zainale |
so the dm decided that he was going to have a dire tiger steak attack my character hitting my character with two rakes and a bite attack killing my alchemist(the groups cleric) in one round while he was bent over working on making his dailys while the rest of the team slept. then my next character i decided to make a grenadier so i can blow stuff up from afar. the DM immediately put a warrant out on my character making me a target for bounty hunters. so am i paranoid? is my dm out to get me?

Enterler |
Have you talked to him and asked him? If he isn't interested in talking to you about this then he isn't doing his job. And if he is out to get you then I think that he needs a reality check on what pathfinder is about. It isn't DM vs PC. It's a group of friends making a story together. So I guess the real question is, do you enjoy the extra challenge that he is giving you? If not you should alert him to this fact.

Bob Bob Bob |
So dying to a Dire Tiger surprise round, perfectly normal. Sadly. It's really easy for anything with pounce to destroy stuff in a single round.
Putting a warrant out on a character before they did anything... yeah, that's... yeah. Did you kill someone or did they just spontaneously decide you were a wanted person before you even played the character?

zainale |
its okay that first character was my test run character and the team got a free bag of holding a war horse a donkey and a dire tiger pelt out of my first character death.
as for talking to my dm about being targeted its not really an option he is to busy with his job. and i don't really mind having the spotlight on me. so having the hit out on me is fine. what i don't like is since we will be fight in a war in our next game and the bad guy that who put the hit out on me will be running around the battle field. i don't see any issue putting a few stray arrows into his chest killing him. but "that guy" every group has a "that guy" in it gets all huffy and says i can't kill him in the middle of a war there by ending the warrent out on me. that guy says i can't do that because his family will know i killed him and raise the warrent even more.
the story as i understand it is this noble sent my new character and his old team on a mission under false pretenses something like take out the carriage it has something bad for the people in it. but in reality it turned out to have a noble in it with a high level wizard as a body guard anyways what i think the noble wanted us to do was assassinate the other noble so our employer could rise in power. or something but we failed to kill the target and some of my team was killed and the rest where captured by the noble and tortured to death by the employer noble. that's the basic background for the warrent. at least that's how i understand it. while "that guy" wants me to be a fool who messed up the "plan" and was while the dm was talking saying how i got my team killed again.
i really don't see an issue of taking out the noble with a few arrows in the middle of a battle if we crossed paths. i think it would be a good way of getting rid of the warrent if i had the chance. i am playing a neutral good character and i am assuming the noble is not on the up and up since he is killing and trying to kill my character.
"that guy" is kinda like an honorary secondary dm. but kinda hard to interact with. he also has this annoying attitude of "if its not in the book it does not exists" and he kinda kills creativity with his rigidness.
i am hoping to have fun with my new character if he can survive.

Otherwhere |

It's not just the GM. The rest of your table is in on it.
But seriously, some GM's feel that it is their job to kill their player's characters. If they're not, they're not "challenging you!"
Without knowing anything about your group and the kinds of games you enjoy, I'd say it doesn't sound paranoid. It sounds factual, based on what you've shared.

DM_Blake |

Yes, you're paranoid.
If your GM wants to kill you, he will. Tarrasque, colossal dragon, balor, pit fiend, etc. (and that's just a sample from the first Bestiary). Or high level assassins/NPCs. Or super deadly traps. Or just "Rocks fall".
If he's doing that, then you probably are not paranoid. If he's not, then yes, you're paranoid.
I'm curious: you didn't say WHY he put a warrant out on your 2nd character. Was it because you made a barely altered remake of your 1st character - did your GM ask you not to do that? Are you doing things to get under his skin? Did you give some kind of backstory that makes it sensible that you might have such a warrant? Your character seems to be OK with "putting a few arrows in the NPCs chest" which sounds like an evil act, so maybe the GM just doesn't like evil PCs in his campaign (maybe he even asked you not to do it). Maybe he's just challenging you with his own backstory for you so that you'll have at least this plot hook to involve your new character in the campaign. Or maybe any one of a million other reasons.

Matthew Downie |

so the dm decided that he was going to have a dire tiger steak attack my character hitting my character with two rakes and a bite attack killing my alchemist(the groups cleric) in one round while he was bent over working on making his dailys while the rest of the team slept.
So nobody was on watch? If you were in an inn in a major city and the tiger attacked you, the GM is being unfair. If you were in a tiger-infested forest, then you should have been more careful.

leo1925 |

zainale wrote:so the dm decided that he was going to have a dire tiger steak attack my character hitting my character with two rakes and a bite attack killing my alchemist(the groups cleric) in one round while he was bent over working on making his dailys while the rest of the team slept.So nobody was on watch? If you were in an inn in a major city and the tiger attacked you, the GM is being unfair. If you were in a tiger-infested forest, then you should have been more careful.
I think that it was the OP's character that was on watch.
About the first death, assuming your characters are low(-ish) level then it's nothing to worry about, tigers are very dangerous for their CR; the tiger rolled a couple of stealth checks and you lost a couple of perception checks, that leads to the tiger getting a surprise round in which he pounced you and tore your ~2nd level character* to shreds with it's 5 attacks. Sure the death could be a little less demeaning but that's it.
Now about the bounty placed on your next character, this could be part of the story or just how the DM attempts to place a new character in the ongoing story, the best solution to that is to ask the DM.
*depending on the gear and the build of the character and how much it relied on DEX i could see a tiger killing a 5th level character that way

Physically Unfeasible |

Yes, you're paranoid.
If your GM wants to kill you, he will. Tarrasque, colossal dragon, balor, pit fiend, etc. (and that's just a sample from the first Bestiary). Or high level assassins/NPCs. Or super deadly traps. Or just "Rocks fall".
If he's doing that, then you probably are not paranoid. If he's not, then yes, you're paranoid.
OR not everyone brings out a fully-fueled bulldozer where a simple lump hammer is more than sufficient. You can be out to screw a player without deciding that it's time to bring a targeted apocalypse. False dichotomies sir, avoid them.
OT: There really isn't enough here to go off as to whether this is a DM out to get the player. But I would propose that it is either not paranoia, or the DM is just bad at DMing. Since such an ambush scenario followed by a character immediately having a bounty on them rather eats space for a player to self-direct in play.
EDIT: Maybe I'm wrong and the DM just approaches from what they think realistic, or something else.
Was a bit of a hypicrite before that edit

Dave Justus |

First off, busy or not, you need to find a time to speak with your GM regarding your concerns. There are definitely multiple ways to interpret what is going on, ranging from outright jerk behavior by your GM to a desire to make an interesting game, hampered by poor communications on his part.
Your writing is pretty disorganized and sort of difficult to follow, if you communicate verbally in a similar manner it might make it difficult to resolve your concerns. I recommend taking to time to organize your thoughts before your speak to your GM so you can communicate clearly.
As for some specific points, tiger attacks sometimes happen and they can pretty much kill you off. I'd give the GM the benefit of the doubt on this.
Your character starting with a warrant out on him sounds to me like a way for the GM to implement a plot and get you involved in the story. It is a little clumsy and rail-roady, and he probably should have explained his purpose to you, but if that is what he is doing, it is forgivable.
As to dishonorably murdering the guy that put the warrant out on you, it really isn't a good act and it has been made clear to you (and your character) that it wouldn't work to get rid of the warrant. My advice would be to try and work with the plot the GM is trying to weave, rather than against it, but you really do need to talk to your GM.

leo1925 |

I am not sure i understood, which noble tortured to death the surving party? The one who hired the party or the one who was inside the carriage?
Also, which of the two nobles put up the bounty?
"that guy" is kinda like an honorary secondary dm. but kinda hard to interact with. he also has this annoying attitude of "if its not in the book it does not exists" and he kinda kills creativity with his rigidness.
Define creativity, preferably with an example.

Rub-Eta |
so the dm decided that he was going to have a dire tiger steak attack my character hitting my character with two rakes and a bite attack killing my alchemist
Sigh. This is bad DMing. This is never really meant to happen, he should know better than to just throw something at the players that will kill them instantly. He probably didn't realise that that's what was going to happen. Don't worry, if he does something like this again, ask him if he really tries to do it or if he just don't know how to properly challenge players.

Otherwhere |

It's not necessarily bad GMing. We don't know enough to judge that. If they were camping in wilds where tigers are known to prowl, why was he the only one watching? (And not doing a good job of it, either!)
It could be a lesson of "adventure smart!" with people who are not yet too attached to their characters.
The automatic "bounty on your head" though. That could be bad GMing. Hard to say without more information.

Serisan |

I wouldn't pass judgment on the bounty thing without more info, either. It could be just a simple motivation piece. Has he actually had bounty hunters go after you? Did they do so to the exclusion of the party? Or is this just a paper tiger for the plot?
I suppose the dire tiger was probably on paper, now that I think about it. I suppose "paper tiger" may have a different meaning than intended.

Crimeo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If your GM wants to kill you, he will. Tarrasque, colossal dragon, balor, pit fiend, etc. (and that's just a sample from the first Bestiary). Or high level assassins/NPCs. Or super deadly traps. Or just "Rocks fall".
If he's doing that, then you probably are not paranoid. If he's not, then yes, you're paranoid.
I mean, "tiger jumps out of nowhere and kills you in the surprise round" is pretty much the same as "rocks fall"
Unless, as mentioned, it was previously described as a "tiger infested forest" or whatever (doubtful. Maybe)

zainale |
from what i understand me and my team got hired by duke underpants to go and murder prince lordly so duke underpants can rise up higher in the ranks. but duke underpants did not tell us that we were going to be trying to kill prince lordly . more likely he told us a group of good aligned character to go here and and destroy the caravan carrying the plague blankets to orphanage or something along those lengths. but instead of blankets we are faced with a high lvl wizard that killed a couple of the team out right and we scatter. mission failed do not collect the 60 k gold. and because we failed to kill prince lordly duke underpants can not have the information that he tried to have prince lordly murdered. duke underpants put out a 1000 gp warrant out on the rest of my team to be taken back to him so he can torture my friends to death.
so clearly duke underpants the man that hired us and is trying to cover up his actions and killing my friends through having them hunted down and then tormented until dead. duke underpants will be roaming about the war zone which just so happens to be in a city. so anyways the dm says that duke underpants and the high and mighty wizard will be roaming the city. i promptly announce to the table that if duke underpants crosses my path i am going to stick a few arrows in that villain's ass. then "that guy" goes on the tangent that i can't kill duke underpants in the middle of a war that his family would know that it was i (the guy duke underpants is denying exists or have his political life ruined)who struck down duke underpants and thus raise my warrant.
naa dm_blake my first alchemist character was a Chirurgeon build focused on making cure extracts and had cure bombs and was only lvl three. my new alchemist is a Grenadier that focuses on putting out as much damage as possible and is able to heal himself. the group still needs a healer of some type i don't see how any of the other people are going to survive the next fight besides the pally.
as for my first character dyeing i am fine with it i spent like 10 mins putting it together and he was just a test character to see how the class worked but basically he was under equipped but had a bag of holding because he had so much stuff to carry. so he died in a cool way. i made it clear that i stayed up at night to prep my next days stuff and that i never take first watch. but for some reason when i died everyone else in the party was a sleep so when i did die i died at loud volume so the rest of the guys would not die. the dm rolls a die to see who gets attacked during a sneak attack.
i am not really a contrary kind of guy. if i die again i will be fine with it. what i won't be fine with is if "that guy" gets all my stuff again. if he does that's alright i will have to make sure from then on that i die in a way that the party can't retrieve my corpse since it would be unfair for only one person to be getting all the loot that my body would be dropping loot should be shared not hoarded.
you might be right on that point.
i think i would prefer the dm i have to having "that guy" as the dm
by far "that guy" has no creativity and is a rule lord in a way that if its not in the book it don't exists. and that's basically his argument for everything.
Define creativity, preferably with an example.
well back when my Chirurgeon was alive. me and "that guy" was sitting and having a chat about skilled, crafts, and professions. i stated that i wanted to take the profession "Doctor". (so i could totally use the line "trust me i am a doctor."as who ever i was working on slowly drifted out). he stated that i can not be a doctor since heal was a skill unto it's self. then i stated that yea heal was a skill but the doctor profession would not be just healing by its self and that there was other knowledge to being a doctor that healing could not cover. i also stated that even though there is the craft weapons and armor there was still the blacksmith profession. and that wet nurse would still be using the heal skill as well. then he said "well its not in the book so it does not exists." and when i pointed him to the doctor's mask he got even more angry since doctor's masks states that in some places you can be fined if caught wearing a doctor's mask with out being a doctor." it got to the point where i just had to drop the subject and keep the doc profession on my sheet. come to think of it. yea that professions has been erased of my character sheet.he used to hold on to my character sheet for the dm.
Dave Justus
yes tiger attacks do happen alot when your in the jungle. and its okay i died at loud volume so the rest of my party did not get wiped out.
so in closing my neutral good character went out to do something good and then found out that it was only good for one person and since he failed that one person is out to cover his tracks with foul murder. death comes for all low lvl characters. i rather have the dm i have now then no dm at all. and yes tigers are badass. i wonder who in the party is getting the badass tiger skin of resistance..... >.>
((thats a lot of typing hope i clarified stuff))

DM_Blake |

Quote:If your GM wants to kill you, he will. Tarrasque, colossal dragon, balor, pit fiend, etc. (and that's just a sample from the first Bestiary). Or high level assassins/NPCs. Or super deadly traps. Or just "Rocks fall".
If he's doing that, then you probably are not paranoid. If he's not, then yes, you're paranoid.
I mean, "tiger jumps out of nowhere and kills you in the surprise round" is pretty much the same as "rocks fall"
Unless, as mentioned, it was previously described as a "tiger infested forest" or whatever (doubtful. Maybe)
No, "Rocks fall" requires no rolls, no interaction, nothing for a GM to resolve, nothing for a player to do to save his character. All that's left is for the player to decide to roll another character or walk away from this GM for good.
But the tiger death possibly involved many decisions from that player as well as the rest of the group (where to camp, no safety precautions like Rope Trick, who was on watch, did the OP's alchemist have bacon in his pockets, etc.), hopefully involved some rolled dice (stealth vs. perception, attack vs. AC, damage rolls), and could have ended differently or even started differently: this encounter would have gone very differently if the GM simply said "From safely in your Rope Trick you hear the sounds of a prowling tiger on the ground below, but you don't need to worry about it at all."
Now, I totally agree with you if it went like this:
GM: What do you do?
Players: We make camp, the alchemist is on first watch.
GM: OK, a tiger pounces on him and kills him.
OP: What? Can I roll a perception check to hear it coming?
GM: Nope, it's too sneaky.
OP: Will you at least roll its attacks?
GM: Nope, you weren't ready so you were helpless against its pounce. In fact, it coup-de-grace-pounced your helpless alchemist.
OP: I wasn't helpless, I was standing watch.
GM: No, you were looking the wrong way so you were helpless.
OP: Why?
GM: Because I said so.
Yeah, that's a slightly more elaborate "rocks fall" scenario. But my guess is that it didn't go quite like that.

DM_Blake |

zainale wrote:((thats a lot of typing hope i clarified stuff))Capitalization, grammar, spelling, and using forum tags (like "quote" and "b") would go a long way in that regard.
Without these things, that wall of text is exceptionally difficult to read.
Agreed. Please go fix it. I got part way into it and was terribly confused so I just quit reading it.

Crimeo |
No, "Rocks fall" requires no rolls, no interaction, nothing for a GM to resolve, nothing for a player to do to save his character. All that's left is for the player to decide to roll another character or walk away from this GM for good.
Rock falls require lots of rolls, just like for the tiger:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/traps-hazards-and-special-terrains/ha zards/environmental-hazards/cave-in-or-collapse-cr-8
And rocks falling is also something that many preventative measures can be taken against like the tiger, such as not walking underneath rocks. Is that a reasonable precaution to always take? I'd say no, if it isn't mentioned the rocks are crumbly or anything. Nor is it reasonable to always suspect immediate death tigers everywhere is not mentioned.
If you are saying that rocks inherently have no rolls and tigers do, then the disparity between the two lies entirely in your hypothetical assumptions differing between the two, not in the actual situations themselves. By RAW, almost any way to kill a person in game has rolls.
Alternatively, we can consider that in either of those two situations, by RAW, the rolls could be rigged not to matter. For instance, if your perception is +3, I simply send a creature with stealth +23, and it is indeed literally "too sneaky" for you to notice it no matter what. BAB and such can equal more than his AC. Minimum damage more than double his HP, etc. Thus, you are technically rolling, but it doesn't matter. Same can be done with rocks.
Bottom line: I think it's pretty obvious he assassinated his player. Again, unless reasonable warnings were issued.

![]() |

Rock falls require lots of rolls, just like for the tiger:
Only if you don't accept that the damage WILL kill you.
Bonus: You don't even have to be walking under something.

Alric Rahl |
OK it sounds like your GM put the bounty straight on your new character as a way to involve him in the story. sort of a "Your character was actually raised, but your time in the afterlife taught you to respecc (Change from Chirurgeon to Grenadier)" Your still the same person just different abilities and since you are the same person the BBEG has put a hit on you. But ya the GM just wanted to involve your character in the story and really should of explained this when he did it.
As a way to deal with "That Guy". the next time he says "It's not in the books so it doesn't exist" look him straight in the eye and say "Your not the GM so that's not your call", then look to the GM for an answer.
If however the GM looks at "That Guy" and says "No" to your request on more than 1 occaision, I think it's safe to say that you should find another group. No one should be that rigid in their decision making, nor should they look to others for advice on a ruling. They are the GM its ultimately up to them. If they tend to Defer to "That Guy" for advice, My advice is to find another group.

Rub-Eta |
zainale wrote:so the dm decided that he was going to have a dire tiger steak attack my character hitting my character with two rakes and a bite attack killing my alchemistSigh. This is bad DMing. This is never really meant to happen, he should know better than to just throw something at the players that will kill them instantly. He probably didn't realise that that's what was going to happen. Don't worry, if he does something like this again, ask him if he really tries to do it or if he just don't know how to properly challenge players.
To explain why I say this, the impression I got from the quoted sentence is "BAM! Kitty killed you!". While I don't think the DM did it on purpose, I got the impression that it was a mistake of grave misjudging the power of enemies he threw at the sleeping party.

leo1925 |

leo1925 wrote:
Define creativity, preferably with an example.
well back when my Chirurgeon was alive. me and "that guy" was sitting and having a chat about skilled, crafts, and professions. i stated that i wanted to take the profession "Doctor". (so i could totally use the line "trust me i am a doctor."as who ever i was working on slowly drifted out). he stated that i can not be a doctor since heal was a skill unto it's self. then i stated that yea heal was a skill but the doctor profession would not be just healing by its self and that there was other knowledge to being a doctor that healing could not cover. i also stated that even though there is the craft weapons and armor there was still the blacksmith profession. and that wet nurse would still be using the heal skill as well. then he said "well its not in the book so it does not exists." and when i pointed him to the doctor's mask he got even more angry since doctor's masks states that in some places you can be fined if caught wearing a doctor's mask with out being a doctor." it got to the point where i just had to drop the subject and keep the doc profession on my sheet. come to think of it. yea that professions has been erased of my character sheet.he used to hold on to my character sheet for the dm.
Ok "that guy" was actually wrong, you could very well take ranks in the profession (doctor) skill, yes it would be a waste of skill points since i can't think of an instance, except PFS day job rolls, where you would have to roll the profession (doctor) skill, but hey! it's your skill points to waste.
Just to clarify, you rolled perception against the tiger's stealth, correct?
EDIT: The rest of the party should have rolled a perception check DC 0 + 1 for every feet between the tent/bedrolls and the place where you died in order to wake up but i could see the DM waiving that in order to avoid a TPK.

leo1925 |

DC -10 for Sounds of Battle.
+1 for every 10' (not for every 1 foot).
-10 for being asleep.
That balances out to a DC of 1 if the alchemist was being pounce-devoured within 20' of his allies, so there is literally no way they could fail the roll unless he was more than 20 feet away.
Ok i was wrong, i though it was +1 per 5 feet where it's +1 per 10 feet, sorry my bad.
We don't know how far the soon to be tiger food alchemist was in relation to the party but yes i agree that it's quite difficult for the whole of the party to lose but not impossible, especially for a low level party (we don't know what level the party is).

leo1925 |

If they were being ambushed by a tiger I can't imagine the party being under level 4-ish.
Unless the GM really is out to kill them.
Maybe the DM saw that the tiger and thought that a 2nd or 3rd level party could handle it and he didn't take into account the fact that the party was sleeping.

kyrt-ryder |
kyrt-ryder wrote:Maybe the DM saw that the tiger and thought that a 2nd or 3rd level party could handle it and he didn't take into account the fact that the party was sleeping.If they were being ambushed by a tiger I can't imagine the party being under level 4-ish.
Unless the GM really is out to kill them.
If they found it in an open field sure.
In a forest setting where nobody has the sleeping penalty to perception... maybe.
As a night ambush? Hell no.
[But you are right, GM inexperience might be an issue here.]

leo1925 |

leo1925 wrote:kyrt-ryder wrote:Maybe the DM saw that the tiger and thought that a 2nd or 3rd level party could handle it and he didn't take into account the fact that the party was sleeping.If they were being ambushed by a tiger I can't imagine the party being under level 4-ish.
Unless the GM really is out to kill them.
If they found it in an open field sure.
In a forest setting where nobody has the sleeping penalty to perception... maybe.
As a night ambush? Hell no.
[But you are right, GM inexperience might be an issue here.]
I agree.
Anyway the OP should give us more information, in a better formatted posts, it's very difficult to read his posts.

Crimeo |
DC -10 for Sounds of Battle.+1 for every 10' (not for every 1 foot).
-10 for being asleep.
Yeah the dudes in the tent undeniably hear him screaming, but they're still frickin' asleep. It takes at least 1 round of fumbling to go "wha where the glah! sword---bleeeeh"
Tiger easily gets in 2 attacks before any reinforcements (initial round + fumbling sleepy people round), and can then choose to run off or commit itself to a 3rd attack with retaliation. A dude who was insta-killed in ONE round almost certainly never stood a chance.
Mistake in encounter design is possible.

M1k31 |
I go way overboard on CR, but not while the party is sleeping, and five levels is two more than I'm comfortable with. Is the rest of the party high optimized?
It could have been from a random monster/encounter generator... my group got snuck up on by a werewolf at lvl 3 while sleeping(we had a silver dagger and were ready for it being an encounter, but not at night), and my Catfolk Rogue's sneak attack critical was the only reason we killed it before a PC died, since it was better to give my character slightly apart from the group so we didn't nearly get TPKed without noticing anything again the next time I slept in a tree during the next persons watch... and the creeping vine killed my character silently with a grapple(the rest of the party barely succeeded in stopping it from killing 2 other PC's.
He had no intent to kill us... that was just the generator he used.

alexd1976 |

It's not just the GM. The rest of your table is in on it.
But seriously, some GM's feel that it is their job to kill their player's characters. If they're not, they're not "challenging you!"
Without knowing anything about your group and the kinds of games you enjoy, I'd say it doesn't sound paranoid. It sounds factual, based on what you've shared.
With unlimited resources, a GM declaring 'war' on a PC should feel nothing but shame.
If, in fact, this is him picking on you, talk to him. If you don't have the ability to talk to him (this can ONLY be caused by him being unwilling to talk, he could easily just take five minutes of game time to go aside with you) then seriously consider leaving the group.
However, you may not have supplied enough information.
If it is your opinion that he is unfairly targeting you, that's one thing, if you have DONE something to warrant the treatment... that's another.
Ultimately, it is best to talk to him about it.

Swashbucklersdc |

His alchemist was 3rd level:
naa dm_blake my first alchemist character was a Chirurgeon build focused on making cure extracts and had cure bombs and was only lvl three.
The tiger was a dire tiger:
so the dm decided that he was going to have a dire tiger steak attack my character hitting my character with two rakes and a bite attack killing my alchemist(the groups cleric) in one round