Tsadok Goldtooth

Huma4President's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Charge based characters do high damage, once a round. So move away from one enemy with big stacks of hit points to many enemies with a low amount of hitpoints. I used a team of ten goblins and two trolls to great effect in a similar situation, remember that most monsters or npcs know that mounts exist and even in real life polearms became the go to way to deal with cavalry. Also a horse can't charge all day any more than even the best runner can sprint all day. Exhaustion and fatigue should be in use, and keep in mind that horses don't stop when they are tired, they often will run themselves into the ground if ordered.

TLDR; horses can get tired, go nuts with polearms and bows

Update, I have some info on the casters, one is an Arcanist blaster caster who basically ignores divination, the other is a mystic theurge sorcerer/oracle vampire, they won't be backed by divine casters, only lower level arcane casters. My spy network informed me the Arcanist is the only one messing with planes, and he only has one for now, and got me a way to get there.

I'm a DM, and have been for about 7 years since I was 13, I have yet to hit higher than level 8 as a player except in a one on one campaign with a buddy, where I hit 16th antipaladin, but have finished four consecutive face to face campaigns to level 20 and 2 others to higher than 15, as well as a near dozen discontinued campaigns that my players just lost interest in and requested a new one, all homebrew, and I am thankful for such a faithful group but I have personal only played 5 characters, three in one campaign. I just want to play man.

Spastic Puma wrote:
If you search google for "Starcraft d20" you can find a lot of great stuff.

They lack the robustness I am searching for, I'm thinking building on Hive templates from horror adventures and giving npc zerg 2 evolution points/HD from the summoners eidolon, and PC zerg 1 Evolution point per creature of CR= or higher than their HD-2 while leveling on a d10 health/2 evolutions purchased with a 3/4 BAB

Tarik Blackhands wrote:

Always fun with these bouts of theorycraft. Alright, since this is the paladin getting called out, we'll go off the generic assumption this is taking place in a dragon ball z type open wasteland full of plateaus waiting to be detonated in amusing fashions that the caster bros haven't messed with.

So lets start with the basics of things you personally will need:

1) Flight. At a minimum both these jokers will be in the air since overland flight and unless you're a bow pallie, you'll need a way to mulch them. Considering you have access to a great red wyrm, greater angelic aspect, and a ton of random caster support, this isn't an issue. Just pack backups in case your backup explodes, the dragon dies, you get disjuncted, etc.

2) True Seeing/Blind Sight. One or the other, this just makes the passive defenses both guys will invariably have (invis, displacement, mirror images, etc) a non issue as well as prevent any illusion/polymorph malark from messing with you. Pay for a passive item to do or get one of your bonded casters to put it on you (or both). A fair amount of your caster friends should have it on them too.

3) Magic Defense. You're a paladin and a graveknight so your saves are already very good and you're immune to mind altering and enervation/energy drain so that's a good start, but it never hurts to keep pumping yourself further as well as your mount. Be sure your resistance cloak and wisdom/cha/dex (to a lesser extent) belts are maxed and come in packing every save enhancer that lasts a while on the book (such as heroism, good hope, etc). Greater spell immunity is another good option and will help out at least till you inevitably get disjunctioned. Furthermore, you'll need elemental resists (graveknight gives you one immunity pro bono so good start) so gear/buff up resist energy/similar too. Freedom of Movement is also obligatory.

That's the basics. Now lets get tactical. Assuming these guys aren't total clowns they'll have clones, contingencies, and probably be showing up...

so to summarize,

1. Fly. with lots of backup fly.
2. true seeing, blindsense, or both
3. save buff and specific immunity.

my last question, is my Big Bad Weakness, which is my sword that holds my soul, instead of my armor, a +10 artifact with Axiomatic Holy Merciful brilliant energy vicious longsword.

Edit: I have considered not using it as its destruction would kill me... and that would be very unfortunate. Also my graveknight status is kind of a house ruled holy kind of undead, as my god took my oath of servitude to what is good Very VERY seriously.

MageHunter wrote:

Ooh, I feel like I have to contribute.

The concentration cheeck for casring while hit, is really hard to beat. If you ready vital strikes and max out damage to interrupt spells, they're gonna have a hard time.

High initiative and the element of surprise certainly helps. If someone can cast dispel magic that's also great.

I like Inquisitors and my profile is a sample build.

This honestly sits well with my favorite paladin build to be frank. Guess the answer is the same as it was at first level for most issues. Smash it hard and smart, heh

Sangerine wrote:

How well are these casters being played? AMF does nothing if they're running Arodens Spellbane.

Being a paladin helps with saves, make sure you get some way of ignoring/resisting negative levels in case they attempt that angle of approach.

Your best bet is catching them off guard (the real them, not one of their clones) and pounding enough damage into them in turn 1 to insure they're gone.

Then hope they don't have a Contingency running (spoiler, they will).

Are you using Paizos Mythic ruleset, or WotC Epic ruleset? They both present very different tools for this scenario.

Your only real bet is finding an attack option that your GM didn't have the casters covering with an "I win" button.

It's a PVP grudge match to be honest, so the Gm is having little say either way. It's Paizo's Mythic rules set and I'm honestly worried most about straight blaster caster kind of damage.

Firewarrior44 wrote:

Or just out system mastery them with 20th level Nature oracle shenanigans.

On a more serious note maybe try and trap the soul them to prevent clone.

I had totally forgotten trap the soul. hmm.. And I'll look at the Nature Oracle and his shenanigans. I haven't encountered much by way of Oracle

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Post the same question in so may threads that he reads that he goes nuts and kills himself.

Admittedly, funny. I did accidentally post the other post twice, but this one is in fact about a second issue. This is more about one arcanist, and what to build and do against him, the other about an arcanist and a mystic theurge against a paladin+country. But you made me chuckle

best ways to off a high level caster?

Claxon wrote:

The easiest way is UMD and scrolls of antimagic field and catching them by surprise.

Whatever you do, do not attack them on their turf where they've had any amount of time to prepare a defense.

Even then, the arcane caster is still likely to win.

You basically have to kill the wizard before they can act. If not the wizard casts time stop and teleports away before you can do anything else, and once the wizard knows you're after them they can assault you with virtual impunity with the myriad of spells they have.

The caster called him out to battle

So in an epic level match up, how do you kill two high level casters (one arcane, one mystic theurge) using a epic paladin and his retinue of clerics, iquisitors, and the like. The paladin rides a redeemed mythic red dragon (cr 23 from mythic adventures) and is a graveknight, and lord of a massive country (think height of Roman Empire) He is lvl 23, and mythic 2, his entourage is 5 20 level divine casters or martial characters of undetermined class.

So in an epic level match up, how do you kill two high level casters (one arcane, one mystic theurge) using a epic paladin and his retinue of clerics, iquisitors, and the like. The paladin rides a redeemed mythic red dragon (cr 23 from mythic adventures) and is a graveknight, and lord of a massive country (think height of Roman Empire) He is lvl 23, and mythic 2, his entourage is 5 20 level divine casters or martial characters of undetermined class.

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Kahel Stormbender wrote:
My Self wrote:
Hubaris wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a zygominnnnnnddddd~~
No escape to reality!
Open your eyes, look up to the sky and see.

I'm just a poor bard, with mind affecting immunity!

Ranishe wrote:

I have issues with natural attacks on many levels. How is it that 2 consecutive swings from a sword is more difficult than a bite, wing buffet & tail slap from a dragon with multiattack (ignoring that it has 2 claws as well)? The dragon would have to basically turn around to have any kind of real threat with its tail, but two thrusts / slashes with one arm in a row is more challenging....

Actually, thought. What if additional natural attacks took the same penalty as additional iterative attacks? With the exception of things like claws / talons being "pairs" that have the same bab? What if, on top of that, you could do iterative attacks with natural attacks provided you only used a single one? That would prevent the absurdity that is 6 attacks at full bab (or 4 at full and 2 at -5), but give natural attackers more options from iteratives (and make single NA monsters more threatening).

So if the dragon follows what I've encountered in most lore its tail is almost prehensile in dexterity, and incredibly long, though this is unrealistic as reptilian tails are notoriously stiff. And I think the difficulty question can be resolved by twf, as each hand has the same chance to hit, until used a second time, which I think has to do with either A: the attack being hurrried, and B: No attack has been made from that limb yet that round and so their attention is focused elsewhere. But that is simply my opinion

Morganstern wrote:
Huma4President wrote:
I am gming a god-killing campaign, and my players have reached level 22 now and the recurring bad guys aren't cutting it anymore. I need cross class suggestions for antipaladin, half fiend cleric, half dragon two weapon fighter, and sniper rogue, though I have their mystic theurge planned out to thirty easily (9th level divine and arcane yes please) up to thirty (which is our level cap)table rules only official pathfinder rulebooks.

I'd start having the npcs take levels in prestige classes, such as Holy Vindicator for the antipaladin or cleric, and maybe have the two-weapon fighter start taking levels in Unchained-Rogue and eventually start going into shadow dancer or assassin.

Honestly, the sniper rogue is the hard part. If he uses a crossbow I'd say go into Bolt Ace gunslinger.

I was thinking about the Holy Vindicator already, and I think you're right on that, and the bolt ace gunslinger looks pretty perfect for the job.

SmiloDan wrote:


So you're asking what would be good multi-class options for them after they reach 20th level?


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Vatras wrote:

The best critters to challenge high level characters are mostly not in Pathfinder books. They were in the old D&D Master and Immortal books (black and golden set), which would make nowadays softies quake in their boots, and the Epic Level handbook from D&D 3.0.

But there are some nasties among the mythic books, like a pair of mythic mariliths with 16 attacks/round apiece.

They aren't premade NPCs... these are characters I've made. I just have to level them up and I don't want to lose efficiency when I do. They have done better than fine (winning roughly half the time) and keeping it tense but this last encounter was nearly the end for them and story wise they are necessary.

Zolanoteph wrote:
SheepishEidolon wrote:
As a ranger, you can dip Core rogue for sneak attack - and build on it via Accomplished Sneak Attacker

Not as well as you think. A feat can only be selected once unless specified otherwise. A week ago every build I dreamed up selected ASA at least five times. But then I learned the sad truth.

And BobBobBob I see your point. : (

Where is it stated that the feat must state it can only be selected once? I've been arguing the point with a player.

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Bloodrealm wrote:
Exactly what Sideromancer said. It will make the entire enemy party better. It can heal them and buff them, and give them an extra chance on Will saves. The Egregore itself also has Lifesense and a fly speed. You can even include enemy minions in the cult mind to make those more difficult, too.

I'll add the Eggregore, the idea of a cult based monster is hardly far out there as the cleric is a high priestess of lamashtu.

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SmiloDan wrote:

Is this a group of new players? Or a group of players that have already killed a dozen liches over the years?

Unless the PCs are designed to kill uber-undead (Glory clerics, +10 favored enemy rangers, etc.), I would try for something unundead.

I would look at adding new and exciting templates, maybe something with aberrations, steampunk constructs, fey, GOOD outsiders, etc.

Seasoned players who have been playing 1-2 10 hour sessions a week for about three years in this group alone, but are sincerely good heroes this campaign. These enemies are already built, and have been recurring for about eight levels now. The question is once they are maxed in their base class to capstone, what class would they best cross into for max efficiency?

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I'm thinking of doing a zerg race based on eidolons but with a full 1-20 bab and dr=bab, but how many evolutions should there be per level? and what kind of specials on the side to make them viable in such a high powered campaign. They are supposed to be deadlier than any npc of same 'level' by far, so as to create a horror sort of setting to reinforce the danger of the scenario. Players have literally asked for it to be hard enough to expect semi regular character death, maybe 1 every session or two, but want it to still be possible to win in the end.

I recently played through a home brew 'starfinder' (we didn't apply a name to it and starfinder had yet to be introduced i'd made for my group combining a pathfinder setting as the origin of all life on one planet where we combined starwars, starcraft, halo, and warhammer 40K themes. The Goblinoids became the Covenant, with goblins as grunts, orcs as elites, hobgoblins as Jackals, Bugbears as brutes, with trolls as hunters. Prophets were the Kathsatha. Dwarves had a Warhammer feel like the Imperium of Man, Humanity became a sith-esque empire with Halo soldiers and ships but led by antipaladins and such, Elves became Protoss, another human faction was basically terrans(same plot as to how they arose as exiled prisoners), and a smattering of monsters from the bestiarys to make the zerg (with some upgrades to HP and DR and speed, as well as collective mind traits and low psychic abilities), but we took away all races ability minus's and added new bonuses or doubled current ones to account for evolution.

master_marshmallow wrote:
johnlocke90 wrote:
Huma4President wrote:
So Paizo has now released rules for a LG, NG(greyguard) and LN(greyguard) paladin, and rules for a CE and LE(tyrant) antipaladin, and using those rules I've built a NE and CN antipaladin, and a CG paladin archetype, but I still want a true Neutral paladin, and can't think of a good way to balance it, as it doesn't necessarily oppose anything while arguably opposing everything. Any ideas?

I would note the grey paladin is mechanically terrible, so logically the neutral paladin should be even worse.

I would take the Gray Paladin as a baseline and weaken its abilities from there. IE Smite Foe now gives you half your level in damage and Enhanced Health gives you a +2 on saves against poison and disease.

The only thing that makes it "terrible" is losing out on Divine Grace, otherwise it pretty much makes up for what it loses.

This honestly sounds like the best idea to be frank, it will make up for the storyline benefits of being a Neutral Neutral Paladin

Bloodrealm wrote:

When all else fails, I'm pretty sure several of those baddies have caster level 13th or higher: throw the Lich template on them! It doesn't even take class levels, just time and money which evil NPCs have in spades.

Also, there was a recent thread that brought the Egregore and its improved version, the Egregore Master to my attention.

I've been toying with the lich/graveknight thing, with consideration towards worm that walks, but what are you saying about the eggregore? I took a look and it doesn't seem to be a progression for characters

I am gming a god-killing campaign, and my players have reached level 22 now and the recurring bad guys aren't cutting it anymore. I need cross class suggestions for antipaladin, half fiend cleric, half dragon two weapon fighter, and sniper rogue, though I have their mystic theurge planned out to thirty easily (9th level divine and arcane yes please) up to thirty (which is our level cap)table rules only official pathfinder rulebooks.

So Paizo has now released rules for a LG, NG(greyguard) and LN(greyguard) paladin, and rules for a CE and LE(tyrant) antipaladin, and using those rules I've built a NE and CN antipaladin, and a CG paladin archetype, but I still want a true Neutral paladin, and can't think of a good way to balance it, as it doesn't necessarily oppose anything while arguably opposing everything. Any ideas?

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I played an antipaladin with the tyrant archetype. He started a cavalier with order of the shield, but when he failed his charges, and his kingdom and all his friends, family, and vassals fell to a horde of shadow creatures it broke him. The sole survivor, in a battlefield bathed in the blood of the innocents, my religious zealot NG cavalier screamed for mercy to his gods, and none answered, he begged for power to bring the fallen back, and no one answered, and then he demanded justice, and no one answered. Finally, he stood, and denounced his uncaring gods, and called upon darker powers. A god then came, and offered a deal, undeath, and power, and revenge, for servitude. My cavalier levels became anti-paladin levels, my flesh rotted, and my last memory of emotion was hatred, revenge, and anguish.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Huma4President wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Huma4President wrote:
Ras Al Ghul is not CE, I would argue him being Lawful Evil, as he works as an organization following a codified set of beliefs, rules, and laws, with a true purpose to his evil.
The organisation however, is modeled on his beliefs and dedicated to his personal nihlistic crusade, which in turn is his personal revenge against the world for the death of his wife. The League of Shadows is nothing more than an extension of Ras Al Ghul's rage and will. He isn't a member because he follows a larger ideal. (many of his members MAY well be lawful because they follow an ideal that's larger than themselves. Ras is clearly the opposite.

I disagree based on the fact that Ras Al Ghul has a purpose in mind, that goes far beyond vengeance. He seeks world peace, and has long term plans to do so, and in fact, such long term plans that he has been struggling to complete them for 600+ years. He seeks the destruction of human race, not for joy or vengeance but because he believes it is right.

More likely he's suffering from the kind of dementia you get from having lived so long and being so bitter that he simply can't relate to a society that's changed so much from the days of Good Old Ancient Egypt.

He didn't live in ancient Egypt

Bandw2 wrote:
Huma4President wrote:

Okay, so, as someone who almost exclusive plays evil (as gm and player) I have some thoughts. Chaotic Evils are almost always short lived, and almost always have small effects. Yes this merchant is murdered here, that knight there, this priest found assassinated and placed in an odd area. But the merchant's son inherits, the knight is replaced by a hopeful squire, and the churches gears churn out another priest, and a paladin hunts down and slays the serial killer CE man. Neutral evil is more careful, and lasts longer, he works out how to inherit the shop and enslave the son, the knight is replaced by a squire he promotes, the priest is never attacked for fear of backlash, but his power dwindles as the paladin slowly closes in, and the NE crime mogul eventually slips, or is betrayed, and then imprisoned. Lawful Evil hires the merchant, or drives him out of business and replaces him with a slave, or just buys him out before hiking prices on goods, He blackmails the knight and slowly corrupts the minds of his squires, he outlaws the priests church through long political procedures, and has the Paladin arrested for threats on his person. Lawful Evil is a tree that grows in the concrete crack of society, and shatters it by spreading, incapable of being stopped unless a figure outside of the law steps in, and breaks the layers of deceit and intrigue to actually find the real despot behind a thousand nobles made into puppets.

That's just my opinion though, and only works in high medieval and more complex societies, while NE works best in feudal and CE is nigh on unstoppable in an anarchy

yeah, terrorists and Violent Revolutionaries are chaotic evil, they definitely don't have long term or huge consequences...

a chaotic evil character would start to gather crowds exploiting their weakness and lack of wealth and turn the town against the merchants and nobility, destroying them entirely. Getting all the wealth for him and his followers.

you have a very narrow concept of...

I didn't say they didn't have consequences, it's just the difference between a particularly violent bandit and the Roman Empire. And while that character may end that town, his career becomes increasingly short, as paladins actively search for this gang leader. And just because my three quick examples didn't suit your view doesn't mean my view of evil is narrow. That particular bit was an Ad Hominem, a logical fallacy where you attack the person, not the argument.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Huma4President wrote:
Ras Al Ghul is not CE, I would argue him being Lawful Evil, as he works as an organization following a codified set of beliefs, rules, and laws, with a true purpose to his evil.
The organisation however, is modeled on his beliefs and dedicated to his personal nihlistic crusade, which in turn is his personal revenge against the world for the death of his wife. The League of Shadows is nothing more than an extension of Ras Al Ghul's rage and will. He isn't a member because he follows a larger ideal. (many of his members MAY well be lawful because they follow an ideal that's larger than themselves. Ras is clearly the opposite.

I disagree based on the fact that Ras Al Ghul has a purpose in mind, that goes far beyond vengeance. He seeks world peace, and has long term plans to do so, and in fact, such long term plans that he has been struggling to complete them for 600+ years. He seeks the destruction of human race, not for joy or vengeance but because he believes it is right.

voska66 wrote:

Evil is evil. Lawful, Chaotic or somewhere in between just determines how evil is committed.

I find Law Evil to be most effective as evil. The law for them is tool they use to spread evil wide and far. Chaotic evil is less organized and more individualistic thus less far reaching. In the middle you have some law but not the law of the land.

So LE is a corporate CEO that harms others legally. They swindle people out of life savings using the law. The have the power to create the laws. NE is more like organized crime. They break the law but follow their own code or laws. CE is more like gang where there is leader rule through might but no real laws as long tribute is paid.

In the end they could all do the exact same evil just slightly differently. Say they all want traffic prostitution. LE would make slavery and prostitution legal and reap the rewards. NE would do with their own code in place were it may or may not be legal. CE would just do it and keep it hidden. So none more evil than other just their methods differ.

I agree on your view of their methods and capability but I would still state that Lawful Evil overcomes Neutral or Chaotic, as, through lobbying and careful politicking he can change what he can do and corrupt a whole society. Meanwhile the crime family of Neutral will eventually be hunted down by the law, their evil at an end, and Chaotic will be easiest caught, as they commonly(though admittedly not always) lack the discipline to cover their tracks effectively, and sometimes don't care to.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Huma4President wrote:

Okay, so, as someone who almost exclusive plays evil (as gm and player) I have some thoughts. Chaotic Evils are almost always short lived, and almost always have small effects. Yes this merchant is murdered here, that knight there, this priest found assassinated and placed in an odd area. But the merchant's son inherits, the knight is replaced by a hopeful squire, and the churches gears churn out another priest, and a paladin hunts down and slays the serial killer CE man. Neutral evil is more careful, and lasts longer, he works out how to inherit the shop and enslave the son, the knight is replaced by a squire he promotes, the priest is never attacked for fear of backlash, but his power dwindles as the paladin slowly closes in, and the NE crime mogul eventually slips, or is betrayed, and then imprisoned. Lawful Evil hires the merchant, or drives him out of business and replaces him with a slave, or just buys him out before hiking prices on goods, He blackmails the knight and slowly corrupts the minds of his squires, he outlaws the priests church through long political procedures, and has the Paladin arrested for threats on his person. Lawful Evil is a tree that grows in the concrete crack of society, and shatters it by spreading, incapable of being stopped unless a figure outside of the law steps in, and breaks the layers of deceit and intrigue to actually find the real despot behind a thousand nobles made into puppets.

That's just my opinion though, and only works in high medieval and more complex societies, while NE works best in feudal and CE is nigh on unstoppable in an anarchy

You're stuck in stereotypes. There is no reason you can't have a self-centered long-lived chaotic evil villain. He simply isn't the short term thinking manaic gibbering idiot that people seem to pigeonhole the alignment into. Batman's Two-Face is a pretty good example. Vandal Savage is another, as is Ras Al Ghul. (Yes, I picked Batman villains, but he generally has the smarter ones.)

Two Face is not an effective and long lived bad guy because he is good at it, it's because instead of being killed he is locked away, to be released by those who benefit from his destruction in a mob ruled city, much closer to an anarchist or feudal state than that of a complex and civilized society. Ras Al Ghul is not CE, I would argue him being Lawful Evil, as he works as an organization following a codified set of beliefs, rules, and laws, with a true purpose to his evil.

Okay, so, as someone who almost exclusive plays evil (as gm and player) I have some thoughts. Chaotic Evils are almost always short lived, and almost always have small effects. Yes this merchant is murdered here, that knight there, this priest found assassinated and placed in an odd area. But the merchant's son inherits, the knight is replaced by a hopeful squire, and the churches gears churn out another priest, and a paladin hunts down and slays the serial killer CE man. Neutral evil is more careful, and lasts longer, he works out how to inherit the shop and enslave the son, the knight is replaced by a squire he promotes, the priest is never attacked for fear of backlash, but his power dwindles as the paladin slowly closes in, and the NE crime mogul eventually slips, or is betrayed, and then imprisoned. Lawful Evil hires the merchant, or drives him out of business and replaces him with a slave, or just buys him out before hiking prices on goods, He blackmails the knight and slowly corrupts the minds of his squires, he outlaws the priests church through long political procedures, and has the Paladin arrested for threats on his person. Lawful Evil is a tree that grows in the concrete crack of society, and shatters it by spreading, incapable of being stopped unless a figure outside of the law steps in, and breaks the layers of deceit and intrigue to actually find the real despot behind a thousand nobles made into puppets.

That's just my opinion though, and only works in high medieval and more complex societies, while NE works best in feudal and CE is nigh on unstoppable in an anarchy

I did it alone as a level 20 mythic five wizard. I knew he was being summoned due to his cult stating so when I pretended to join them. I got ready, learned about him, prepared, and destroyed him before he could move. Twice.

See the issue at hand is a misunderstanding of the fall/redemption for both paladin and anti-paladin. Both must WILLINGLY fall, a rejection of their belief's in what is lawful/chaotic and good/evil, the tricking them into falling thing is just not possible. Will the Paladin feel terrible for letting x-evil happen while fixing y-evil instead? of course. Will the anti-paladin have regrets about letting personal emotion getting in the way of an increase in power? yes. But neither will fall, as they still follow and believe those morals. They haven't rejected them, the paladin may have stopped a lesser evil but that was his choice, and not necessarily a promised fall, unless he did so saying "screw good I do what I please" like going to a donut shop when given that choice over saving the burning orphanage or the Anti-paladin saying "I'm going to save this burning orphanage because I want to instead of grabbing a significant amount of power or killing a man who has become a nemesis. Because I don't want to be evil today."

Jaçinto wrote:
This makes my brain hurt. I have to go lay down now.

Want a whole new headache? The presented Longsword is an Arming Sword, the Greatsword is more Longsword, Claymore arent mentioned, nor the fantastical Zweihanders, they didn't include Brigandine as armor, The Shortsword is more of a Dirk, they have the scythe as a usable weapon (laughs medievally) possibly confusing the farming implement with the Military Scythe(a deadly weapon with bare similarities) They have two kinds of horse, one which is INHERENTLY better or equal in all ways, instead of a myriad, (workhorse to light cavalry mount to scout to light warhorse to heavy warhorse to Destrier)

now admittedly I'm nitpicking but the whole games a mess of inaccuracies, which is why I'm writing my own equipment lists to fix it, because I'm insufferable and have too much time on my hands.

FLite wrote:

Yes, but the blaster magus is going to have to deal with Cthulhu's quickened feeblemind,

The 4 solars are going to meet 2d4 starspawn coming the other way

It is an interesting question whether a creature immune to mind effecting is immune to daze.

stacking Explosive runes requires you to know his exact path, several rounds in advance. It also requires you to touch each of the objects. God help you if you are still doing it when Cthulhu gets close enough to see what you are doing, and casts greater dispel magic...

How does one summon solars? I am trying to solo him as a 20 level sorcerer with 10 mythic tiers and I want backup