Avid Arnsen

Hostile NPC's page

8 posts. Alias of Dieben.


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GentleGiant wrote:

Huh, you must have a different printing of the Core Rulebook than I have, because most of that isn't anywhere in the races chapter. In fact, in my Core Rulebook there's even a reference saying that you can play other races than the 7 listed... and wouldn't you know it, goblin is one of the examples given that are good choices as they're close in power with the other ones.

So one could technically say that goblins have been in the core rules of PF1 all along.

What book are you even talking about? Do you think I have the money to even buy it? Let alone the time to read it? I'm a pig farmer. Tomorrow morning I get to find out how many of my animals have been stolen by ravenous goblins and other monstrous ilk.

1d4 Goblin Babies wrote:

If you were always hungry -- like starving, man -- wouldn't you be cranky and crazy and bitey and mean all the time too?

1d4 ⇒ 3 of us goblin babies met this smarty smart blue goblin who clued us in. He taught us a meta-, meda-, medi-... something, a way of focusing our minds like how monkee-monks do with their chi-chi. It helps a gob turn that stomach ROAR! into a rumble. Once you get your stomach to shut up, it surprising how much oxygenated (still not sure what that word mean) blood gets to your brain. Ya gets a whole lotta thinky thinky going on.

We just met a ratfolk -- the nice floofy kind, not the bitey kind who turns you into a rat -- who makes the best waffles. Would you like a waffle? C'mon, you can't stay mad eating waffles. I guess you can stay here and be mad, but we're gonna go get waffles.

How- Why are you in my house?! HELP! GUARDS!

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GentleGiant wrote:
And yet the typical AP could upend huge parts of the world in a couple of months. But 10 years won't apparently make a dent in one particular area to some people, as it somehow strains their view of the world, despite plenty examples of goblin PCs (even by the same people)? I'm finding it increasingly difficult to see any rationality in people's opposition to including goblins in the core rulebook (but apparently not other races, since they, of course, like those better).

The rationale is that goblins are murderous vagrants who spit upon the fundamental tenets and customs of our sophisticated, civil society. The common fellow of any of the core races, in the vast majority of nations, does not have positive interactions with goblins.

If an individual goblin happens, by some miracle, to perform a service to the world and commit a deed of goodness, then great! They are an exceptional individual. The key phrase of course being "exception". A goblin adventurer (Aroden forbid) that performs deeds of good does so in light of the nature of their blood and stands as an exception to the base nature of their race.

For every allegedly good goblin, there are a hundred ones that seek to slit the throat and gnaw the marrow of humanity itself. A goblin participating in the "Rise of the Runelords", whatever that was, does nothing to sway or alter the conduct of other goblins for the better. Those tribes of savages will still steal my pigs if they get the chance and they'll do so without remorse!

The so-called "core" races are deemed such because they are the ones that are most widely accepted in most nations. They have the distinction of "core" because they have the full capacity to decide their morality person by person. They are "core" because they make up the fabric of civilized society. Finally, regardless of my utter disdain for the adventuring profession, "core" races are those with the greatest inherent capacity to function as adventurers in a vast array of circumstance and setting. To be "core" is to be representative of what is typical, expected, and accepted.

As to your suggestion that I would not object to another beastly race, I must respectfully, but strongly, dissent. No race that is widely reviled and despised or feared should be given the honor of "core". No race that wantonly slaughters innocents should be "core". The half-orcs were enough of a stretch as the matter stands.

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This is just great. First, goblins attacked our flocks in their pastures and set up camp there. Second, we have adventurers come into town. Which, of course, means our economy is going to be absolutely buggered for the coming year and that rotten artificer down on Elm Street is going to be able to buy out another bloody politician.

Now of course we're going to have some bloody adventurer take a shine to one of the goblins we ask them to dispose of and opt to allow it to tag along with the rest of their bunch. No sirree, this is an awful idea and awful premise that in essence emancipates the goblin tribes after they have sullied our land and slain our kinsman. There is absolutely no way that we commonfolk should be subject to the abject whims of the powers that be when they decree that suddenly goblins should be regarded with a sense of normalcy.

This is an outrage. I am outraged. And I shall be petitioning the aristocracy to deal harshly with any suggestion that the goblinoid scum be forgiven or considered welcome on this material plane.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Dieben wrote:
So far, I have 45 aliases.
Oh, you sweet summer child.

I had originally had a clause in my post that made mention of how I'm nowhere near the top, but I didn't want to derail the topic with that tangent. Now look what you made me do. You see this train?! It is off the tracks!

You make me feel sickened condition, ye' fetid adjective skunk animal!

ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
Tryn wrote:

Have to say I hate this DM created, artificial paladin dilemmas...

Why at all add an good Goblin tribe?
The goblins are supposed to be the bad guys in this module.
It's like adding a scene to Star Wars were Palpadin tried to safe Alderan or adding some scene to Game of Thrones were Jofrey is the Lawful good guy, who sacrifice himself for an orphant child...

On the one hand, evil goblins are one of the main threats in rise of the runelords. It seems strange that the party did not really know about these good goblins, or why they should really be attacking them. It was a case of someone pointing at a group of goblins and saying their evil. On the other hand, NO. It is nothing like The emperor palpating or king Joffrey acting completely out of character. I would have given more clues personally that something doesn't feel right about the situation. "The goblins don't seem to be acting in an evil fashion, they seem almost... Harmless. You get the feeling that something terrible is going to happen if you go through with this." Heck, even checking with that person that was claimed to be a rapist might give you clues that the woman might be lying.

As for what should happen to the paladin. Well he sacked a peaceful settlement of goblins...atonement and a considerable amount of work to restore the village and its inhabitants might be a start, but true atonement must come from cleansing the land of the vile taint of the deamon manipulator.

What... have you DONE?!


Petty Alchemy wrote:
Template Fu wrote:
I promise to stop feeding on template errors if I get in Top 32! :P
And if I make the Top 32, I'll release the hostages.

You can't do that!! If you release us, then I'll have no excuse to be missing work and I'll get fired for not having a better excuse than "I did not feel like coming in today," and it'll be ALL YOUR FAULT!!

Well this is just great, now my item doesn't feel cool enough, I better make a blasted apparatus too if I wanna compete.