine purchase decision because its pure garbage....why am I buying garbage???

Liberty's Edge

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

After 30 years of gaming together, it's just how we roll. I've come to expect it and I just let it ride. The guy who always plays spellcasters or psions takes forever to choose what he's going to do on his turn and we just let it slide. I doubt my group would ever be compatible with most others, but they're mine and I love 'em, in spite of themselves.

I can respect that. It's not to say that we expect everyone to know every decision of what they plan to do ahead of time. It's just that it can slow down a game session. Sometimes badly imo.

Planpanther wrote:

Id be paralyzed over a margarine purchase decision because its pure garbage....why am I buying garbage???

"Hands PlanPanther a jar of I can't believe it's not butter then runs away."

Planpanther wrote:
memorax wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I have a couple of those guys in my group. They are the most incredible "over thinkers" I've ever seen. Just to see how long I could stand it, I once let them debate nearly an hour over the best and safest way to open an unlocked and non-trapped door. They knew it was unlocked and there were no traps, but they couldn't decide if they should open it cautiously or just charge in, and they offered reason after reason why their individual positions were correct. I finally had enough and had the door burst open and a devil of some sort come charging out.
I'm not too impressed with option paralysis at the game table. At first one is sympathetic. After awhile it's like "do something it's not rocket science". The above example would drive myself and my gaming group crazy. I have to wonder how such people survive in the real world. Do the same in a supper market. Spend hours deciding if they should by low fat or low salt margarine.
Id be paralyzed over a margarine purchase decision because its pure garbage....why am I buying garbage???


You've been deceived into believing it is more healthy or less unhealthy.

Liberty's Edge

kyrt-ryder wrote:

You've been deceived into believing it is more healthy or less unhealthy.

Good point. Then again everything and anything seems to be nhealthy and bad for us.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Grievance: folks trying to finish out a discussion (of Pathfinder rules) with that old line about "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."

Why does that bother me?

Because pretty much every time I see someone use that line, the person saying it is the rules-interpretation equivalent of a 98-year-old man with inch-thick glasses and an ear trumpet, pointing at a dead ostrich and expecting the ornithologist they're addressing to consider the matter settled. Should the ornithologist try to press the issue, they get labeled as a semantics-obsessed nitpicker who's obviously trying to get away with something.

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Jiggy wrote:
"if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."

It must be Krillin.

Jiggy wrote:
"if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."

The thing about ducks is, they're a@#!##!s.

If it just lies there like a dead ostrich, it's a dead ostrich. It's starting to smell so lets clean it up.

One of my pet peeves is that one person who is too obsessed with Whodunnit to let anyone clean up the mess. Like this one time when the party went to sigil. They started looking for clues when the paladins(they didn't act like it) showed up and arrested them. The PCs were all banned from Sigil and were glad of it. If the GM thinks Sigil can only solve crime by scapegoating and not allow an investigation, they shouldn't GM sigil, ever. If that keeps anyone from GMing Sigil ever, then good! Block up the doors from the other side and forget the place. That place doesn't deserve it's name capitalized.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Goth Guru wrote:
If it just lies there like a dead ostrich, it's a dead ostrich. It's starting to smell so lets clean it up.

The guy with the goggles and ear trumpet doesn't know what dead ostrich smells like, and therefore thinks you're making it up. And then says you're purposely ignoring the obvious quacking sound and how it looks exactly like a duck, just so you can try to weasel your way into not acknowledging its duckhood. Probably because of the video game mentality.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
"if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."
It must be Krillin.

Just listening to the Space Duck. Such a majestic creature.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Oh, god. I call those the "doorkeeper" players, because they're the ones who will stare at a closed door for five weeks, not blinking, waiting for someone else to tell them what to do.
I have a couple of those guys in my group. They are the most incredible "over thinkers" I've ever seen. Just to see how long I could stand it, I once let them debate nearly an hour over the best and safest way to open an unlocked and non-trapped door. They knew it was unlocked and there were no traps, but they couldn't decide if they should open it cautiously or just charge in, and they offered reason after reason why their individual positions were correct. I finally had enough and had the door burst open and a devil of some sort come charging out.

Nice. George carlin said it best: "Keeping people from standing with the door to the

refrigerator open for more than 45 minutes at a time.
God, that gets me mad - "YOU WANT TO CLOSE THAT G*DD*MN
ON, CLOSE THE DOOR!" - you know, some guy smoked eight
joints and he's gonna inventory my refrigerator.
"Ummmm...Ummm...Uhhh.... "Here, here's fifty dollars-
go down to the Burger King. Willya, God! We'll save
more than that on electricity alone. Close the g*dd*mn
door, willya?" Look, if you wanna know what's in there,
why don't you take a Polaroid picture and go away and
look at the picture and then come back and figure out
what you want. Years ago, we didn't have Polaroid
cameras. We had to make an OIL PAINTING of what was in

Liberty's Edge

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For me though it's those in the hobby online and out of it. Who pretend they want to hear feedback. But in reality don't and want their position to be validated. for example they will right something that happened at their game table. Usually more as a DM then player. Where they did something wrong. Occasionally it's a honest mistake. More often than not they did something wrong at the table. Are told they did. Then get very offended that they are called out on what they did. Don't ask a person or a community for feedback online or in person if one is not going to be offended.

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