
SebastianC's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts (16 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


I know Paizo doesn't have any RPGs that are in the "modern" style, but would they consider making pawns for it?

Paizo's pawns are an exceptional product.

I'd love to see a set of investigators, spies, gumshoes, spec ops, etc
Stuff from 1920s to modern and some cyberpunk.

I know it's a far reach....but this is a dream I have. :)

Seems that the graphic designer Kyle Hunter is off in attributed with these overly dark covers. Not sure if it's his doing or who's but they need to figure it out because everything disappears in the one muddled dark mass.

First off, the cover has some cool stuff on it.
But we're back to a really dark cover. Much like the Horizons of the Vast AP, all of those covers seemed overly dark, so does this one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seems like the last AP and now this one, have overly dark covers.

Is it just my old eyes, or is the composition just almost all out dark? I think the background should have the purple brought up a bit. Just my two cents.

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That is an odd cover. If the current image is the cover, the skull on the staff blocks a lot of the main picture. Also, she's all happy to be there, ya know...blood lords...zombie feast. Huge disconnect.
The art is good, it's just not the correct art.

The gray area needs some sort of texture.

I'll say that the covers of the last Starfinder AP (Horizons of the Vast) were so dark, it made them hard to really get the details.

Just my two cents.

Why the lack of hyperlinks?

These covers are so darned dark!
It's like they need some sort of color correction or something.

Lots of great details being lost, but otherwise they are really cool.

Anyone else think the covers of this AP look really darK?
It's beyond just a dark composition, all of the covers are dark, like the color correction was off.

The image on the web page looks brighter than the actual product.

Great covers, just lost in the darkness.


I'm missing Ironfang 2 #116 in my subscription, i have 115, and 117 on PDF (no physical yet).

Did 117 ship yet?


Same here....

I'm missing in my subscription 116 Ironfang PDF and physical never arrived.

117 is available via PDF but physical hasn't arrived yet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Weird...I'm missing in my subscription 116 Ironfang PDF and physical never arrived.

117 is available via PDF but hasn't arrived yet.

Aaahh yeah ok i figured it was another finger curled under. Forearm- got it now. Maybe. Nope. Brained now wired for another curled finger. Damn. :P
(but yeah that forearm makes more sense)

I like the cover, but i wish it was pulled back a bit, it's too up close, seems too crowded.

Anyone else notice the orc on the cover has 6 fingers on his right hand, and the other hand does not have the thumb around the grip of the blade?

Just things i noticed.

I've power skimmed the book and man does this look like a fun one! Really looking forward to diving into this title.

lots of great ideas!

-dwarf and/or elf centric AP: an AP that focuses on these races as a central theme. Everyone starts off with a character of the race that is the focus and possibly

-a multi- group AP, players each make 2 characters. Have two simultaneous stories running. Yes some work on the GM side, but there would be a lot of ground covered, and could be quite dynamic as the groups converge, and split up again. This could work with the race dwarf/elf centric AP or even the one below the plane hopping one. This is good for a multi-part quest type thing - artifact chasing, etc.

-Elemental theme and or plane hopping: A plane hopping AP, to include more elemental themes, fae, shadow plane, inner and out spheres.

I just changed it (durrrrr) and it should be the 3254 address.



Hello! I need to change my destination address, as this was being delivered to my work and i'll no longer be at that job.

Please email me for new address update.
(don't really want to post it here)

Thank you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My friend brought up a good point regarding Pharasma and tomb looting in the adventure The Mummy's Mask. The opening of the necropolis for looting goes against the entire religious ideal of Pharasma.
Why would the clerics of that god be ok with that?

Also isn't this an idea that basically 'breaks' the adventure's main idea?

Would Paizo consider a new Pathfinder Campaign Setting?
Same rule-set/book obviously, but a whole different world with a different feel, history etc.

Could be of limited support.
Just a thought.

Other things...

Any chance for a race based Adventure Path? Something totally based on elf, dwarf, halfling, etc?
Maybe each section of an AP is for a certain race, and then the last half of the AP, the characters form a party (with some spares) for a quest, etc.
Granted this would require all players to have a few different characters, but story wise, could be quite unique.

Keep up the awesome work.

Is there a spot I can post stuff, before they get to that chapter?

(basically pg 100 in pdf - pic of flail is labeled as morningstar)

Man, I have a helluva time getting around the message boards.
Just my two cents, if it's possible, could you consider a different application for running the message boards?

(other than that...keep up the good work!)