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Please share.
Do try not to use Profession: Slave
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
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Scribe creating engineering design drawings for the Church of Torag.
(With apologies and gratitude to Orthos for the idea)
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Sorcerer. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Perhaps apprentice sorcerer. Because any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
Orfamay Quest wrote: Sorcerer. Self taught then?
baron arem heshvaun wrote: Orfamay Quest wrote: Sorcerer. Self taught then? After a certain point, we're all self-taught.
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Orfamay Quest wrote: Sorcerer. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Perhaps apprentice sorcerer. Because any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
Wouldn't that be a Wizard?
After all, any sufficiently formalized magical system is indistinguishable from technology. :]
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Scribe processing financial records for the Church of Abadar. I work in an accounting firm.
Orthos wrote: Scribe processing financial records for the Church of Abadar. I work in an accounting firm. you could have just said cleric of abadar
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Blackvial wrote: Orthos wrote: Scribe processing financial records for the Church of Abadar. I work in an accounting firm. you could have just said cleric of abadar Ah, but that would imply she believe in what she does, as opposed to just getting paid to do it. :-)
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Fun question, and really hard too. So many of our modern-world disciplines are highly specialized yeah? But to distill it to the essence of what my company does and what I specifically do I would say Profession:Miner with a daily use of the Scribe Scroll feat.
Or maybe I'm the guy that writes the holy words on the scraps of paper you put in the golems before sending them out to work in the mines. :D
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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote: Pharasma. I have to wonder then, just about how forth-coming you've been about your REAL day job.
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Mesmerist (Cult Master).
I'm an assessment specialist/job coach.
Getting people to believe in themselves is what I do.
Even if they don't want to.
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Duiker wrote: Blackvial wrote: Orthos wrote: Scribe processing financial records for the Church of Abadar. I work in an accounting firm. you could have just said cleric of abadar Ah, but that would imply she believe in what she does, as opposed to just getting paid to do it. :-) Correct. I don't worship finances, I just punch the numbers in because I have a good typing speed and they pay me for it. Very much just a lay worker in the temple rather than a member of the faithful or the clergy.
Sarenrae or Iomedae would be my actual deity of choice.
Also I lack the Wisdom to be a cleric.
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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
You know all of those wizard cohorts loaded up with magic item creation feats that are trotted out as examples of abuse of the Leadership feat?
I am one of those cohorts.
Or perhaps I am just an Eberron Magewright, if you want to allow non-OGL classes.
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What an awesome question!
I guess I would be a lay person at several temples.
For Aroden-cum-Iomedae, I would be a layperson treating the mentally unwell and helping them to socialize better and tell the difference between reality and fantasy, treatments that work and don't, when not being an orderly otherwise.
Then I would take an axebeak-coach(for I live on the island at the center of the world, clearly), I would be an inquisitive working for other layfolk of calistria, asking questions and administering surveys for studies on intimacy with a focus on same sex intimacy. I may also occasionally make sure sacred prostitutes are just that and not being taken advantage of, or check on the goings on at more out-there festhalls and private soirees held in her name.
I would also be a secondary scribe for chapbooks available at those same events, making sure nothing is misspelled or tales are truly beyond belief or become insulting or exploitative beyond the norm. I would do this job at home mostly.
Finally, I would occasionally borrows a friend's draft horse (named "sheila") to be a hawker at some of the larger festivals celebrating the art and popular culture of tian-xia, where I would sell fanciful shirts and other outerwear, sometimes while wearing women's undergarments over my face(that last only happening when I am selling a different sort of chapbook, with magically animaTed images displaying women and men of impossible physical proportions).
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I make objects think for themselves and display images of things that either can't be seen or don't actually exist...um...magic item crafter I guess? Or would Technic League member be a cop out?
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Golemwright - Providing painfully detailed instructions to literal-minded machines.
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Profession: Scapegoat or Profession: Whipping Boy.
What it feels, anyway.
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Horse outfitter?
I would sell saddles, saddlebags, harness, bits, and whatnot for your finest warhorses.
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Low-level arcanist with ranks in Profession: Guard, connected to myriad clairaudience/clairvoyance- and alarm-based wondrous items placed throughout a wizards' research facility. Possibly with the school understanding exploit for the divination school. Since any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. :)
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My last job would have been way more awesome on Golarion. War wizard, flying and flinging fireballs. I was a paratrooper artilleryman.
Kind of hard to figure out mine - I'm a quality inspector/data analyst at a plastics factory.
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Modern Necromancer, since I do life science research. But I am really badly optimized . . . .
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Some variant of Ranger I would imagine as I developed a lot of on the job experience in herding cats.
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Magus or archaeologist bard
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Grey Lensman wrote: Kind of hard to figure out mine - I'm a quality inspector/data analyst at a plastics factory. Blacksmith
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Head Director at a Conservatory of Bardic studies for children.
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Custom Artificer. If your standard golem's programming is ill-suited for your needs, call in the custom artificer!
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Helping the wizards and artificers work more efficiently, mostly by understanding things and each other (and sometimes themselves) better.
Cleric of Nethys maybe.
Amazing thread BTW.
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Realistically, Expert. Level 3 Max. I'm glad to say I'm definitely not commoner.
Going for something more fun, probably Bard/Alchemist. Possibly pushing for Technologist, but that would be a level or two away.
This has made me realise that there's a hole for a radiation themed Alchemist.
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What a great idea this thread is!
I'd likely be an Erastilian layperson (though perhaps an oracle, or bard) with minor formal training in numerous different fields. I'd currently be working at Prifession (homemaker), which, no matter how high you roll seems not to give you money, with an occasional Profession (tutor) roll thrown in.
I'd spend as much time as possible at the local town center/forum/library, but away from people, until I couldn't resist barging in (or the local entertainment priced unsuitable for my boys). I'd also volunteer at the temple, with my wife, taking care of children twice a month.
EDIT: tutoring is like being a professional Aid Another guy. You make Aid Another checks until your studentevels up and can do it themselves!
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
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Adventurer! (recently left my old job and am moving to a new place for a new one, with a party (my wife), and my current living arrangement is temporary)
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Village layabout who knows surprisingly a lot about local legends and who local adventurer's go for cryptic hints about whatever new nasty beasty they're facing.
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Village idiot telling weird tales.
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Maybe we both belong to a guild?
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I'm an HR technology consultant.
So... Wizard (for the tech piece) who specializes in coordinating large groups of people. Probably with craft wondrous item so I can make communication devices and such.
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Honestly, at the moment, dilettante apprentice / teaching assistant at a magical academy somewhere, probably a budding mystic theurge. I'm in grad school, studying, among other things, ancient Greek magic and some of its connections with religion. I'm immensely pleased (and lucky!) that I'm able to do this.
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Investigator (Empiricist Archetype)...
I'm an insurance fraud investigator.
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Just as soon as I finish my patent for a Wand of Cure Light Wounds I'll be set for life
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