1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Oh, come on, some of these puns bayrely even make sense! Some of you are just coasting. It's abyssmal. Don't be crabby. Hydro annoyance and beach cheerful.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Oh, come on, some of these puns bayrely even make sense! Some of you are just coasting. It's abyssmal. Hey man, that's like, just your opilio.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I'm knot going to sit here and trawl this thread n-e-mo.
I've got to nearly be to Marathon. There are items I've voted on a dozen times, but I've also just had a run of new items as well, good ones.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sometimes it's easy to frigate how insane my fellow piers are. I guess that explains for shore why moor of my items never made the Superstar cut. Schooner or later my true genius will surface.
Evigail 'Seaweed' Brandiday wrote: Jason Dandy wrote: Sea,weed can't have nice things because of sons of beaches like you! Leave my parents out of this. They aren't pirates.
Well, not anymore." i ashore you, i meant no offense. i would hate to make anemone of you.
Tripp Elliott wrote: I'm knot going to sit here and trawl this thread n-e-mo.
Eel be back.
Buoys and gulls, shelly we can't keep this up.
We gotta keep up da flo-tilla it's time to stop!
Your puns are way out of my league, yarr.
You're all sick. Sick I tell you!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Flanwaw wrote: You're all sick. Sick I tell you! That would be seasick, sir.
Farrindor wrote: Flanwaw wrote: You're all sick. Sick I tell you! That would be seasick, sir. You don't Dramamine that do you?
*Walks away from thread very very slowly....*
We are now all waiting for the third Gull
I'm tide of wading. I conchider some of the items to be too shallow.
Huh. My item is still in the running. That's a surprise. I thought my entry this year was dren.
I see lots of bad items still but they are much easier to read.I wonder what the next cull will bring. I hope for exciting items.
This thread is halibut the puns lately...
Chris Shaeffer wrote: This thread is halibut the puns lately... Yarr, ye be reely fishing for that one darr, aye.
I believe the run on puns has jumped the shark.
I sea stacks and stacks of puns in this thread. 73 straight posts of puns to be exact.
I would've thought more people would tuna out before we got that far.
Make that 74
Papasteve08 wrote: I sea stacks and stacks of puns in this thread. 73 straight posts of puns to be exact.
I would've thought more people would tuna out before we got that far.
Make that 74
Hoo buoy, make that 75!
C'mon everyone, this is the maritime to be sea-rious. This hurricane deluge of puns is totally out of sealion with the intentions of this competition.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
This behavior is unbecoming of potential SuperStarfish such as yourselves.
Petty Alchemy wrote: This behavior is unbecoming of potential SuperStarfish such as yourselves. This whirlpool of clownfish behavior sucked me in!
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
I can't believe we aren't fin-ished with this yet.
C'mon chums, we need to work hard to keep this thread ship-shaped!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas LeBlanc wrote: C'mon chums, we need to work hard to keep this thread ship-shaped! I must bow to your stern admonition on this, and will not spar with you.
The anticipation for the cull is keeling me.
Frankly I can't fathom that some puns have knot been made yet. (Or should that be naut...?)
Whale sea weather oar knot this wheel conch-inue...
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
I can't believe you people are my piers.
I tried to stop reading, but kept getting reeled back in!
Can anybody spear a few puns, I'm flounder-ing for ideas...
Red Fang wrote: I tried to stop reading, but kept getting reeled back in! That's what you get for surfing these threads.
I am just going to ignore this thread until the current trend has dried up!
There will be helm to pay...
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wait, did a bunch of items just—
Wait, no. Nevermind. False alarm.
It was nauticull.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Wait, did a bunch of items just—
Wait, no. Nevermind. False alarm.
It was nauticull.
When it comes to which pun is best, this is first, mate.
Okay everyone. I'm actually being serious when I say we should deep six this line of conversation.
I really don't feel like wading through the last few pages of posts...
Why is everybody bailing on this discussion?
Dieben wrote: Why is everybody bailing on this discussion? Because these posts are rudderly becoming triton silly.
These puns will go on perpeturtleualy. Dolphink that we've beached all our ideas yet! Hurricane you think of any more?
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
In the words of Bud from World of Warcraft....
"Ohhhh, Shiny!"
Back aboard just to knot what this reef raft is about.
I will sail knotting.
*sticks toe in the water*
Is it safe?
Looks like my item went in the first cull :( I didn't think it was **that** bad.