Jarrett Sigler RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Tothric |

Updated List.
Adverb — Briskly
verb — Seduce
Object Held in 1 hand. — tambourine
color — Periwinkle
Aura — faint necromancy, strong transmutation
Caster level — 6
Slot — wrist
Number — not four
Number — 0.5
metal — Quicksilver
object — hairshirt
Past tense Verb — ninja'ed
Future tense Verb — will save
Energy type — sugar
number — 1000
kind of creature — oxen
number — 9001
Even Number — 4
kind of damage — Diabetes
Kind of save — Will
Skill check — Profession (repossessor)
Number — 925
type of creature — Vermin & magical beasts
Verb — bounce
Number — Euler's number
Proper Noun (Golarion specific) — House of 10,000 Cookies (what? It's a bakery in Absalom – trust me)
Number — 3 + 2i
type of bonus — Male Enhancement
Skill check — Perform(Appendectomy)
Number — -8
Unit of time — season
Feat — Twist Away
Spell — mirror image
Spell — utter contempt
Number —
edit: updated for clarity. 1 more folks!

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Jarrett Sigler RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Tothric |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

To distract us from the fact that the Announcement was delayed 24 hours.
Briskly Seduce tambourine
Aura faint necromancy, strong transmutation; CL 6
Slot wrist; Price not four gp; Weight 0.5 lbs
This Periwinkle Quicksilver hairshirt has miraculous powers. When ninja'ed the hairshirt will save power. While the object does this, a sugar aura is emited.
This aura has a radius of 1000 feet. When an oxen enters this aura, they take 9001d4 Diabetes damage. These creatuers must succeed a Will save or a Profession (repossessor) skill check with a DC ofEuler's number for half damage.
Each each friendly Vermin & magical beasts may volentarily fail the saving throw to be bounce with Euler's numberHouse of 10,000 Cookies (what? It's a bakery in Absalom – trust me) this provides them with a + 3 + 2i Male Enhancement bonus to all Perform(Appendectomy) skill checks for the next -8 season
Requirement Craft Wonderous Item, Twist Away, mirror image, utter contempt; Cost 1/2 of not four gp

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To distract us from the fact that the Announcement was delayed 24 hours.
BEHOLD WHAT YOU HAVE WROUGHT!Briskly Seduce tambourine
Aura faint necromancy, strong transmutation; CL 6
Slot wrist; Price not four gp; Weight 0.5 lbs
This Periwinkle Quicksilver hairshirt has miraculous powers. When ninja'ed the hairshirt will save power. While the object does this, a sugar aura is emited.
This aura has a radius of 1000 feet. When an oxen enters this aura, they take 9001d4 Diabetes damage. These creatuers must succeed a Will save or a Profession (repossessor) skill check with a DC ofEuler's number for half damage.
Each each friendly Vermin & magical beasts may volentarily fail the saving throw to be bounce with Euler's numberHouse of 10,000 Cookies (what? It's a bakery in Absalom – trust me) this provides them with a + 3 + 2i Male Enhancement bonus to all Perform(Appendectomy) skill checks for the next -8 season
Requirement Craft Wonderous Item, Twist Away, mirror image, utter contempt; Cost 1/2 of not four gp
I laughed all the way to the bank on this one! Nice job all!

Wolin Marathon Voter Season 9 |

And now, for something different... Let's see how this one works out. There's a lot of stuff I need here, so feel free to do more things per post, but try to limit it to 2-3 different things per post.
I need:
13 numbers
2 Body Parts
2 Armour bonus Types (Natural, Deflection &c)
3 Ability Types (Supernatural, Spell-like, or Extraordinary)
A Material
3 Feats
4 Skills
3 Spells
2 Creature Types
3 Distances
A damage type
A condition (Sickened, Shaken &c)
An Alignment
A size category
A sense (Darkvision &c)
An animal
6 Verbs
3 Adverbs
6 Adjectives
6 Nouns

Jarrett Sigler RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Tothric |

Wolin Marathon Voter Season 9 |

So far, so good! Still looking for:
12 numbers
1 Body Part
1 Armour bonus Type (Natural, Deflection &c)
3 Ability Types (Supernatural, Spell-like, or Extraordinary)
3 Feats
4 Skills
2 Spells
2 Creature Types
2 Distances
A condition (Sickened, Shaken &c)
An Alignment
An animal
6 Verbs
3 Adverbs
5 Adjectives
6 Nouns

Jarrett Sigler RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Tothric |

Jarrett Sigler RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Tothric |

Jarrett Sigler RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Tothric |

Wolin Marathon Voter Season 9 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks for finishing that up, Trekkie90909! (I realised I accidentally left some things out, but let's have this done)
And almost perfectly in time for round 3, behold...
The Badly Formatted Madlibs Monster!
As it niggardly trolls forward, this verbose skunk tolls its patella and smells its spleen galore.
Sulfuric Censorship CR 17
XP 102,400
Lawful Stupid fine humanoid(dodofolk)
Init -5; Senses True Sight 14000 Li; Perception +29
AC -∞, touch -∞, flat-footed -∞ (6.02x10^23 Awesomeness, -∞ profane, 8 size, -5 Dex)
HP 29,263,277 (32/6d8 + 29,263,253)
Fort +5,486,864, Ref -4, Will +30
Immune Sickened, STD Damage
Special Fetid Troll
Spd 1 Parsec
Melee 299,792,458 slams +195 (183/x2)
Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Vibrating Dowsing Rod
Spell-like Abilities (CL 32/6th)
At Will - create water
6.673*10^-11/day - marionette possession
Str 376.73, Dex 2.0678*10^-15, Con 10 973 731, Int 22.7, Wis 69, Cha 42
Base Atk +4; CMB +191; CMD 186
Feats Let them Come, Run, Extra Revelation
Skills Wilderness Lore +12, Perform(Dance) +21, Profession(Drunk) +38, Craft(Money) +15
Languages Common, Dodofolk
SQ Classified Soup
Fetid Troll (Sp) Thanks to the droll mint of dirty priests, a Sulfuric Censorship gains DR 1/Viridium
Vibrating Dowsing Rod (Ex) While REDACTED, a Sulfuric Censorship can hugely Rickroll any Oozes within 99 ft. (DC 28 Will negates). The saving throw is charisma based.
Classified Soup (Su) A Sulfuric Censorship is always under the effects of Black Tentacles
All the bonuses and stuff I hopefully got right based on the numbers put in.